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Journal THE DOOR: My Public Spellbook

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


New Age Mage
Apr 28, 2024
Reaction score
Hi, I am beginning my journey in the magic world. I started reading Alan Chapman: Advanced Magick for Beginners (great read so far), and one of the exercices is to start your own spellbook. I decided to write one on paper and it was going very well so far, but I just made my second sigil asking for a Revelation, and it happen. Due to this revelation, I decided to share and make my own public spellbook and see what happens. I know its meant to be private in the past, but that wasmostly for people no burning you alive for being a witch, nowadays thats not really a problem anymore. I want to benefit from this new age of the internet and try making a public spellbook and see what happens.

Wish me good luck!
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I will not write any sigils in here, since they are meant to be forgotten.
Summary of what I already did:
I started writing down a bunch of things that I wanted to have as part of making my first sigil. I wrote that I wanted sex from a crush, but that seemed kinda lame, so I didnt went trough with it. I then decided that I wanted to be a good mage (left vague on purpose), but as I started the ritual, it failed. I then came back and decided that being a "good" mage wasnt enough, and I remebered the last words of my granfather, who said that if you want to do something, always try to be the best! And thats what I did.
I wished that I was going to be the best mage to ever exist, and made I ritual which worked! (Sounds very cheezy I know lol)
I still have a very long way to go... Im gonna call this sigil FOOL (from the tarot meaning)
I was pissed off, and decided to make my second sigil. I Wished for a REVELATION! Made the sigil and did the ritual.
Results came almost immediately:
  • Synchronicity: I saw a post on reddit about a girl that successfully summoned Raziel. I felt strangely attracted to the post. I didnt knew who the angel was, and upon searching it is no other than the
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  • Deal: I felt the presence of the archangel, and we made an agreement: He would guidemy path for knowledge, but I could no use any of my magick to harm others. (Right Hand Path it is!)
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New Age Mage
Apr 28, 2024
Reaction score
I don't use my magick to harm others and I work with demons. You can have right hand beliefs and take aspects of both paths.

Good luck with your Magick journey, I'm planning on making a journal myself much like you are doing.
Truee! I will explore a little bit of all types of magick as a beginner and see where it goes. I am more interested in the right hand path and chaos magick so I will start with them first lol


Apr 30, 2024
Reaction score
Hi, I am beginning my journey in the magic world. I started reading Alan Chapman: Advanced Magick for Beginners (great read so far), and one of the exercices is to start your own spellbook. I decided to write one on paper and it was going very well so far, but I just made my second sigil asking for a Revelation, and it happen. Due to this revelation, I decided to share and make my own public spellbook and see what happens. I know its meant to be private in the past, but that wasmostly for people no burning you alive for being a witch, nowadays thats not really a problem anymore. I want to benefit from this new age of the internet and try making a public spellbook and see what happens.

Wish me good luck!
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I will not write any sigils in here, since they are meant to be forgotten.
Summary of what I already did:
I started writing down a bunch of things that I wanted to have as part of making my first sigil. I wrote that I wanted sex from a crush, but that seemed kinda lame, so I didnt went trough with it. I then decided that I wanted to be a good mage (left vague on purpose), but as I started the ritual, it failed. I then came back and decided that being a "good" mage wasnt enough, and I remebered the last words of my granfather, who said that if you want to do something, always try to be the best! And thats what I did.
I wished that I was going to be the best mage to ever exist, and made I ritual which worked! (Sounds very cheezy I know lol)
I still have a very long way to go... Im gonna call this sigil FOOL (from the tarot meaning)
I was pissed off, and decided to make my second sigil. I Wished for a REVELATION! Made the sigil and did the ritual.
Results came almost immediately:
  • Synchronicity: I saw a post on reddit about a girl that successfully summoned Raziel. I felt strangely attracted to the post. I didnt knew who the angel was, and upon searching it is no other than the
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
  • Deal: I felt the presence of the archangel, and we made an agreement: He would guidemy path for knowledge, but I could no use any of my magick to harm others. (Right Hand Path it is!)
I have a question about working with Raziel, and I mean no disrespect, does he remind you of a grumpy old man? I try to joke around with him like I did with Lucifer and he kind of reminds me of a cranky old man, he's fun.

