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the elephant in the room re: bad people who have appropriated the term wizard


Apr 29, 2022
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i know that if i walk around with a pointy hat then lots and lots of people will immediately assume that i am associated with a certain bad-tempered group of european-descended peoples located in the southern united states, who say things like their ethnicity is superior, and who have historically been associated with things like evil actions toward people who are from outside their ethnicity (even if they say they are peaceful today, and simply advocate for the rights and supremacy of their ethnicity - while still flaunting symbols like looped rope). i was once streaming on a certain internet platform, wearing a blue pointy hat, and someone says, 'yo u r#a$c%i^s&t?' [symbols not included in the original message - i added them here in case a peevish ghoul is listening]. i assured him that i was not, and that i make no association with mean people who have appropriated the term wizard and the pointy hat.

i also watched a video on groupthink, how people in groups can really become evil towards people they deem "other." i am very worried that if i adopt the label wizard, that the muggles of the world will quickly place me in that category and be able to write me off - now i have become the 'other' to them. some people are wizards, and some people are not. 'i am not a wizard,' one might say, 'therefore i need not worry about being wise.'


anyway this is a social/political issue, and society and politics seem to be two things that most wizards want very little to do with. of course... harry potter made wizardry mainstream, and i would want to walk around in public dressed as a wizard in order to bring a sense of levity to the world around me. but i know that this will have a heavy price. once i stand out and make myself the center of attention, the monkeys of the world will begin to creep closer and closer, with their torches and pitchforks, because as a stand-outer, now i have more attention than they do, which is a threat to the slice of mates, food, and resources that they have apportioned out for themselves, and i, being alone, am an easy target. jesus and other political martyrs experienced similar treatment on this little jungle gym we call earth.

is it as simple as dress like a muggle out in public, and dress like a wizard only when i am at home and at halloween?... i suppose the wizard of christchurch new zeland has something to say about this topic...


Jun 30, 2021
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Ah yeah that's peoples eyes, i cant stand them either. Thankfully btw otherwise id go burqa as i can go quite extreme. So be grateful they stop you from making a fool out of yourself and find a better way. For example in dutch mathematics are called wiskunde aka the art of wise. So knowing that wizard means wise art and has to do with mathematics one can dress symbolically, but i think its only needed if one decides to use the wizardry as advertisement.

But if its really your forte, you should go out and be our walking billboard.

And tell mr. New sealand his stories are cool, but no one believes them and theres already a movie/cartoon about the same thing. It aired at least 15 years ago, but prob longer.


May 26, 2022
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I’ve dedicated some jewelry to my magickal practice. Whenever I am working or wanting to step into that character, I pop those two rings onto my right hand. Nobody knows but me, as they’re nothing that draws attention out of the ordinary.

If it important enough to you that you wish to wear more unusual attire, just make sure you’re prepared for some ridicule or offense from strangers. Validate yourself, know that you are doing it for you and their opinions don’t matter, and be grateful when you encounter the few who are accepting or supportive.

And always remember it’s the wizard who makes the hat, not the hat who makes the wizard.


Jun 30, 2021
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He would take a morphine shot and have male on male sex while shouting abracadabra. You know everyone thinks high of crowley, but in all honesty he wasnt a nice man and had quite macabre ideas that linger in the area of soul abuse. Some texts he wrote, i really hope are fantasy, while i know it has been taken literally and has been used as such.
Sep 9, 2021
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I would think he would have started a deep conversation with the heads, and dismantled them via curses and planetary magic.
Or would have observed silence and let them self destruct over time.
Sep 9, 2021
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i know that if i walk around with a pointy hat then lots and lots of people will immediately assume that i am associated with a certain bad-tempered group of european-descended peoples located in the southern united states, who say things like their ethnicity is superior, and who have historically been associated with things like evil actions toward people who are from outside their ethnicity (even if they say they are peaceful today, and simply advocate for the rights and supremacy of their ethnicity - while still flaunting symbols like looped rope). i was once streaming on a certain internet platform, wearing a blue pointy hat, and someone says, 'yo u r#a$c%i^s&t?' [symbols not included in the original message - i added them here in case a peevish ghoul is listening]. i assured him that i was not, and that i make no association with mean people who have appropriated the term wizard and the pointy hat.

