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questions regarding the astral


Mar 2, 2024
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Let's say I were to astral project.
1. Can I talk with spirits in the astral?
2. If so, can a spirit cut my chord that connects me to my body?
3. Can I make a deal with a spirit that can allow me to reincarnate in a different body with my choice of physical features?
I wish to reincarnate as a 6'6 Nordic athlete. Do y'all think this can be arranged?


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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I'm starting to notice a trend in your posts...

Also, what you seek from them isn't feasible.Life isn't like an isekai manga where once you're dead you will reincarnate(with all your memories, might I add) just as you wish for.You could end up in a worse body, a sick body, and what then?
"The healthy man has thousands of wishes, but the sick man only has one wish."

You might not be a "6'6 Nordic athlete" but you can still workout to develop an athletic body, even if the height might not be what you desire.The question is, "are you willing to put in the work or not"?


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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The best I can offer you is a reading list:

The Projection Of The Astral Body by Sylvan J Muldoon and Hereward Carrington
The Journeys Trilogy by Robert A. Monroe
Beyond the Occult by Colin Wilson

These aren't specifically books on magic, so you won't find them shared in this forum, but they are easy to find and read on archive dot org. You have to decide what to believe.


Mar 2, 2024
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You might not be a "6'6 Nordic athlete" but you can still workout to develop an athletic body, even if the height might not be what you desire.The question is, "are you willing to put in the work or not"?
I have indeed put in some work and gained a significant amount of muscle on my frame, but I can't do some things I wish to since I'm too short and my clavicles aren't wide enough according to my own standards. I wished to go d1 in football but that goal is simply too farfetched compared to my peers and how many other people wish to do the same. I could put all my effort into it but I'm afraid it'll simply not be worth it since it is kinda too late considering d1 athletes start young.
You could end up in a worse body, a sick body, and what then?
I suppose I could redo the same plan until success is achieved but I assume I probably won't retain the knowledge of past lives if reincarnation were to be real.


Sep 1, 2023
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Let's say I were to astral project.
1. Can I talk with spirits in the astral?
2. If so, can a spirit cut my chord that connects me to my body?
3. Can I make a deal with a spirit that can allow me to reincarnate in a different body with my choice of physical features?
I wish to reincarnate as a 6'6 Nordic athlete. Do y'all think this can be arranged?
1. Yes
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. 6'6 Nordic athletes aren't miraculously made happy by this fact. (Also do you really want the life of an athlete? Spending all your time training for the sport and having no time to just play videogames with friends, and being super careful about your diet? There's a reason most of aren't athletes: we don't like exercise enough to make it our full-time job. Do you want it to be your full time job? I dunno maybe you do want that. It doesn't make much difference since it's not possible, but I just wondered)

I'm sorry, I know this sucks, but you have to play the hand you're dealt. I sincerely believe that every person has the potential to be an expanded and glorious and gorgeous version of themself, and that they get there by accepting who they are and working with that individual self to make it flourish

People trying to make themselves into an expanded and glorious and gorgeous version of someone else end up curled-in and bitter and stymied.

That doesn't mean "don't work on yourself" - I don't think people are automatically gorgeous and glorious, it takes work - but it does mean improving the self you already have instead of wasting your life trying to swap it for a different one


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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I can't do some things I wish to since I'm too short and my clavicles aren't wide enough according to my own standards
If you can't do all you wanted then you adapt your wishes to what you can do and be.
Not the most fulfilling option for most people but sometimes in life we can't be wishful, we gotta be realistic.
What about trying other sports like rugby?Or soccer(a.k.a. actual Football)?


Jul 2, 2022
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I wish to reincarnate as a 6'6 Nordic athlete. Do y'all think this can be arranged?

I suppose I could redo the same plan until success is achieved but I assume I probably won't retain the knowledge of past lives if reincarnation were to be real.
See the problem. You are grasping on ifs, and those are some big ifs.

Number one: If reincarnation is real,
Number two: If I could retain my memories to next life,
Number three: Pacts are totally a thing,
Number four: There is a spirit that can arrange all of this for me.

The chances got astronomically low here.

Lets say all of that happened, wonder ehat the spirit would want in its end of the bargain. A lifetime devotion maybe?

2. If so, can a spirit cut my chord that connects me to my body?
I hope no such spirit exists unless I am on my dying bed and the chord is thin as a hair by that point. Maybe there are methods of projection without a chord but Idk.


Jan 26, 2024
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Let's say I were to astral project.
1. Can I talk with spirits in the astral?
2. If so, can a spirit cut my chord that connects me to my body?
3. Can I make a deal with a spirit that can allow me to reincarnate in a different body with my choice of physical features?
I wish to reincarnate as a 6'6 Nordic athlete. Do y'all think this can be arranged?

Should be possible. And you don't need the assistance of a spirit or entity.

According to Krsna in the Bhagavad-Gita Ch. 2 Verse 22

As a person sheds worn-out garments and wears new ones, likewise, at the time of death, the soul casts off its worn-out body and enters a new one.

