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What's Your Thoughts on Worshipping Multiple Gods?


Oct 13, 2022
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For instance, what if one wanted to Worship God and Hekate?

This seems like a bad idea to Christian and Hekate followers but personally I feel that it would be okay as long as I find the time to spend with each one of them and with there own Altars. I'm not certain if its true or not but I read that God is a Jealous one and Hekate is demanding.

I don't think I'm willing to let either them go. What's your opinion on this matter?


Aug 31, 2021
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The god of the Jews was/is a jealous god and no doubt some other gods are also

Since the sons of the gods took the daughters of men as wives, at least some of the gods are genetically compatible with humans

In Sumer Lilith was notorious for collecting samples from human men

Some humans do like to worship/workshop for their gods. The god of the OT required large amounts of food and claimed all first born males as that. Later humans could pay priests so that their sons were not classified as food

From my perspective the standard human contains a thread of Beingness - from before Existence. That makes standard humans, at their most profound level, part of The Source of All - long before the concept of god appears


Aug 17, 2023
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I suppose that's a plus for the so-called Old Ones (a la Lovecraft): they don't give a red wet monkey's bum whether you worship them or not.


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Sep 27, 2021
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Hekate as the dark side of the Virgin Mary
That's cool man 😅 I didn't know that, but as I've written on here somewhere before, the little altar where I called Hekate has my old Mary statuette and I never sensed any conflict from it.


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Jul 3, 2023
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The added bonus of course would be that Mary is worshipped by billions of people while Hekate is hardly known to anyone outside occultism. I once heard (from practising Catholics) that the Church even became uneasy at times because of fanatical Mary worship in countries like Mexico or Poland, it seemed like a heathen mother cult to them.

So Hekate and Mary seem to get along fine... good to know. There is a lot of potential in Catholic saints, it's not just St. Cyprian and St. Expedite. I wonder if anybody has ever magically petitioned the Fourteen Holy Helpers for good health, for example?
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I feel that we should worship ourselves, because the Gods don't give a fuck about us.

Sir Terry Pratchett would probably have said: "Don't worship the gods, it only encourages them"


Jun 8, 2021
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The added bonus of course would be that Mary is worshipped by billions of people while Hekate is hardly known to anyone outside occultism. I once heard (from practising Catholics) that the Church even became uneasy at times because of fanatical Mary worship in countries like Mexico or Poland, it seemed like a heathen mother cult to them.

So Hekate and Mary seem to get along fine... good to know. There is a lot of potential in Catholic saints, it's not just St. Cyprian and St. Expedite. I wonder if anybody has ever magically petitioned the Fourteen Holy Helpers for good health, for example?
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Sir Terry Pratchett would probably have said: "Don't worship the gods, it only encourages them"
I shouldn't say that Gods don't give a fuck, because they do. But, it's the game they play amongst humans that makes them look like the Villains. Look at Lucifer, I Love Him, but He's a fuckin handful mother fucked. At least within me.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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For instance, what if one wanted to Worship God and Hekate?

This seems like a bad idea to Christian and Hekate followers but personally I feel that it would be okay as long as I find the time to spend with each one of them and with there own Altars. I'm not certain if its true or not but I read that God is a Jealous one and Hekate is demanding.

I don't think I'm willing to let either them go. What's your opinion on this matter?
You might want to look into the Chaldean Oracles for inspiration. This is actually, broadly speaking, a Roman system of theurgy with roots in Syria, but which heavily merged with the Platonic conception of God. The Oracles have also influenced Christian magic up into the modern day. Hekate is a major figure in the system - if not the central one - because She is the link between the Divine and the material world. In the Chaldean sense, Hekate is a salvation figure while also the giver of form to souls. So she is a "liminal" force - meaning the passage from this world to the higher world, and vice versa.

The Virgin Mary comparison is good, but one might also consider figures like the Gnostic Sophia as well.

I understand the tension with the concept of "God" and other deities. But a study of history and comparative religion can help ease that tension. The God of Abraham as presented to us over centuries started out very differently from the fusion with Platonic and Aristotelian conceptions that it merged with over time.
If you believe in God as the Source, the One, the All, and not just a tribal God with a vassal contract to a specific people, then you might see all the stories of wrath and vengeance and even Love as parables from which realizations can be drawn. I don't think taking this approach will give you leprosy or send a plague of locusts. The mythologies of "monotheists" and "polytheists" may differ in details, but there are always the same themes, cycles and heroic, and so on. It's a wide field of study, but my summation is essentially that no adoration is wasted if it leads to Wisdom.


Oct 13, 2022
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You might want to look into the Chaldean Oracles for inspiration. This is actually, broadly speaking, a Roman system of theurgy with roots in Syria, but which heavily merged with the Platonic conception of God. The Oracles have also influenced Christian magic up into the modern day. Hekate is a major figure in the system - if not the central one - because She is the link between the Divine and the material world. In the Chaldean sense, Hekate is a salvation figure while also the giver of form to souls. So she is a "liminal" force - meaning the passage from this world to the higher world, and vice versa.

The Virgin Mary comparison is good, but one might also consider figures like the Gnostic Sophia as well.