I just want to make sure I have the right energy.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
Reaction score
The Alan Chapman book is amazing. Reading your post, I really get the feeling that you are going about this the right way - good luck with your workings!


Apr 4, 2024
Reaction score
I don't use my magick to harm others and I work with demons. You can have right hand beliefs and take aspects of both paths.

Good luck with your Magick journey, I'm planning on making a journal myself much like you are doing.
I am with You Dear i alsot Teach the Same.. I am a ritht hand path too.


New Age Mage
Apr 28, 2024
Reaction score
I have a question about working with Raziel, and I mean no disrespect, does he remind you of a grumpy old man? I try to joke around with him like I did with Lucifer and he kind of reminds me of a cranky old man, he's fun.

I just want to make sure I have the right energy.
Nop, Raziel was a woman for me and she "read" a bedtime story how dinosaurs were extinct, which manifested in a pretty wild lucid dream I had.
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The Alan Chapman book is amazing. Reading your post, I really get the feeling that you are going about this the right way - good luck with your workings!
Thanks! And yeah, that book is amazing, just finished it yesterday. I didn't do all the excercices since I read the book too fast lol, so I might be missing some Experience but I feel like I get what magick is about now. Do you have any more recomendations to read?
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So, before I went to sleep today, I tried to connect with Astral world and got very interesting results. I will try to keep things brief (failed)
Astral Projection Results:
  • As I went to sleep, I heard a woman voice, which started to guide me. Raziel was manifesting
  • As she speak, I noticed a bunch of patterns in my vision, like a kaleidoscope. She then explained that this patterns were the fabric of the astral world, lets just call it atral mantle.
  • As soon as I started to imagine stuff, the patterns started to change to my will and soon turned into images, and then dreams.
  • Raziel then explained that I can give any meaning to the astral mante, which it will then shape itself accordingly.
  • Body experience: I was surprised that I was completely sober for this, I didn't have to use weed or mushrooms to see the astral mantle. My eyes were also rolling back and constantly moving, I was definetly half asleep and half awake for this. There was a strange sensation in my forehead too
  • Mind experience: I was tripping hard. Bunch of patterns appeared in my vision, quickly becoming snakes and streets, and before I knew it, I started dreaming.
  • Dream: Its hard to remember just like a dream, so forgive me if I make a huge text now lol. I was teletransported to a cartoonish world with a crocodile girl. We started to walk around and I quickly changed shapes. Argh, we did a bunch of stuff, but I cant remember everything now. We met a bunch of figures and made more friends along the way. I was always changing, the crocodile girl change a bit as well and I think she became a dragon by the end. At some point, we met a soldier that was hiding in a tree. I came to him and explained that he was not real and we were just in some random guy dream. He freaked out and we started to chat some more. In the end, the soldier became me, or better yet, he stopped pretending to not be me anymore. Is this how God feel? I started questioning reality and I climbed a mountain to see whats on top. I found a wise guy on top (cliche, I know). I ask why cant I do all this cool shit in the real world? (I started to levitate rocks with my mind). The wise man then immediately destroyed the entire world and said "thats why". You are experience just a single layer right now, but imagined if there were multiple infinite layers overlapping each other? They become rigid and hard to influence. Thats reality. I woke up after he said this.
  • Disclaimer: I might have taken a couple of artistic liberties describing the dream lol. Its just hard to fill the gaps in memory, but it was definetly in the lines of what I experienced.
  • Bedtime story: After that I was back to my room with Raziel. She said she was leaving for now, but then I asked for a bedtime story. She said ok (I think she found that addorable), and I was quickly pulled back to the dream, with waay less control now. I was in a black space, full of weird creatures. I couldnt change my shape like before. it was hard, but I became a little fish to escape this darkness. As I swim away, i got snatches by a tentacle and died. I tried to do it again, and got in a loop of getting catched and devoured. I got very angry, and evolved to become a shark and I started to fight a kraken. I then escaped the water, and got stucked in a beach. But then I saw a bunch of dragons comming out of the water, just as angry as I was, if not more. I heard Raziel voice (yes, sharks were one of the first types of dragons). Then a meteor hits and the bedtimestory was over. She then said "thats how dinosaurs were extinct". and after I thanked her, she left.
