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[Tutorial] Energy manipulation (2.0)

Informative post.


Mar 19, 2022
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I will cover some things including:
Feeling energy
Psi balls

So lets start with the basic's feeling energy

Lets begin with an introduction into meditation and grounding, you will need 10+ mins and to remain undisturbed equally as long, for this part your time will be spent eyes closed and in a sitting position (either in a chair on akin to the picture). Additions may include frequency based music compilations and or as silent as possible, in this space we will first take our attention away from sources of input, close your eyes and with either headphones playing or unplugged to help with the silence aspect in the beginning.

Next we will be learning to train our focus towards our innate ability to filter input, thinking/ruminating upon this we will take the time available to move our focus from sensory input to input, one at a time taking mental note of each aspect. What your tasting/feeling/smelling even the flickers of images and or hums of surroundings, even the sparks of thought that seem ever presently vying for hold and input, we will tackle this by not seeking to forcefully eliminate anything. But instead we will thoughtfully move around what sensory input remains, until we've formed a sense of whole from ourselves by which i mean, we enter the state of thoughtless instinctual filtration of input.

Although this sounds far fetched, in time and with perseverance and or trial and error, you will open this channel internally with the gift of re-invigoration of ones self awareness.

Now we have a "metric" for progression ( so to speak ), we will next be unravelling our connection to this planet, although this sounds a little (fringe) but in essence what we're doing is more setting up a foundation. We will be going through the original steps, this time we will be additionally seeking with the focus we have cultivated, we will trace another aspect of self but slightly more abstract. The sensation we will be searching for is pressure, along this avenue we will take note of the inputs we can sense, after we've moved our focus towards this more abstract sensation the goal is to find the connections our senses have to said abstract sense.

After we feel we have grown into ourselves a little more, we will be evermore expanding our focus once more seeking something felt yet abstract, this time we will be taking note of what we've brought our self awareness into communion with. This although once read will seem almost impossible, i want you to try to convince yourself it is, but humour me and reason with what has been shared above if its possible to remain ignorant of. Now we will search for the ever present flow towards this planet, in essence we're searching for the pressure we feel flowing/falling into this planet (Gravity), and whist focused we will include another self aware trait.

This trait is called intent, and with it we shall need to bring in a method of "guidance", for example one could visualize/feel/"imagine". With this we've "unlocked" the cursor to our quantum computer, now we've got a little "clerk work" to run over, for this we will be focusing on our connections to this world. With our past efforts now we have at least one thread to follow, and with that we can start "ground-work" or grounding into our focus, with this we will take the time set aside for ourselves to re-run the first steps until we include our instinctual awareness of both pressure and our connection to this world.

With the previous steps completed now there are many guides on cleansing/grounding "root-work" so to speak, for grounding the basic steps for including this practice in your meditation whilst covered can be expanded, and i hope i've included the necessities needed for easier inclusion of other practices.

Now the grounding begins, take your focus and now intend to re-iterate the first step, but with the over-arching goal inclined towards the connection we have to this world. This can be done rather un-intuitively by "looking"/feeling inwardly, regarding our insights we shall take the time to let our mind mull over these veiled inner connections, and simply focus on ones own intuition regarding an "unadulterated flow" into this globes sphere of influence regarding energy.

All things going well we have coved the basics of meditation, helping our instinctual capacity to filter and focus, and hopefully cultivating our own quantum cursor and strengthening our intent.



Mar 19, 2022
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Feeling energy and Psi-balls

This next step takes what we've learnt and we will be venturing into focusing our intent upon energies and having them respond to our will/intent, the focus of this topic will be to acclimatize ourselves to the effects of focused intent and how energy responds, just as we developed our self awareness in the first part of this thread we shall continue from where we left off.

We will be firstly meditating and grounding to give ourselves an optimal foundation to start from, this is to help any lingering attachments from the day ease away and open up an environment for ourselves to move forward with expanding our selves and our awareness regarding energy and its dependencies.

Within our meditation we will be including another abstract sense, this time being temperature, now you can reiterate our meditative steps for easier inclusion of another sensory response. The reason we include temp, is that we've all been burnt and we all can intuit how temperature "works" energetically speaking, to simplify our experience is why we have chosen temperatures association regarding energy.

Now we know what we intend to focus upon, we will be attempting to move energies within the area of a hand or hands by focusing on them, next we shall intend to find a baseline of temperature for our hand or hands. This is to reduce our worries and inconsistencies that may be lurking, after taking our time to reduce any second guessing and apprehension, we can start with sensing energy.

