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Jun 18, 2022
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Not sure if this is the proper place to post this but...

Just wondering what you guys think, do you recon we experience reality or project reality?

I know it is not as simples and yes or no, or this and that, but i was wondering what you all believe, think, or experienced.


Aug 31, 2021
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In my own observation, Beingness is. Periodically Beingness manifests Existence so that Beingness can experience separation.

Is Existence real? Perhaps only Beingness is.


Aug 31, 2021
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Perhaps to clarify the above, when Existence ceases there is Mahapralaya


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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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Reality has been compared to the analogy of a radio dial. Right now, you're tuned in to 97.5 HUMAN-FM, so to speak. Above and below are other 'realities' that our consciousness can be tuned into. Manifestation on a particular plane of reality depends on the focus of consciousness. There are some entities on other planes with a particular knack for causing manifestation in our plane, thus we have the practice of magic to contact such entities.

By the way, are your thoughts "real" if no one else can experience them with their senses? A thought experiment for you: Think of your consciousness, yourself as an entity, which has been in close possession of a body, a vehicle tuned to 97.5 HUMAN-FM since birth...


Jun 18, 2022
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Ah yes, I am familiar with such analogy.

Now the reason for this post, is that I have been thinking... it's probably stupid but here goes...

Speaking plainly... Our eyes capture information that is sent to our brain. The brain then interprets the signals, and assembles it in your head.

Now if the brain interprets the signals, then I believe that, for instance.... The yellow I see in a flower is not the same that you see, because of a difference of interpretation. Well, technically the flower isn't even yellow, it reflects it.

Now if things can be (I believe, if I am wrong, please correct me) interpreted with slight differences, the perceived reality is different for every individual.

Now if manifestation on a particular plane or reality depends on the focus of conscience, and we are being similar individuals with the capability of focussing on a similar way, but not 100% the same, even at the same frequency, then maybe our exposure to those same planes is different.

99.75FM that i experience is diferent of your 99.75FM. Does it make it less real? No, but it is not the same....

Now if perception varies from person to person, even on energetic levels, then there isn't per say, a definitive "drawing" of reality, but more of a "sketch" or sort of guidelines?? Like those old connect the dots pages, that all you see are dots, but after watching carefully you realize that if you connect them in a certain way you see an elephant surfing a wave.

Now what happens, if you connect the dots differently to shape reality in this and on other planes differently, and instead of having an elephant surfing a wave, we somehow have a rocket Pidgeon? They are the same dots, you just connect them diferently... You sort of bend the rules?

So it's a lot of text to just ask this... At what point does our experience of reality ends (regardless of the plane we are in), and our projection or interpretation of it, fills in the gaps, or changes it(if you believe that is possible)?

And if you believe in it, what are the limits of our ability to change it/them?

People claim the universe as laws (elephant surfing a wave), others claim momentary flight is possible (rocket pidgeon).

Does this make any sense, or do i just need to take a xanax, or drink a cup of tea and relax?


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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Now if the brain interprets the signals, then I believe that, for instance.... The yellow I see in a flower is not the same that you see, because of a difference of interpretation. Well, technically the flower isn't even yellow, it reflects it.
I have wondered about this as well. A quick search brought up
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"We sometimes think of colors as objective properties of objects, much like shape or volume. But research has found that we experience colors differently, depending on
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, national origin,
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, geographical location, and what language we speak. In other words, there is nothing objective about colors."

99.75FM that i experience is diferent of your 99.75FM.
Also probable given that some people are more likely to perceive spirits with relative ease than others without the use of mind altering drugs.

Like those old connect the dots pages, that all you see are dots, but after watching carefully you realize that if you connect them in a certain way you see an elephant surfing a wave.
A shift in perception... this might seem simple to achieve, yet at the same time there is a built in subconscious filter which makes every attempt to censor that-which-doesn't-make-sense. In fact, many of the tools of divination are designed in a round about way to bypass the psychic censor.

drink a cup of tea and relax?
With a good book on magic, too. :)


Aug 31, 2021
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reality only manifests itself if there is a "subject" to experience it, but that "subject" does not create it?
To be more precise, Beingness is. Beingness may wish to experience separation. For this it needs to manifest Existence. At that stage intelligence, energy and universes are formed. When Beingness has done what it wants, all Existence is withdrawn and there is Mahapralaya until a new Existence is formed

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The traditional account conforms with my experience


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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While I was reading Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP by Ingo Swann, I found this bit of interesting information on page 71-71 (pdf) relating to the discussion on Reality here:

"... It seems that, somehow, the human is constructed so that there are natural barriers between consciousness and an overwhelming influx of second-reality information. Otherwise, our consciousness would be inundated, as if listening to a thousand radio and TV channels simultaneously. We cannot imagine how we would be able to function without these natural barriers."

Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP is available at the following link on archive dot org. I also recommend having a look at Jung and the Alchemical Imagination while you're there...
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Jun 18, 2022
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While I was reading Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP by Ingo Swann, I found this bit of interesting information on page 71-71 (pdf) relating to the discussion on Reality here:

"... It seems that, somehow, the human is constructed so that there are natural barriers between consciousness and an overwhelming influx of second-reality information. Otherwise, our consciousness would be inundated, as if listening to a thousand radio and TV channels simultaneously. We cannot imagine how we would be able to function without these natural barriers."

Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP is available at the following link on archive dot org. I also recommend having a look at Jung and the Alchemical Imagination while you're there...
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Thank you very much.

It was a silly post, i admit it, specially after re-reading the Kybalion, but from all that siliness, all the kind replies were a great source of information and insight.


Aug 31, 2021
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It seems that, somehow, the human is constructed so that there are natural barriers between consciousness and an overwhelming influx of second-reality information.

There are barriers between subplanes for precisely that. For example there is commonly a barrier on 7.4 to prevent etheric energies being felt in the physical body.

I recall my elder son went to bed one night as a materialistic atheist. During the night the barrier on 7.4 was removed. He said he did not sleep all night and in the morning announced he was going to be a GD magician

There is another barrier on 5.4 to prevent higher mental activities impacting the personality mind


Aug 31, 2021
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In my own observation, Beingness is.
Here is some email text from that initial observation

"... the idea that dreams are often from other time paths. Usually I look at the dream as an energy field and move it around across an image of parallel time paths until I find a match.

This morning I had a dream about a bureaucracy with several executives I knew from this life. There was a power shift occurring. When I awoke I tried to put the dream into a time path but could find no match including on this 3D timeline.

Then I got the thought to move the dream field around a sphere, and there it matched to a place in the sphere, just behind me and a bit below.

There was some sort of spherical energy structure - analogous to a 3D form of the Tree of Life - but I had no naming concept.

I tried connecting the Great Architect of the Universe to the sphere and S/He only took up the front of the sphere and under my feet. The dream however existed in another part of the sphere.

And I got a naming ..... The Sphere of Existence. When I called it that, the GAOTU filled it all.

Tried again...The Sphere of Beingness. That was better - back to the GAOTU filling the front.

So how did that dream come from Beingness rather than from Existence?

It seems that Beingness underpins Existence and that we might have ongoing access to the structure of Beingness."

Some time later when I tried again with the Sphere of Beingness, the GAOTU again only filled the front of the sphere, not to the top, and under my feet.

Perhaps others might like to intend a conscious access to Beingness