  • Aliens?: I then felt a weird presence, and I though it could be aliens. I made contact with them before and I didnt like that. I then made 3 questions: Who are you? What is your intent? Why are you contacting me? They didnt responded me, and were like "fuck, what do we do now?" I then perform a very simple banishing ritual and they were gone. I then slept for real, and it was really good rest.
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Apr 30, 2024
Reaction score
Nop, Raziel was a woman for me and she "read" a bedtime story how dinosaurs were extinct, which manifested in a pretty wild lucid dream I had.
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Thanks! And yeah, that book is amazing, just finished it yesterday. I didn't do all the excercices since I read the book too fast lol, so I might be missing some Experience but I feel like I get what magick is about now. Do you have any more recomendations to read?
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So, before I went to sleep today, I tried to connect with Astral world and got very interesting results. I will try to keep things brief (failed)
Astral Projection Results:
  • As I went to sleep, I heard a woman voice, which started to guide me. Raziel was manifesting
  • As she speak, I noticed a bunch of patterns in my vision, like a kaleidoscope. She then explained that this patterns were the fabric of the astral world, lets just call it atral mantle.
  • As soon as I started to imagine stuff, the patterns started to change to my will and soon turned into images, and then dreams.
  • Raziel then explained that I can give any meaning to the astral mante, which it will then shape itself accordingly.
  • Body experience: I was surprised that I was completely sober for this, I didn't have to use weed or mushrooms to see the astral mantle. My eyes were also rolling back and constantly moving, I was definetly half asleep and half awake for this. There was a strange sensation in my forehead too
  • Mind experience: I was tripping hard. Bunch of patterns appeared in my vision, quickly becoming snakes and streets, and before I knew it, I started dreaming.
  • Dream: Its hard to remember just like a dream, so forgive me if I make a huge text now lol. I was teletransported to a cartoonish world with a crocodile girl. We started to walk around and I quickly changed shapes. Argh, we did a bunch of stuff, but I cant remember everything now. We met a bunch of figures and made more friends along the way. I was always changing, the crocodile girl change a bit as well and I think she became a dragon by the end. At some point, we met a soldier that was hiding in a tree. I came to him and explained that he was not real and we were just in some random guy dream. He freaked out and we started to chat some more. In the end, the soldier became me, or better yet, he stopped pretending to not be me anymore. Is this how God feel? I started questioning reality and I climbed a mountain to see whats on top. I found a wise guy on top (cliche, I know). I ask why cant I do all this cool shit in the real world? (I started to levitate rocks with my mind). The wise man then immediately destroyed the entire world and said "thats why". You are experience just a single layer right now, but imagined if there were multiple infinite layers overlapping each other? They become rigid and hard to influence. Thats reality. I woke up after he said this.
  • Disclaimer: I might have taken a couple of artistic liberties describing the dream lol. Its just hard to fill the gaps in memory, but it was definetly in the lines of what I experienced.
  • Bedtime story: After that I was back to my room with Raziel. She said she was leaving for now, but then I asked for a bedtime story. She said ok (I think she found that addorable), and I was quickly pulled back to the dream, with waay less control now. I was in a black space, full of weird creatures. I couldnt change my shape like before. it was hard, but I became a little fish to escape this darkness. As I swim away, i got snatches by a tentacle and died. I tried to do it again, and got in a loop of getting catched and devoured. I got very angry, and evolved to become a shark and I started to fight a kraken. I then escaped the water, and got stucked in a beach. But then I saw a bunch of dragons comming out of the water, just as angry as I was, if not more. I heard Raziel voice (yes, sharks were one of the first types of dragons). Then a meteor hits and the bedtimestory was over. She then said "thats how dinosaurs were extinct". and after I thanked her, she left.
  • Aliens?: I then felt a weird presence, and I though it could be aliens. I made contact with them before and I didnt like that. I then made 3 questions: Who are you? What is your intent? Why are you contacting me? They didnt responded me, and were like "fuck, what do we do now?" I then perform a very simple banishing ritual and they were gone. I then slept for real, and it was really good rest.
Weird. Entities can change their form so they can appear as pretty much anything, but Raziel is ascribed to Chokmah which is associated with the divine masculine.

