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Journal Path to Astral Projection

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Apr 28, 2021
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Off hand I cannot recall where I've read it, but it's been mentioned by more than one occult source that allowing the "monsters" to feast on one's "body" is a path to rebirth on the next level. Sorry I cannot be more specific than that right now, and it would take a lot of time for me to find sources on that. However, perhaps you or someone else has read or experienced such a thing and can point to the references.
Interesting you say that. Another common theme dream characters have said when I’ve probed them is to “surrender”. I was asking in terms on how to AP, but I think surrendering control to your subconscious instead of dominating it is how you integrate the shadow.

if love doesn’t work on the guardian next dream, I’ll just let it eat me then :LOL:

I do like the rebirth idea. If it “eats” me it shows the ultimate form of surrender, and the ultimate action to symbolize rising above fear.


May 26, 2022
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I came across the theme of entering the belly of the beast and being transformed recently in Seidways by Jan Fries. A surprising number of myths follow this structure. Check out the myth of Taliesin the bard for a quick reference, or dive into that book for multiple examples. The story of Fafnir and Sigurd in Norse mythology also follows this trend, as Sigurd is the same as the German hero Siegfried. Look for the common symbols and turning points in the stories; the content can be different enough to fool a casual reader but the bones are the same.


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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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From Thorwald Dethlefsen's Challenge of Fate: (which can be found in English on the web, and which I'm slowly reformatting into more readable text as time permits and will eventually share, but I digress...)

The concept of “sacrifice” means to allow space for a primal principle within one's own sphere of experience, to integrate it into one's consciousness. The various principles will confront a human being at different times in his life, and each will demand its due, challenging him to come to terms with it. But he who locks the door when he hears the gods knocking and refuses to allow them in can be certain that sooner or later he will be forced to make the sacrifice that he has refused to yield willingly. He who meets that challenge by letting the godhead into his personal sphere and becoming familiar with it need not fear it.​
The path of a human life should lead to completeness; every advancement in learning, however small, makes the human being more complete. We move towards completeness when we add that which is still missing, when we integrate the as yet unknown. Thus, in accordance with the laws, a human being is always confronted by fate with those principles which he has hitherto not realized, those which have remained alien to him, those which are still missing from his experience.​
From Rufus Opus' Seven Spheres:

If you’re willing to lose everything you have to get something better, you will have no issues whatsoever. Believe me, I fully understand that there are situations in life that can seem to be “not so bad” or “worth putting up with” that you wont necessarily want to lose, things that you don’t want to fall apart because you think you owe someone your temporary suffering for a some future reward, or for some mysterious greater good.​
You’re free to stay in that misery for as long as you want, but I guarantee that when you’re willing to put everything you have, everything you are, on the altar and say, “take anything that is broken and make me into the awesome person I am meant to be,” you will find that you are transformed into something amazing. Every bad situation you clung to in fear or out of a misplaced loyalty or sense of obligation will be replaced with something beautiful, healthy, and rewarding.​
From Don Webb's How to Become a Modern Magus: (I believe this was what I read with respect to my previous comment about 'being eaten.')
Nirodha Chöd
This is an adaption of a Tibetan tantric practice. It exists to heal the Ba of certain trauma. One begins by finding those incidents that have scarred you for life—a rape, abuse, a car accident, or whatever. It doesn’t matter if the incident was 100% your fault or 100% their fault. Pick the incident.​
This rite takes fifteen days. For seven days, you will sit in a chair facing an empty chair. The room is dark and (unless you have lung problems) smoky with incense. In the chair opposite you, stack some pillows and your mirror so that in the darkened room you can easily imagine someone in the chair. Then spend a half hour per night staring at the pillow through half-closed eyes. You are creating a demon. For the first seven days, spend fifteen minutes with your eyes closed reliving the terrible incident. Then half open your eyes, seeing a fearsome demon before you. After three days, tell the demon that you will give it ultimate ecstasy but that you must soon cast it into the Unmanifest. If it does not receive this sacrifice, it will be forgotten. Mentally ask the demon its name. It will give it to you. If it does not in seven days, you are not through with the incident and may try again months later. If it does give you its name, find a sharp stick.​
On the eighth day, sit naked in front of the demon. Tell it that it can eat your body, and afterward it cannot hurt you. Drawing the sharp stick over your body, imagine cutting up your flesh and offering it to the demon. It grows bigger with each piece. Imagine it eating every bit of you and growing giant-sized. Suddenly, it expands but becomes transparent. It becomes as big as the universe and vanishes. Lay on the floor without thoughts until you feel the rite has passed. Then rise and shower.​
For the next seven days, lie on your bed or couch at the same time of day you did when invoking the demon. Do breathwork, imagining rainbow-colored gases entering your body. Treat yourself as though you are getting over the flu. Each day, do a little more, and when your strength is back on the last day, hit the gym hard. You may think of the bad incident again, but it can’t hurt your Ba. It is powerless over you. You tricked it into eating your powerlessness.​


Apr 28, 2021
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From Thorwald Dethlefsen's Challenge of Fate: (which can be found in English on the web, and which I'm slowly reformatting into more readable text as time permits and will eventually share, but I digress...)

