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Completing the Great Work


Jan 27, 2022
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So, assuming someone figures out how to describe the basis for everything that we understand as "real", the very source of TzimTzum, the origin of B'reshit and see the face of Unity, AinSof itself without exploding in gory chunks...

What do you do at that point?


Lead Transcriber
May 30, 2021
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Probably by that time, one would be so wise as to understand reaching that level of knowledge and existence wasn't the point. The struggle to get there was. And maybe we'd be content with just "being" in the moment, and not doing anything but enjoying existence. Isn't that enlightenment?


Jan 27, 2022
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Probably by that time, one would be so wise as to understand reaching that level of knowledge and existence wasn't the point. The struggle to get there was. And maybe we'd be content with just "being" in the moment, and not doing anything but enjoying existence. Isn't that enlightenment?
Well, more...

Whoever does this (and any of a great deal of lesser works, besides) will be known.

If they speak the words, reveal the name to all as is the birthright of existence, there is no way to hide that they are the one that spoke it.

Future universes that recursively hold this one will see the names of everyone who spoke it! It will stand out like a sore thumb that here lies the Theory of Everything first spoken among the everything itself. They will be capable of plucking the mind of that thing from it and interacting with it.

Not even death and the end of our universal cycle would free someone from being bothered and recognized for it, not even if they never once told another soul. They would be found, derived, and pestered. It would just be harder, but not impossible, to locate them in the Mathematical Multiverse.

More, what do you do if it is your goal merely to exist and live, to explore and see more of our universe, consume it's stories? How do you hide from a whole multiverse that knows your name and wants to meet you?


Lead Transcriber
May 30, 2021
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Why would you want to hide, tho?

I know I'm giving rather simplistic responses to a very complex questions, and I guess everyone's answer may be a bit different. In my mind, having that much knowledge and power would eventually lead to peace and acceptance. I would not fear any other entity wanting to meet me, nor would I have any reason to consider it a waste of time (because I would assume every pinnacle of knowledge at some point includes different perception and manipulation of time).

On the other hand, we spend most of our lives trying to figure out what life is for. Once you know everything, I assume that question will come right back. I've done my Great Work, so what's the point of my further existence? That's a dark path to go down, or maybe giving up on existence itself is true enlightenment.


Jan 27, 2022
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Why would you want to hide, tho?

I know I'm giving rather simplistic responses to a very complex questions, and I guess everyone's answer may be a bit different. In my mind, having that much knowledge and power would eventually lead to peace and acceptance. I would not fear any other entity wanting to meet me, nor would I have any reason to consider it a waste of time (because I would assume every pinnacle of knowledge at some point includes different perception and manipulation of time).

On the other hand, we spend most of our lives trying to figure out what life is for. Once you know everything, I assume that question will come right back. I've done my Great Work, so what's the point of my further existence? That's a dark path to go down, or maybe giving up on existence itself is true enlightenment.

So, do you think Jesus, if he hadn't in the story just fucked off to heaven or whatever, could have walked out on the road instead, alone and unbothered or perhaps with some of his close friends, perhaps mourning his lover Judas, and fuck off to Thailand and learn how to cook Pad Thai while hearing some old lady there talk about the time her uncle saw a shape shifter?

He wouldn't be able to even get out of the middle east. Roman soldiers, the hardened, sociopathic kind would be sent after this fuck who dodged an execution. Throngs of crowds would chase him having seen that he exists. Even were he to hammer this chaos of seething humanity into a functional structure that wouldn't eat itself he would have to construct this and it would become his own cage.

The recognition of the machine itself would align powers against him.

I'm not saying it's something that ends a run, but it's not like Skyrim when you beat the final boss and then you just get to keep playing like you didn't


Lead Transcriber
May 30, 2021
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I don't understand what you're posing here. I'm sure it's me. I'm kinda high at the moment. I live in a legal state.