I understand the tension with the concept of "God" and other deities. But a study of history and comparative religion can help ease that tension. The God of Abraham as presented to us over centuries started out very differently from the fusion with Platonic and Aristotelian conceptions that it merged with over time.
If you believe in God as the Source, the One, the All, and not just a tribal God with a vassal contract to a specific people, then you might see all the stories of wrath and vengeance and even Love as parables from which realizations can be drawn. I don't think taking this approach will give you leprosy or send a plague of locusts. The mythologies of "monotheists" and "polytheists" may differ in details, but there are always the same themes, cycles and heroic, and so on. It's a wide field of study, but my summation is essentially that no adoration is wasted if it leads to Wisdom.
I'll do more research on this, thank you. :)
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I shouldn't say that Gods don't give a fuck, because they do. But, it's the game they play amongst humans that makes them look like the Villains. Look at Lucifer, I Love Him, but He's a fuckin handful mother fucked. At least within me.
Gods like conducting tests quite a lot. Testing your faith and your strength. Think of like they are battle hardening you, perhaps that's it.
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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Gods like conducting tests quite a lot.
This reminds me of Heinlein's book,
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Mr Koshchei: ‘Nothing- complex about it, Lucifer. For a creature to act out its own minor part, the rules under which it acts must be either known to it or be such that the rules can become known through trial and error – with error not always fatal. In short the creature must be able to learn and to benefit by its experience.’​
Lucifer: ‘Sir, that is exactly my complaint about my brother. See that record before You. Yahweh baited a trap and thereby lured this creature into a contest that it could not win then declared the game over and took the prize from it. And, although this is an extreme case, a destruction test, this nevertheless is typical of his treatment of all his volitionals. Games so rigged that his creatures cannot win. For six millennia I got his losers… and many of them arrived in Hell catatonic with fear – fear of me, fear of an eternity of torture. They can’t believe they’ve been lied to. My therapists have to work hard to reorient the poor slobs. It’s not funny.’​


Nov 1, 2023
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It really depends how the deities and/or panthea get along. I had some Egyptian statues around, and during a working with one of the Sumerian gods two of them fucking flew off their respective shelves and were both beheaded. Cue divine sniggering from within the circle.


Aug 17, 2023
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It really depends how the deities and/or panthea get along. I had some Egyptian statues around, and during a working with one of the Sumerian gods two of them fucking flew off their respective shelves and were both beheaded. Cue divine sniggering from within the circle.
Egyptian gods and Sumerian ones in the same room? Helpful hint for your next dinner party: do NOT seat the rabbi between the Palestinian activists.


Oct 13, 2022
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It really depends how the deities and/or panthea get along. I had some Egyptian statues around, and during a working with one of the Sumerian gods two of them fucking flew off their respective shelves and were both beheaded. Cue divine sniggering from within the circle.
That's what I was trying to work out with the Christian God and Hekate. I'm still not entirely sure if their energies would mix. As far as I am concerned. I can grab a table bless it with holy water and begin calling the Christian God for magical workings.

I've done some research on this subject, working with Hekate and the Christian God on the same Altar but come up empty. So I'm assuming this is something the majority of practitioners have never done.

With that in mind I can only assume that's a bad idea or perhaps not?..


Hekate is also called the mother of Angels and she rules the Heavens.

Christian God rules the Heavens and is the father of Angels.

You would assume that they are perfectly okay with each other, and will be able to work in harmony. I'm not saying that's true but I always thought of the Christian God as the younger bro of the Greek Gods.

Edit: I done a little more research on Hekate as well and apparently she may have originated from Turkey but they don't know if that's true or not.


Aug 31, 2021
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Christian mystics referenced the Godhead.

"The most daring forms of Christian mysticism have emphasized the absolute unknowability of God. They suggest that true contact with the
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involves going beyond all that we speak of as God—even the Trinity—to an inner “God beyond God,” a divine Darkness or Desert in which all distinction is lost. "

Such a concept is difficult for orthodox Christians - hence perhaps the ambiguous naming

It might be called The Source of All

My observation is that most humans have their own direct connection to TSoA.

Giving up innate authority to a lesser being may not be the most efficient path
Sep 9, 2021
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For instance, what if one wanted to Worship God and Hekate?

This seems like a bad idea to Christian and Hekate followers but personally I feel that it would be okay as long as I find the time to spend with each one of them and with there own Altars. I'm not certain if its true or not but I read that God is a Jealous one and Hekate is demanding.

I don't think I'm willing to let either them go. What's your opinion on this matter
What you might consider is working with the saints, and working with Hecate or St Mary. Not sure about worship of saints, I personally am not pro anything outside of worshipping God, there has just been too much evidence of a personal gnosis of Yahovah and Christ to me personally. As well as too much gnosis of demon worshippers to nail the coffin on other gods.
If you do so, determine their general worship direction and build devotion altars that are separate altars with sigils, magical items devoted to them etc. Perhaps alternate days of worship as well.


Nov 1, 2023
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I just want to point out that YHVH really doesn't like people worshipping, eh, "false idols". It's after all in the first commandment, and if you read the Old Testament (which you definitely should) you get a good feel for how the whole "other gods" thing is handled.

There's lots of examples, so I just grabbed one link that lists YHVH and how he deals with other deities and their followers just in 2 Kings:
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And maybe consider Exodus 22: 18 ("Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live"...Hecate, queen of witches...), 22: 20 ("He who sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the Lord only, he shall be utterly destroyed"), etc.

Mind you, I'm not saying you shouldn't go with the deities of your choice. Do what thou wilt and all that - but maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to familiarise yourself more with both deities before you make a choice. :)