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Can someone help me about a love - obsession spell?


Nov 29, 2022
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There is a guy that im really into and we are talking but we are nothing more than friends. He had so many girls around him and I want him to be obsessed with me. I have never done any spells before other than a honey love spell jar(made it for him) and I need help. Pls someone help…


Apr 16, 2021
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Don’t do it. Love binding goes against others free will and never ends well. It’s manufactured interest that dissolves the moment you stop feeding the work. It’s not a genuine interest as love should be. And the most dangerous love work on can do is obsession spells. That can grow into a real ugly situation where the person you made obsessed over you isn’t who you thought, or youre the one that loses interest, but now you have this person obsessing over you. That’s how you get stalkers or even worse.

If you’re absolutely fixated on having to do work, I would do it on yourself to help make you more visible or for road opening. The best result with love and magic come when the interest exists organically which you can then amplify with sweetening work.


May 10, 2022
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Don’t listen to the moralizing poster above me.

we manipulate people all the time: when you get promoted instead someone else, when you get a job, you understand where I’m going with this.

The best way to achieve lust/obsession from a target is by vamping them in the astral.

You should use his name and picture.

Are you interested in more details?


Apr 16, 2021
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Don’t listen to the moralizing poster above me.

we manipulate people all the time: when you get promoted instead someone else, when you get a job, you understand where I’m going with this.

The best way to achieve lust/obsession from a target is by vamping them in the astral.

You should use his name and picture.

Are you interested in more details?

You’re mistaking experience for moralizing. I’ve done much work like that for people in the past. But I learned that there are better approaches. More than half the requests you get from people when doing work for them is the same shit. “I want so and so to love me and be everything the think about”. 97% the relationship fell apart or ended up in a nasty situation. The moment I noticed my error and changed my approach, no one has come back with complaints over the years.

If someone’s looking for a quick bang with a person they’ve had the hots for, then mayyyybe domination work is effective. For love? Do you even understand what love is? It’s not forced for damn sure.


Apr 16, 2021
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I really don’t like posting on a thread after I just posted but I’ve been thinking about this one and see it as a good opportunity to explain some stuff.

Jk666, you’re not wrong when you say we “manipulate” people all the time. I can agree on that part. We do it when we meet new people so they like us (or not), we do it when selling, we do it when we want our way. That’s domination work.

But OP has “love” in their title, and they’ve come here for help with a concern. Maybe my approach of saying a straight out don’t do it could’ve been better, but honestly over time I see people asking stuff that shows that there’s a need for thinking about the repercussions better and I want to help guide them in the right direction. Especially when it comes to spiritual/magical methods. When someone says love, that should be taken seriously. Because it means that they in their heart feel that magnetism, that spark and light that love generates.

I think most people have encountered that sensation. Love at first sight, that feeling of loving someone without even really been given a chance to even talk. It baffles us yet it drives so much for a reason. It’s a unique cosmic mechanism. So when someone comes asking for help with love via obsession works, it throws a red flag up that anyone with good intentions and knowledge in the game would wanna try to help them steer away from. That applies to any other field/activity/hobby/etc.

First of all, this kind of work really needs a reading of some sort before doing absolutely anything. Anyone seeking to do work for themselves should put learning divination at the top of their priorities. Maybe OPs spirits, guides, whatever they work with dont want that relationship to happen? Maybe it hasn’t happened for a bunch of reasons we don’t know about because ultimately, on the internet they’re just a username with a post. We don’t know further details of the situation to just blindly suggesting to vamp them. What if the person they’re interested in is trash? You vamp them well garbage in, garbage out.

OP you do what you want at the end of the day. I suggest you start with a reading or get one done by someone. That’ll tell you if it’s even worth the effort. If so, really think about what you’re long term goal is with this person. If you see them as someone you want around for the rest of their life, try to find a way to make the love reciprocal. Much luck and good vibes to ya.


Nov 29, 2022
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Don’t listen to the moralizing poster above me.

we manipulate people all the time: when you get promoted instead someone else, when you get a job, you understand where I’m going with this.

The best way to achieve lust/obsession from a target is by vamping them in the astral.

