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crypto in the morning! by Lou


Jun 30, 2021
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so to make things clear this is a FUN topic with a name i stole. yeah i did that. the crypto dudez in the world comprise of 4% of the fucking HUMAN universe. so thats not much, still they are annoying ass hell. i get them on the fly by sometimes.

so since they are not interested in wizardry as we do, but have a huge calculating interest and bots to work the pc, i thought it to be fun to help them a bit. a sort of get to know each other. but well im a bit in a pickle, cause well the dudes are nerds and we all know, whos gonna dance with a nerd??? and does a nerd dare to come out of the closet at all???

so we are going to learn their language and humble ourselves to get to know them, like good girls do. uhuh. well i figured out they speak my language, the language of the gods. so they understand all that occult shit only they use different words and they built computers with it. aint that strange. they almost look like us, but are not. so fights between bots and egregores. ..

i was thinking maybe also ask mike tyson to help, cause, well he likes kek's butt for fun these days and he makes others listen...
as we all know britney is out, nicki and rihannah are taken so we have to do it our way. we already know rotterdam is everywhere and is ours. ill help with stating that in the royal game there are titles, like the biggest landowner of the world, the richest man of the world and since our morroccan king to be like planes, there is now also the best flyer/pilot, lol. they dont have a decent title yet. captain will be a problem cause thats the kiss and ride lane. so the kid needs a title and he needs to keep it up, you know planes and crashing or disappearing, not good. so we as wf in rotterdam help with that, cause its good for the world. why? cause a king can pretend for very long hes the richest and we cant simple. and it keeps the playing cards at ease, for the path workers amongst us. ;)

for everyone thinking what the fuck is she doing, calling all these titles again??? well all these things are mentioned in the public domain, we are in the public domain as members of wf. and crypto is a thing growing and its freaking scary. so what better to have as friends??? exactly a scary nerd into crypto. and crypto in the morning has tons of them. well not tons, they are the candy of the 4%, so yum.

im a bit of nerd myself btw, so i couldnt get a date myself, which still makes me cry, but anyways the crypto dudes have been reading along here for a while now and i thought it time to introduce them to a safe bridge between the occult world and the crypto world. so guys please do cut your song out of the podcast and put it in a vid, im the stupid one, but id like to put your song here for the good flow. its sticky and i want to share and dance.



Jun 30, 2021
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or even a better dare: put the vid here yourself... ill be flirting with others....


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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I don't really know anything about crypto Lou, but I wanna learn and help the nerds too. I thought Sarah Vaugh's face was going to do a LOAB transformation but I was wrong and then I figured it is all about getting one's shit together. Does this count?
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BTW, I usually try to avoid posting during retrograde and resumption periods, but Neptune as God of the Tentacular Hats has subtle waveform commands that just keep coming and coming....👻


Jun 30, 2021
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i know, thats why im mostly in the lounge. and yes your song was pretty damn cool or rather ice cold. quite the accomplishment, thanks 😘
Sep 9, 2021
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so to make things clear this is a FUN topic with a name i stole. yeah i did that. the crypto dudez in the world comprise of 4% of the fucking HUMAN universe. so thats not much, still they are annoying ass hell. i get them on the fly by sometimes.

so since they are not interested in wizardry as we do, but have a huge calculating interest and bots to work the pc, i thought it to be fun to help them a bit. a sort of get to know each other. but well im a bit in a pickle, cause well the dudes are nerds and we all know, whos gonna dance with a nerd??? and does a nerd dare to come out of the closet at all???

so we are going to learn their language and humble ourselves to get to know them, like good girls do. uhuh. well i figured out they speak my language, the language of the gods. so they understand all that occult shit only they use different words and they built computers with it. aint that strange. they almost look like us, but are not. so fights between bots and egregores. ..

