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Journal Journal of Night and Day, Son and Moon

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Mar 21, 2024
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Great question!
First, I go here:
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Then I copy and paste the transits down toward the bottom right frame.

Then I have to manually clean it up a bit, as each post only allows up to fifteen images, so I can use the glyphs for Sol to Saturn, and the moon status glyph.

The rest is just formatting for the most part.
Thanks for sharing :) .

Also, good for you that you use Astro-Seek. Other tools are good but not that precise or are more like scams that offer superficial readings and ask for a lot of money
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Checked the planetary positions for my country (Romania) and I interestingly noticed that both Venus and Mercury are in Aries.

I find this placement good as it represents power of being innovative and coming up with new ideas.

Even the Venus in Aries planetary position is good, since it represents a desire to take part in partnerships ("wondering" why I am more social than ever now) and in a gentle and mannered way.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
My goals were not reached due to falling asleep before doing my Zelator Formula.

No r today as of yet due to oversleeping and just now showered and changed.

Sitting outside with a cup of coffee. Had eggs, taste and coffee for breakfast. Willost likely have chicken in some kind for lunch. Dinner is yet TBD.

Will try to achieve my goals today given circumstances.


Jul 2, 2022
Reaction score
My goals were not reached due to falling asleep before doing my Zelator Formula.

No r today as of yet due to oversleeping and just now showered and changed.

Sitting outside with a cup of coffee. Had eggs, taste and coffee for breakfast. Willost likely have chicken in some kind for lunch. Dinner is yet TBD.

Will try to achieve my goals today given circumstances.
Well get into it already.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Sunday, 414-2024
Did Zelator Formula and went to bed.

I'm trying to get to and stay onto a regular schedule daily.

Perhaps procrastination is my IOB this morning.

Roughly a week before I go home to take care of the kitty, see friends and family, try to hustle a few dollars and bring the Arduino and breadboard back with me.

Had a dream but don't recall the details.
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Had an hour long conversation with one of my friends in Ann Arbor this morning and calling a few other friends today.
Need to do side reading this week and update journals and book discussions.
Still no reply from SkullTraill, I kinda shot myself in the foot on that.
I will be traveling on vacation for three weeks to see people and handle business. So may not have internet access.
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Python and C are a tad different. Of course every language is different, currently trying to figure out variable scope, gloabal assignment vs local values and function variable passing from return values of previous functions.
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Had Einstein Bagels bagel for brunch and a Baja Fish Tacos chicken burrito for lunch. Watching Parasite right now, will do ZF afterwards. Will also drop Sec and ZF before bed. Tomorrow will resume normal hours and routine.
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Okay. A few household errands and afternoon/evening ZF. Then some side reading and practice on geomancy and astrology.
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Sep 9, 2021
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DATE: Apr 15, 2024
DAY: Monday, day of Luna. Shaddai El Chai, Gabriel, Kerubim. Silver candles, Jasmine incense.
TIME: 10:05 PST.

PHASE OF MOON Quarter crescent.

WEATHER CONDITIONS: 82/50 Partly cloudy. Precipitation 0% Humidity 32%. Wind 2 mph. SE to NW.

EMOTIONS: Happy, satisfied. Sister left Zyn for me.

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Awake, feeling fine. Left arm not so strained and sore.

RITUALS: TBD later today.
BA, RR, TCR, Tarot Card of the Day. Zelator Formula: Adorations, QC, LBRP, QC, LRH Saturn Invoking, Invoking the Four Powers of Earth, MPR, Body in Assiah, Zelator Meditation. Adorations in all four quarters and East and West.



MEDITATION: Per advice and Zelator and Neophyte TBD.