The concept of “sacrifice” means to allow space for a primal principle within one's own sphere of experience, to integrate it into one's consciousness. The various principles will confront a human being at different times in his life, and each will demand its due, challenging him to come to terms with it. But he who locks the door when he hears the gods knocking and refuses to allow them in can be certain that sooner or later he will be forced to make the sacrifice that he has refused to yield willingly. He who meets that challenge by letting the godhead into his personal sphere and becoming familiar with it need not fear it.​
The path of a human life should lead to completeness; every advancement in learning, however small, makes the human being more complete. We move towards completeness when we add that which is still missing, when we integrate the as yet unknown. Thus, in accordance with the laws, a human being is always confronted by fate with those principles which he has hitherto not realized, those which have remained alien to him, those which are still missing from his experience.​
From Rufus Opus' Seven Spheres:

If you’re willing to lose everything you have to get something better, you will have no issues whatsoever. Believe me, I fully understand that there are situations in life that can seem to be “not so bad” or “worth putting up with” that you wont necessarily want to lose, things that you don’t want to fall apart because you think you owe someone your temporary suffering for a some future reward, or for some mysterious greater good.​
You’re free to stay in that misery for as long as you want, but I guarantee that when you’re willing to put everything you have, everything you are, on the altar and say, “take anything that is broken and make me into the awesome person I am meant to be,” you will find that you are transformed into something amazing. Every bad situation you clung to in fear or out of a misplaced loyalty or sense of obligation will be replaced with something beautiful, healthy, and rewarding.​
From Don Webb's How to Become a Modern Magus: (I believe this was what I read with respect to my previous comment about 'being eaten.')
Nirodha Chöd
This is an adaption of a Tibetan tantric practice. It exists to heal the Ba of certain trauma. One begins by finding those incidents that have scarred you for life—a rape, abuse, a car accident, or whatever. It doesn’t matter if the incident was 100% your fault or 100% their fault. Pick the incident.​
This rite takes fifteen days. For seven days, you will sit in a chair facing an empty chair. The room is dark and (unless you have lung problems) smoky with incense. In the chair opposite you, stack some pillows and your mirror so that in the darkened room you can easily imagine someone in the chair. Then spend a half hour per night staring at the pillow through half-closed eyes. You are creating a demon. For the first seven days, spend fifteen minutes with your eyes closed reliving the terrible incident. Then half open your eyes, seeing a fearsome demon before you. After three days, tell the demon that you will give it ultimate ecstasy but that you must soon cast it into the Unmanifest. If it does not receive this sacrifice, it will be forgotten. Mentally ask the demon its name. It will give it to you. If it does not in seven days, you are not through with the incident and may try again months later. If it does give you its name, find a sharp stick.​
On the eighth day, sit naked in front of the demon. Tell it that it can eat your body, and afterward it cannot hurt you. Drawing the sharp stick over your body, imagine cutting up your flesh and offering it to the demon. It grows bigger with each piece. Imagine it eating every bit of you and growing giant-sized. Suddenly, it expands but becomes transparent. It becomes as big as the universe and vanishes. Lay on the floor without thoughts until you feel the rite has passed. Then rise and shower.​
For the next seven days, lie on your bed or couch at the same time of day you did when invoking the demon. Do breathwork, imagining rainbow-colored gases entering your body. Treat yourself as though you are getting over the flu. Each day, do a little more, and when your strength is back on the last day, hit the gym hard. You may think of the bad incident again, but it can’t hurt your Ba. It is powerless over you. You tricked it into eating your powerlessness.​
Amazing, I’ve never heard of that before I really like it. I wonder if this has an application on an astral level?


Jun 8, 2021
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Another dream which turned briefly lucid at the end. After @KjEno186 mentioned the guardian of the threshold in my last update, I read more about the figure in lucid dreaming and astral projection circles and I had another encounter with that entity last night.

during my unconscious dream, there was this entity that looked like a massive (10 or so feet long) Wolverine-Hog hybrid with horns that was pacing around a snowy cabin that I was in and it was actively trying to get in.

