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My Dreams Become Reality and I don't know how to control it. Macrocosm.


Oct 12, 2023
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As a kid I always noticed I had two gifts within me, being able to feel people energy or emotions and the other is a couple times out the year. I would go to sleep and dream and yes it would feel real, but these dreams would always come to pass at a later date. Now with all the research I have done up until now I have come to know that I am a mystic and the dreams I would have would be me in the future and the term I found for this is Macrocosm. I don't know how I do it or how to activate it. Currently right now I've been meditating focusing on my pineal gland, and I know I'm doing it right because the pressure you feel is definitely noticeable lol. I don't know if something is blocked or what. Could be I'm not fully opened all the way which someone spiritually inclined told me, but I also feel another part of me is scared to fully open up because I don't want my energy to be taken advantage of. from past relationships with friends and family that take kindness for weakness. So, if yall could help me out in any possible way It would mean a lot to me. Thank you.


Jul 29, 2023
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My first post here. I'm responding because it seems similar to my journey, a natural phenomenon occurring since birth that I seek to understand as an adult. A kind of kudalini cadusceus spinning at the lower center of my head, triggering extrasensory awareness, psychism and knowledge of information i shouldn't. It stopped at 18, and was the reason I never had to study and excelled academically. It came back last year when my mom died, during my Jesus year and was so prevalent that i couldn't ignore it if I tried. I'll maybe open a thread about it.

You bring up your friends and family in fear of outcomes perceived as negative related to them. Are you still at home or in an environment where you can't avoid these individuals if you tried?

I ask because that very much would influence my thoughts on this.


Oct 20, 2023
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I don't want my energy to be taken advantage of. from past relationships with friends and family that take kindness for weakness. So, if yall could help me out in any possible way It would mean a lot to me.

I have heard this before and there is help for it, but it comes from oneself. It comes from within. It's not difficult, but, just like everything it takes finesse it do it right and not to setup new unhealthy ... practices and attitudes for oneself and others.

I also feel another part of me is scared to fully open up

There is nothing wrong with feeling afraid. It's natural and normal for anyone. But fear is not always "bad". People seek fear. Horror movies and roller-coasters are scary, but they are also fun and exciting. Fear and excitement are very closely related. Also, fear is healthy as an early warning, but it can also produce false positives. It's the false positives which are "bad".


Aug 31, 2021
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these dreams would always come to pass at a later date.

Humans are more complex than they appear. It seems that parallel processing is not human invention - but an aspect of Reality

So the human spirit operates up to 12 incarnations - often on parallel timelines - to improve chances of at least one being useful for higher purposes.

Dreams are used for transfer of learnings and data. An obvious sign of a parallel reality dream is seeing someone you know well but who looks differently in the dream.

Recently in a dream I met a cousin I have not seen for decades. She looked differently in the dream and the wrong age for this timeline, but when I asked her, she agreed she was my cousin in this timeline.

Given the parallel nature of the timelines there can be much commonality between dreams and this 3D timeline - even if the time phases are separated.
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A kind of kudalini cadusceus spinning at the lower center of my head, triggering extrasensory awareness, psychism and knowledge of information i shouldn't.

Can you visualize an energy line entering the back of your head? You may like to test the nature of its source


Oct 12, 2023
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Thank you all for your replies, and no I don't visualize an energy line. With mine everything is as it seems even the ones I know. To give context spring 2022 I was working on the road with a group. When I had the chance to get a nap in on the road I would. So this one particular nap I was in a jail cell talking to someone I knew from high-school remembered the conversation briefly when i woke up, but found it weird I was in that place. Months later October 2022 I get locked up and long story short that same specific scene in my dream I lived came to pass exactly how it happened in my dream. This isn't the first time but the most recent. I also lost my mom and dad back to back years. So I've just been walking in this life just wanting to know what purpose do I serve here.
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From the knowledge I gathered and experiences I've been through. I believe we are just living in a certain point in time in the third dimension plane, and when I get these dreams is when I unconsciously go into the 4th or 5th dimension. Looking at what I'm still unsure of is I see one future event for the life of this body which is more like predetermined destiny or there's multiple future events and I was only able to see one of them. Just thoughts I have what's ya'll thoughts on Life and Death essentially.
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Aug 31, 2021
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I believe we are just living in a certain point in time in the third dimension plane
In my approach, a belief is an hypothesis. So I work out experiments to test the hypothesis.