However it does state at death. But, I'm currently working out what astral projection really is, (free from all those confused visions and fantasies floating around) how to induce it guranteed and how to stop it. Currently I'm convinced that astral projection is in reality, sending a request to the "samsara reincarnation matrix" to initiate the process, however since your body is still functional and you are still connected to it your soul wont get "reprocessed". So you can get out of your body, interact in real time with the world and so on and get back. Thats just my current working assumption which can change.

I know from certain Hermetic operations that you can also get yourself into bodies of other people without dying first with similar methods. And I was able to see from the eyes of others before during remote viewing. So it must be possible.

So based on these assumptions yes should be able to get the desired body. The body From someone else though. Which raises concerns. Perhaps if someone would want to commit suicide you could instead offer to repurpose his body like this.

But all this is quite high in terms of magic and I don't know if this is still possible in the current age of Kali.
It's easier to cause someone to have a stroke than this^ and this operation is already something almost unachievable for the magus of today.


Jan 19, 2022
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Let's say I were to astral project.
1. Can I talk with spirits in the astral?
2. If so, can a spirit cut my chord that connects me to my body?
3. Can I make a deal with a spirit that can allow me to reincarnate in a different body with my choice of physical features?
I wish to reincarnate as a 6'6 Nordic athlete. Do y'all think this can be arranged?

1. Yes

2. No

3. No - You can only choose how you reincarnate by Completely finishing the 'Work'. In my path that is reaching Kether on the Tree of Life.

The thing is though once you reach that point of willfully making the choice to come back you won't even be concerned with the specifics of how you reincarnate from an aesthetic view. You'll only be coming back to help others reach that same level of attainment.


Nov 20, 2023
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Let's say I were to astral project.
1. Can I talk with spirits in the astral?
2. If so, can a spirit cut my chord that connects me to my body?
3. Can I make a deal with a spirit that can allow me to reincarnate in a different body with my choice of physical features?
I wish to reincarnate as a 6'6 Nordic athlete. Do y'all think this can be arranged?
1. Yes, but they may lie, mislead you, refuse to answer, or simply make no sense.

2. Not easily, but it doesn't really matter - the silver cord is essentially a safety tether for beginners - kind of like training wheels for a push bike - once you know what you are doing, you don't really need it.

3. Yes you can, but there is no way to ensure that it is able, or willing, to deliver on the deal once you're dead, and no way of knowing whether or not you have already tried this, since your memories will not pass on intact.

4. How would anyone know - you memories don't carry-over, so there is no way of checking if anything you try actually works.


Aug 17, 2023
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Let's say I were to astral project.
1. Can I talk with spirits in the astral?
2. If so, can a spirit cut my chord that connects me to my body?
3. Can I make a deal with a spirit that can allow me to reincarnate in a different body with my choice of physical features?
I wish to reincarnate as a 6'6 Nordic athlete. Do y'all think this can be arranged?
I recall in The Matrix some guy tried to cut a deal with Agent Smith, just like this. I think Smith agreed, in principle. But practical problems intervened.

Seriously, though, what's in it for the spirit? Can you pay that tariff and do you want to?


Nov 4, 2023
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I tend to the view that Remanifestation occurs among our descendants.

Either way, your best option is to work with what you are at this moment. You may not wake up a strapping Nord but you can align with the qualities which are materialised in that image. Perhaps in a way that many who are close to the physical image have forgotten. I'm three inches shy of your desired height and my grandmother was Norwegian; the suicide rates up there are extreme and it's rarely done for noble reasons. Nobody talks themselves out of it by thinking "Well, at least I'm tall and blonde".

Magic is the art of altering our destiny, but that occurs within a framework of forces/gods which we cannot control. There are things we cannot change. Take it from one who, as a younger magician, made his dreams come true, vanquished enemies and transformed himself beyond recognition, yet who discovered that he wasn't quite the Greatest Power in the Universe™ while lying across a floor in the early hours of the morning, pathetically, powerlessly bargaining with heedless Death as It came to claim his cat.

Accepting the cards we are dealt and playing them as well as we can is an essential lesson. Not accepting them makes everything harder as our mind becomes filled with fantasies of "what could have been" but was never going to be.

Work with the body and the life that you have. If you want to become Nordic, develop self-control (including emotional control) and restraint, actively practice virtue and honour, learn how to use money wisely, defend animals and nature, be of use to the world. If there is a principle which governs rebirth, it will bestow upon your soul what it needs next time around. If there isn't, you'll have still been a person of quality.


Mar 2, 2024
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Seriously, though, what's in it for the spirit? Can you pay that tariff and do you want to?
I was thinking maybe I could worship said spirit for the entirety of my lifetime in the next body and die at 30 then serve said spirit in some way but not sure if that'd be something doable.


Nov 20, 2023
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I was thinking maybe I could worship said spirit for the entirety of my lifetime in the next body and die at 30 then serve said spirit in some way but not sure if that'd be something doable.
So you want to die at 30, and then spend eternity as a slave?
Why would anyone want to do that?

You need to raise the bar set yourself better life-goals, because as ambitions go, yours sucks.