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[Opinion] Changing the external physical world via magick

Everyone's got one.


May 10, 2022
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from my experience most ppl do magick
to change themselves to ascend.

but if I wanna physically externally change the world for crowds of ppl how should
it be done?

if we assume this world is just an illusion,
then why is it so hard to manipulate
on a macro scale?

I think it’s cuz of tech that restricts the
possible in this world: cameras watching
comm tech connecting ppl over large distances etc

the 3 major religions were established when
ppl were more gullible & there was much less tech around.

I wonder: can we have the best of 2 worlds-
the tech 1 & the magical 1?

should large scale macro changes in a short period of time be possible like the parting of the red sea / or it would make the world too chaotic?

is magick too elitist /tech democratic?

what other questions can u think of?


May 7, 2022
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i believe there must be a price paid for changing this c.u. & it’s very steep
Perhaps it will be a price paid in blood, perhaps it will be a price paid in denial and mental shock, perhaps it will be a price paid in time wasted, or perhaps there won't be a price to pay, but rather a sudden insight/realization that will turn the wheels into another direction.

A change on the "unconscious status quo" that might be the answer for humanity to get itself out of the mud.

We won't know until it happens, IF it happens in this lifetime(or at all).

Because at the end of the day, it is still much easier for a fish to go against the flow of the river, rather than change the entire flow of it(I mean, the river changing it's flow by itself or through the influence of the fish).
Even if it is hard for the fish, the fish can change itself, the river cannot.

The river just is as it is.
Sep 9, 2021
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from my experience most ppl do magick
to change themselves to ascend.

but if I wanna physically externally change the world for crowds of ppl how should
it be done?

if we assume this world is just an illusion,
then why is it so hard to manipulate
on a macro scale?

I think it’s cuz of tech that restricts the
possible in this world: cameras watching
comm tech connecting ppl over large distances etc

the 3 major religions were established when
ppl were more gullible & there was much less tech around.

I wonder: can we have the best of 2 worlds-
the tech 1 & the magical 1?

should large scale macro changes in a short period of time be possible like the parting of the red sea / or it would make the world too chaotic?

is magick too elitist /tech democratic?

what other questions can u think of?
Magick is very much elitist. It seems to have been throughout world history. It doesn't mean others cannot practice, it just means these others have developed inner plane contacts loyal to them.

I don't believe I'm better than anyone with magic. I figure the universe in my case rolls the dice to see if I win, if not all goes to the house.

I think at the end of the day, you should review your past til now, and ask what in and through Magick alone have you obtained or achieved?

I've only once or twice found "free" money at my feet. All else I just figured was normal kindness from family. Do to ask myself if Magick has helped me obtain money, honestly id answer yes, but has not made me wealthy. Other things besides money make me wealthy.


May 10, 2022
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I believe there’re enough entities fixing the world @Diluculo_DelFuego we need to break it to create energy for change

if we break the physical earth well enough the watchers will find ways to fix it.

no need to be good, ppl just take advantage

beware the kindness of strangers


May 7, 2022
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Magick is very much elitist.
Makes sense if you stop to think that, in the far past, priests were the only ones with access to education, and magick demands one to be able to read, write and understand.

This hasn't changed much(what changed was that basic education became more spread), for some works you need to know the right languages, buy expensive books or even chose between having time to learn or use that time to work in order to pay the bills.


Internet Forum NPC
Apr 17, 2022
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Like I said earlier I think it's a lot easier to create change on a large scale than people think.

It's like look at people who already do this. What do they have in common? Take Trump for example. You may or may not like him but he was a good showman. He used rhetoric to manipulate the masses. And he created change.

On a much smaller scale look at Koetting. He's was a good showman and he manipulated the masses with rhetoric. Because of him we still see all the stupid all hail king paimon threads on Reddit Facebook etc.. And because of him most people who call themselves lhp worship spirits from the goetia. I know it's lame but since 2013 he changed how people view the lhp.

So now the question is how? Well first it takes honesty with yourself. Are you charismatic? Are you good with people?

If not then you can fine tune this magically. Deific masks are perfect for this situation.

The Deific Mask is the symbol and archetype of the God, Goddess or Demon which the Black Adept wears to access this specific type of energy; absorbing and compelling the power to become form in the reality we so choose. We do not become the Deific Mask; we seek to become our own unique divinity of energy in form. - Michael Ford
Sep 9, 2021
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Okay. I will really bite on this for real.
Changing the external world via Magick.