i was thinking maybe also ask mike tyson to help, cause, well he likes kek's butt for fun these days and he makes others listen...
as we all know britney is out, nicki and rihannah are taken so we have to do it our way. we already know rotterdam is everywhere and is ours. ill help with stating that in the royal game there are titles, like the biggest landowner of the world, the richest man of the world and since our morroccan king to be like planes, there is now also the best flyer/pilot, lol. they dont have a decent title yet. captain will be a problem cause thats the kiss and ride lane. so the kid needs a title and he needs to keep it up, you know planes and crashing or disappearing, not good. so we as wf in rotterdam help with that, cause its good for the world. why? cause a king can pretend for very long hes the richest and we cant simple. and it keeps the playing cards at ease, for the path workers amongst us. ;)

for everyone thinking what the fuck is she doing, calling all these titles again??? well all these things are mentioned in the public domain, we are in the public domain as members of wf. and crypto is a thing growing and its freaking scary. so what better to have as friends??? exactly a scary nerd into crypto. and crypto in the morning has tons of them. well not tons, they are the candy of the 4%, so yum.

im a bit of nerd myself btw, so i couldnt get a date myself, which still makes me cry, but anyways the crypto dudes have been reading along here for a while now and i thought it time to introduce them to a safe bridge between the occult world and the crypto world. so guys please do cut your song out of the podcast and put it in a vid, im the stupid one, but id like to put your song here for the good flow. its sticky and i want to share and dance.

My preferred form of crypto is not in the morning, perhaps
I should try this, however through logic problems and some cryptogram attempts (I suck at math and therefore most logic puzzles)


Jun 30, 2021
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That's like musical Corpus Hermeticum to me!

Yeah, well when i do it, its either spam, haram or derailing.

But my cat got attention. She got catcandy and chickenbrest and cheese for a nightsnack. Men are very strange when it comes to hidden love..

Mr. Delicio, might we introduce you then to a new meaning of the word crypto? (idk much either, so we will be messing up big time)
I used to say bitcoin world, but some dipshit somewhere thought i was one and wanted to datamine my arsh. No can do.

Then they had that thing with nft's and singers and i had oopsy avatarpic for sale. (its fun when they think youre that stupid)
Also no can do.

So, now they are calling it crypto and its like a pyramid scheme where you built bots to work the machine. And in essence there are several groups and people who have created a money making machine. Some even burn contracts and other semi holy terms. Still it looks to me just like the aex index, only for the it nerds. So some freakin scary shit, so TTIP an no can do, again.

Now, crypto in the morning is a real podcast on youtube, with a freaking catchy song. The dudes that talk are very into community, giving back, healing their struggles, etc. So they seek to help others by teaching how and also work to stay under divine grace. (happy dudes, wanna stay happy.) Now that, i can help with.

Some are still a bit scared or find it wyrd that god is in and out of the computer, so they hide from occult and occult hides from them. Keeping both sides in the closet, while they should be working together instead of fucking using my cat.( Thankfully hyena brought her back to the dorkside and i now have fake mice and flies for her.)

i hoped some of the ones i had on the flyby would post the song, but the kiddies are not used to IT in that sense, so my husband did it himself.
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oww yes since someones ( yeah my own reinvented word, no ramble) are confused i decided to have an animus and an anima. sadly they had a fight years ago, but they are have been doing a lot of make up in the beauty salon owned by our own member hungry ghost.

so this is all the genders at once, split in 2 ( btw thats why god is 2, how else can we watch zeenas boobies, i saw someone elses boobies, btw but still satanic radio from california all the way):

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Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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Oh, so crypto is about makin' it rain? Sorry if I get lost on that - I thought it was about hidden messages and synchronicities coming over internet comm lines.
Anyways, Sam Bankman-Fried can take it in the nuts.
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Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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Awesome! Make it rain then:cool:

🦇🤖🦇 Automerge Prep Enabled...
Sep 9, 2021
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Well then, shall we turn night into day? Perhaps it will rain then .. but .. to turn it into day, we need Diluclo (Daybreak).
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Someone screamed at me to shout, let it all out. I could muster nothing. Therefore, this goes to them...
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Jun 30, 2021
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my real name means, night.....and im proud of my white culture...
btw in the surinam lane, where the crystal spiders are, we call this moksi meti. its a rice dish with several forms of meat in it. its also our heiritage as humanity: mixed.

and that makes it fun, as is said in the quran: god created tribes to learn from each other, the bible said be wise as kids and jews can cook. 💕
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calling fuego...