You should use his name and picture.

Are you interested in more details?
I am interested for sure. Can u tell me more?


May 10, 2022
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@Zflpower ok, im assuming you don't know how to astro- project.

i can't teach that with one post, so we'll simplify it.

But, you have a burning desire, that's intent and that's most of magic.

Lie down on your bed, close your eyes. Imagine your crush. Now, imagine the two of you kissing, making love.

If you can imagine specific positions, then that would be optimal.

Do it every day at a specific time. This is crucial: for magic to work you must have consistency.

Now, to the baneful part: same thing with the 🛏️, but focus on the negative emotions of your potential partner being with other women, not seeing you as a woman in a sexual way. Feel the anger, frustration etc.

Each of these workings should take you no more rhan ten minutes per day, I'd start with five minutes each.

Do them for at least a week.

Keep me updated on how it goes.

Best of luck to you,


Nov 29, 2022
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@Zflpower ok, im assuming you don't know how to astro- project.

i can't teach that with one post, so we'll simplify it.

But, you have a burning desire, that's intent and that's most of magic.

Lie down on your bed, close your eyes. Imagine your crush. Now, imagine the two of you kissing, making love.

If you can imagine specific positions, then that would be optimal.

Do it every day at a specific time. This is crucial: for magic to work you must have consistency.

Now, to the baneful part: same thing with the 🛏️, but focus on the negative emotions of your potential partner being with other women, not seeing you as a woman in a sexual way. Feel the anger, frustration etc.

Each of these workings should take you no more rhan ten minutes per day, I'd start with five minutes each.

Do them for at least a week.

Keep me updated on how it goes.

Best of luck to you,
I’m not experienced and I’m so scared that some spirits will reach me out out of my will. I also found some spells and wanna do them. Lots of people on BALG says that calling out spirits would work but I really don’t know how to do it. I have a fear and I don’t wanna do anything wrong.


May 10, 2022
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Dealing with spirits is risky. They’re like people sometimes they backstab you.
How do you know the spirits will listen to you?

Guided imagery is much simpler, requires only the daydreaming skill most of us have and gets you what you want quicker.

Just try and see…


Apr 16, 2021
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Dealing with spirits is risky. They’re like people sometimes they backstab you.
How do you know the spirits will listen to you?

Guided imagery is much simpler, requires only the daydreaming skill most of us have and gets you what you want quicker.

Just try and see…

Daydreaming about having sex with someone isn’t going to make them obsessed. Nor did OP mention the word sex once. They even mentioned that they’re not even experienced. You think that someone who doesn’t have basic visualization skills is going to manifest love and obsession like that?

I’m not experienced and I’m so scared that some spirits will reach me out out of my will. I also found some spells and wanna do them. Lots of people on BALG says that calling out spirits would work but I really don’t know how to do it. I have a fear and I don’t wanna do anything wrong.
Calling the spirits that they mention on the BALG site is gonna bring you trouble if you’re
Calling the spirits they mention on BALG is gonna bring you unnecessary trouble if you’re not really experienced with this stuff. Candle magic is probably the best route for you. I can explain a ritual you can do but Ill let know right now it’s not for making him obsessed the way you’re thinking.

You need two glass encased candles. A red one to increase your own confidence and visibility, a yellow one for luck and to sweeten up any future interactions you might have. The “obsession” part you want is gonna have to come from you. Meaning, the way he sees you and the magnetism you’ll emanate is what’ll make him want you. That’s what the red candle will help with.

Youll also need honey, cinnamon, a large container with a flat bottom that can hold both candles. You’ll end up lighting the candles inside the container with water surrounding the candles. Once the candles are off you’ll use that water as a bath. There’s some other ingredients you’ll need but I’m not gonna go thru the effort of writing it all out if this message is gonna go in ear and out the other too. If you’re interested lmk and I’ll write it out.


May 10, 2022
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Daydreaming about having sex with someone isn’t going to make them obsessed. Nor did OP mention the word sex once.
It was implied she’s said they’re only friends, so she must want a physical relationship.

It’s only daydreaming, if done infrequently and without discipline. Have you tried it that you’re hating on it?

