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Thoughts on NOFAP?


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Specifically personal experience as I am not too interested in scientific (edit: or philosophical) guesswork found in many studies.

I've done:
  • complete no sex/fap
  • no fap but having sexual intercourse with strangers
  • no fap, no sex with strangers, but sex with partner
  • fap + sex with strangers
  • fap + sex with partner
  • only fap max once a day
  • excessive fap (1-3 times a day)
I've tried all of these for at least a period of 3 months at a stretch.

With the exception of excessive fap, which was a bit draining and demotivating... I didn't notice ANY significant differences between all the other categories.
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Lead Transcriber
May 30, 2021
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There is some studies suggesting ejaculating more reduces prostate cancer risk… food for thought! Abstinence sounds terrible. Think of your prostate! 😂

I know this isn’t what you’re interested in, but I saw it earlier and got a chuckle out of it. Also, weird synchronicity that I saw that in twitter earlier today and you post this thread!

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Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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There is some studies suggesting ejaculating more reduces prostate cancer risk… food for thought! Abstinence sounds terrible. Think of your prostate! 😂

I know this isn’t what you’re interested in, but I saw it earlier and got a chuckle out of it. Also, weird synchronicity that I saw that in twitter earlier today and you post this thread!

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True, I've seen this info even before "nofap" was popular. That's what I used to justify masturbation as a teenager 😂


Lead Transcriber
May 30, 2021
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In all seriousness tho, I noticed very negative aspects to abstinence. I suppose this varies by person, but for me I could never go no-sex (of any sort). Times I've not been able to have sex (after back surgery, etc), I was just miserable. I personally don't think it's healthy to be abstinent.

The only exception (just in my mind) is when you're preparing for something like a major ritual. For anyone incorporating sex into ritual, that release of energy after waiting can be very powerful.


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
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Fapping, I believe, has its rightful place in moderation, as both a pastime and a tool to keep yourself level-headed. A good meat-beating always helps me personally, whenever I'm getting stressed out over small shit. Knowing that, nofap as a movement has never really interested me. It's honestly kinda funny to see stuff like NNN blow up so much as a meme, though.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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In all seriousness tho, I noticed very negative aspects to abstinence. I suppose this varies by person, but for me I could never go no-sex (of any sort). Times I've not been able to have sex (after back surgery, etc), I was just miserable. I personally don't think it's healthy to be abstinent.

The only exception (just in my mind) is when you're preparing for something like a major ritual. For anyone incorporating sex into ritual, that release of energy after waiting can be very powerful.

I once heard it said somewhere (of course I'm paraphrasing) to not just deny yourself of pleasure for no reason, but to place some value on it and give yourself pleasure when you feel you deserve it.

On a normal day, I may masturbate when bored, but there are some times when I hold it in to release at a later date, usually after some type of success. I don't think I've ever done a ritual that focused on sexual energy or ejaculation, but I do sometimes charge sigils using that method, and I do "charge up" a little bit.

Also, when I'm at an important event in my life that will affect me greatly, whether that is a job interview, important presentation etc... I also abstain for maybe 1-3 days. Not just to not waste my energies, but also to not give myself vain and excessive gratification when I am yet to achieve something that is worthy of celebration. And also to not relax myself too much in a time where I should be focused and working hard.

So yeah, I do understand and recognize short bursts of abstinence, or "charging up" energy, or using it as a reward for a short term goal.

But yeah, like you guys, I see no point in any long term celibacy.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Talk of energies and "chargin up" is giving me Dragon Ball Z flashbacks.


Lead Transcriber
May 30, 2021
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Fapping, I believe, has its rightful place in moderation, as both a pastime and a tool to keep yourself level-headed. A good meat-beating always helps me personally, whenever I'm getting stressed out over small shit. Knowing that, nofap as a movement has never really interested me. It's honestly kinda funny to see stuff like NNN blow up so much as a meme, though.
Everything in moderation. No matter what path someone follows, that seems to be a universal truth.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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I used to abstain from ejaculation but edge for months. Don't think it's the healthiest thing to do, but it does give you a "drive" to get other things done - as a sort of replacement for your release.
Maybe that is one of the factors why in the old books it is advised to abstain before doing Magick.
At the moment I will still go for weeks but honestly it kinda ruined orgasm.
I have heard and experienced that going without orgasm increases testosterone. My facial hair will grow faster, I feel more confident and my voice (seems) a bit deeper during these periods.
I have also noticed that people seem more friendly at these times.