Jun 30, 2021
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hihihi, you make me speak dutch and feel like 16 again, you sexy you.
now thats a good war, love jah! 🖤🖤🖤


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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So, now they are calling it crypto and its like a pyramid scheme where you built bots to work the machine. And in essence there are several groups and people who have created a money making machine. Some even burn contracts and other semi holy terms. Still it looks to me just like the aex index, only for the it nerds. So some freakin scary shit, so TTIP an no can do, again.
I figure in the 90's the nerds got vindicated when they learned how to evolve ARPANET into the Internet. They became billionaires with supermodel harems and they saved the world. The Gulf War was Made For TV and looked real clean if you weren't on the Highway of Death. Thanks to nerds and smart bombs, there would be peace and freedom because everybody could talk to each other whenever they wanted. They made it rain🚀 Roll credits...
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But then came Y2K and The Man started flipping coins and guessing answers and calling it The Future - it was not telepathy, but telekinesis at work. Everybody started "investigating" things so they could learn how to make it rain. So Karma gets on the Internet, with a crowbar. People got touchy. Where were the nerds?
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Lucifer tried to heal it with the Ascending Flame, and said "See, I'm running things and I'm a proper Lady, but your bathroom confusion is your own business. I got lots of retro and cover songs for you":

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But then the Russian helicopters came and now everything is open ended.

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And not one of these fools can tell me what's for dinner. Good thing it's morning, eh?☀️


Jun 30, 2021
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some musk guy bought my bathroom confusion for 44 billion

yeah mr. sugar eddy, i know ;)

heheehh yeah, he didnt see those negros landing in the background, poor putin.

lol yeah his o9a wrote we love netherlands, every day party every day dance

yeah well equal rights, so sit your ass down, chillax and have some netflix.



Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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LOL! Good to see you got things under control. How many bathrooms do you have in the Netherlands?
We've only got one here - it's a unisex Porta Potty and everyone has to wait in line and try not to step on cactus. In summer it gets wasps buzzing around in it, so anyone inside it has gotta go-go-go!

But this is the best we can do for parties out here, mainly because of inflation.
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Jun 30, 2021
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you got a real cactus? lucky you. they gave me prickly dicks pretending to be cactus. ever seen a man keep that up for long??? i didnt either so i went to church. now they put a woman there, seems the church couldnt keep it up either. well not even seem. look they pray in the snake room:


yeah those bathrooms, i think i was in an argument with an old member here from canada and he refused to be king of the toiletpaper. i already had the artists in my neighborhood stealing his creativity, so i thought why not and i became queenking of the toiletpapermeme. fuck all those normies, kept it all for me and they had to go without, the bastards...

but well, some of my male friends thought it sad, so i baked them a cake and musk went to space...

in the nerdlane, musk is of course the stupid one, cause he has fun, money, brains and knows how to play the media. so we got a jealousyfest going on from here to tokyo (dutch saying meaning its damn far and the road doesnt perse lead to rome, cause really not all roads do ;))

so be wise as snakes, stand in the centre let them shine a light on you and take a sip of worshipenergy in the memelane. i think its gross, btw, but well my sausage fest got canceled due to being to offensive or something, so even vampires differ.

oww, you know, side trail and stuf ;), in daily life id like to watch some fun on tv. i mean the tv in that electric fused box, not the normies giving us game, if you get the drift. so im working my way up to get to the 'in living color' guys (no dudes thankfully) cause they make me laugh. irritatingly enough, they then throw me in pron with lhp. you know we are all racists, but well i cant help it im white and i like them. so they give me the blm route and i have to be tied up and feel sorry for what my ancestors supposedly have done due to my skin. im watered down black, so....(anyone can play that, no worries we all come from africa always,)

so in the hope for better tv, movies, cartoons, series, standup comedy, etc i pray for their creativity to rise and the media to bow for them as i just want something to watch after dinner with my husband.

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the crypto dudes forget sometimes that they use occult terms and things can get confusing. there is a group that created a coin, i think, cause allah ulam, which is idk or only god knows and they call it a hex. they even have a cult following crowd on twitter, with twitter wars etc.
now silly of course, but a witch in dutch is a heks, so a female warlock only different form of curse work.

so not just not my wallet, but not my cult either.
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Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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I'm getting sent to Punishment Camp again for forced labor in cactus harvesting. It's really not that bad, because they let you eat some of the decorative ones.
But IMO Musk is running for POTUS one day. He subliminally launched his campaign on something that looks like a cactus:
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In Living Color is the shiznit - they're still playing that song on the radio all the time.