In our meditative state with our hands resting focus upon one, and take the time to find your baseline, after you'll need to focus on your chosen hand. With your baseline found we shall focus on our hand and using our intent our objective will be, to expel heat from our hand all that is needed is to feel our hand focus on what you want to happen, and whilst you're focusing on your hand set a statement of intent to expel heat from your hand.

Within our meditation and session of focus, all going well we should expect within a min or two to be able to feel, a marked difference in the temperature of our hand. With this step utilized and acclimatized too, you will have expanding our senses a step further, now including a marked improvement registering transference of energy within our body.

Now we shall take what we have learned and expand our horizons to include external guidance of energy, in this step we shall move away from internal senses and instead we will be making a psi ball, this step is to take our energy and guide it into a sphere.

To do this we shall reiterate the 2nd step with a few changes, now focusing on your chosen hand re-introduce your baseline, and if necessary re run your energetic sensing. Now whilst focusing on your hand we shall intend not for heat to be expelled but instead, we will intend for our energy to move from our hand into a sphere/orb just off the palm of your hand, this although abstract are the foundation of Energy manipulation.

Now a few additions might include spinning the orb faster and faster, until you should be able to Intune a feeling from above your palm regarding the Psi-ball, also you could try heating up the Psi-ball and cooling it down. Many test can be conducted from changing its element, to making it denser and or lighter to or even multiple, reasons for this may including making it so light it could dissipate and whilst focused maintaining the guidance necessary to stop said dissipation.

Regarding its dissipation with trial and error, you should start to develop a sense for your intent and for "programmed" energies of your design, for e.g. make a Psi-ball and let it dispel try to feel its return from your intent to natures re-inclusion. With time this should become almost second nature.



Jun 8, 2021
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Feeling energy and Psi-balls

This next step takes what we've learnt and we will be venturing into focusing our intent upon energies and having them respond to our will/intent, the focus of this topic will be to acclimatize ourselves to the effects of focused intent and how energy responds, just as we developed our self awareness in the first part of this thread we shall continue from where we left off.

We will be firstly meditating and grounding to give ourselves an optimal foundation to start from, this is to help any lingering attachments from the day ease away and open up an environment for ourselves to move forward with expanding our selves and our awareness regarding energy and its dependencies.

Within our meditation we will be including another abstract sense, this time being temperature, now you can reiterate our meditative steps for easier inclusion of another sensory response. The reason we include temp, is that we've all been burnt and we all can intuit how temperature "works" energetically speaking, to simplify our experience is why we have chosen temperatures association regarding energy.

Now we know what we intend to focus upon, we will be attempting to move energies within the area of a hand or hands by focusing on them, next we shall intend to find a baseline of temperature for our hand or hands. This is to reduce our worries and inconsistencies that may be lurking, after taking our time to reduce any second guessing and apprehension, we can start with sensing energy.

In our meditative state with our hands resting focus upon one, and take the time to find your baseline, after you'll need to focus on your chosen hand. With your baseline found we shall focus on our hand and using our intent our objective will be, to expel heat from our hand all that is needed is to feel our hand focus on what you want to happen, and whilst you're focusing on your hand set a statement of intent to expel heat from your hand.

Within our meditation and session of focus, all going well we should expect within a min or two to be able to feel, a marked difference in the temperature of our hand. With this step utilized and acclimatized too, you will have expanding our senses a step further, now including a marked improvement registering transference of energy within our body.

Now we shall take what we have learned and expand our horizons to include external guidance of energy, in this step we shall move away from internal senses and instead we will be making a psi ball, this step is to take our energy and guide it into a sphere.

To do this we shall reiterate the 2nd step with a few changes, now focusing on your chosen hand re-introduce your baseline, and if necessary re run your energetic sensing. Now whilst focusing on your hand we shall intend not for heat to be expelled but instead, we will intend for our energy to move from our hand into a sphere/orb just off the palm of your hand, this although abstract are the foundation of Energy manipulation.

Now a few additions might include spinning the orb faster and faster, until you should be able to Intune a feeling from above your palm regarding the Psi-ball, also you could try heating up the Psi-ball and cooling it down. Many test can be conducted from changing its element, to making it denser and or lighter to or even multiple, reasons for this may including making it so light it could dissipate and whilst focused maintaining the guidance necessary to stop said dissipation.

Regarding its dissipation with trial and error, you should start to develop a sense for your intent and for "programmed" energies of your design, for e.g. make a Psi-ball and let it dispel try to feel its return from your intent to natures re-inclusion. With time this should become almost second nature.

That is insane! I Love it!