I assume, despite the overwhelming evidence that a single Jesus probably didn't exist, he could've done anything he wanted at that point. And maybe he did, how would we really know. People claim to see Jesus (and Elvis) all the time. Maybe he's the a-hole in the Dunkin' drive thru that's ordering like 20 drinks and taking an hour.

Edit: Oh, you added more. Let me read the rest.


Lead Transcriber
May 30, 2021
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He wouldn't be able to even get out of the middle east. Roman soldiers, the hardened, sociopathic kind would be sent after this fuck who dodged an execution. Throngs of crowds would chase him having seen that he exists. Even were he to hammer this chaos of seething humanity into a functional structure that wouldn't eat itself he would have to construct this and it would become his own cage.
If the question is what do we do after our Great Work, and we assume being crucified was Jesus' Great Work, then he'd just be a man able to perform magic (miracles), and he surely could've escaped, but of course he couldn't have walked down the street. In my mind, he's not accomplished his Great Work.

After being crucified, he can do whatever he wants. Post-crucified (post Great Work) Jesus could've walked down any street he wanted. No one could hurt him or do anything against him. His mindset wouldn't even be "these are my enemies", because they have no power to hurt him.

Edit: Maybe should say post-resurrection Jesus, but you get my drift I assume.


Lead Transcriber
May 30, 2021
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Either way, when I was a kid I had a GI Joe plastic guy and a Jesus plastic guy and GI Joe always kicked Jesus' ass. Just sayin'...


Jan 27, 2022
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If the question is what do we do after our Great Work, and we assume being crucified was Jesus' Great Work, then he'd just be a man able to perform magic (miracles), and he surely could've escaped, but of course he couldn't have walked down the street. In my mind, he's not accomplished his Great Work.

After being crucified, he can do whatever he wants. Post-crucified (post Great Work) Jesus could've walked down any street he wanted. No one could hurt him or do anything against him. His mindset wouldn't even be "these are my enemies", because they have no power to hurt him.

Edit: Maybe should say post-resurrection Jesus, but you get my drift I assume.
That's the thing, Jesus is a character in a story, not a man of flesh bound by the rules of any man of flesh.

Some of us don't get the luxury of being a story. You say after his resurrection he could have done that... Let's imagine that he "resurrected" 'The Man from Earth style'.

He'd have to fake his death. It's what he DID do in the story to avoid being crowned God-King.

How do you do that today?


Lead Transcriber
May 30, 2021
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That's the thing, Jesus is a character in a story, not a man of flesh bound by the rules of any man of flesh.
My impression was that you were approaching him as if he was a real person, so that's the perspective I was responding from.

He'd have to fake his death. It's what he DID do in the story to avoid being crowned God-King.

How do you do that today?
I feel like you have a deeper question that I am just not grasping (which no doubt is 100% on my side).


Jun 30, 2021
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Jarhyn wrote: He'd have to fake his death. It's what he DID do in the story to avoid being crowned God-King.

How do you do that today?

Moslims don't believe jesus died, it's a difference in faith between Moslims and Christians. So you do faith. Sincerety is expected with such an act.


Jan 27, 2022
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My impression was that you were approaching him as if he was a real person, so that's the perspective I was responding from.

I feel like you have a deeper question that I am just not grasping (which no doubt is 100% on my side).
As a real person, of flesh and blood, with his deeds a little padded or misunderstood or misremembered by an enthusiastic and friendly author perhaps.

I'm not saying he didn't pull off some gnarly hacks, assuming he learned enough of the rhythm of the spiral; nor that there is no grand spiral of time and space. I may be a naive child, but I'm not that naive!

I guess a more empathetic question might be:

"Assume Elon Musk wanted to fuck off and not be bothered as if they were Elon Musk, how should he do it?"

Or even

"Would you become Elon Musk knowing that there's no way to fuck off and not be bothered as if you were Elon Musk?"


Aug 31, 2021
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So, assuming someone figures out how to describe the basis for everything that we understand as "real", the very source of TzimTzum, the origin of B'reshit and see the face of Unity, AinSof itself without exploding in gory chunks...

What do you do at that point?