I was scared shitless as I would constantly have to run around the cabin and strengthen doors and windows to keep it from getting in.

eventually, it stood by my front door and morphed into a tall human with animalistic features that was also about 8-10 feet tall.

for whatever reason, my unconscious self let him in and started pampering him, giving him all the food in my fridge in order to appease him.

he then started harassing me to the point where he told me that he was going to kill and eat me and he showed a full mouth of sharp teeth.

when he was walking over to me, and I was cornered, I felt the strange feeling of sudden realization, and did a reality check to confirm I was dreaming.

Now, even though I was “lucid” it was a low level spectrum lucidity, as I was still scared shitless and the thing was sprinting at me now.

I tried to make a shield around me in the dream but it did not work. When he grabbed me and picked me up off the ground I visualized having iron skin, and when he bit me I noticed he did not actually bite me but stopped millimeters away from my skin.

with the lucidity growing stronger, but not strong enough to escape the drama of the dream, I throw him off into the wall across the house and feel the power dynamic shift. I wake up.


according to my book, this would be a stage 2 level of lucid dreaming since dream manipulation was demonstrated, but I did not advance any higher and still was acting within the dream construct.

When I woke up, I had the overwhelming feeling to show love to the adversary next time. I think the key of “defeating” this subconscious “guardian of the threshold” is to not dominate it with whatever dream power you give yourself, because that translates to the conscious trying to dominate the subconscious, but instead to give it love and understanding.

perhaps next time I encounter this being I will try this and be able to advance further on the spectrum of awareness.
That was one epic Lucid Dream! Wow!
Post automatically merged:

From Thorwald Dethlefsen's Challenge of Fate: (which can be found in English on the web, and which I'm slowly reformatting into more readable text as time permits and will eventually share, but I digress...)

The concept of “sacrifice” means to allow space for a primal principle within one's own sphere of experience, to integrate it into one's consciousness. The various principles will confront a human being at different times in his life, and each will demand its due, challenging him to come to terms with it. But he who locks the door when he hears the gods knocking and refuses to allow them in can be certain that sooner or later he will be forced to make the sacrifice that he has refused to yield willingly. He who meets that challenge by letting the godhead into his personal sphere and becoming familiar with it need not fear it.​
The path of a human life should lead to completeness; every advancement in learning, however small, makes the human being more complete. We move towards completeness when we add that which is still missing, when we integrate the as yet unknown. Thus, in accordance with the laws, a human being is always confronted by fate with those principles which he has hitherto not realized, those which have remained alien to him, those which are still missing from his experience.​
From Rufus Opus' Seven Spheres:

If you’re willing to lose everything you have to get something better, you will have no issues whatsoever. Believe me, I fully understand that there are situations in life that can seem to be “not so bad” or “worth putting up with” that you wont necessarily want to lose, things that you don’t want to fall apart because you think you owe someone your temporary suffering for a some future reward, or for some mysterious greater good.​
You’re free to stay in that misery for as long as you want, but I guarantee that when you’re willing to put everything you have, everything you are, on the altar and say, “take anything that is broken and make me into the awesome person I am meant to be,” you will find that you are transformed into something amazing. Every bad situation you clung to in fear or out of a misplaced loyalty or sense of obligation will be replaced with something beautiful, healthy, and rewarding.​
From Don Webb's How to Become a Modern Magus: (I believe this was what I read with respect to my previous comment about 'being eaten.')
Nirodha Chöd
This is an adaption of a Tibetan tantric practice. It exists to heal the Ba of certain trauma. One begins by finding those incidents that have scarred you for life—a rape, abuse, a car accident, or whatever. It doesn’t matter if the incident was 100% your fault or 100% their fault. Pick the incident.​
This rite takes fifteen days. For seven days, you will sit in a chair facing an empty chair. The room is dark and (unless you have lung problems) smoky with incense. In the chair opposite you, stack some pillows and your mirror so that in the darkened room you can easily imagine someone in the chair. Then spend a half hour per night staring at the pillow through half-closed eyes. You are creating a demon. For the first seven days, spend fifteen minutes with your eyes closed reliving the terrible incident. Then half open your eyes, seeing a fearsome demon before you. After three days, tell the demon that you will give it ultimate ecstasy but that you must soon cast it into the Unmanifest. If it does not receive this sacrifice, it will be forgotten. Mentally ask the demon its name. It will give it to you. If it does not in seven days, you are not through with the incident and may try again months later. If it does give you its name, find a sharp stick.​
On the eighth day, sit naked in front of the demon. Tell it that it can eat your body, and afterward it cannot hurt you. Drawing the sharp stick over your body, imagine cutting up your flesh and offering it to the demon. It grows bigger with each piece. Imagine it eating every bit of you and growing giant-sized. Suddenly, it expands but becomes transparent. It becomes as big as the universe and vanishes. Lay on the floor without thoughts until you feel the rite has passed. Then rise and shower.​
For the next seven days, lie on your bed or couch at the same time of day you did when invoking the demon. Do breathwork, imagining rainbow-colored gases entering your body. Treat yourself as though you are getting over the flu. Each day, do a little more, and when your strength is back on the last day, hit the gym hard. You may think of the bad incident again, but it can’t hurt your Ba. It is powerless over you. You tricked it into eating your powerlessness.​
Wow! I think I'll try that myself. Thank you Kjeno!
Last edited:


Apr 28, 2021
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I have recently been extremely busy in my personal life and have not been able to give dreaming and astral project the attention it deserves, my dream recall has waned as well as my lucidity

Last night I think I overlooked a clear message from my subconscious to wake up.

In my dream I was sitting on a bench in France with two older men, they pointed out and made me observe the horizon, which was warping and shifting and merging with the clouds and the sky,

I recognized how insane this looked and appreciated the beauty, but did not become conscious.

this dream helped reawakened my passion, hopefully I will have more time to dedicate to this endeavor soon.


Jun 8, 2021
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Getting to know who you truly are, is very important. I'm not saying to forget and bypass this mundane world, but go inward. Ask The Universe in which ever name you decide, to guide you on your path. Lucifer is guiding me.


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Jul 3, 2023
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I think you mean the Tibetan chöd practice as described in "Tsultrim Allione - Feeding Your Demons". Sounds risky though.


Apr 28, 2021
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Last night I had my first lucid dream in a while, since August to be precise. Earlier in the week I made an elemental thoughtform to prompt it, and on the last night of the deadline I gave it, I was finally able to achieve some lucidity,

Before becoming lucid, I was in a crowded movie theater where a rapidly expanding disease was spreading that turned everyone inflicted into pale humanoid drone-creatures that were eating everybody else. As I was cornered by a group and about to be eaten in the dream, the intense fear I felt suddenly made me realize I was dreaming and I just flew out as the dream changed.

I spent the dream with the goal of improving flight and kind of tinkering with dreaming-mechanics. In the past, when I have chosen to fly it is usually a slow, awkward float that can feel like I am running with no traction and barely moving.

However, I discovered that it is much easier to fly somewhere if you look/ intend to the place you want to go, and the flying will take care of itself. I practiced floating and staring at the hazy-liquidy texture of the ceiling, as well as flying through the wall and forcing the mental space I was in to expand, and suddenly it opened up into a huge desolate forest.

After I woke up, I felt intuition about dreaming as a whole, how when we move around in the space, we are probing the unconscious to expand, but what is this creative force? You realize that it seems that it is outside of you, even though "you" are supposed to be the one creating the dream. It feels like there is so much more behind it.

I also strongly got the intuition about how analogous humanity is to 'God' or 'Source'. The act of being consciously aware (lucid) has the effect of expansion and creation in the dreamscape that feels analogous to how this reality was created, and on a microlevel, we enact this same kind of pure creative force power whenever we create entire worlds in our sleep, not controlling at all the entirety of detail and intricacy of how these spaces come to be, and then how once we awake our dream realities collapse back into a kernel of pure possibility, force without a form, ready to transform into anything.

It is hard articulating a feeling like this into words, but I just felt like something clicked when I woke up from this lucid dream. Has anyone else had any experiences like this before?


Aug 31, 2021
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turned everyone inflicted into pale humanoid drone-creatures that were eating everybody else
It is rare for me to see a human that is not afflicted with parasitic entities. Some entities use their host humans to oppress humans that should be useful to the cosmos. Other entities just harvest life force from the humans and pass the energy to their supervisors.

This tests how ready is the human for its cosmic functions


Jun 8, 2021
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Last night I had my first lucid dream in a while, since August to be precise. Earlier in the week I made an elemental thoughtform to prompt it, and on the last night of the deadline I gave it, I was finally able to achieve some lucidity,

Before becoming lucid, I was in a crowded movie theater where a rapidly expanding disease was spreading that turned everyone inflicted into pale humanoid drone-creatures that were eating everybody else. As I was cornered by a group and about to be eaten in the dream, the intense fear I felt suddenly made me realize I was dreaming and I just flew out as the dream changed.

I spent the dream with the goal of improving flight and kind of tinkering with dreaming-mechanics. In the past, when I have chosen to fly it is usually a slow, awkward float that can feel like I am running with no traction and barely moving.

