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Journal To Synthetic Angel or Not

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Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
Reaction score
Doing initial studies in Angels i came across this:

"The Jewish Kabbalah saw the Divine Name [of God] as the only thing you really needed to be worried about and the idea that there might be angels connected to them was superfluous.

However, the idea that the Power of the names could be "stepped down a level" was suggested by Christian Kabbalist J. Reuchilin in his book Ve Arta Cabalistica (1517) and more widely distributed by Athanasius Kircher in his book Oedipus Aegyptiacus (1652.). The idea that they suggested was that since each Angel ended with the suffix El or Yah it was possible to convert the three lettered 72 names to angels by adding one or the other. The name of God "El" was attributed to Chesed, Mercy and "Yah" was connected to Chokmah - Wisdom.
From "The Grimoire of the Shem- A System of Angel Magick (Nick Farrell)"

Wondering to myself, why not work with the divine god names and not the step down synthetic forms?

Next step: research and contemplate the English version of the divine names.


Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
Reaction score
Wasn't able to find English translations of the Hebrew other than what each variation could be used for or against something, so of course I turned to ChatGPT for it to generate something to get started with...

AI: Certainly, I'll provide an attempt to translate the names of God from Hebrew into English, aiming for clarity and eloquence while acknowledging the challenges of capturing the full depth and significance of the original Hebrew names. Please note that these translations may not fully convey the nuanced meanings and cultural context of the Hebrew names:

1. אלד (ALEPH LAMED DALET) - "Guardian of Paths"
2. אלת (ALEPH LAMED TAV) - "Infinite Light"
3. אמי (ALEPH MEM YOD) - "Source of Wisdom"
4. אסי (ALEPH SAMECH YOD) - "Steadfast Support"
5. אימ (ALEPH YOD MEM) - "Eternal Presence"
6. עכל (AYIN KAF LAMED) - "Secrets Revealed"
7. עכס (AYIN KAF SAMECH) - "Sustainer of Souls"
8. עכת (AYIN KAF TAV) - "Boundless Blessings"
9. עלי (AYIN LAMED YOD) - "Divine Guidance"
10. עמי (AYIN MEM YOD) - "Everlasting Comfort"
11. ערת (AYIN RESH TAV) - "Healing Radiance"
12. עסי (AYIN SAMECH YOD) - "Strength Unseen"
13. עתל (AYIN TAV LAMED) - "Timeless Love"
14. עתס (AYIN TAV SAMECH) - "Peace Eternal"
15. בעי (BET AYIN YOD) - "Wellspring of Mercy"
16. בחה (BET CHET HEY) - "Harbinger of Hope"
17. בחי (BET CHET YOD) - "Gate of Understanding"
18. בהה (BET HEY HEY) - "Light Divine"
19. בהכ (BET HEY KAF) - "Bearer of Justice"
20. בהל (BET HEY LAMED) - "Guiding Light"
21. בהי (BET HEY YOD) - "Grace Unfolding"
22. בכל (BET KAF LAMED) - "Strength of Heart"
23. בכס (BET KAF SAMECH) - "Everlasting Shield"
24. בכי (BET KAF YOD) - "Wisdom Eternal"
25. בלע (BET LAMED AYIN) - "Ocean of Compassion"
26. בלד (BET LAMED DALET) - "Path of Enlightenment"
27. בלה (BET LAMED HEY) - "Guide of Hearts"
28. בלכ (BET LAMED KAF) - "Strength in Unity"
29. בלי (BET LAMED YOD) - "Sheltering Grace"
30. במע (BET MEM AYIN) - "Foundation of Faith"
31. במח (BET MEM CHET) - "Bearer of Comfort"
32. במה (BET MEM HEY) - "Source of Healing"
33. במי (BET MEM YOD) - "Fountain of Life"
34. בסל (BET SAMECH LAMED) - "Path of Peace"
35. בסמ (BET SAMECH MEM) - "Guardian of Souls"
36. בסת (BET SAMECH TAV) - "Pillar of Strength"
37. בשי (BET SHIN YOD) - "Bearer of Light"
38. בתה (BET TAV HEY) - "Source of Blessings"
39. בתמ (BET TAV MEM) - "Anchor of Hope"
40. בתר (BET TAV RESH) - "Harmony Unfolding"
41. חהי (CHET HEY YOD) - "Gateway to Wisdom"
42. חכל (CHET KAF LAMED) - "Fortress of Love"
43. חכמ (CHET KAF MEM) - "Wisdom's Embrace"
44. חכת (CHET KAF TAV) - "Strength Revealed"
45. חלע (CHET LAMED AYIN) - "Bearer of Light"
46. חלד (CHET LAMED DALET) - "Path of Enlightenment"
47. חלה (CHET LAMED HEY) - "Guide of Hearts"
48. חלי (CHET LAMED YOD) - "Sheltering Grace"
49. חמי (CHET MEM YOD) - "Eternal Comfort"
50. חסי (CHET SAMECH YOD) - "Strength in Serenity"
51. חתל (CHET TAV LAMED) - "Pillar of Wisdom"
52. חתס (CHET TAV SAMECH) - "Peace Eternal"
53. דעה (DALET AYIN HEY) - "Path of Insight"
54. דעמ (DALET AYIN MEM) - "Source of Understanding"
55. דעת (DALET AYIN TAV) - "Gateway to Truth"
56. דחה (DALET CHET HEY) - "Bearer of Redemption"
57. דכפ (DALET CHET KAF) - "Sheltering Grace"
58. דחי (DALET CHET YOD) - "Divine Mercy"
59. דהע (DALET HEY AYIN) - "Guiding Light"
60. דהמ (DALET HEY MEM) - "Wellspring of Life"
61. דהת (DALET HEY TAV) - "Pillar of Strength"
62. דכל (DALET KAF LAMED) - "Guardian of Paths"
63. דכמ (DALET KAF MEM) - "Divine Comfort"
64. דכת (DALET KAF TAV) - "Source of Tranquility"
65. דלע (DALET LAMED AYIN) - "Harbinger of Hope"
66. דלח (DALET LAMED CHET) - "Gateway to Healing"
67. דלמ (DALET LAMED MEM) - "Bearer of Light"
68. דלי (DALET LAMED YOD) - "Path of Enlightenment"
69. דמע (DALET MEM AYIN) - "Source of Comfort"
70. דמה (DALET MEM HEY) - "Healing Presence"
71. דמי (DALET MEM YOD) - "Eternal Comfort"
72. דשי (DALET SHIN YOD) - "Sheltering Grace"