My number one concern is global warming/climate change. I won't see it. Nor do I have any generation under me. I am the last of my paternal line. Not my absolute choice though most of the choice was mine.
I digress. We have little time and no options but to disavow free market systems and capitalism to throw away consumer technology and worthless shit that harms the planet and the human race in the process.

So what do I, this budding Ipsissimus of a Neophyte, do about this dastardly problem?

Number one, with a divided kingdom, you don't stand.
So you need hard pipe hitting spirits that punch like the well-reknowned "Giver of Breath".

Number two: Disrupt.
COVID helped actually. It shut the human race down for a minimum 24 hours, in which nature immediately repaired itself. The one criticism of this solution is that it took the innocent away rather than the people responsible for the earth messes.

Number 3: Discover and make public the actual bottom feeder layers say five, of the people responsible and work bottom up.

Or. Use Magick. Either way actually. You imagination and passion and motivation are your only limits.

Work with air and water elementals to create ice wind cyclones in the Arctic absolute 0 lat long.

Introduce water sprayed from the sky over that point, to further cool the air.

Cause all wind to move north during the night hours.

Create "events" which force humans to daily shut down their factories for hours.


May 10, 2022
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Okay. I will really bite on this for real.
Changing the external world via Magick.

My number one concern is global warming/climate change. I won't see it. Nor do I have any generation under me. I am the last of my paternal line. Not my absolute choice though most of the choice was mine.
I digress. We have little time and no options but to disavow free market systems and capitalism to throw away consumer technology and worthless shit that harms the planet and the human race in the process.

So what do I, this budding Ipsissimus of a Neophyte, do about this dastardly problem?

Number one, with a divided kingdom, you don't stand.
So you need hard pipe hitting spirits that punch like the well-reknowned "Giver of Breath".

Number two: Disrupt.
COVID helped actually. It shut the human race down for a minimum 24 hours, in which nature immediately repaired itself. The one criticism of this solution is that it took the innocent away rather than the people responsible for the earth messes.
the solution has got to be bio a virus Covid is just the beginning the # of dead is much higher than they say. Again humans caused this & paying the pric. again it’s summer ppl fly to holidays to cheap countries without vaccines get new Covid strains sit without masks in the airplanes spread the disease u understand

it’s simple arithmetic the numbers will solve everything

china is the biggest pollute of the world & they’ll fall


May 7, 2022
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china is the biggest pollute of the world & they’ll fall
They're already falling since...2020?Maybe a few years back?

Ever since we were told of the beginning of the pandemic, China(or should I say, the CCP) has been given many, many signs(bad omens), but they seem to brush it off.

What other signs do they expect?Do they need to have an immortal descend from the Heavens?The four sacred beasts appearing "in the flesh"?Do they need to see ghosts walking around the streets?

And all of that willing ignorance has a heavy price.

For example, the loss of farm lands and many lives during that period where most of China seemed to be getting under the water(the massive floods, due in part to nature but also due to humanity as it was said that to avoid the break down of the reservatories they opened up the doors/gates to let the water flow down).

China has long since had an issue of deep rooted corruption of the society itself(probably due after Mao or the CCP decided to get rid of China's history and its religions).They suffer from even fake food and fake buildings(a.k.a. tofu dregs), at this point there is really nothing that redeems the country, it's people, and even less it's government.

They're so far gone and into the precipice that honestly...I don't see China recovering from it until it either gets rid of the CCP...or until it loses much more people to what is happening and what is to come...
Sep 9, 2021
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It would even be a magickal miracle to see overnight, the CCP adopting Democratic Socialism; as well as promising to end all fossil fuel programs and sell it's nukes to the highest bidder.


Aug 31, 2021
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Magical flows can be dangerous

A couple of years ago, some women in a card playing group were sending heavy emotional energies to me. As they were somewhat adverse, I reversed their flows so that they were the targets.

One gave up in 24 hours but the other was of stronger stuff and resisted her own attack for several days.

After that they no longer attended the group


Jun 30, 2021
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Hehehe, of course they left. You thought them how to create a feedbackloop. Now they regroup and can do it themselves.

Forget charlies hooks, lets become the ladies of the apocalypse and take over the 4 corners of the world by doing that in a circle. You know, that strange circle with corners has a mum: the whore of bab-el-eaon,who rides beasts with a septenairy system and lets the males give birth to abominations of the truth.

Now, lets see what an eye for an eye can do...


May 10, 2022
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I’m glad that my topic is generating much interest & I’d like to hear all opinion even those who r the polar opposite to me