Mar 19, 2022
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With our feet dipped into grounding, sensing energies and creating Psi-balls, in this endeavour we shall be putting these towards a more practical use.

Firstly we will be delving into shielding, this will mostly focus on the energetic exchange regarding Psi-balls, after focusing and preparing to guide energy into a ball. Instead we shall be stopping just before we focus our intent into a ball, with the preceding guidance we shall instead focus our intent into a bubble like ball that we shall layer around our aura, now we've focused our intent and altered the output of intent by "programming" said energy.

Now that we've begun to grasp how to "program" energy, we can now add all sorts from elemental filters to expanding its density, the limits are the ones you set you creativity.

With a shield we need to remember that over time the energy will dissipate and even protect from, causing the initial "programming" of energy to need replenishing, this can be done in many ways from sigils /celestial contracts/ even spirits deities and more. For our shield we will be bringing it in tune with earths aura, and so by including nature aspects into our shield and its protective capabilities, for this we shall be returning to our first step grounding and meditating. The reason we'll be returning is because while we have expanding our awareness of energy, due to the size and availability of earths energy it potentially could somewhat overwhelming, with that said whilst grounding we need to get a "sense" for this abundance of energy. Instead of weaving one element into our shield we instead want to include natures protective aspects, and develop our protection within nature, this said we'd need to go over some viewpoints on energy and its usage. That is because we might need to venture away from commonalities we've grown used to with energy and its usage, tap it use it and forget about it "un-ironically" seems to be the main stay mantra for energy in our society, with that said my suggestion would be caution as this topic is more etheric and involving spirit so to give earth and their spirit there due would be wise.

Whilst we are setting up to create our next manifestation of focused "programmed" intent, we will be instead guiding energy from earth that which flows through our aura naturally, to cap this shield off we will be adding that damage and dissipation of our shield is (if nature permits) to be replenished from nature with respect for their gifts.

With this sometimes brushed over aspect we have "programmed" our first shield and expanding our etheric mutual contacts to include nature, and one of many gifts that they offer, with due respect for them and our now defended state we can move onto another aspect of energy manipulation this time called scanning.



Apprentice of Lord Azazel & Demonic Warlord
Sep 11, 2021
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Interesting, thank you for sharing this with us!


Aug 2, 2022
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Has the OP tried this and succeeded in this what has been described? I find this knowledge mostly theoretical.

Here's something concrete.

I have a chaos driven ability to emit energetic impulses that impact mostly living creatures. Humans and dogs mostly.

If someone doubts me, I'm prepared to meet them irl and demonstrate.


Aug 2, 2022
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But you don't describe scanning.

I assume it's feeling the living energy around you. That's what I'm naturally capable of
Sep 9, 2021
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Scanning can be done remotely. Telegage, I believe was his name, he could do it and do it accurately. I have no idea how to so, will follow all tutorials regarding it.

Some also claim the acts of doing the LBRP is energy work, and simultaneously cleansing the sphere of sensation as well as dwelling (for 12 hours).

Energy work is something I really need to master, especially cultivation of ka, ba, chi, ki, whatnot.
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Mar 19, 2022
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Scanning (Long delay- tldr problems arose)

For this tutorial we will be looking at gaining information from an object/person/location at a distance.

You will want to enter a grounded state, after you're comfortable you will want to run through the process of envisioning a psi ball but not making it, after this you will want to use said envisioned psi ball as a AOE around your target.
This will indicate to your intent and awareness that insights from this area are highly sought and give you a area to focus your awareness on, after this indication you'll want to gleam from this area using your senses, sort of sampling the area with your sensory energetic system.
With this presence you will gain sensory insights on akin to your sensory strengths.

With this method you will want to focus on the displacement of your intended target within your projected (AOE envisioned psi ball), this will develop your senses regarding feedback/displacement and give insights on your sensory strengths, for the overall process you will want to focus in a grounded state for 3 - 5 or more minuets.
This will give you time to acclimatize to a distanced projection and unravel the feedback on displacement/heat/colour/texture/taste/smell, and allow your personal strengths to indicate the presence and factors of your intended target, over time this will almost become second nature in energy working

Like radar you will want to be open to insights from your energy returning for your dissemination, although its cliché listening to your gut/instincts is something you will grow accustomed too as more often than not its more accurate (counterintuitively), this will develop and trust in one senses and self.
As for the whole process you will first find comfort in a grounded state, next you will envision a psi-ball and let it float around your intended target, and lastly you will listen to your senses and instincts regarding your targets presence within your projected area of inquiry.
Hopefully this has helped uncover something useful to you
