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Journal Path to Astral Projection

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Apr 28, 2021
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Hello all,

I have left a few success stories of lucid dreaming but decided to formally start a thread to better record it.

My most recent development occurred last night, after using a technique from “The Phase”, I had an interesting epiphany why my progress might be slow.

the specific technique was working after failing with the indirect technique, and the swimming visualizing really did it for me and I was feeling sensations and the feeling of weightlessness that I have never experienced in waking life.

however, I became frightened and consciously ended the exercise.

I believe that despite my efforts this will be a battle uphill, as this theme of fear and premature ending also has occurred in Lucid Dreams.

I believe this is the subconscious programming of a fundamental Christian upbringing, and I have been tirelessly been working to undo it, still getting closer but still have a way to go.

However, through ritual work as well as my deep meditation sessions I sense a breakthrough will be in the near future.

Sep 9, 2021
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Nice, good job. Was it more air or water as a feeling while swimming? I watch the flight of various avians and they can be quite insightful simply by observing. You might try just observing and take the reins when you need to.


Apr 28, 2021
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Update: 6/3

I had another lucid dream last night, although it was rather short I once again attempted Astral Projection. Here was the lucid dream:

I was in a van with my sister, girlfriend and her friend and they were all acting really weird. I felt off and stared at the sky to hear my friend say “don’t do that”, and then I was aware I was dreaming.

I looked all of the 3 individually and talked to them. They would not look my in the eye until I told them to and they all seemed very sheepish/ disappointed that I was lucid.

I talked to my dream sister and told her I would be projecting now. I closed my eyes and tried to… nothing.

I opened them and told her to help me since she was a dream character. She told me to lie down and say “accept”. So I did this.

I started receiving intense vibrations that were shaking my body to the point I could not hear anything. I felt limp and starting the rise up from my body, leading with my midsection with my legs and upper body trailing behind.

at the absolute peak of the vibrations, I felt it, a shadow of doubt. A single thought that this would not work as the other attempts had not. This single unconscious thought pulled me back, and with my eyes closed still I knew I was out of the dream and back into waking life.

I have not been able to do much dream work or Magick in general as I have been going on trips and have had absolutely no privacy the last week. I have been doing reality checks every day and it’s funny that the day I do not do any is when I have a lucid dream.


Apr 28, 2021
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Update: 6/8/23

Another lucid dream with attempt to astral project:

after becoming lucid, I tried to strengthen lucidity by turning a white truck I saw into a red one, and after failing 2 times, it worked on the third,

next I tried to fly into the sky as a means to astral project, again, first two times I landed on my feet and the third I started flying in a slow and awkward manner.

eventually this subsided and I was staring at the moon with intent to fly into it. The full moon split into two halves and rotated so each half was horizontally facing each other with a gap in the middle with some nighttime clouds swirling into a vortex creating a tunnel I was flying through,

Unfortunately at a certain height, the sky melted and I felt myself “waking up” and staring at the back of my eyelids.

Instead of flying, I will try to imagine a simple door to take me to the astral realm, hopefully once I find a method that resonates with me I will finally be able to astral project.
Sep 9, 2021
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Congratulations! I would recommend a door as well, that was the first thing I saw when I was about to involuntarily project once. I was ina stone tunnel, and a metal door was at the end. There was a Cubical stone that a hooded figure sat on with its back to me. I chickened out and awoke.


Jun 8, 2021
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Lemongrass, I envy you, (joke) because I've been trying to Lucid Dream, and Astral Project for the longest at will. The shit is, I can't project nor Lucid Dream at will. I have to let The Universe do the honors. But, great man. I think, that is awesome.


Apr 28, 2021
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Wow it has been a dry spell for lucid dreaming, but tonight was the night that made it all up.

I practiced astral projection in a meditation before bed, and got to the point of extreme vibrations, loud auditory hallucinations, including hearing my name being called (creepy), and despite trying to remain as still as possible my heart was racing a million miles a minute before the separation was complete. Afterwards, I promptly fell asleep.