Cleaning my bathroom and kitchen today, Take trash out. Do laundry. Shower and change clothes. Studying arduino and Python programming and C++ programming. Studying side reading as well. Small amounts daily over time. Meditate.
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Slept okay, though got up several times. Was up at four, went back to bed at seven, got up at 9:30. Had several dreams, one of which was in a city like NYC for business and couldn't remember anything repetitively like passwords, room numbers, had to use stairs which I hated to do.
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Since SkullTraill has not replied to me, I guess I am on my own in regards to the tutoring. So YouTube videos and my own noggin and quora it is, unless I can find simple solutions on stackoverflow. Meanwhile I'm still working on my space simulator.
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After house tasks and laundry, going to do my Zelator Formula, meditate and work on Alexander Technique, voice and breath.
Tonight will pursue side reading - Zen, energy work, geomancy and astrology, and alchemy. Will try to get to a coherent understanding of the topics.
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Cleaning my bathroom and kitchen today.
Not done yet.
Take trash out. Done, also retreived all carts but recycling.
Do laundry. In wash are towels, in dryer clothes. Should be done by 5.
Shower and change clothes. Done.
Studying arduino and Python programming and C++ programming.
Slight delay..
Zelator Formula ..doing later. Will do tonight and tomorrow morning.
Studying side reading as well. Small amounts daily over time. Meditate.
Small delay.
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After house tasks and laundry, going to do my Zelator Formula, meditate and work on Alexander Technique, voice and breath.
Tonight will pursue side reading - Zen, energy work, geomancy and astrology, and alchemy. Will try to get to a coherent understanding of the topics.
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Performed Zelator Formula last night. Felt very empowering when it was done and was done outside eavesdroppers.

Tarot Contemplation result was 0 The Fool.
Tarot Card of the Day was XIII, Death.
From these I take it as a new adventure, and change, like death, is to be expected to occur.

Body warmed up when doing Invoking Four Powers of Earth.
Visualization was not very good. At all.
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This mornings dream was getting JANE warnings from staff members. I assume JANE was something one does not want to get on WF.
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DATE: Apr 16, 2024
DAY: Tursday, day of Mars. Elohim Gibor, Channel, Serahim. Rrd candles, Dragons Blood incense.
TIME: 10:12 PST.

PHASE OF MOON Quarter crescent.

WEATHER CONDITIONS: 82/50 Partly cloudy. Precipitation 0% Humidity 12%. Wind 2 mph. SE to NW.

EMOTIONS: Happy, satisfied. Sister left Zyn for me.

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Awake, feeling fine. Left arm and shoulder strained and sore.

RITUALS: TBD later today.
BA, RR, TCR, Tarot Card of the Day. Zelator Formula: Adorations, QC, LBRP, QC, LRH Saturn Banishing, Invoking the Four Powers of Earth, MPR, Body in Assiah, Zelator Meditation. Adorations in all four quarters and East and West.



MEDITATION: Per advice and Zelator and Neophyte TBD.

Taking shower and changing in a few.
After that will do Zelator Formula.
Slept okay, but was up at 5am. Fixed coffee and went back to sleep. Had dream about breaking a JANE rule, resulting in being permanently banned.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
DATE: Apr 16, 2024
DAY: Tursday, day of Mars. Elohim Gibor, Channel, Serahim. Rrd candles, Dragons Blood incense.
TIME: 10:12 PST.

PHASE OF MOON Quarter crescent.

WEATHER CONDITIONS: 82/50 Partly cloudy. Precipitation 0% Humidity 12%. Wind 2 mph. SE to NW.

EMOTIONS: Happy, satisfied. Sister left Zyn for me.

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Awake, feeling fine. Left arm and shoulder strained and sore.

RITUALS: TBD later today.
BA, RR, TCR, Tarot Card of the Day. Zelator Formula: Adorations, QC, LBRP, QC, LRH Saturn Banishing, Invoking the Four Powers of Earth, MPR, Body in Assiah, Zelator Meditation. Adorations in all four quarters and East and West.



MEDITATION: Per advice and Zelator and Neophyte TBD.

Taking shower and changing in a few.
After that will do Zelator Formula.
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Showered and changed, had a banana and two Cinnamon and raisins English muffins for breakfast with coffee.
Will do Zelator Formula shortly.
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Looking up Astrum Argentum chapters in California and Michigan. Looks like Berkeley or Detroit.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Alright man thats good keep it up.
Will do. There is also possibly a Chicago location, which is not far from Michigan, so if I go back to Michigan, I could always rent a nearby hotel and take an Amtrack to Chicago to go to the temple.

Will start reading the reading list.


DATE: Apr 17, 2024
DAY: Wednesday, day of Mercury. Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim. Orange candles, Lavendar incense.
TIME: 08:10 PST.

