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Success Story Success in creating a basic geomancy reading

A post about how a spell, ritual, or other type of magick worked.
Sep 9, 2021
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The question was "Will Qabalah reveal a personal mystery to me?"
The figures were drawn semi slow so as to not count the number of dots or dashes, but to simply count the line numbers. Then each line in turn was totalled and marked odd or even, and the figures constructed:
Figure 1 - Fortuna Minor
Figure 2 - Conjunctio
Figure 3 - Populus
Figure 4 - Via
Air, Earth, Water, Water.

Thank you to the Elohim.

Fortuna Minor is Sol in Leo
Conjunctio is Mercury in Virgo
Populus is Luna in Cancer
Via is Luna in Cancer.

Manifested thought driven by sets of emotions. Honor, riches and travels.

At least, part one of four, as these are the Four Mothers.
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