I had 3 total dreams that I remembered in great detail, and two of them were lucid dreams. These two lucid dreams were highly personal and private to me so I will not share everything that occurred, but some cool things that happened were that I started both of them sitting at a sort of school for astral projection which I promptly left after becoming lucid. What is always interesting in these dreams is noticing the differences in small or large details that your brain makes if you are lucky enough to observe them. For instance when I was walking around my environment and observing the dreamscape my mind put together, the "astral school" led into an old timey circus themed arcade with all the small details wrong that a normal unconscious dreamer would never notice. For instance, all the machines had slots to take in "$42 dollar bills" in order to play, a crane machine was completely upside down, the word "Souvenir" on a banner was spelled "Suvenoir", and the slogan for the arcade was a yellow banner that read "Fun & Fun Fun Games and More!" and stuff of that nature.

I was surprised by a dream character I was with, after telling him he was in fact not real by having him to a reality check on himself for fun, told me to follow him to a special room where I could write out on a form where I wanted to go in the astral and he would put it into a special computer. Again, this dream character knew instantly what my inner desires were without communicating it in anyway, things that often go overlooked in a normal unconscious dreaming state.

I was not trying to project in my lucid dream, but just wanted to observe any subconscious symbols my mind was giving me, but I amused him and started filling out a pink form to go to an elemental temple in the astral.

However, I felt a strong almost magnetic pull to my body and my vision became tunnel vision, then entirely blackness and then felt a sudden difference in "where" I was, as I returned to my physical body, but was completely lucid of the entire transition state, which was neat.

The night before I told myself to wake up at 9 am without an alarm to help train my subconscious, and when I felt that "pulling" and woke up it was 8:57am, which was pretty neat too.

Honestly, I think I can pin my success on the elemental I created a few days ago, as my dream recall has gone through the roof and ended a lucid dreaming dry spell I was experiencing.

When I was in the lucid dream, at times I felt myself getting "distracted"? if that is the right word, it feels closely to when you fall asleep and your subconscious starts putting thoughts and scenarios in your head that you become enthralled by and lose consciousness. I used the mantra "Consciousness and Consciousness Awake" and repeated it to myself over and over again throughout the dream to extend my quality of consciousness.

Here's the link to the thread I made if anybody is interested :)

[Tutorial] - Creating an Elementary


Jun 8, 2021
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Wow it has been a dry spell for lucid dreaming, but tonight was the night that made it all up.

I practiced astral projection in a meditation before bed, and got to the point of extreme vibrations, loud auditory hallucinations, including hearing my name being called (creepy), and despite trying to remain as still as possible my heart was racing a million miles a minute before the separation was complete. Afterwards, I promptly fell asleep.

I had 3 total dreams that I remembered in great detail, and two of them were lucid dreams. These two lucid dreams were highly personal and private to me so I will not share everything that occurred, but some cool things that happened were that I started both of them sitting at a sort of school for astral projection which I promptly left after becoming lucid. What is always interesting in these dreams is noticing the differences in small or large details that your brain makes if you are lucky enough to observe them. For instance when I was walking around my environment and observing the dreamscape my mind put together, the "astral school" led into an old timey circus themed arcade with all the small details wrong that a normal unconscious dreamer would never notice. For instance, all the machines had slots to take in "$42 dollar bills" in order to play, a crane machine was completely upside down, the word "Souvenir" on a banner was spelled "Suvenoir", and the slogan for the arcade was a yellow banner that read "Fun & Fun Fun Games and More!" and stuff of that nature.

I was surprised by a dream character I was with, after telling him he was in fact not real by having him to a reality check on himself for fun, told me to follow him to a special room where I could write out on a form where I wanted to go in the astral and he would put it into a special computer. Again, this dream character knew instantly what my inner desires were without communicating it in anyway, things that often go overlooked in a normal unconscious dreaming state.

I was not trying to project in my lucid dream, but just wanted to observe any subconscious symbols my mind was giving me, but I amused him and started filling out a pink form to go to an elemental temple in the astral.

However, I felt a strong almost magnetic pull to my body and my vision became tunnel vision, then entirely blackness and then felt a sudden difference in "where" I was, as I returned to my physical body, but was completely lucid of the entire transition state, which was neat.

The night before I told myself to wake up at 9 am without an alarm to help train my subconscious, and when I felt that "pulling" and woke up it was 8:57am, which was pretty neat too.

Honestly, I think I can pin my success on the elemental I created a few days ago, as my dream recall has gone through the roof and ended a lucid dreaming dry spell I was experiencing.

