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Thanks/Praise Duchess Gremory Helped me by sending me a short story

Giving thanks or praise to a diety, spirit, or any other entity.
Jan 14, 2024
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A special thanks to Gremory for helping me. I started working with Duchess Gremory ( A Duke to some people) this year. But I found her in an interesting way a few years ago. At the time, I was on Facebook. I had a sudden urge to write a short story. I'm used to using FB to write " only me " posts. I like to do this when the energy is high like around holiday seasons. I like the feeling of being in the midst of all the energy of social media ,if the energy feels pleasant,
Plus, writing can be lonely work. So, when I write on Facebook, I feel less alone. I'm not a short story writer by trade. I like to write out my thoughts .So, it was interesting to me that I would feel an urge to write a story. anyway, I wrote the story. The story was about someone named Gremory. I didn't remember hearing this name before. At the time, I was not trying to study Are Goetia or learn about demons.

The story was short. Since I didn't know where I got the name " Gremory" from. I did a brief Google search and didn't see anything at the time. There's lots of information about Gremory but I just did't see it at the time. The storyline of the main character Gremory fit my life. and had hidden in it, some answers I needed but didn't know I needed . I shared the story with a friend who said they would love to know how the story ended.

My character in the story was a person who lived high in the hills of some foreign country. He was a loner, hermit type who had a backstory that would have explained his circumstances. He was also male and I'm a female. But he had a long lost daughter he had lost contact with. The story turned out to be about 500 words. I soon forgot about the story until...

Flashforward 2024:

I found a demon named Gremory. I began studying this demon. I used my connection with Lucifer from the Book: Lucifer and the Hidden Demons to ask Lucifer about Gremory. Lucifer explained that I could write a pathworking by myself to contact her along with him. Lucifer also revealed that the Duchess Gremory had already contacted me through the story I had written years ago. It was about 7 or so years ago that I wrote the story on Fb, I would have to check.
So, I contact Gremory using a patchworking that included a palace in the dessert. I spotted her inside the palace siting on a thorn with a crown on. We spoke, I greeted her as Gremory. She nodded her head to me and kindly said: It's Duchess Gremory, and " yes" I sent you the story.
As I proceeded with the contact, Duchess Gremory seemed to send some images of my life as a child into my head, and finally I understood what the story meant and the kinds of issues we would work together on. I've been working with her a few months now.

I thank Duchess Gremory for her continues help in the areas of love, finance, and finding hidden treasure. This is an amazing journey. The Duchess Grimory said to tell you that when it comes to love, she can help with all types of love from romantic to friendship. This includes evaluating your own feelings about yourself. I think she's a demon for anyone to contact who wants what she can help with.
Thanks for reading!
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Correction: Duchess Gremory was sitting on a THRONE, not a thorn.
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I hope I put this in the right place for Thanks and Praise...
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