I once lived in a spiritual community that was into plants and nature spirits. I was asked by an old woman to help her. Her nylon nightdress kept creeping up as she slept.

I eventually found that her house had the live and neutral wires swapped over. So I fixed that and her problem ceased.

The symbolism of the electricity reversal seemed extreme and I did not know why I was allowed to fix a physical problem without dealing with the spiritual cause.

When I asked in meditation I was told that she did not belong to the community spiritually.

Being into experiment I said: That's interesting. Prove it.

They replied. You will observe that there are no plants next to her house.

And I went around the community - perhaps 100 dwellings. And they all had many flowering plants against the houses - except hers.

So they were right. She did not belong - hence the reversed polarity of her electricity
Sep 9, 2021
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I've had premonition dreams when younger, including an United Airlines plane crash in 1984, and a rise in its stock afterwards.
Periodically I have startling dreams with dreamscapes known and unknown.
Unfortunately I have work to do to be able to direct dreams and reenter dreams.
You might look to that reentry into the dreams. Then redirect the dreams to happier outcomes.


Oct 20, 2023
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I believe we are just living in a certain point in time in the third dimension plane, and when I get these dreams is when I unconsciously go into the 4th or 5th dimension. Looking at what I'm still unsure of is I see one future event for the life of this body which is more like predetermined destiny or there's multiple future events and I was only able to see one of them.

I think that's a great way of describing it. Determining the likelihood of the premonition comes from tracing it backwards. The premonition is from a higher dimensional perspective. Between that higher dimension and the 3rd dimensional plane are branches of causes and effects. For those that are "psychic" or who have inherent "psychic" talent this happens automatically, and extremely rapidly. The mind probably is not at all aware of what is happening or how it's happening. It's just a "feeling". But, behind the scenes there's a complex tracing of the many branches of possibilites connecting the premontion to the here-and-now.

In order to understand what I'm describing, it's easier to imagine it going forwards rather than backwards at first. If I imagine my day today beginning when I wake up, there's a whole host choices/causes, and effects/outcomes that determine the events that happen in my time-line. Each choice/cause, introduces a branching off from the time-line of my day. For example, I have a choice of what to eat for breakfast. That choice introduces a split in the time-line of my day. If I choose corn flakes, that splits my time-line in one direction. If I choose oatmeal, that splits my time-line in a different direction. Each of these splits is a different branch. Each of those branches are their own mini-time-line which also branches off and splits with each additional choice/cause and each effect/outcome. It doesn't take very long for there to be many many branchings off of the original time-line, like nerves branching off of one central spine. I also like to imagine it like a fractal pattern.

Going backwards, if there is a premonition, determining the likelihood of the event is tracing the event backwards through the branchings of effects/outcomes ---> choices/causes back to the "spine", the primary time-line, the 3rd dimensional plane where the consciousness currently resides.

For those who are "psychic" or have "psychic" talent they can just do it, without thinking too much about it or planning it. I've been putting "psychic" in quotes, because everyone's psychic. It's just that some are naturally talented. Some, sadly, become more sensitive due to some trauma in their life. And some develop it as a skill.

A dream state permits access to these higher dimensional perspectives where alternate future branchings of the time-lines can be observed. But it doesn't happen reliably and the content will always be mixed with irrelevant extraneous content which would need to be fiiltered out from the premonition. It's not that the other content of dreams which are not premonitions are themself are irrelevant. They are highly significant. They are just not significant to the premontion. Dreams are a mixture. That's the skill/talent of dream interpretation. It's sorting through all of that.

All of that said, there is a phenomena where the individual can automatically choose the branchings forcing the specific outcome they desire in the form of a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Oct 12, 2023
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I think that's a great way of describing it. Determining the likelihood of the premonition comes from tracing it backwards. The premonition is from a higher dimensional perspective. Between that higher dimension and the 3rd dimensional plane are branches of causes and effects. For those that are "psychic" or who have inherent "psychic" talent this happens automatically, and extremely rapidly. The mind probably is not at all aware of what is happening or how it's happening. It's just a "feeling". But, behind the scenes there's a complex tracing of the many branches of possibilites connecting the premontion to the here-and-now.