PHASE OF MOON: First Quarter crescent in Leo.

WEATHER CONDITIONS: 82/50 Partly cloudy. Precipitation 0% Humidity 32%. Wind 2 mph. SE to NW.

EMOTIONS: Happy, satisfied. Sister left Zyn for me.

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Awake, feeling fine. Left arm strained and sore. Right arm and shoulder not so much.

RITUALS: TBD later today.
BA, RR, TCR, Tarot Card of the Day. Zelator Formula: Adorations, QC, LBRP, QC, LRH Saturn Invoking, Invoking the Four Powers of Earth, MPR, Body in Assiah, Zelator Meditation. Adorations in all four quarters and East and West.



MEDITATION: Per advice and Zelator and Neophyte TBD.

Slept okay, though got up several times. No dreams recalled.

Reading list commences today, as I am going to shift focus to A.🅰️. Reading List.
Made progress on Population Program in Python. Now to focus on Growth, Decay and printTable functions.
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Have a cousin willing to look at my code and give pointers. As he has been a programmer all of his life and does work with AI, I have trust in him, I believe in him.
Sat outside on the porch and recited the solar adorations per Liber Resh Vel Helios for morning and noon, and recited Opening by Watchtower. First thing I noticed were voices and dogs barking but nobody on the street. Then out of the corner of my eye a lizard darting toward the bushes in front of me at the same time a bird flew by. The sky's clouds there but not moving. Closed the ceremony.
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Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
Nice job. Keep up the good work.

Also, kudos for you on choosing a memory safe language (Python) it is really important (y)
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Thanks, so far I'm writing a Student Records problem program, which teaches the use of File IO, search and sort functions and use of functions; a Rabbit/Wold population program which touches on recursion, use of formulas, looping and conditional branches, and function return value uses; and a GUI password generator and secure storage program, a program with practical use as well.

Looking at the AA documents for the Probationer class. What holds up the program is approval for SSDI/SSI. When it is approved, then I need to make the stand where I reside, which will most likely be Michigan as I have a bigger support network there, rent is more doable, and plenty of ground level dwellings.

In that time I also need to raise my credit score, to be able to be approved for a place of my own, and to pay off a few debts. Also, to set money aside for me, and for business ventures, notably a part time hustle of oil and incense productions. Getting involved in github and open source projects would be ideal as well as technical writing for the projects. That would hold future growth potential.

Will do the daily Zelator Formula shortly, for the daytime centering field use. Will also use the IOB as the LBRP portion to integrate Kraigs work, and make sure the Solar Adorations are from Liber Resh Vel Helios standards. The Star Ruby is going to be tough, as Greek is fairly new to me. So used to standard LRP/LRH versions from the Golden Dawn Hebrew phrases.
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Zelator Formula done strongly. Sweaty from Middle Pillar Ritual and other rituals done. Body in Assiah done up to Shabbathai (Saturn, Binah). Strongly visualized pentagrams, angels with kerub heads in colors, hexagrams, pentagrams with bull kerubs in center, spheres of light in the MPR, and glyphs in the Body of Assiah. All solar adorations done per LRVH and Adoration to the Lord of the Universe done in east at start, at west in middle, and at east in closing. Found it hard to see, as if my eyes had film over them when opening eyes. Watery vision.
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
VIII Strength. Leo. The Daughter of the Flaming Sword. Geburah to Chesed. 19th Path. Severity of Mercy. Teth, serpent, 9.
Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Shaddai El Chai.
Knight of Swords. Fire of Air. 20 deg Tau to 20 deg Gem. The Lord of the Winds and Breezes; King of the Spirits of Air; King of the Sylphs and Sylphides. Chokmah of Yetzirah. X of EXARP.
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The reading list for the probationer grade:
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Fitting that I drew Strength and the Knight of Swords for todays cards. Most planets are in the signs of Aries to Gemini, and Luna in Leo.
28°18’ Ari
21°13’ Leo
First Quarter Moon (112°55’)
18°22’ Ari R
15°39’ Ari
20°06’ Pis
21°05’ Tau
15°24’ Pis
Uranus 21°39’ Tau
Neptune 28°30’ Pis
Pluto 2°03’ Aqu
Node (M) 15°09’ Ari R
Node (T) 15°34’ Ari
Lilith (M) 21°57’ Vir
Chiron 19°56’ Ari
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Loaded up on books. Back to programming, then onto magickal side reading.
Will update other journals tomorrow.
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Went out with my sister, was treated to a haircut and beard shave, four new pairs of pants, and frozen yogurt. Now outside on the porch with Zyn and coffee.
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Walked from my house to the end of the street (five houses length), turned, walked an additional five houses longer the other way .. length of twenty house yards .. less than five minutes until my leg tremors kicked in.
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Watching Grey's Anatomy... On a Wednesday.. day of Raphael and Mercury.
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Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
Thanks, so far I'm writing a Student Records problem program, which teaches the use of File IO, search and sort functions and use of functions; a Rabbit/Wold population program which touches on recursion, use of formulas, looping and conditional branches, and function return value uses; and a GUI password generator and secure storage program, a program with practical use as well.

