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Tarot Cheat Sheet

Sep 9, 2021
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(E, H, N, B Enochian)

Wands - Atziluth - Fire (B)
2 Wands 1 to 10 deg Sol in Ari.
Lord of Dominion.
Bael, Phenex, Vehooel, Deneyel.
3 Wands 11 to 20 deg Venus in Ari.
Lord of Established Strength.
Agares, Halfas, Hechaohiah, Aamamiah.
4 of Wands 21 to 30 deg Jupiter in Ari.
Lord of perfected work.
Vassago, Malphas, Nanael, Nithal.
5 of Wands 1 to 10 deg Saturn in Leo.
Lord of Strife.
Beleth, Crocell, Vahaviah, Yelayel.
6 of Wands 11 to 20 deg Jupiter in Leo.
Lord of Victory.
Laraje, Furcas, Saitel, Olmiah.
7 of Wands 21 to 30 deg Mars in Leo.
Lord of Valour.
Eligos, Baalam, Mahashiah, Lelahel.
8 of Wands 1 to 10 deg Sag.
Lord of Swiftness.
Glasya-Labolas, Zagan, Nithahiah, Haayeh.
9 of Wands 11 to 20 deg Luna in Sag.
Lord of Great Strength.
Bune, Volac, Yirthiel, Sahiah.
10 of Wands 21 to 30 deg Saturn in Sag.
Lord of Oppression.
Ronove, Andras, Reyayel, Avamel.

Cups - Briah - Water (H)
2 of Cups 1 to 10 deg Venus in Can.
Lord of Love.
Buer, Bifrons, Ayoel, Chabuiah.
3 of Cups 11 to 20 deg Mercury in Can.
Lord of Abundance.
Gusion, Uvall, Rachael, Yebomayah.
4 of Cups 21 to 30 deg Luna in Can.
Lord of Blended Pleasure.
Sitri, Haagenti, Hayayel, Mevamiah.
5 of Cups 1 to 10 deg Mars in Sco.
Lord of Loss in Pleasure
Ipos, Amy, Livoyah, Pehilyah.
6 of Cups 11 to 20 deg Sol in Sco.
Lord of Pleasure.
Aim, Oriax, Nelokhiel, Yelayel.
7 of Cups 21 to 30 deg Venus in Sco.
Lord of Illusionary Success.
Naberius. Vapula, Melchel, Chahaviah.
8 of Cups 1 to 10 deg Saturn is Pis.
Lord of Abandoned Success.
Furfur, Seere, Vavaliah, Yelahiah.
9 of Cups 11 to 20 deg Jupiter in Pis.
Lord of Material Happiness.
Marchosias, Dantalion, Saliah, Aariel.
10 of Cups 21 to 30 deg Mars in Pis.
Lord of Perpetual Success.
Stolas, Andromalius, Aasliah, Mihal.

Swords - Yetzirah - Air (E)
2 of Swords 1 to 10 deg Luna in Lib.
Lord of Peace Restored.
Sallos, Orobas, Yezalel, Mebahel.
3 of Swords 11 to 20 deg Saturn in Lib.
Lord of Sorrow.
Purson, Gremory, Harayel, Hoqmiah.
4 of Swords 21 to 30 deg Jupiter in Lib.
Lord of Rest from Strife.
Marax, Ose, Laviah, Kelial.
5 of Swords 1 to 10 deg Mercury in Aqu.
Lord of Defeat.
Foras, Amdusias, Ahiel, Chaamiah.
6 of Swords 11 to 20 deg Jupiter in Aqu.
Lord of Earned Success.
Asmoday, Belial, Rehayal, Yeyezial.
7 of Swords 21 to 30 deg Luna in Aqu.
Lord of Unstable Effort.
Gaap, Decaraboa, Michael, Hahihel.
8 of Swords 1 to 10 deg Luna in Gem.
Lord of Shortened Force.
Amon, Sabnock, Vemibael, Yehohel.
9 of Swords 11 to 20 deg Venus in Gem.
Lord of Despair and Cruelty.
Barbados, Shax, Aaneval, Mochayel.
10 of Swords 21 to 30 deg Sol in Gem.
Lord of Ruin.
Paimon, Vine, Dambayah, Menqel.