When I was in the lucid dream, at times I felt myself getting "distracted"? if that is the right word, it feels closely to when you fall asleep and your subconscious starts putting thoughts and scenarios in your head that you become enthralled by and lose consciousness. I used the mantra "Consciousness and Consciousness Awake" and repeated it to myself over and over again throughout the dream to extend my quality of consciousness.

Here's the link to the thread I made if anybody is interested :)

[Tutorial] - Creating an Elementary
That was awesome Lemongrass! I'm happy for you. I'm about to post what happened to me last night right now if you want to check it out.


Apr 28, 2021
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Brief lucid dream with a low quality of awareness, just a few notches above a normal unconscious dream but an interesting interaction happened,

I was in a room with a woman and a man, the man and woman were harassing me into the point of physical harm, where I felt almost “forced” into lucidity.

after gaining lucidity, I dismissed both of them and made the man disappear, however when I turned around he was back again and continues to scare/ intimidate me by shapeshifting and taking on grotesque forms until I lose lucidity by giving in to fear.

this cycle happens a few times, where he tries to intimidate me to fall into an unconscious state, and me using recall to put myself back into a lucid state. This happened until I woke up.

My guess is that my subconscious is helping to condition me to overcome certain fears I have that serve as a barrier to become lucid in dreaming. By replaying it repeatedly I was eventually able to overcome it.


Jun 8, 2021
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Brief lucid dream with a low quality of awareness, just a few notches above a normal unconscious dream but an interesting interaction happened,

I was in a room with a woman and a man, the man and woman were harassing me into the point of physical harm, where I felt almost “forced” into lucidity.

after gaining lucidity, I dismissed both of them and made the man disappear, however when I turned around he was back again and continues to scare/ intimidate me by shapeshifting and taking on grotesque forms until I lose lucidity by giving in to fear.

this cycle happens a few times, where he tries to intimidate me to fall into an unconscious state, and me using recall to put myself back into a lucid state. This happened until I woke up.

My guess is that my subconscious is helping to condition me to overcome certain fears I have that serve as a barrier to become lucid in dreaming. By replaying it repeatedly I was eventually able to overcome it.
Wow! That must be some challenge?


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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working out exactly what it could be.
What first came to my mind is that it's your shadow self. One's goal is to integrate the shadow. That's easy enough to say, of course. The other way of looking at it is that you're encountering your Guardian of the Threshold. Mark Stavish, author of Between the Gates, suggests a period of alchemical purification meditations. These are described as a means of overcoming the fear of encountering the Guardian. Frater F.C. in his book, The Temple of Solomon Crash Course in Hermetic Magic, describes the same meditation on pages 5-6 of the pdf.


Apr 28, 2021
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Another low quality lucid dream, but an interesting experience with WILD (wake induced lucid dream)

I had a total of 5 different dreams last night with varying degrees of detail, the first lucid dream arose after I woke up early this morning and set the intention. I have lately been incubating the desire to have a dream to meet some sort of guide.

I start the dream immediately on some sort of therapy couch, in a beach condo with many windows overlooking the ocean high in the sky. The room is blue, and a man asks me a question that sounded profound, but I can not recall it. I cut him off and tell him I need to make sure I am dreaming. He looks at me with a complex look which almost looked like pity or reluctance and he stood aside. I do a reality check, but the excitement wakes me up.

I wake up in my bed frustrated, but wanted to return. So I lay down and start to meditate, honestly I lost track of time but I passed through the hypnagogic phase and sleep paralysis. What was interesting is suddenly in my closed eyelids I saw a very distinct small rectangle.

I “swim” or “pull” the rectangle towards me and it changed shape into a bright light. I keep pulling until it is all I can see and look across the door. I see a very blindingly bright blue sky, (kind of like when you fall asleep at the beach and first look up at the sky after you wake up)

I look around, I am in water, floating on some sort of tube. I see dream characters around me that were in a previous but non-lucid dream I recorded earlier that morning in my dream journal. They look very distorted as does the sky and water, it looks elongated and opaque, shifting and adjusting before it becomes normal-looking.

I lost lucidity again after it stabilized.


Jun 8, 2021
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Another low quality lucid dream, but an interesting experience with WILD (wake induced lucid dream)

I had a total of 5 different dreams last night with varying degrees of detail, the first lucid dream arose after I woke up early this morning and set the intention. I have lately been incubating the desire to have a dream to meet some sort of guide.