Instead of saying it's not the entity, I should probably ask why Raziel appears as a crotchety old man which reminds me of my father.
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Are you sure you didn't get referred to Gabriel or another angel represented occasionally as feminine? I'm not at all saying it wasn't Raziel, or they can't take that form, because they can take any form they choose, but it doesn't really fit with an angel with a correspondence over the divine masculine.

Not trying to poke holes, these are questions you should ask.


New Age Mage
Apr 28, 2024
Reaction score
Weird. Entities can change their form so they can appear as pretty much anything, but Raziel is ascribed to Chokmah which is associated with the divine masculine.

Instead of saying it's not the entity, I should probably ask why Raziel appears as a crotchety old man which reminds me of my father.
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Are you sure you didn't get referred to Gabriel or another angel represented occasionally as feminine? I'm not at all saying it wasn't Raziel, or they can't take that form, because they can take any form they choose, but it doesn't really fit with an angel with a correspondence over the divine masculine.

Not trying to poke holes, these are questions you should ask.
Carl Jung archetypes. Raziel probably manifests as the anima/animus.


Apr 30, 2024
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Carl Jung archetypes. Raziel probably manifests as the anima/animus.
This explains why he's masculine with me and feminine with you.

In a woman her contra sexuality is masculine and governs her rational thinking function and we call this the Animus.

In a man his contra sexuality is feminine and governs his irrational feeling function and we call this the Anima.


New Age Mage
Apr 28, 2024
Reaction score
This explains why he's masculine with me and feminine with you.

In a woman her contra sexuality is masculine and governs her rational thinking function and we call this the Animus.

In a man his contra sexuality is feminine and governs his irrational feeling function and we call this the Anima.
Not a rule though. If you are lgbt, it can appear as the same sex as you


New Age Mage
Apr 28, 2024
Reaction score
I am LGBT, correct. I think you can tell from my picture.
No I cant lol, I was just pondering what would happen actually
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There is no cause and effect, its all about the meaning we attribute to the experiences. If we open a Tap of water and water comes out of it, we quickly judge that opening "Tap of Water" is the cause, and the effect is "water comes out", but it is not that simple.

Water comming out is just the meaning we gave the experience of "opening the tap of Water". But that is absolutely not true. Sometimes we can open the Tap of Water and there might be a clog, or a problem, and then the water doesnt come out. Our experience let us determine that there might a problem, based on what we experienced in the past. Think of how many things need to happen in order for the water to come out? A society that has basic understanding of engineering, and all the cultural baggage that comes with it. Now try to thing about the most simple thing you can that has cause and effect. You will notice that it will have a bunch of hidden factors that u need to account for that are super complex. Throw a rock and it falls. You need to account for gravity, why are you throwing a rock, the thousands or millions of years to form that rock, etc.

We live in a world of experiences and the meaning we give each experiences. What about the things that are outside our perception, that we cannot experience at all? Well, we just dont experience them at all. So just absolutely dont know anything about them. You can ignore them. In fact, I don't need to tell you that because we are all ignoring it right now. It is impossible to "not" ignore it, since we don't experience it at all. Can we attribute a random meaning to any random event? Well, did you have experiences that lead to belive that? If so, go on. But if not, then don't. Doesn't mean that everything is possible, just means that we rely on our experiences to see the world.

Science in this world becomes even more important, we just usually go on the wrong way. Its all about experimentation. Typical science with causality goes like this "We make a test, test the results, create a model that explains the results, then test the model. If the model is ever disproven, we just make a new improved model later on." But if it were in Magick with no cause and effect and just experience and meaning, then it would go like this: "Make an experiment, and see the results, give a meaning to the results, then try to see the same meaning to other experiments out there and find correlations." The world becomes a place full of meaning and it gives us a better understandment of reality and our own perceptions.
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So, made my third Sigil. I asked for Protection.
I am swimming in new waters here, not aware of what is in the deep. Its always good to make sure you are safe.
I heard Magick can be dangerous, so I wanted to make sure I am in safe place.
Plus I am terrified of OVNI and Abductions, so I want to be protected from those as well...
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