Looking at the AA documents for the Probationer class. What holds up the program is approval for SSDI/SSI. When it is approved, then I need to make the stand where I reside, which will most likely be Michigan as I have a bigger support network there, rent is more doable, and plenty of ground level dwellings.

In that time I also need to raise my credit score, to be able to be approved for a place of my own, and to pay off a few debts. Also, to set money aside for me, and for business ventures, notably a part time hustle of oil and incense productions. Getting involved in github and open source projects would be ideal as well as technical writing for the projects. That would hold future growth potential.

Will do the daily Zelator Formula shortly, for the daytime centering field use. Will also use the IOB as the LBRP portion to integrate Kraigs work, and make sure the Solar Adorations are from Liber Resh Vel Helios standards. The Star Ruby is going to be tough, as Greek is fairly new to me. So used to standard LRP/LRH versions from the Golden Dawn Hebrew phrases.
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Zelator Formula done strongly. Sweaty from Middle Pillar Ritual and other rituals done. Body in Assiah done up to Shabbathai (Saturn, Binah). Strongly visualized pentagrams, angels with kerub heads in colors, hexagrams, pentagrams with bull kerubs in center, spheres of light in the MPR, and glyphs in the Body of Assiah. All solar adorations done per LRVH and Adoration to the Lord of the Universe done in east at start, at west in middle, and at east in closing. Found it hard to see, as if my eyes had film over them when opening eyes. Watery vision.
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
VIII Strength. Leo. The Daughter of the Flaming Sword. Geburah to Chesed. 19th Path. Severity of Mercy. Teth, serpent, 9.
Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Shaddai El Chai.
Knight of Swords. Fire of Air. 20 deg Tau to 20 deg Gem. The Lord of the Winds and Breezes; King of the Spirits of Air; King of the Sylphs and Sylphides. Chokmah of Yetzirah. X of EXARP.
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The reading list for the probationer grade:
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Fitting that I drew Strength and the Knight of Swords for todays cards. Most planets are in the signs of Aries to Gemini, and Luna in Leo.
28°18’ Ari
21°13’ Leo
First Quarter Moon (112°55’)
18°22’ Ari R
15°39’ Ari
20°06’ Pis
21°05’ Tau
15°24’ Pis
Uranus 21°39’ Tau
Neptune 28°30’ Pis
Pluto 2°03’ Aqu
Node (M) 15°09’ Ari R
Node (T) 15°34’ Ari
Lilith (M) 21°57’ Vir
Chiron 19°56’ Ari
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Loaded up on books. Back to programming, then onto magickal side reading.
Will update other journals tomorrow.
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Went out with my sister, was treated to a haircut and beard shave, four new pairs of pants, and frozen yogurt. Now outside on the porch with Zyn and coffee.
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Walked from my house to the end of the street (five houses length), turned, walked an additional five houses longer the other way .. length of twenty house yards .. less than five minutes until my leg tremors kicked in.
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Watching Grey's Anatomy... On a Wednesday.. day of Raphael and Mercury.
Nice... Anatomy of Grey. Enjoyed the show a lot.

Also, did some research on Astro Argentum, found that it even has some links in the links section of their website. Though I am not much fan of Crowley, still, very good website.