Lead Transcriber
May 30, 2021
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I used to abstain from ejaculation but edge for months.
:eek: ... o_O Seriously, tho, you have some amazing self control. I don't think I could do that, tho edging is ... always fun!

Maybe that is one of the factors why in the old books it is advised to abstain before doing Magick.
For sure. There is a ton of power (not just physicality) in that release. I'm very interested in sex magick (wiggles eyebrows at @Jaide ).

I have heard and experienced that going without orgasm increases testosterone. My facial hair will grow faster, I feel more confident and my voice (seems) a bit deeper during these periods.
For me, it's the exact opposite. If I go without for a week for any reason (sick, etc), I just get miserable both physically and mentally. I would still abstain for some time before major rituals, but not sure I could go weeks.

Pestifer Mundi

Magic Larper
Aug 12, 2021
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Specifically personal experience as I am not too interested in scientific guesswork found in many studies.

I've done:
  • complete no sex/fap
  • no fap but having sexual intercourse with strangers
  • no fap, no sex with strangers, but sex with partner
  • fap + sex with strangers
  • fap + sex with partner
  • only fap max once a day
  • excessive fap (1-3 times a day)
I've tried all of these for at least a period of 3 months at a stretch.

With the exception of excessive fap, which was a bit draining and demotivating... I didn't notice ANY significant differences between all the other categories.
Every guy saying NoFap changed their energy levels (and all the other perks) are likely experiencing a placebo effect and I just find it so funny how many guys you'll find online say otherwise.

You already pointed it out with the testing you mentioned, and it's an obvious question to ask. I always ask them - "If masturbating is ruining your life due to "lack of energy", why doesn't it affect people with sex lives that are as active or more active than your masturbation habits?".

They can never give a straight answer or they simply say "I don't know".

As long as you aren't going overboard like 3 times a day everyday, it won't impact you negatively when it comes to energy levels or anything else.

The entire NoFap phenomenon really just revolves around men as a collective internalizing the shame of "not getting laid" and "not having romantic success".

Masturbation is an in your face reminder that you are failing romantically, as the average man would not masturbate if he had a sex partner. This is why when they stop masturbating they get the placebo of "feeling better" and "feeling confident", because that failure is less apparent than before. Their romantic failures are no longer at the forefront of their psyche every single day.


Apr 25, 2021
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Specifically personal experience as I am not too interested in scientific guesswork found in many studies.

I've done:
  • complete no sex/fap
  • no fap but having sexual intercourse with strangers
  • no fap, no sex with strangers, but sex with partner
  • fap + sex with strangers
  • fap + sex with partner
  • only fap max once a day
  • excessive fap (1-3 times a day)
I've tried all of these for at least a period of 3 months at a stretch.

With the exception of excessive fap, which was a bit draining and demotivating... I didn't notice ANY significant differences between all the other categories.
Damming a river floods living land; restricting a river's flow to direct its flow to best effect cultivates the living land provided the lord is mindful of the land downstream.


Aug 31, 2021
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Long ago I was entirely non-sexual for a year or so. I lost all sexual desire - no erections. Eventually it was made clear that to continue would improperly restrict my relationship with the human race.

In retrospect, the period of celibacy coincided with movement of the focus of my consciousness from physical and emotional energies into the mental and soul levels. Thus it was proper at that time

Pestifer Mundi

Magic Larper
Aug 12, 2021
Reaction score
How can feeling confident be a placebo, and even if it is does that matter?
How It's A Placebo:
It's a placebo because confidence without competence is nothing but delusion. If you are 5'4", poor and ugly, you can be as confident as you want, reality will keep reminding you that you don't have what it takes to be romantically successful.

Yes, exceptions to the rule exist, but the exceptions don't disprove the rule.

Confidence that isn't rooted in a history of success or an increased potential for success, is delusion.

A man in wheel chair can wake up one morning confident that he's going to get up and walk, him just believing so isn't going to have that result.

The difference between bravery and foolishness is the outcome, and someones actions are always judged in hindsight.

If an untrained male civilian rushes into a burning building when firefighters are on their way, and he successfully rescues a mother and a child, people will call him brave. If he instead gets himself and the mother+child killed due to his lack of capability and knowledge people will call him foolish and say he should have waited for professionals.

