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Lets talk serious energy manipulation


Aug 2, 2022
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Even though my username might sound cringy to some, I believe George Lucas stumbled on something serious before he wrote fiction about the Force.

Yes, there are aspects of similar energy mass that can be controlled, but not in the way you think.

Our mind can be a powerful weapon and by mind I don't mean thoughts. I mean the vast energy impulses that can be emitted from it.

Visualize crown chacra. Now visualize Tesla's coil. Powerful emotions can form a pressure that builds up in the frontal lobe of your brain. Now release that pressure in a powerful burst. Observe reactions of surrounding people.

This is not telekinesis. It might become it, who knows. I haven't discovered it through my own experiences.

This is pure chaos unleashed, affecting mostly people within a 100 yard radius. That's my experience. I have had this for over 15 years.


May 26, 2022
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Have you attempted to refine this ability into a skill that can be applied to various practical situations, perhaps where a more delicate touch than a 100 yard radius is required?


Aug 2, 2022
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Have you attempted to refine this ability into a skill that can be applied to various practical situations, perhaps where a more delicate touch than a 100 yard radius is required?
Can you elaborate on which practical situations you have in mind other than the selective impulse targeting?

I have tried. It's by far mostly spontaneous and instantaneous, which makes it difficult to control.

The easiest part is controlling the impulse flow direction. Essentially I can select a person with whom I spoke a while ago for example. Familiarity makes it a lot easier.


May 26, 2022
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Can you elaborate on which practical situations you have in mind other than the selective impulse targeting?

I was hoping you would. In these 15 years what have you used this for? It must be more than just - BAM! - did you see those people fidget?


Aug 2, 2022
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I was hoping you would. In these 15 years what have you used this for? It must be more than just - BAM! - did you see those people fidget?
If I have a direct visual on them, yes indeed. An interesting phenomenon is them looking around and trying to find the source. But even without the visual, the most common reactions are coughing, clearing throat or similar. Some are resistant and seem immune. I've once heard an ex colonel say that he felt like a ghost had passed through him.

Most of the time, this thing has felt like a curse. There's no real benefit to it.

I've once experimented. One night I was in a lodge in a state of excitement. I had accomplished something great. That triggered a powerful wave of impulses all around as I could hear people reacting in neighboring rooms. Curiously I decided to focus on what I assumed to be a young couple across the yard in another guest wing, the noises of whom I could hear from the window.

I just let it rev up full throttle. It resulted in a heated argument between the couple.

The "climax", when I reached the ultimate potential of constant form of impulse, was when I suddenly heard a woman scream in an inhumane voice. As if she was burned alive. That's when I toned it down.


May 26, 2022
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If I have a direct visual on them, yes indeed. An interesting phenomenon is them looking around and trying to find the source. But even without the visual, the most common reactions are coughing, clearing throat or similar. Some are resistant and seem immune. I've once heard an ex colonel say that he felt like a ghost had passed through him.

Most of the time, this thing has felt like a curse. There's no real benefit to it.

I've once experimented. One night I was in a lodge in a state of excitement. I had accomplished something great. That triggered a powerful wave of impulses all around as I could hear people reacting in neighboring rooms. Curiously I decided to focus on what I assumed to be a young couple across the yard in another guest wing, the noises of whom I could hear from the window.

I just let it rev up full throttle. It resulted in a heated argument between the couple.

The "climax", when I reached the ultimate potential of constant form of impulse, was when I suddenly heard a woman scream in an inhumane voice. As if she was burned alive. That's when I toned it down.
I think I’m beginning to understand. Correct me if I’m wrong.
  • This is a spontaneous, perhaps even accidental, psychic explosion or impulse that occurs at times of heightened emotion
  • This impulse can be manipulated in the moment to target a specific person or persons
  • The effects of this impulse on the target(s) are seemingly random, but it most often incurs negative psychic effects
  • This method can be recreated (by you at least) through visualization and emotion-inducing techniques

Is this accurate?
Sep 9, 2021
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Some countries expect to be able to use such a weapon. Consider this aspect of things. Best of luck. Be careful.


Aug 2, 2022
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I think I’m beginning to understand. Correct me if I’m wrong.
  • This is a spontaneous, perhaps even accidental, psychic explosion or impulse that occurs at times of heightened emotion
  • This impulse can be manipulated in the moment to target a specific person or persons
  • The effects of this impulse on the target(s) are seemingly random, but it most often incurs negative psychic effects
  • This method can be recreated (by you at least) through visualization and emotion-inducing techniques

Is this accurate?
Pretty much. I would like to add an event that occurred to me about 11 years ago, at the risk of entering a grey area of credibility.

During my high school years in early 2000's I had discovered this ability through a traumatic event. The amount of stress school induced (causing constant disturbance in class rooms) lead to the following. I would be lying in my bed before going to sleep and and my "mind" would be "shooting" freely around the room. I would hear the sounds of compressed dry wood -> a creaking sound. As if someone would step on old wooden floor. I could make a similar sound come from a TV screen as if it's being compressed from both sides.

In 2011 I was having a rough patch. I constantly suffered from insomnia. This ability of mine was peaking in an odd occurrence that repeated a few times. I was sleeping on the floor in the living room (a serious insomnia). I had my laptop next to me on a standby mode. One of those old models that had loud fans. Standby mode means that when you open the lid, the fans and the screen display turn on and the computer springs to life.