BTW, is that man in the picture you? You had a profile picture of someone wearing a cowboy hat and having sunglasses? Was that a random picture from the Internet or was it you as well?
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BTW, seen in your post that the Moon is in Leo. A good planetary approach / position to find light even in the darkest times and have a productive magnetism.

Sun in Aries is also useful for having an increased sense of curiosity and will to take action. I think you got very lucky planetary positions in your area :)
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However, I would personally be careful about the Mars in Pisces aspect as it has an unstable approach when in arguments / anger. Just a personal tip from me
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Yup, that/that's is/was me. Shaved ten years off my looks.
Yeah I like their site. Not a super fan of Crowleys writings, though I did enjoy having a few of his books in the past.
Magick. Magick in Theory and Practice. Book Four. The Vision and the Voice. Magick Without Tears. I guess it was inevitable that I would eventually come to his path.
Reading The Four Agreements day.

DATE: Apr 18, 2024
DAY: Thursday, day of Jupiter. El, Tzadkiel, Chashmalim. Blue candles, Cedar incense.
TIME: 08:59 PST.

PHASE OF MOON: First Quarter crescent in Virgo.

WEATHER CONDITIONS: 82/50 Partly cloudy. Precipitation 0% Humidity 32%. Wind 2 mph. SE to NW.

EMOTIONS: Happy, satisfied. Sister left Zyn for me.

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Awake, feeling fine. Left arm strained and sore. Right arm and shoulder not so much.

RITUALS: TBD later today.
BA, RR, TCR, Tarot Card of the Day. Zelator Formula: Adorations, QC, LBRP, QC, LRH Saturn Invoking, Invoking the Four Powers of Earth, MPR, Body in Assiah, Zelator Meditation. Adorations in all four quarters and East and West.



MEDITATION: Per advice and Zelator and Neophyte TBD.

Slept okay, though got up several times. No dreams recalled.

Reading list commences.
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After greeting my sister, and having toast and coffee, took a shower and changed into clean clothes.
Took a cup of coffee and the book "The Four Agreements" out on the porch with me, and listened to gangster rap while starting to read the book.
Did morning and afternoon solar adorations per Liber Resh Vel Helios.
Came back inside, had brunch (pasta and broccoli).
Took trash out, and started a load of laundry. One load of laundry left to do tonight, then pack tomorrow night.
Updated my journal.
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Jan 19, 2022
Reaction score
There are a few examples of people performing the Star Ruby on Youtube if you want to get an idea of how they pronounce the Greek.

Scott Stenwick also has a very good commentary on his website/blog where he walks you through the ritual with explanations along the way and with comparisons to the LRP.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Will check them out, thanks :)

Have my flight details set, will handle future appointments and last minute calls that morrow morning.

Will see my kitty on Saturday after five to six months, and be with her for a week or two before I put her up for adoption at the Humane Society shelter. Then a week with my folks, then come back to warm sunny Californiana in May.

Then back to the SSDI and Section Right Housing grind.

Will do Zelator Formula shortly.
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At the moment, sitting outside with Zyn, coffee, and "The Four Agreements".
Funnily enough, my sister was in therapy with me today where we discussed grace with the self, and the book chapter she is reading for her Bible study is on grace.
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There are a few examples of people performing the Star Ruby on Youtube if you want to get an idea of how they pronounce the Greek.

Scott Stenwick also has a very good commentary on his website/blog where he walks you through the ritual with explanations along the way and with comparisons to the LRP.
Yeah, the Greek throws me a tad, so will definitely check them and Stenwick out.
Thanks again!
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Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
Funnily enough, my sister was in therapy with me today where we discussed grace with the self, and the book chapter she is reading for her Bible study is on grace.

Talking about "coincidences".

Glad to see that you are doing well and good luck with the Zelator formula.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

DATE: Apr 19, 2024
DAY: Friday, day of Venus. YHVH Tzabaoth, Haniel, Elohim. Green candles, Rose incense.
TIME: 08:39 PST.

PHASE OF MOON: Second Quarter crescent in Libra.

WEATHER CONDITIONS: 72/50 Partly cloudy. Precipitation 80% Humidity 82%. Wind 2 mph. SE to NW.

EMOTIONS: Happy, satisfied. Sister left Zyn for me. Worried. My sister has major medical problems, and am hoping all will be well.