In order to understand what I'm describing, it's easier to imagine it going forwards rather than backwards at first. If I imagine my day today beginning when I wake up, there's a whole host choices/causes, and effects/outcomes that determine the events that happen in my time-line. Each choice/cause, introduces a branching off from the time-line of my day. For example, I have a choice of what to eat for breakfast. That choice introduces a split in the time-line of my day. If I choose corn flakes, that splits my time-line in one direction. If I choose oatmeal, that splits my time-line in a different direction. Each of these splits is a different branch. Each of those branches are their own mini-time-line which also branches off and splits with each additional choice/cause and each effect/outcome. It doesn't take very long for there to be many many branchings off of the original time-line, like nerves branching off of one central spine. I also like to imagine it like a fractal pattern.

Going backwards, if there is a premonition, determining the likelihood of the event is tracing the event backwards through the branchings of effects/outcomes ---> choices/causes back to the "spine", the primary time-line, the 3rd dimensional plane where the consciousness currently resides.

For those who are "psychic" or have "psychic" talent they can just do it, without thinking too much about it or planning it. I've been putting "psychic" in quotes, because everyone's psychic. It's just that some are naturally talented. Some, sadly, become more sensitive due to some trauma in their life. And some develop it as a skill.

A dream state permits access to these higher dimensional perspectives where alternate future branchings of the time-lines can be observed. But it doesn't happen reliably and the content will always be mixed with irrelevant extraneous content which would need to be fiiltered out from the premonition. It's not that the other content of dreams which are not premonitions are themself are irrelevant. They are highly significant. They are just not significant to the premontion. Dreams are a mixture. That's the skill/talent of dream interpretation. It's sorting through all of that.

All of that said, there is a phenomena where the individual can automatically choose the branchings forcing the specific outcome they desire in the form of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Where does your teachings come from? I would like to expand my knowledge on this.


Oct 20, 2023
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Where does your teachings come from? I would like to expand my knowledge on this.

I don't know how to answer that question simply and easily. I can share my background, but, I don't think it will answer the question. What I wrote above is simply how I percieve time and how I have come to understand reality. It's not something I was taught by any specific teacher, or read in any specific book. I'm like a sponge, I'm always learning, and asking questions, and contemplating.

My background is Jewish. Around 20 years ago I started learning Jewish mysticism from ultra-orthodox rabbis in my area. It started as a weekly class, but the rabbi liked my questions so he recommened that I do one-on-one classes with a different rabbi as well. Then that rabbi recommended me to his son, and we learned together too. Then he recommended me to his older brother. And then their younger brother wanted to learn with me too.... this went on for around 10 years. I was learning with different rabbis young and old 5 days a week. The format for these lessons is fluid. It's not a formal cirricullum. It's called a "chavrusa". It's from the root "CH-V-R" which means friendship. We were just learning together as a team. Two heads working together. It was fun.

One of the reasons the rabbis liked me is that I have strong academic background in engineering, math, and computer science. These are not taught in their community, so, I was able to bring something to the partnership which they did not already have. I give a lot of credit to the electrical engineering knowledge, because, it trains the mind to visualize and predict behavior which is simultaneously particle and wave-form.

Hopefully this answers the question.


Aug 31, 2021
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Each choice/cause, introduces a branching off from the time-line of my day.
Once, living by myself, I went to the fridge to get something, but it was missing. I moved my arm around that shelf in case it was invisible. Nothing!

I went back an hour later and the food item was where it should have been.

Another place, living by myself, with a long kitchen bench, empty except for my set of keys. Went to get the keys and they were gone. Looked around for a while but nothing.

Back an hour later and there were the keys right where I had left them.

So I looked back in time for poltergeists and spirits but there were no signs.

Eventually it seemed that there are parallel timelines with very similar realities. The objects were not disappearing - I was.

I was moving accidentally between very similar timelines. Fortunately I seem to come back to the timeline on which I can find my possessions

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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Eventually it seemed that there are parallel timelines with very similar realities. The objects were not disappearing - I was.