I call it creative/guided imagery and in my personal life it’s been very effective in the financial sphere.


Apr 16, 2021
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It was implied she’s said they’re only friends, so she must want a physical relationship.

It’s only daydreaming, if done infrequently and without discipline. Have you tried it that you’re hating on it?

I call it creative/guided imagery and in my personal life it’s been very effective in the financial sphere.
I’m not hating on visualization. It’s a hell of a technique and I’ve used it many times in the past and it can be really effective for manifestation. Especially when you add chaos magic techniques.

I’m just saying that OP specically wants this love/obsession hybrid thing that visualization isn’t strongest at. Implying a physical relationship can be faulty bc for all we know OP could be celibate, or is interested in more than physical intimacy. And even then, if they were to use visualization, physical relationships aren’t the only thing they should be visualizing based on their exact wording in the first post.

If they’re already friends, they should also be visualizing happy memories, experiencing the sensation of a deep connection, etc.


Nov 29, 2022
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Can u tell me more i am gonna buy red and yellow candle today. I can write his and my name on them tho if it’s gonna work. And I had his pencil so I can also use i.
Daydreaming about having sex with someone isn’t going to make them obsessed. Nor did OP mention the word sex once. They even mentioned that they’re not even experienced. You think that someone who doesn’t have basic visualization skills is going to manifest love and obsession like that?

Calling the spirits they mention on BALG is gonna bring you unnecessary trouble if you’re not really experienced with this stuff. Candle magic is probably the best route for you. I can explain a ritual you can do but Ill let know right now it’s not for making him obsessed the way you’re thinking.

You need two glass encased candles. A red one to increase your own confidence and visibility, a yellow one for luck and to sweeten up any future interactions you might have. The “obsession” part you want is gonna have to come from you. Meaning, the way he sees you and the magnetism you’ll emanate is what’ll make him want you. That’s what the red candle will help with.

Youll also need honey, cinnamon, a large container with a flat bottom that can hold both candles. You’ll end up lighting the candles inside the container with water surrounding the candles. Once the candles are off you’ll use that water as a bath. There’s some other ingredients you’ll need but I’m not gonna go thru the effort of writing it all out if this message is gonna go in ear and out the other too. If you’re interested lmk and I’ll write it out.
Post automatically merged:

I will also try this. It’s like manifesting I guess. Should I be dreaming what I want to do with him? And one more thing I’m scared that some spirits will reach out to me out of my will so could they?
It was implied she’s said they’re only friends, so she must want a physical relationship.

It’s only daydreaming, if done infrequently and without discipline. Have you tried it that you’re hating on it?

I call it creative/guided imagery and in my personal life it’s been very effective in the financial sphere.


May 10, 2022
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They could, but you don’t have to talk with them.

Yes, it’s not dreaming you need to make yourself believe it’s real: try to imagine the smell of his body, the feeling of touching him.
The whole nine yards.

Be specific. Be firm. Negative thinking will enter, but you must persevere.

With candles, fire safety first.
Sep 9, 2021
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I posteed a Venus oil recipe, try it on a magnet to draw the lover to be to you.


Apr 16, 2021
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Can u tell me more i am gonna buy red and yellow candle today. I can write his and my name on them tho if it’s gonna work. And I had his pencil so I can also use i.
Working right now but in a couple hours I can write it all out, including where to add your names and using his pencil.

The Venus oil with magnet Delfuego mentioned could also help amplify the work.


Nov 29, 2022
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Im waiting for u
Working right now but in a couple hours I can write it all out, including where to add your names and using his pencil.

The Venus oil with magnet Delfuego mentioned could also help amplify the work.


May 10, 2022
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Just to throw it out there: candle magic, incense, altars, offerings to entities is the road most traveled by and so if you’re not specifically good and/or experienced at it only gets average results.

Just like other areas in life, if you go with the crowd, you get average results.

I’m not saying do as I said, but at least explore other avenues for manifestation, like chaos/pop magic.

Going on the road less traveled by potentially offers greater rewards.
Sep 9, 2021
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I would say that if such spells are cast, no matter cause and effect, just that you dont lust for results. However, if you get no results, something is amiss.