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Awake, feeling fine. Left arm strained and sore. Right arm and shoulder not so much.

RITUALS: TBD later today.
BA, RR, TCR, Tarot Card of the Day. Zelator Formula: Adorations, QC, LBRP, QC, LRH Saturn Invoking, Invoking the Four Powers of Earth, MPR, Body in Assiah, Zelator Meditation. Adorations in all four quarters and East and West.



MEDITATION: Per advice and Zelator and Neophyte TBD.

Slept okay, though got up several times. A seedy area of town, walked into random apartments and saw something ne ken, some beautiful women. Got into a karate fight with a woman, was hounded by police.

Reading list commences.
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All day I have been doing this or that, getting ready for my trip. Did not do daily morning Zelator Formula, will do nighttime Zelator Formula before bedtime. Neither was done yesterday as well. My thoughts were elsewhere, on a depressive pole. So, tonight I pack for my three week trip back to Michigan, and packing light, so should not take long. Meds, a book or three, clothes, toiletries, sneakers, coat. Will set out clothes to wear for tomorrow. Then I will do the Zelator Formula before retiring for the night. Leaving in the afternoon, but dont want to hit snags so packing gets done before the Zelator Formula is done.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

DATE: Apr 22, 2024
DAY: Monday, day of Luna. Shaddai El Chai, Gabriel, Kerubim. Silver candles, Jasmine incense.
TIME: 20:21 PST.

PHASE OF MOON: Half in Aquarius.

WEATHER CONDITIONS: 52/50 Partly cloudy. Precipitation 0% Humidity 32%. Wind 2 mph. SE to NW.

EMOTIONS: Happy, satisfied. Sister left Zyn for me.

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Awake, feeling fine. Left arm strained and sore. Right arm and shoulder not so much.

RITUALS: TBD later today.
BA, RR, TCR, Tarot Card of the Day. Zelator Formula: Adorations, QC, LBRP, QC, LRH Saturn Invoking, Invoking the Four Powers of Earth, MPR, Body in Assiah, Zelator Meditation. Adorations in all four quarters and East and West.



MEDITATION: Per advice and Zelator and Neophyte TBD.

Slept okay, though got up several times. No dreams recalled.

Saturday was largely traveling, Sunday was largely sleeping.
Today got downtown, got a bit of cash, bought ten papers, sold five. (Bought one for myself. Made nine dollars which was close enough to ten for the day. Have Zyn and have eaten. Will do Zelator Formula later.
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Slept and had dreams, was awaken before recall.

Cleaning Day. Will top with a shower and change into clean lounge wear. Think of it as reaping and sowing, planting, sowing and reaping, harvesting.

Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
XII The Hanged Man. Elemental Water. Illumination trials and tribulations, martyrdom, self sacrifice. 23rd Path.

So off to clean the basement of my friends place. Make it look less lived in.
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General Tarot reading, Split Hexagram Tarot spread. Drawn under Shaddai El Chai.
Greater Spiritual Influence: III Empress. Venus. Fruitfulness, creativity.
Lesser Spiritual Influence: I Magician. Mercury. Skills, wisdom and knowledge put to use.
Spiritual Advice: XXI The World. Saturn/Elemental Earth. Renewal, rebirth.
Unconscious Desired: XIV Temperance. Sagittarius. Moderation, even footing.
Conscious Desires: V Hierophant. Taurus.Religuon in high places, miracles.
Practical Advice: 0 The Fool. Elemental Air, wisdom and folly. Mania.
Final Outcome: XVIII The Moon. Pisces. Trials, tribulations, yearning. Enemies.
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DATE: Apr 23, 2024
DAY: Tuesday, day of Mars. Elohim Gibor, Chamael, Seraphim. Red candles, Dragons Blood incense.
TIME: 11:55 PST.

PHASE OF MOON: Half in Pisces.

WEATHER CONDITIONS: 52/50 Partly cloudy. Precipitation 60% Humidity 32%. Wind 2 mph. SE to NW.

EMOTIONS: Happy, satisfied. A couch and Zyn for me.

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Awake, feeling fine. Left arm strained and sore. Right arm and shoulder not so much.

