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[Help] Soul Entrenched In Mud?!?!?!?

Someone's asking for help!


Aug 21, 2022
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First of all, my sincerest apologies for my absence, I have kind of stressed my body too far and had been attempting to take a break from the occult but I fear in doing so I have become weak and defenseless, and my past mistakes have come back once again. If any of you remember my last post I unleashed something truly vile on myself with what I now understand to have been very poor attempts at golemancy. I slowly got better over about two months, most likely due to the help and support I have received from you all on here. In my stagnancy I have been indulging myself in some naturally harvsted "spiritual pleasures" (keeping it vague for my safety). A few nights ago I was enjoying my personal time and may have taken things a bit too far and got a bit too comfortable with the lack of negative spiritual presences around me. I am not nearly as knowledgeable as you all about things such as 'astral projection" but I have never been so sure in my life that I. SAW. IT. I am talking full body dissociation I was able to observe myself and my surroundings from a more enlightened perspective and just as I was getting to enjoy myself I was suddenly horribly aware of that original mud statue sitting on my groin in a pile of dust. It was even more cracked and distorted than I remember it being when I burried that entity in my back yard. It suddenly made a horrific squelching noise and started crawling up my chest and face. I sear i felt it crawling on me even though I wasn't currenlty in my body and it slowly started to lose its form and "flow" into my mouth and throat. I couldn't breathe for what felt like eons as I felt that devil crawl down into my body and eventualy resting within my heart. I woke up in the most excruciating pain I have ever felt, as if my entire circulatory syhstem was on fire and my skin felt so dry and tight. zI know its in me, I knew i wasnt safe I shouldn't have let my guard down i feel it guiding the motions of my day and i know that it hates me. ever since this happened i swear Ive wanted more of them inside me. I feel the urge to eat CLAY. FUCKING CLAY. I dont know what to do and I beg of any of you to help me. I haven't dreampt since that day, all i see is darkness and im so so scared


Jun 8, 2021
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First of all, my sincerest apologies for my absence, I have kind of stressed my body too far and had been attempting to take a break from the occult but I fear in doing so I have become weak and defenseless, and my past mistakes have come back once again. If any of you remember my last post I unleashed something truly vile on myself with what I now understand to have been very poor attempts at golemancy. I slowly got better over about two months, most likely due to the help and support I have received from you all on here. In my stagnancy I have been indulging myself in some naturally harvsted "spiritual pleasures" (keeping it vague for my safety). A few nights ago I was enjoying my personal time and may have taken things a bit too far and got a bit too comfortable with the lack of negative spiritual presences around me. I am not nearly as knowledgeable as you all about things such as 'astral projection" but I have never been so sure in my life that I. SAW. IT. I am talking full body dissociation I was able to observe myself and my surroundings from a more enlightened perspective and just as I was getting to enjoy myself I was suddenly horribly aware of that original mud statue sitting on my groin in a pile of dust. It was even more cracked and distorted than I remember it being when I burried that entity in my back yard. It suddenly made a horrific squelching noise and started crawling up my chest and face. I sear i felt it crawling on me even though I wasn't currenlty in my body and it slowly started to lose its form and "flow" into my mouth and throat. I couldn't breathe for what felt like eons as I felt that devil crawl down into my body and eventualy resting within my heart. I woke up in the most excruciating pain I have ever felt, as if my entire circulatory syhstem was on fire and my skin felt so dry and tight. zI know its in me, I knew i wasnt safe I shouldn't have let my guard down i feel it guiding the motions of my day and i know that it hates me. ever since this happened i swear Ive wanted more of them inside me. I feel the urge to eat CLAY. FUCKING CLAY. I dont know what to do and I beg of any of you to help me. I haven't dreampt since that day, all i see is darkness and im so so scared
Get rid of fear, because the more scared you are, the more they will dwelle on you and feed off your Energy. Just call upon, The ONE Source of All Creation for your guidance. Instead of fear, show courage face them with Love and they will go away.

Another thing is, that those Entities that you are facing are somewhat part of your Subconcious Mind. Work out your Shadows. Instead of denying your Shadow. Show them Love.


Aug 11, 2023
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You neglected spiritual defence practice which is the equivalent of not showering our washing one's hands after taking a mud bath in a vat of nuclear sludge. A likely result is cancer, cellular degeneration, and toxic mutation.
You provided minimal details leading up to what looks like a possession.

Sounds like a job for an exorcist.

If you're lucky you can find somebody to do it for free and if you're even luckier your problem will solve itself given time.

For the chance that either of those two possibilities don't work out feel free to check with Fork or TGK in the marketplace.
If you're uncomfortable with the online route you'll need to shop around in your area.


Jun 30, 2021
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Interesting side note, Clay is often eaten by animals to help address parasites. And can be eaten to help absorb toxicity that has been eaten, so it can be passed through minimizing harm.

In my version of healing, most call arabic, which it isnt, there is a thing called the sands of karballah. These days its 3d version looks like a greyish bar of soap. You can eat it, wash with it, etc. It has obvious healing powers. Mine got stolen by spirits, so now we have war... Cause sadly if your kharb allah gets stolen it better be symbolic. Kharb means something like cover. Karballah is also a holy place like mecca, for some. only its known for its battle field and it is said that the blood of the ones who died there makes the sand holy.