Pentacles - Assiah - Earth (N)
2 of Pentacles 1 to 10 deg Jupiter in Cap.
Lord of Harmonious Change.
Berith. Haired, Lekabel, Veshiriah.
3 of Pentacles 11 to 20 deg Mars in Cap.
Lord of Material Works.
Astaroth, Andrealphus, Yechavah, Lehachiah.
4 of Pentacles 21 to 30 deg Sol in Cap.
Lord of Earthy Power.
Formeus, Cimejes, Kevaqiah, Mendial.
5 of Pentacles 1 to 10 deg Luna in Tau.
Lord of Material Trouble.
Samgina, Raum, Mabahiah, Pooyal.
6 of Pentacles 11 to 20 deg Mercury in Tau.
Lord of Material Success.
Marbas, Focalor, Nemamiah, Yeyelal.
7 of Pentacles 21 to 30 deg Venus in Tau.
Lord of Success Unfulfilled
Valefor, Vepar, Hevochiel, Mitzrael.
8 of Pentacles 1 to 10 deg Sol in Vir.
Lord of Prudence.
Zepar, Allowed, Akaiah, Kehethel.
9 of Pentacles 11 to 20 deg Venus in Vir.
Lord of Material Gain.
Botis, Camio, Hazayel, Aldiah.
10 of Pentacles 21 to 30 deg Mercury in Vir.
Lord of Wealth.
Bathin, Murmur, Hihaayah, Laviah.

Card. Astro info
Am/Pm Demon, Am/Pm Angel

Hope this helped.
Sep 9, 2021
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Note that according to Qaballistic thought, 10s correspond to Malkuth, 2s Chokmah, Aces for Kether.

Also note that it's said Kether is in Malkuth and Malkuth in Kether, in some order; and that the princess/knave is a throne for the ace. Therefore they correspond to Malkuth as well.

Also note Princes or Knights belong to Tiphareth, Queens to Binah, and Kings to Chokmah.

The major arcana are then the 22 paths.


May 22, 2022
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A. Crowley's Book of Thoth gives you exact keys for that. Astrologically though they somehow forgot the princesses.

Aleister Crowley said literally that the princesses have no zodiacal assignment. This applies to all princesses, i.e. the Princess of Swords, the Princess of Discs, the Princess of Cups, the Princess of Wands and the Princess and the Pea. Although the latter may well be the reason why the princesses were denied access to the zodiac: they can be really annoying.

As a housewife, I know what I'm talking about, because when you have to cook for five princesses on the pea, it becomes difficult. They don't eat everything. And what they eat follows intricate instructions and rituals in purchasing and preparing it. Do you know what a pescatarian is? No? Well, these are princesses and the peas who eat fish and seafood, but no meat or poultry. So they don't eat anything that's been killed in the slaughterhouse, but they do like what's choked on a fishing boat. Now, if all my princesses on the pea were pescatarians, it wouldn't be so bad. But then they wouldn't be princesses and the pea either! That's why one sister doesn't eat meat at all, she's a vegetarian. To be more precise, she is lacto-ovo-vegetarian, dairy products and eggs are a must for her. The other sister is vegan and eats raw food, at least she doesn't touch cheese. And the youngest thinks her siblings are all secret carbohydrate addicts and that's why she's low carb, which means she only craves meat, fish, poultry, eggs and cheese. On the other hand, she categorically rejects vegetables and fruit. It is now the case that one must always and absolutely fulfill the wishes of princesses and the pea. Because if you don't, they'll get an upset stomach, sleep badly, or - God forbid! - get in a bad mood! So you get used to a mile-long shopping list and cook not just one dish, but five different dishes each day. Of course it costs money, time and nerves, but what else can you do? But they are still bitching and the princesses and the peas come up with something new every day. Ordering a family pizza just for us is difficult and everyone wants their own portion to be covered strictly according to their own eating regulations. I must confess, when I recently read Eliphas Levi's "The love of the princesses and the pea is meaningless for a Magus and can destroy him", I unconsciously nodded. I still love my princesses, of course, but they are very, very exhausting. And I'm afraid that when the time comes and a prince marries them, they'll just walk away without giving me a single thought. Yes, that's life.

But I have to stop now and cook some food. And the beds aren't made yet. Maybe today I'll put a pea under the mattress of each of my princesses. Revenge is sweet.
Sep 9, 2021
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It must be glorious at times being a housewife. I would absolutely love that role.
I will read the Book of Thoth. That is 8nywrestig about the princesses. I recall having a book called Concourse of the Forces or Sepher Beth, and it was intricate on touching on the princesses for some reason.


May 22, 2022
Reaction score
It must be glorious at times being a housewife. I would absolutely love that role.
I will read the Book of Thoth. That is 8nywrestig about the princesses. I recall having a book called Concourse of the Forces or Sepher Beth, and it was intricate on touching on the princesses for some reason.
There is a real reason why they did this to the princesses. I will probably tell more about this, but not now.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
The Court Cards also have assignments to constellations and certain star cluster parts or whole, and have relation to BITOM, HCOMA, EXARP, and NANTA - elements in order, Ace (Spirit of the suit, Kether), King (Fire of the suit, Chokmah), Queen(Water of the suit, Binah), Prince (Air of the suit, Tiphareth), Princess/Knave (Earth of the suit, Malkuth, Throne for the Ace as Makuth is in Kether and Kether in Malkuth in some order).