RITUALS: TBD later today.
BA, RR, TCR, Tarot Card of the Day. Zelator Formula: Adorations, QC, LBRP, QC, LRH Saturn Invoking, Invoking the Four Powers of Earth, MPR, Body in Assiah, Zelator Meditation. Adorations in all four quarters and East and West.



MEDITATION: Per advice and Zelator and Neophyte TBD.

Slept okay, though got up several times. No dreams recalled though several dreams.

Need to figure out way to do Zelator Formula while here.
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Have okay to do my rituals completed in ritual space (basement).
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Made ten dollars by selling half of what I bought the papers for ten. Plus for being published.
Today was odd jobs and cleaning day.
Tomorrow will sell for ten and flip it for more papers.
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Keeping one copy of the poetry edition for myself by publishing right. Going to collect on my five part published series on "Factors of Homelessness" as well.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

DATE: Apr 24, 2024
DAY: Wednesday, day of Mercury. Elhim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim. Orange candles, Lavender incense.
TIME: 08: 10 EST.

PHASE OF MOON: New in Aries.

WEATHER CONDITIONS: 32/40 Partly cloudy. Precipitation 50% Humidity 32%. Wind 2 mph. SE to NW.

EMOTIONS: Happy, satisfied. Got off bus, got Zyn and diet Pepsi. Got croissant. Sold two papers at five each. Have three copies left.will try to sell remaining three.

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Awake, feeling fine. Left arm strained and sore. Right arm and shoulder not so much.

RITUALS: TBD later today.
BA, RR, TCR, Tarot Card of the Day. Zelator Formula: Adorations, QC, LBRP, QC, LRH Saturn Invoking, Invoking the Four Powers of Earth, MPR, Body in Assiah, Zelator Meditation. Adorations in all four quarters and East and West.



MEDITATION: Per advice and Zelator and Neophyte TBD.

Slept barely. One eye oprn, though got up several times. No dreams recalled.

Reading The Four Agreements.
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Been enjoying reading The Four Agreements. Change of plans. It's cold as hell out here, made my ten for the day. So going home and re upping tomorrow, as I have three papers left.
So get to go home and tend to kitty and the house, then chill on my laptop trying to program my challenge.
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Have twenty three papers, so concentrating on making fifty dollars for the day.
Hiked back early after meeting staff.
Scrambled for a Starbucks run.
Now the task is to be high while being undisturbed.
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On the Starbucks room, back in the cafeteria yesterday was scarcely a trace of red. Nice to see, but also still self evident.
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

DATE: Apr 25, 2024
DAY: Thurssday, day of Jupiter. El, Tzadkiel, Chashmalim, Blue candles, Rose incense.
TIME: 08: 30 EST.

PHASE OF MOON: New in Taurus.

WEATHER CONDITIONS: 32/40 Partly cloudy. Precipitation 0% Humidity 32%. Wind 2 mph. SE to NW.

EMOTIONS: Happy, satisfied. Got off bus, got Zyn and diet Pepsi. Got coffee.

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Awake, feeling fine. Left arm strained and sore. Right arm and shoulder not so much.

RITUALS: TBD later today.
BA, RR, TCR, Tarot Card of the Day. Zelator Formula: Adorations, QC, LBRP, QC, LRH Saturn Invoking, Invoking the Four Powers of Earth, MPR, Body in Assiah, Zelator Meditation. Adorations in all four quarters and East and West.



MEDITATION: Per advice and Zelator and Neophyte TBD.

Slept barely. No dreams recalled.

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A very low key day. Assistant to a gallery artist this weekend. Out selling papers tomorrow and bought my copy with my work. Cuddling with and dematting my cat.
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I did some walking today, walking up to the store and back, which is no small jaunt in itself. Then helped give Pandie a hair cut. Then did housework.
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Friday 4-26-2024. YHVH Elohim, Haniel, Elohim. Green candles, rose incense.
Day of Venus.

Sold one paper for two bucks and hauled home thinking it would take longer than it did. Was gifted thirteen for Zyn.

Sleep was fairly good. No notable dreams. No ritual work done since Friday.

Helping a friend with an art show. I get a small cut on a particular sales amount made.
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Not following usual diary format today.
Will be practicing will training exercises while an introvert at a extrovert outing.