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Jujutsu Kaisen, Cursed Spirits.


Apr 17, 2023
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In the manga Jujutsu Kaisen, it talks about the creation of cursed spirits. They are created through the collective negative emotions that flow out of human beings. This cursed energy then builds up and forms into a cursed spirit that brings harm, death, and calamity to society. The humans that have allegedly created these cursed spirits through negative emotions can't see them, but Jujutsu sorcerers can and they are able to exorcise them. Do you all think this is the same case in the real world today? Did humans as a collective population curse themselves through the collective negative emotions that keep this hellish matrix running? It also sounds similar to the concept of loosh energy. Thank you for reading.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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Manga aside, "cursed spirits" sound like some sort of evil egregore thing in the making, but the general calamities of human kind are a bit more complicated and putting a single cause to them would be like chasing roaches in a dark room. Still, I think Bardon wrote about types of larvae and phantoms and such that are generated by people unconsciously and confused with actual spirits. These are temporary, though I think that through a powerful sustained projection they could flood the minds of the masses over time and become elevated into something quite unpleasant. But these can be banished by reason, if one is not consumed by the mob. I am intentionally vague as it would be too easy to point fingers as all one has to do is turn on the TV or read the news. It would be a lot to untangle.

Sherry Shriner comes to mind as an extreme generator of the cursed idea which can affect people like spirits.

I am currently intrigued though at what I perceive to be a kind of psychic loop between fictional magic and actual occultism. My initial instinct was to dismiss it until I witness phenomena like the Slender Man starting out as a "creepy pasta" that ultimately inspired attempted murder. I see other things popping up in the abysmal foam of fragmentary consciousness sizzling over the spectrum. There seems to me to be a compulsive trend of trying to spread the fear/thrill of urban legends in an attempt to make them more real, more sustaining. Is there an unconscious psychic force behind this which can be found in history?

I look back at the Lovecraft phenomenon and wonder. He wrote fiction, but it was striking enough to impress sensitive souls such as some of the characters he wrote about, a projection of his own sensitive nature grasping at the material with one hand while spinning tales from his deepest dreams with the other. From thence the evolution goes from rumor to complex systems of magic that people swear by. I know I have...do...well...

(Note: I didn't mention Grant this time. Perhaps I should be proud of myself. Yay.)