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Working with money and the moon


Jul 23, 2023
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Role in relation to conservative (essential) depth of government; about people closer in personal life
banking and shopping:
Think about 252 for banking and 324 for shopping. The work here is to blessing the items for integrating them to your body.

Role in relation to liberal (extra) depth of government; about other people
Investing and reaping:
This is somewhat the opposite. Think about 252 for deciding investment and 324 for flourishing of what’s invested.
The work here is for blessing the corporation and its goods so that all things are attractive in good condition.

162 full moons in 12 years so 324 in 24 years. The full moon is superconcentration of action and the overall 63s points are abstraction for learning the field of correspondence.
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If not money then perhaps energy and how to use it, or things happening and what can be effected and caused.
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energy and how are submissive to nature/consciousness models. working with happenings and cause and effect is acting dominant to them by strategy/technique. one might say.
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By the 12 year method of witch and sorceress, there are in a way of counting it, a 144 for each of the mages per 12 years so after 24 years there are 4 144s total which is a great perception of these methods for one whole gathering of plotting and strategizing.
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the 63s are like planes of life intelligence more primordial than the active level of 81. The first and third 63 can fit in the first and third 81 full moons perhaps attracted from the wizard while the sorcerer is more subtly worked at the basic level, and the second and fourth 63 can fit in the second and fourth 81 full moons which is attracting the focus of yourself’s intelligence as a sorcerer as the intensity throughout time is developing at the second half of a 12 years while the wizard is the fading focus because the majority of the wizard shade of work could be already finished.
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One might want to add the 63s accumulatively and use the 81s separate while the fourth is overall by the levels of 27 making 81, and those job can be like a chaos mage overall, while even the entire first 162 full moons of 12 years could be done in this method as the wizard in the most primordial deepness second to the chaos mage here while moments in the present may be chaos mage like as well as well as possibly very totally wizard or sorcerer, and the second 12 years though half is wizard and half is sorcerer, could be more sorcerer.
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…those all* can be like a chaos mage overall. *
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The moon alignments are not exact but can be helpful
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Though after 24 years, 162 moon orbits would be about the equinox between the wizard and sorcerer
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