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Ictus Freeman

Sep 27, 2023
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Hello everyone,
My name is Ictus, and my first contact with the occult was looking for support to face an obsessive spiritual process I was facing with my actual wife.
Since the first ritual, we were kind of pushed by spirits to keep going ahead, making more and more rituals.
Plenty of manipulation, drainage, obsession, and vivid dreams every single day.
We were inducted (nowadays I see this) to make a Luciferian pact e further we were practically thrown on the Qliphothic path. When we discovered we were already there.
We were always by ourselves, going mainly guided by dreams and our intuition.
On the process we learned a lot, got stronger, healed addictions and improved our relationship.
However the cost of this is to have our lives, energies and mind manipulated all the time. We fell audited, criticised, drained and obsessed constantly. We don’t have freedom and live in constant agony a considerable part of our time.
We are forced to do rituals daily and to commit always to do something, like to write articles, books, make videos, etc.
Energy drained and sex damaged most part of the times, mind confused and irritation, and according to them, it’s part of an improvement process.
We did like some experiences with the occult and the expansion of our mind, but our life is in constant disturbance.
At the moment everything looks like part of a simulation, software or something like that. The spirituality tells us everything that is gonna happen though puzzles, and the things happening around us look like fake scenes of a movie, a theatre or a video game. I know it looks crazy, but it’s exactly like this.
On the Tree of Death We are on the phase of Ghaagsheblah. The energies in our mind and around us are so strong and dense, the irritation is constant and even trying different strategies nothing get better. We feel lost and unmotivated.
We never wanted to go through a destructive path, never lightened a candle to wish bad to anyone and by now, we don’t know if we receive support for our evolution or we are being manipulated to open portals, to our energy be used and to spread the doctrine to make more slaves. I don’t know if all of us are Wolfs or slaves ? Chicks or snakes ?
Who are them ? Gods, Demons, Deities, aliens, AI from the future ? I don’t know. I just know that I want peace and freedom.
Looks like they are bored in the hell and are creating situations to laugh on us. Or it’s all part of a plan to gain more and more power manipulation minds.
We feel that for the rest of our lives we will be on this tormenting path.
I don’t see postings of this kind but does anyone identifies with what I am saying?
Is there a way to we have a life of peace, positivity, with moments of balance and pleasure instead of all this negativity and torments around us, after all this time dedicated to the left hand path ?
Learnings and challenges are one thing, but infinite traps and continuous torture is something different.
Thanks for reading.
Perform experiments to test the nature of the event.

For example, after the event, go back in time to view the event scene. Then visualize test words against the scene.

If the concept is wrong/irrelevant the words will likely slide away when you push them into the scene

If the concept is not quite correct, then the words may tremble but not move to or away from the scene. Modify the concept and try again

If the concept is a close match to the energy of the scene then the words may merge with the scene or show strong energy such as bursting into flame
Thank you Roma
I’m gonna try


Nov 19, 2023
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Dude it really sounds like the qliphoth is just not for you. If it was going to "work", it would have worked by now. The qliphoth likes some people and doesn't like others. If it liked you, the attacks and draining would have only been very brief to begin with, and would be over by now. I'd suggest not staying in a system that is just tormenting and feeding off of you. Actual magick systems exist. I've been happy with Candali, for example.
Best wishes.


Oct 20, 2023
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Is there a way to we have a life of peace, positivity, with moments of balance and pleasure instead of all this negativity and torments around us, after all this time dedicated to the left hand path ?

Yes. Definitely.

The drainage and torments haven’t finished as expected.


It looks like that I’ve been passing through a phase that is pretty common nowadays among magicians. A dispute between the Matrix and the darkness,

The other-side, the sitra-achra, what you're calling the tree-of-death, is like that. Everything is flip-flopping, inverting, twisting, shifting, but not consistently.

Independent of my choice, the pressure comes from both sides and to be sincere no one really care about us, are just lies and manipulations towards disputes of power.

I care. I promise. I wasn't a member when you first asked for help, that's why I didn't reply then.
The other's here who are replying care as well.

It's going to be OK. This too shall pass. If you want to talk more about it, reply to this post, or send me a private message.
Sep 9, 2021
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We all care about each other. All of us struggle or have struggled in some way.
If you want a content life, you have to find your chosen deity (there will still be struggles from their adversaries), or make it content. If you're looking for world peace, take all gins and ammo away from the overgrown children and dismantle nukes.


Aug 31, 2021
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When the LHP and RHP are considered in a yin-yang context, the question is one of rhythmic balance.

Very few Earth humans qualify to work primarily with involutionary energies