i also watched a video on groupthink, how people in groups can really become evil towards people they deem "other." i am very worried that if i adopt the label wizard, that the muggles of the world will quickly place me in that category and be able to write me off - now i have become the 'other' to them. some people are wizards, and some people are not. 'i am not a wizard,' one might say, 'therefore i need not worry about being wise.'


anyway this is a social/political issue, and society and politics seem to be two things that most wizards want very little to do with. of course... harry potter made wizardry mainstream, and i would want to walk around in public dressed as a wizard in order to bring a sense of levity to the world around me. but i know that this will have a heavy price. once i stand out and make myself the center of attention, the monkeys of the world will begin to creep closer and closer, with their torches and pitchforks, because as a stand-outer, now i have more attention than they do, which is a threat to the slice of mates, food, and resources that they have apportioned out for themselves, and i, being alone, am an easy target. jesus and other political martyrs experienced similar treatment on this little jungle gym we call earth.

is it as simple as dress like a muggle out in public, and dress like a wizard only when i am at home and at halloween?... i suppose the wizard of christchurch new zeland has something to say about this topic...
If you can pull it off, dress as you please. Otherwise save it for renaissance festivals, Halloween and ritual.


Apr 29, 2022
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I’ve dedicated some jewelry to my magickal practice. Whenever I am working or wanting to step into that character, I pop those two rings onto my right hand. Nobody knows but me, as they’re nothing that draws attention out of the ordinary.
yeah.. this i could do as well... but my desire is to just make the world more magical. to me it seems very bleak day to day. everyones angry in traffic, everyone hates errands. and everyone watches tv at night and gets angry about it. they work jobs they dont like, people dont treat them well... walking around dressed as a mythical figure (as george carlin chided about) is the antidote to the boring world that adults have created and uphold...
ik i could wear something that alludes to witchcraft and wizardry but only i understand, but thats kind of beside the point. although it is something of a middle ground i suppose... ill see how things go and report back.
If it important enough to you that you wish to wear more unusual attire, just make sure you’re prepared for some ridicule or offense from strangers. Validate yourself, know that you are doing it for you and their opinions don’t matter, and be grateful when you encounter the few who are accepting or supportive.
yeah ik i will be ridiculed by at least some... ppl say theyd rather die on their feet than live on their knees... ik i might even be attacked if i keep it up long enough. learning interesting things, making beautiful things, and teaching them to others is difficult to do when in hospital or crypt. it is also said that fortune favors the bold... and i cant shake this idea for some reason.
And always remember it’s the wizard who makes the hat, not the hat who makes the wizard.
olivander said its the wand that chooses the wizard... you dont agree?


Apr 29, 2022
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He would take a morphine shot and have male on male sex while shouting abracadabra. You know everyone thinks high of crowley, but in all honesty he wasnt a nice man and had quite macabre ideas that linger in the area of soul abuse. Some texts he wrote, i really hope are fantasy, while i know it has been taken literally and has been used as such.
youve piqued my interest


Apr 29, 2022
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If you can pull it off, dress as you please. Otherwise save it for renaissance festivals, Halloween and ritual.
i did dress up and go to a ren faire recently and it was a lot of fun. i just dont get why you can only be 'authentic' in these cordoned off areas. i really agree with the wiz of christchurch... adults are boring.


Feb 10, 2022
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In the town where I live you could just wear your hat. Nobody bothers, there're 'strange' people everywhere in the streets.


Jun 30, 2021
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Why most choose an cordoned area, is because there are a lot of bigger players hungry for toys, but there are also 'granparents' who get grumpy when the kids make noise. Mine are mad right now because i have the bigger joke by being the naked truth. I cant leave the house with it, though, i have to give them that.


