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About Evocations And Bodily Fluids.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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This is interesting. I imagine they have to be sincerely shed though? That is, you can't work up tears when seeking retribution versus an ex-business partner by remembering your dead dog Fluffy from when you were a kid, right?
That reasoning would then exclude the offering of sexual fluids from anything but a ritual for sex/lust/love.


Aug 17, 2023
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That reasoning would then exclude the offering of sexual fluids from anything but a ritual for sex/lust/love.
Hmmm...mebbe so. Yeah, I think I see. I should've known better. Gawds know that every woman I've ever been smitten by has used crocodile tears to magick me into any number of troubles. (Mostly involving credit cards and bank accounts. My cards and accounts.)


Apr 16, 2021
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Isn't losing control of one's mind pretty much akin to loss of mind. Like driving my car only to find automated-driver technology is steering the course, not me. That pretty well describes a great many minds, even leaving demons out of the discussion.
It's still your mind, and you are still aware. Maybe your awareness is compromised but unless you're vegetative or deceased I don't think your mind is truly lost. The severely mentally ill still have their minds, they just have compromised awareness and thought processes.

It's like comparing a computer that's running normally with a computer that's been infected with a virus or hacked. You can still turn on a computer that's been hacked/infected, and it still boots up and runs, but it is compromised where nothing you do on it is really secure. The 'vegetative' state in this analogy would be ransomware, and 'deceased' would be fully non-operable (IE bricked).
Mar 13, 2023
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I was once told that if you give bodily fluids to demons (Goetia) then you are handing in your soul to that demon. if that is true then how does one retract that unknowingly deal they made with that demon?... apparently this is a rumour that spread through out the occult community to convince practitioners to not summon demons. This is also in a book that I bought on how to call fairies and it warns people to not give bodily fluids.... so I am completely clueless if it is a rumour.

The reasons why I ask is because I have found someone interested in the occult but I don't feel its right to pass on potentially doomed knowledge to someone that has no idea, neither do I.

It is complete ballocks.
I still wouldn't do it because you are giving the demon a fix on you. Also while you aren't selling your soul, you are offering your body to feed on. This is especially problematic for servitors who have no other source of food and may developing a connection and a liking to you.

If these are sexual fluids you may be giving them life, bringing them into this realm of terrestrial living and that may be unadvisable. If you give birth to a child have you given them your soul? There's a link sure but I don't think I'd say you gave them yours.

Blood is associated with life and has similar concerns. It is also associated with ones family and ancestors. Being associated with nutrients and oxygen it is a potent food. I would avoid it's use. I only use my own blood when working with ancestors, adoption for tying my life force to an object or person. Your blood is full of your life and that connected to that life-giving divine spark... however that spark is not yours to give and if you light a candle with a candle it does not put out the first candle. It can provide a like or tether to feed but it is not handing over your spirit in any kind of agreement.