I did ultimately fall asleep, but as I woke up, the first thing I heard was the laptop fan turning on. I've had several disputes with deniers of this event. But I'm restating it as I remember it. The first time it happened, it freaked me out. Because as I woke up I felt emitting the pulse of energy and a split second later I hear the laptop springing to life as if someone just opened it's lid.


Aug 2, 2022
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Some countries expect to be able to use such a weapon. Consider this aspect of things. Best of luck. Be careful.
For example the United States. Link:
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I have characterized this ability as a form of Psychokinesis.

I would like to explore any opportunity with caution.

Thank you for the word of warning.


May 26, 2022
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We have a member here - @Noth who has some nice little practices in a similar vein.
Check them out
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You might benefit from trying to pattern the energy with specific intents. Perhaps you could even turn the effects around to more positive ones, and give people a boost when they need it.

I’m interested in recreating this, so I’m going to pick your brain a bit to see if I can figure out some of the mechanics of it.

1. You say to visualize the crown chakra and a tesla coil. Is there anything else? Do you visualize the energy building and projecting? Have you tried a “launcher” besides a tesla coil?

2. The energy comes from strong emotions. How much do you build this up before seeing an effect? Can any emotions work? Can something beside emotion be used as an energy source?

3. Seems as if this affects biological organisms far more than surrounding matter or energy, although in the case of the laptop it influenced a nearby device. Was this ever replicated?

4. Have you ever come across someone else with this natural talent? Have you ever taught it

With a little luck I’ll be able to answer some of these myself, but it never hurts to start prepared. Thanks for sharing.


Aug 2, 2022
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We have a member here - @Noth who has some nice little practices in a similar vein.
Check them out
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You might benefit from trying to pattern the energy with specific intents. Perhaps you could even turn the effects around to more positive ones, and give people a boost when they need it.

I’m interested in recreating this, so I’m going to pick your brain a bit to see if I can figure out some of the mechanics of it.

1. You say to visualize the crown chakra and a tesla coil. Is there anything else? Do you visualize the energy building and projecting? Have you tried a “launcher” besides a tesla coil?

2. The energy comes from strong emotions. How much do you build this up before seeing an effect? Can any emotions work? Can something beside emotion be used as an energy source?

3. Seems as if this affects biological organisms far more than surrounding matter or energy, although in the case of the laptop it influenced a nearby device. Was this ever replicated?

4. Have you ever come across someone else with this natural talent? Have you ever taught it

With a little luck I’ll be able to answer some of these myself, but it never hurts to start prepared. Thanks for sharing.
1. To be exact, you don't need to visualize these to produce the effect. It's just to give you an idea of the mechanics I deem are behind it. It's more about feeling it rather than visualizing it under a light state of trance. A launcher doesn't describe it in this case.

2. When you are experiencing deep emotions, which are enough to imbalance your sensory state. AKA, you no longer experience the world just through your senses: eyes, ears, etc. You are fully immersed in these emotions. I would say the most efficient are: extreme exhilaration, shame, feeling of unfairness, anger, hatred and basically anything that is enough to tip you over when emphasized enough. These emotions are a perpetual energy source. When you get good enough, you can "mimic them" and produce a lighter version of the effect even without the emotions. However let me ask you this: have you ever felt physically differently around your head when walking under powerlines or near a transformer? Or in a lightning storm?

3. Correct. The laptop scenario was replicated twice. Unintended.

4. Yes. Actually even before I had it. I recall my younger brother had a friend, who caused a version of this disturbance, however my recollection of that is foggy. One thing is interesting. A while before acquiring this ability, I was in a train and had a conversation with a man who told me about energy vampirism and the blood types more prone for accomplishing it.

I have read an online article that mentioned sleep deprived airline pilots displaying a form of psychokinesis.

Be careful what you wish for. If you turn this on, you might not be able to turn it off. For me it has been more of a burden and a cause for social exile. I've never taught it to anyone.

If you really want to demonstrate this ability, pay attention to breathing. Lean to "breath with your mind, your emotions" by reaching out and retracing. Imagine waves hitting the beach.

Now let me address one of the first things you mentioned. IMO this can never be used in a positive way or as a boost to others. It's dark and sinister and sometimes leads you to archane reptilian instincts, when you just want to "finish someone off" like our earliest ancestors. It has zero to do with logic.

I'm happy to answer more questions, but be careful.


Aug 2, 2022
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To add to the previous post. Every person has their energetic sphere. Once you can feel that of others, you can disrupt it.

On a physical level your head is the conduit. You might feel a burning sensation near the areas of your scull when you got it going.


Aug 31, 2021
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It is common to have a friendly/implanted spirit that can manipulate energy flows. One of the learnings is controlling/modulating the spirit


Jun 30, 2021
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i have doen some healing sessions with ayahuasca and in my experience peoples head sort of explodes and creates chaos in the surrounding. i dont mind that, but ive learned that it can do strange things. so now when i notice someone becoming closer to chaos during a trip, i give them a book to read afterwards. its a simple book about reiki. the input alone helps the chaos become a more healing flow. still healing does also destroy, but now there is a higher goal put in place which helps to create the right dna- universe connection.

maybe an idea to look into reiki and create a healing weapon with it