It may be that some humans are purely decorative - but my own observation is that humans are a functional part in the processes that underlie Existence.

Existence-function for most humans does not require system-level understanding.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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I think you're either overthinking this or have a fundamental lack of understanding of Alchemy, the tree of life, and approaching divinity.

There is a reason why we don't call it "attaining divninity". We "approach it". Because even with decades of high magick experience, and even if you think you have surpassed the level of EinSof. While you are attached to your mortal body, you are not divine, and while your ability to perform magick, and control your body mind and soul will be evelated far beyond a normal human, you are still a human. You have not transcended until you die phyically in this world.

The practices and rituals we perform in this world are merely a preperation for your new life after death. To break the ouroboros cycle of life and death, birth and rebirth.

You may have some limited understanding of things beyond the mortal plane, and you may be able to communicate and evoke efficiently enough to climb, but the REAL DIVINITY only starts after you die and leave your mortal attachments. You will not be divine, know what it is to be divine, or fully understand divinity until that point.

Even after completing the great work here on Earth, you are still nothing and no one until you leave your physical body and cross the abyss or who knows what. Really, who knows. Who knows how much further you really have to go once you cross that threshold.

Of course, this is all my opinion, as I am do not practice high magick, and do not profess to have completed the great work. But, as far as I understand, this is common knowledge for those who have practiced high magick for some time.

But it seems silly to assume that completing the great work will result in some sort of external shift in your reality or that your knowledge and understanding and divinity would in any way reach a point where you'd have to worry about people "knowing" you. Unless I've misunderstood your original post, in which case, pardon me.
Sep 9, 2021
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Magnum Opus, The Knowledge and Conversation with your Holy Guardian Angel, the completion of the Philosophers Stone. Aren't all of these forms of the Great Work? That and to be most yourself.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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What I don't really understand is why so many magicians etc always get hung up on Jesus being "real" or that he "never existed".
If your grandma is dying and believes that her suffering is about to end and she will soon sit at the feet of the Lord in eternal peace - is that a bad thing?
Suppose there was no son of Mary and that it was a fabricated story that has influenced the world for thousands of years. Every construct (organisation / company / religion..) has a figure-head.
Is Mickey Mouse real?
When a small child is filled with joy when it sees a Disney cartoon - is that not real then?
When a scumbag pervert puts on a Mickey costume and rapes kids - is that then to be attributed to Mickey?

Here in the Netherlands we have Sinterklaas (the model for Santa Claus). He is based on a Christian bishop from Turkey. He wears a pope's mitre with the cross and has a friendly helper Zwarte Piet.
We tell children about him, and they believe in him so he is real. Then when they reach a certain age we tell them it's all fake.
So the kids see this bishop, with his cross, and are suddenly told that all they believed about him was a sham.
In my opinion this definitely influences how people think of the church from that moment on.

But does it really matter if? So many witches etc create thoughtforms / servitors to influence the(ir) world. Are these more "real" than Jesus?


Aug 31, 2021
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It seems that the figure of Jesus was a composite from previous mythology. For example Jesus (the son of God) raised Lazarus from the dead while Horus/Hor (son of a god) raised Asar from the dead. Just lucky I suppose.

The word Christ comes from the Greek Christos - meaning annointed. The Jewish Messiah was based on the anointing of the Egyptian kings with the fat of the Messeh - the sacred crocodile that appears in the Hindu tradition as the Makara.

As far as I know, the concept of "the Cosmic Christ" does not appear in the public domain until the 1920s. There is some cosmic energy to which Christianity aspires.

(Jesus baptised no one. Is Christianity actually a Johannite religion?)


Aug 31, 2021
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but does it influence the effect?
If we take it that Jesus is a construct, a thought form, then the question arises: for what is the thought form being used?

If we judge by the Holy Inquisition and the many religious wars, we might deduce that at least one thought form of Jesus contains dark energy - contrary to the brotherhood of man (and woman)

Are there competing thought forms of Jesus?

Perhaps we would be better off with none. Start again from first principles