Feb 10, 2022
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When I was younger, I played LARPs a lot. When you roam through the woods for ten days, it sometimes is a nice luxury to take a shower in a public swimming bath in the next town. We didn't change clothes and often also went shopping a bit. Actually we never ever had bad experiences with other people. Some just ignored us, some stared, but most of them smiled at us or even asked why we are dressed like elves, orcs, goblins, knights, mages and trolls. 🧙‍♂️🥷🧝‍♀️🧜‍♀️

Maybe it's worth to just give it a try. ;)
Sep 9, 2021
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Planned my shopping list in my journal.
Several posts actually.

I plan to make a robe with hood and bell sleeves, paint a lantern, and paint a staff. Not sure I'd wear it around town.
Halloween is coming however. Perhaps a white or royal blue robe. Jupiter and Uranus names etched on the staff with runes and celestial as well.


May 22, 2022
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Just handle magic like your dick. Don't show it around, don't shove it in other people's throat and most of all do not bother kids.
That said this rule also counts for religion.


Apr 29, 2022
Reaction score
Planned my shopping list in my journal.
Several posts actually.

I plan to make a robe with hood and bell sleeves, paint a lantern, and paint a staff. Not sure I'd wear it around town.
Halloween is coming however. Perhaps a white or royal blue robe. Jupiter and Uranus names etched on the staff with runes and celestial as well.
verily musteh eyne spaketh thateth the elements offen ze kosmosia kane bringe thine stave to a state of beatification, sans the implementation of modren mordaunts. however, if thine seest it bestest for the timest beingest, doeth what thou wilt, for timest iseth ofeth the essenceth, and the rella de cindre musteh prep him her zer or other for the balle de maskation atte somme pointe!


Apr 29, 2022
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Just handle magic like your dick. Don't show it around, don't shove it in other people's throat and most of all do not bother kids.
That said this rule also counts for religion.
ah yes kids. twas one reason i have embarked on this journeye howevereere... christchurch wiz has been known to pose for photograffes with younglings many a time... but the publik skvare is kwite differente than the tacksie or busse.


Aug 17, 2023
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i know that if i walk around with a pointy hat then lots and lots of people will immediately assume that i am associated with a certain bad-tempered group of european-descended peoples located in the southern united states, who say things like their ethnicity is superior, and who have historically been associated with things like evil actions toward people who are from outside their ethnicity (even if they say they are peaceful today, and simply advocate for the rights and supremacy of their ethnicity - while still flaunting symbols like looped rope). i was once streaming on a certain internet platform, wearing a blue pointy hat, and someone says, 'yo u r#a$c%i^s&t?' [symbols not included in the original message - i added them here in case a peevish ghoul is listening]. i assured him that i was not, and that i make no association with mean people who have appropriated the term wizard and the pointy hat.

i also watched a video on groupthink, how people in groups can really become evil towards people they deem "other." i am very worried that if i adopt the label wizard, that the muggles of the world will quickly place me in that category and be able to write me off - now i have become the 'other' to them. some people are wizards, and some people are not. 'i am not a wizard,' one might say, 'therefore i need not worry about being wise.'


anyway this is a social/political issue, and society and politics seem to be two things that most wizards want very little to do with. of course... harry potter made wizardry mainstream, and i would want to walk around in public dressed as a wizard in order to bring a sense of levity to the world around me. but i know that this will have a heavy price. once i stand out and make myself the center of attention, the monkeys of the world will begin to creep closer and closer, with their torches and pitchforks, because as a stand-outer, now i have more attention than they do, which is a threat to the slice of mates, food, and resources that they have apportioned out for themselves, and i, being alone, am an easy target. jesus and other political martyrs experienced similar treatment on this little jungle gym we call earth.

is it as simple as dress like a muggle out in public, and dress like a wizard only when i am at home and at halloween?... i suppose the wizard of christchurch new zeland has something to say about this topic...
Why on earth should anyone know you're a wizard? As a man wiser than I said, "Know, will, wager...and be silent."