I was moving accidentally between very similar timelines. Fortunately I seem to come back to the timeline on which I can find my possessions
According to my research, this is indeed the way the Universe is structured - you do not change the world; you experience the version where it is changed.

Since reading quite a few of your fascinating posts, Roma, I am starting to wonder whether amongst all the other VR gear we have in our brains, we have a mechanism that is meant to keep us on the "normal" consistent track, and further, it is possible for it to malfunction.

Or maybe this is just a side effect of your long magical training?


Aug 31, 2021
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all the other VR gear we have in our brains, we have a mechanism that is meant to keep us on the "normal" consistent track, and further, it is possible for it to malfunction.
There are various webs/veils to limit too early contact with higher energies.

For example my son, a self-confessed materialistic atheistic, went to bed one night but could not sleep. In the morning he declared he was going to become a Golden Dawn magician.

When I looked, the web that was preventing his physical body from feeling etheric energies had been removed overnight. Being able to feel energies he wanted to control them.

Another web prevents the lower mind from experiencing transpersonal energies.

Mostly the various webs are removed by erosion but sometimes there is direct intervention.

Often psychedelic substances can rip webs. This may result in a dysfunctional human.

A higher analog to web erosion is when a devic entity is loaned to the human to provide additional functionality such as clairvoyance on particular planes


Oct 12, 2023
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I don't know how to answer that question simply and easily. I can share my background, but, I don't think it will answer the question. What I wrote above is simply how I percieve time and how I have come to understand reality. It's not something I was taught by any specific teacher, or read in any specific book. I'm like a sponge, I'm always learning, and asking questions, and contemplating.

My background is Jewish. Around 20 years ago I started learning Jewish mysticism from ultra-orthodox rabbis in my area. It started as a weekly class, but the rabbi liked my questions so he recommened that I do one-on-one classes with a different rabbi as well. Then that rabbi recommended me to his son, and we learned together too. Then he recommended me to his older brother. And then their younger brother wanted to learn with me too.... this went on for around 10 years. I was learning with different rabbis young and old 5 days a week. The format for these lessons is fluid. It's not a formal cirricullum. It's called a "chavrusa". It's from the root "CH-V-R" which means friendship. We were just learning together as a team. Two heads working together. It was fun.

One of the reasons the rabbis liked me is that I have strong academic background in engineering, math, and computer science. These are not taught in their community, so, I was able to bring something to the partnership which they did not already have. I give a lot of credit to the electrical engineering knowledge, because, it trains the mind to visualize and predict behavior which is simultaneously particle and wave-form.

Hopefully this answers the question.
Thats amazing I also have a strong background with engineering. Your last sentence kind of reminded me of something that I do and been doing since a little kid. So, I would play a game in my head where I would think of a question to ask whoever. And in my head, I would come up with 100 different answers that you could possibly reply with. Eventually getting to the point where I would try to think of the exact reply that person would say. Your last sentence just made me think of that.


Aug 31, 2021
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we have in our brains, we have a mechanism that is meant to keep us on the "normal" consistent track, and further, it is possible for it to malfunction.

I speed read that and answered along the lines of what I was thinking at the time.

A more specific answer will appear as I type this:

The Entity that emanates and manages the timelines in this arm of the galaxy has quite specific objectives for the various experiments and keeps separate various clusters of lines, intervening when improper connections are made between the clusters.

A cluster usually contains several closely related sub-clusters. A soul-bearing entity (SBE) will share a sub-cluster with several related soul groups with which they learn right relationship and how to contribute to the cluster objectives.

(Soul here is neschama or higher. Soul groups include multiple species such as amphibian annedotus.)

Within a sub-cluster there is much movement of the primary point of awareness of a SBE. This allows parallel learning and relationship extension.

Thus the sub-cluster is a natural boundary for the SBE. In addition the sub-cluster has its own group entity that enjoys managing the awareness building processes - being quite active in extending the experiences of particular SBEs and their soul groups

Thus there is a management entity at sub-cluster level. It is possible for that entity to be traumatized but that seems to be related to galactic karma. There may be slight malfunction in timelines related to you.

You may ask the galactic Lords of Karma to exempt you

They seem to like you