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[Help] Is the U.S.A a corporation?

Someone's asking for help!
Feb 26, 2023
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From the Legal Information Institute and
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in 28 U.S. Code § 3002 it states that the United states is a federal corporation. Although a federal corporation and commercial corporation, I'd like to know if it's still considered a corporation. I understand there are many loop holes in the law, corruption, false/propaganda news and many other countless scandals in this country. But I just want an answer, even if the answer outweighs the against or for by a bit, I'll take it.

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Foundation for Truth in Law
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United States is a corporation

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Jun 30, 2021
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Ugh stalking i just went universal mosque, what black hole did you just destroy?
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What i mean is:
How can something existing be dependent on some written words to exist?
How can nature be legal or illigal?
How can a such a thing work if one doesnt believe in that particular system?
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Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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what black hole did you just destroy?
All of them, in the future. Actually, I just hedged my bets on the theory that the Universe will run out of fuel for star making while it expands and becomes nothing but cannibalistic black holes that evaporate into a credit crisis.

How can something existing be dependent on some written words to exist?
My understanding is this the real mechanism of "Science." Like money, it is not "real", though it "exists".

How can a such a thing work if one doesnt believe in that particular system?
If I recall correctly, Anton LaVey answered that question simply: Lots and lots of guns.

But I just want an answer, even if the answer outweighs the against or for by a bit, I'll take it.
The Alpha and Omega of understanding the US as a "corporation":
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Feb 26, 2023
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the world is run by pirates, dont be drawn in by the semblance of law and order, those are snares for the unaware, pirates dont follow rules
Well I have to play by their rules or I won't be able to beat them legally, I stand no chance against them and in a court if law I would easily be arrested. I'd rather beat them at their own game that already has enough loop holes for themselves to go through without detection. So the reason I posted, which I should have been more clear about, is to stop paying taxes. Because I simply don't agree with what they do with them and to help some friends that I know of so they be more financially stable. I lost all faith and trust in this country but it also gives me more of an incentive to try and win against them "legally". There is also the subject of Cestui Que trusts, social security, legal defintions such as the difference between a United States Citizen and a American National, and birth certificates that I also am trying to understand because the goverment might just see as nothing more than a stock/piece of paper.

If you want to know where I got this idea and information from, here are the links below. Keep in mind the man in the first video was arrested for these reasons and as well as some other controversies with both sides going back and forth with each other if you just search up his name and then exposed. I just like to take as much of informstion as i can from each video to maybe find a middle ground for no longer paying taxes.
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Anyways here are the videos:

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the world is run by pirates, dont be drawn in by the semblance of law and order, those are snares for the unaware, pirates dont follow rules
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the world is run by pirates, dont be drawn in by the semblance of law and order, those are snares for the unaware, pirates dont follow rules
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Jun 12, 2023
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Well, it is fact that our social security numbers are traded on a market, so I would venture to say yes.
You can become a non citizen if you so choose, but that denies you most everything.
It is true that it is a corporation. I don't have the time tonpresent all the links and arguments for my point. Getting your info from USA Today and Google is not really digging into the truth. We the people is a completely different entity than the government. When is the last time your vote really counted? As a famous comedian once said, "It's a big club and you ain't in it."
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Well I have to play by their rules or I won't be able to beat them legally, I stand no chance against them and in a court if law I would easily be arrested. I'd rather beat them at their own game that already has enough loop holes for themselves to go through without detection. So the reason I posted, which I should have been more clear about, is to stop paying taxes. Because I simply don't agree with what they do with them and to help some friends that I know of so they be more financially stable. I lost all faith and trust in this country but it also gives me more of an incentive to try and win against them "legally". There is also the subject of Cestui Que trusts, social security, legal defintions such as the difference between a United States Citizen and a American National, and birth certificates that I also am trying to understand because the goverment might just see as nothing more than a stock/piece of paper.

If you want to know where I got this idea and information from, here are the links below. Keep in mind the man in the first video was arrested for these reasons and as well as some other controversies with both sides going back and forth with each other if you just search up his name and then exposed. I just like to take as much of informstion as i can from each video to maybe find a middle ground for no longer paying taxes.
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Anyways here are the videos:

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I agree, but try backing out of paying thr pitates known as the IRS. The Federal Reserve is not Federal and is a private bank. The world is far different than what most people realize. One day I oozed around and realized that I like most people believe what I'm told is there and see things because that's what I've been told. Most people don't believe in magic and the spirit world. But those of us that know, know the world operates much differently than most if us have been taught growing up. This applies to corporeal world as much as the spirit world.
Sep 9, 2021
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Well, I stated what I know. Taking my word on it would be an appeal to authority anyway, not to mention I am an authority on nada.


Aug 17, 2023
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From the Legal Information Institute and
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in 28 U.S. Code § 3002 it states that the United states is a federal corporation. Although a federal corporation and commercial corporation, I'd like to know if it's still considered a corporation. I understand there are many loop holes in the law, corruption, false/propaganda news and many other countless scandals in this country. But I just want an answer, even if the answer outweighs the against or for by a bit, I'll take it.

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Foundation for Truth in Law
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United States is a corporation

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How would knowing help? When the serpent coils around your neck is no time to be asking, "Boa constrictor or anaconda?"


Sep 4, 2023
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It's initial name was the Virginia Company and it is owned by the British Crown and the Vatican, who receive their yearly share of the profits.

But all Nations infact you could say are just a Holding Company masquerading behind the name 'government'


Aug 17, 2023
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The Fed controls U.S. money policy. International finance controls the Fed. National sovereignty was whored away a century and more ago. The Bank of England was set up to burgle the British bung long before that. This is an old, old story. At his trial by the Reds, Von Ungern-Sternberg claimed it went back to Babylon of old. (The mother of all "discredited conspiracy theories," no?)