I start the dream immediately on some sort of therapy couch, in a beach condo with many windows overlooking the ocean high in the sky. The room is blue, and a man asks me a question that sounded profound, but I can not recall it. I cut him off and tell him I need to make sure I am dreaming. He looks at me with a complex look which almost looked like pity or reluctance and he stood aside. I do a reality check, but the excitement wakes me up.

I wake up in my bed frustrated, but wanted to return. So I lay down and start to meditate, honestly I lost track of time but I passed through the hypnagogic phase and sleep paralysis. What was interesting is suddenly in my closed eyelids I saw a very distinct small rectangle.

I “swim” or “pull” the rectangle towards me and it changed shape into a bright light. I keep pulling until it is all I can see and look across the door. I see a very blindingly bright blue sky, (kind of like when you fall asleep at the beach and first look up at the sky after you wake up)

I look around, I am in water, floating on some sort of tube. I see dream characters around me that were in a previous but non-lucid dream I recorded earlier that morning in my dream journal. They look very distorted as does the sky and water, it looks elongated and opaque, shifting and adjusting before it becomes normal-looking.

I lost lucidity again after it stabilized.
That was mind blowing!!! What's funny for me, is that when I become Lucid in the dream, I notice it. Like I don't have to do Reality Checks. I just roll with it. Now, don't get me wrong. I do reality checks but not so much as before. Anyway, interesting stuff!


Apr 28, 2021
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That was mind blowing!!! What's funny for me, is that when I become Lucid in the dream, I notice it. Like I don't have to do Reality Checks. I just roll with it. Now, don't get me wrong. I do reality checks but not so much as before. Anyway, interesting stuff!
Yeah, I definitely need to trust my intuition more like you. I read that despite being able to do anything in dreams, you often need to “convince” your left hemisphere (logic dominant) part of your brain in order to make things happen.

Ex: instead of being able to outright teleport, you conjure a door and walk through it to your desired location.

I think that same part of my brain needed extra “convincing” with the redundant reality check despite knowing full well I was dreaming.


Apr 28, 2021
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Another dream which turned briefly lucid at the end. After @KjEno186 mentioned the guardian of the threshold in my last update, I read more about the figure in lucid dreaming and astral projection circles and I had another encounter with that entity last night.

during my unconscious dream, there was this entity that looked like a massive (10 or so feet long) Wolverine-Hog hybrid with horns that was pacing around a snowy cabin that I was in and it was actively trying to get in.

I was scared shitless as I would constantly have to run around the cabin and strengthen doors and windows to keep it from getting in.

eventually, it stood by my front door and morphed into a tall human with animalistic features that was also about 8-10 feet tall.

for whatever reason, my unconscious self let him in and started pampering him, giving him all the food in my fridge in order to appease him.

he then started harassing me to the point where he told me that he was going to kill and eat me and he showed a full mouth of sharp teeth.

when he was walking over to me, and I was cornered, I felt the strange feeling of sudden realization, and did a reality check to confirm I was dreaming.

Now, even though I was “lucid” it was a low level spectrum lucidity, as I was still scared shitless and the thing was sprinting at me now.

I tried to make a shield around me in the dream but it did not work. When he grabbed me and picked me up off the ground I visualized having iron skin, and when he bit me I noticed he did not actually bite me but stopped millimeters away from my skin.

with the lucidity growing stronger, but not strong enough to escape the drama of the dream, I throw him off into the wall across the house and feel the power dynamic shift. I wake up.


according to my book, this would be a stage 2 level of lucid dreaming since dream manipulation was demonstrated, but I did not advance any higher and still was acting within the dream construct.

When I woke up, I had the overwhelming feeling to show love to the adversary next time. I think the key of “defeating” this subconscious “guardian of the threshold” is to not dominate it with whatever dream power you give yourself, because that translates to the conscious trying to dominate the subconscious, but instead to give it love and understanding.

perhaps next time I encounter this being I will try this and be able to advance further on the spectrum of awareness.


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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Off hand I cannot recall where I've read it, but it's been mentioned by more than one occult source that allowing the "monsters" to feast on one's "body" is a path to rebirth on the next level. Sorry I cannot be more specific than that right now, and it would take a lot of time for me to find sources on that. However, perhaps you or someone else has read or experienced such a thing and can point to the references.