However, I discovered that it is much easier to fly somewhere if you look/ intend to the place you want to go, and the flying will take care of itself. I practiced floating and staring at the hazy-liquidy texture of the ceiling, as well as flying through the wall and forcing the mental space I was in to expand, and suddenly it opened up into a huge desolate forest.

After I woke up, I felt intuition about dreaming as a whole, how when we move around in the space, we are probing the unconscious to expand, but what is this creative force? You realize that it seems that it is outside of you, even though "you" are supposed to be the one creating the dream. It feels like there is so much more behind it.

I also strongly got the intuition about how analogous humanity is to 'God' or 'Source'. The act of being consciously aware (lucid) has the effect of expansion and creation in the dreamscape that feels analogous to how this reality was created, and on a microlevel, we enact this same kind of pure creative force power whenever we create entire worlds in our sleep, not controlling at all the entirety of detail and intricacy of how these spaces come to be, and then how once we awake our dream realities collapse back into a kernel of pure possibility, force without a form, ready to transform into anything.

It is hard articulating a feeling like this into words, but I just felt like something clicked when I woke up from this lucid dream. Has anyone else had any experiences like this before?
Neat-o interesting indeed.


Apr 28, 2021
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Had a very intense bout of sleep paralysis last night, I had a very vivid dream, and woke up in my bedroom. As I usually do, I was lying still and recalling the dream I had so I could write it down.

My recalling of the dream turned from my own voice in my head, into a very real and tangible whispering in my left ear, and I suddenly smelled a very overpowering, foul stench of death, that reminded me of the smell of some dead hogs I came across on a trail a few summers ago.

As the putrid voice is whispering the dream to me, It climbs on top of me and I feel this very real feeling weight on top of me, and I was so taken back by this I even reached out to feel a hard and real feeling head along with its hair. I flung myself off my bed to get myself away from this thing, and woke up in the same position as I did previously, except it was gone.

Even though I was reacting in an unconscious way by seeking aversion from this experience, I was aware enough to recognize it was sleep paralysis, and I was more uncomfortable than truly terrified since I was able to recognize it for what it was. Very interesting experience nevertheless.


Aug 31, 2021
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"nightmare: Middle English (denoting a female evil spirit thought to lie upon and suffocate sleepers): from
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+ Old English mære ‘incubus’."

Sleep paralysis is associated with ufo abductions.

Are the two phenomena connected?

Can you go back into the scene and look for energy lines to ufos?


Apr 28, 2021
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"nightmare: Middle English (denoting a female evil spirit thought to lie upon and suffocate sleepers): from
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+ Old English mære ‘incubus’."

Sleep paralysis is associated with ufo abductions.

Are the two phenomena connected?

Can you go back into the scene and look for energy lines to ufos?
Not sure if I subscribe to ufo abductions, I think it falls more in the lines with my psychic imbalances becoming a manifestation to convey some sort of message to me, or maybe simply to prompt me to have some sort of experience or feel some type of way. Maybe you could elaborate more.


Jun 8, 2021
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Had a very intense bout of sleep paralysis last night, I had a very vivid dream, and woke up in my bedroom. As I usually do, I was lying still and recalling the dream I had so I could write it down.

My recalling of the dream turned from my own voice in my head, into a very real and tangible whispering in my left ear, and I suddenly smelled a very overpowering, foul stench of death, that reminded me of the smell of some dead hogs I came across on a trail a few summers ago.

As the putrid voice is whispering the dream to me, It climbs on top of me and I feel this very real feeling weight on top of me, and I was so taken back by this I even reached out to feel a hard and real feeling head along with its hair. I flung myself off my bed to get myself away from this thing, and woke up in the same position as I did previously, except it was gone.

Even though I was reacting in an unconscious way by seeking aversion from this experience, I was aware enough to recognize it was sleep paralysis, and I was more uncomfortable than truly terrified since I was able to recognize it for what it was. Very interesting experience nevertheless.
Wow punk rock!! You shouldn't be afraid of an Entity like that. It could've been an invisible woman, or Succubus. I remember having an experience where I felt thecdoor opened up and felt hands touching my back. I was not afraid at all. I managed to have an OBE that night. The hands were forcing me out. So don't be afraid.


Apr 28, 2021
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Wow punk rock!! You shouldn't be afraid of an Entity like that. It could've been an invisible woman, or Succubus. I remember having an experience where I felt thecdoor opened up and felt hands touching my back. I was not afraid at all. I managed to have an OBE that night. The hands were forcing me out. So don't be afraid.
Good advice, I’ll try to stick around longer and ride the experience out, it’s hard to remember in the moment and not be overwhelmed by emotion, good on you for controlling it.