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Demon Hunter


ᶜᵒᵍⁿⁱᵗⁱᵛᵉ ᵇᵉʰᵃᵛⁱᵒʳᵃˡ ᶜʳʸᵒᵗʰᵉʳᵃᵖʸ
Jan 9, 2022
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True but some do take on our religions, and they marry and copulate with humans. Most don’t really bother with us either.

some live here but in a different dimensional shift, what we call inner earth or the desolate places.

but you are right most don’t bother us, it’s when we bother them they can harm us.
I live sexual life with demons and I was in a romantic relationship with two (not in the same time, one lasts for 4 years and the last one lasts 2+ years) - there were times when I had sex with other demons too but had no relationship with them, it was a different type of connection which just involved sex for different reasons -, but their motivation was not religious neither, and "loyalty" for example like we usually expecting from our partner is not really a thing or not common.

Demonic marriage is real and it can happen with humans too - but don't forget that they are seeing our souls as well, and this marriage can last much more longer than a human lifespawn -. I was actually close to get married with one of the Infernal Princes, but then sudden changes came, and I simply I backed away from him and the idea. However I made a promise, that I will be back at him when I am ready.

Even if you are married with a demon, they still can have more lovers, wives and husbands (especially if we're talking about Royals) and in some cases, in spite of this, they still can expect from you to be loyal to them, to not have sex with humans or other spirits, only with them. So you have to be aware of what kind of relationship you getting into and get know the demon and his/her nature/personality before you dive in deep.

My first demonic lover actually put a guy's life in grave danger countless times and terrorized him for long years just because he was in love with me and wanted more. This demon had a very abrupt nature, and very aggressive. He even got mad at my pets when they interrupted me in the wrong time what he want for us, which often ended up attacks (like one time for example I've seen my cat literally pinned against the wall by him, and suffocated for long seconds until it fell down and then flee away - that was the pont where I kept my cat closed out of my room for two years to avoid these attacks, because I knew he won't control himself for such a things).
They have their own feelings, expectations, and nature and it will put an effect on your relationship and life. You must handle it seriously and not forget that you can't close them out if you "get bored of them".

I continuously miss both of these demonic lovers, because the reason for the "break up" was not because we don't want it, but because changes in my life simply required them to stay away, and let me focus, but I plan to re-connect with them in the future. Interstingly, the more aggressive one let me go easier, and with more understanding, and the Prince was the one who actually put up a more treathening mask, but I felt that this is a bluff, and he kept his humour and teasing side still. Anyhow, I hope I can fix things with him as well in the future, he is a very precious demon in my life, he taught me a lot and his personality caught me.​
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Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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In @Jarhyn 's thread on spirits of Wanton self she mentions current names for certain entities, and @Mider2009 and @Telafiel in this thread seem to point to something similar: how entities will change their name for other cultures like we can change our username and start anew. The more I play with this idea it starts to resemble a bizar game these entities play with people.


Jan 27, 2022
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In @Jarhyn 's thread on spirits of Wanton self she mentions current names for certain entities, and @Mider2009 and @Telafiel in this thread seem to point to something similar: how entities will change their name for other cultures like we can change our username and start anew. The more I play with this idea it starts to resemble a bizar game these entities play with people.
I dunno if it's that, exactly... More, the phenomena is caused exactly by authors of "fiction" trying to make metaphor, intersected with the fact humanity has been formed in such a way as to expect creativity and new names in every presentation of setting.

The multitude names are more a function of the authors, and the narrative process as exists in culture than the demon.

It becomes more a matter of understanding the metaphors from all angles rather than specifically attaching a 'name'.

In some way the fragmentation happens because someone uninducted into more historic or formal names is the one looking at the entities, too. Or someone who can't just use the "classic" names and descriptions because if they did, they would be inundated by "moms against people who can control the chaos gods that control the moms."

So, "it's complicated".


Jan 27, 2022
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So, I haven't read... Any of the books that you lot have, most likely.

But I can't help but notice that people take terrible offense, fear, even loath when people have an understanding of the relationship between certain "social powers" and their adjoining costs.

It almost seems like a resentment that some can attain what they have without paying the price they paid for it.

It seems so trivial to look at "force of personality" and see the chain of narcissism attached to it, and to look at it and direct something against that rather than letting the demon pull me into an echo chamber where it is internalized.


Dec 23, 2021
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A lot of heavy info here all I have to say is the acts of sins are the channels which exist without culture so the religion or culture defines the channels and known operator or body of events I suppose.