Believing you can do something without taking your own capabilities into consideration is foolishness, but people only ever see the outcomes, maybe you'll get lucky or maybe you won't.

It reminds me of this quote - "The difference between insanity and genius is measured only by success and failure"

Why That Matters:

If someone wants to use their time and energy effectively, they have to be honest with themselves about their own capabilities.

If you have a double digit IQ, you can want to be a world renowned theoretical physicist as much as you want, you can hope and dream, but it's statistically unlikely that you can achieve that goal.

If you are born with a genetic disease like muscular dystrophy, you can want to be a world famous body builder as much as you want, you can hope and dream, but it's statistically unlikely that you can achieve that goal.

Every human has a cap on their potential for various facets of their biological existence:
Life Span
Physical Capabilities
Mental Capabilities

Heck even empathy is included in that, the brains of psychopaths are different to that of the brain of a regular person. Some people are handicapped in the sense that they struggle to empathize with others. (In some circumstances it's a perk, CEO's often have psychopathic traits)

To get to the point, not everybody is going to get the things they want in life, not even the things you consider "basic". If you waste your time chasing after what's statistically less likely, instead of pursuing what's statistically more likely, you may end up being left with nothing but regret at the end of your life.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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I see.. so changing the chemical balance in your body via natural means and thereby influencing your emotions isn't something you're interested in.
Do you have some personal experience to add?

Pestifer Mundi

Magic Larper
Aug 12, 2021
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I see.. so changing the chemical balance in your body via natural means and thereby influencing your emotions isn't something you're interested in.
1. I think you misread, in the case of those men "feeling confident", it wasn't a change in brain chemistry that caused this, it was something psychological, it was them not being reminded that they are failing romantically that made them "feel confident".

It's not like the effect of a drug (chemical), it's more like the effect of removing someone with claustrophobia from a closet they were locked in (psychological).

2. This has nothing to do with my level of interest, it has to do with what makes sense. I know that either way people are going to do whatever they want. In the modern era people are raised to be emotional and to value their emotions above logic and reason. I just think people should stop complaining about the outcomes if they are going to do this.

I really hate the "woe is me" types who keep stumbling into trouble or depression because they refuse to accept reality.

A lot of things influence our emotions on a daily basis, the question is do you go into the passenger seat and let your brain guide you, or are you the driver and you decide whether or not the emotions determine your decisions.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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those men "feeling confident
I was the one who said I felt more confident. You don't have to pretend you are talking about someone else 😂

woe is me" types who keep stumbling into trouble or depression because they refuse to accept reality.
No idea how this got into the thread but okay.

As the OP asked for personal experience, and I also asked you if you had anything to add based on your own experience and you didn't answer that, I think you just came to tell everybody (..me) that you are right and I am wrong.
As in every other thread. Great stuff.

Pestifer Mundi

Magic Larper
Aug 12, 2021
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I was the one who said I felt more confident. You don't have to pretend you are talking about someone else 😂
Looks like I'm the one who misread or missed something, I didn't notice that.

As the OP asked for personal experience, and I also asked you if you had anything to add based on your own experience and you didn't answer that
I can't have personal experience for something I've never done. Every time I went a week or two without masturbating it wasn't on purpose, the urges just weren't there. I would just never force myself to abstain like that, I don't see the point.

NoFap just sounds ridiculous to me by default because if it was true the people with the most active sex lives would have the worst lives and be totally drained of energy, but it's clearly the opposite.

I think you just came to tell everybody (..me) that you are right and I am wrong.
I need you to think for a second and see how pointless this statement is. When ANYONE asserts an opinion that's exactly what they are doing from the perspective of the person with an opposing opinion.

If I phrased it to be "less direct" and to "sound nicer" I would still be asserting that I believe myself to be right, and by default if someone is right another person is wrong.

You seem to be taking this personally, I really didn't even see your post where you claimed NoFap worked for you, I only read SkullTraill's post and responded to it.

Something is either true or false, there's no such thing as "personal truth", only "personal beliefs".

You are kind of just stating the obvious, any opinion you assert that opposes an opinion I have, is by default you asserting yourself to be right and me wrong, that is the very nature of having opposing positions.

Great stuff.
I know right. 😂