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The Almighty Lucifer


Jun 8, 2021
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Hello everyone! I have a question for you all.

What if Lucifer is God?

Now, I know that I have my own views on what I know Lucifer is. But, I rather hear from you guys and gals.

Let me know what you think?


Nov 19, 2023
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Hello everyone! I have a question for you all.

What if Lucifer is God?

Now, I know that I have my own views on what I know Lucifer is. But, I rather hear from you guys and gals.

Let me know what you think?
Do you mean is Lucifer the abrahamic god? Could be. Two sides of the same coin, perhaps? That would be more like satan though.
Is Lucifer the Source? Not even close.
The term "God" has been applied to so many beings and ideas at this point, its almost meaningless


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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I guess first of all we'd have to talk about why god is so all-important, bearing in mind that there are a lot of atheists and agnostics in here and that some of us also subscribe to the gnostic idea that the god of monotheistic religions is just a klutz that bungled all that creation business badly. Against that background, Lucifer wouldn't assume the significant role you seem to assign him. Me, I'm an apatheist, I don't care one way or the other about the existence of god, and that goes for Lucifer as the imaginary head honcho, too, no offence, of course.

So if you don't believe in the bible and all the myths therein, there is no Lucifer either, just made-up occult lore glorifying an unjustly vilified figure because hey, everybody loves an underdog and it's fun to switch boss names around just because you can in this post-modern age. A non-issue, at least for me, sorry.
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And no offence to LHPers either, what I meant to say is the alleged contest god vs. Lucifer as described in the bible is simply lame. If you see Lucifer as an inspiration or even patron, more power to you but the Christian paradigm as a whole is tired old humbug, IMHO.
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Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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I hate to be all cynical and pessimistic here, but it honestly seems like you've had some recent falling out with your idea of "God" or some kind of internal epiphany that challenges your long-standing (and frankly, very public) positive perception of God. Now, it seems to me, that you've taken the polar opposite stance, and you're looking for external validation to reinforce your new internal narrative.

All that to say, if what I said above is true, then this is a meaningless question, rhetorical in the sense that you're not actually seeking an answer to this extremely broad and pseudo-philosophical question, but rather have formed your own opinion about it, and are looking for people to mirror your sentiment.

I strongly recommend you ask yourself, is this really productive? What difference does it truly make if philosophically "God" and "Satan" are a dualism and two sides of the same coin as an entity? The underlying sentiment of both of them remain the same, even if deeply subjective depending on your religious and spiritual stance.

What insight do you hope to gain? I hope it's not "aha! I knew it! Everyone agrees with me that God was evil all along... that's why all those bad things happened to me!"

Worth a read:
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It's something very common in the tech/IT space, but I have increasingly found it applicable here in the occult space as well.


Jun 8, 2021
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I guess first of all we'd have to talk about why god is so all-important, bearing in mind that there are a lot of atheists and agnostics in here and that some of us also subscribe to the gnostic idea that the god of monotheistic religions is just a klutz that bungled all that creation business badly. Against that background, Lucifer wouldn't assume the significant role you seem to assign him. Me, I'm an apatheist, I don't care one way or the other about the existence of god, and that goes for Lucifer as the imaginary head honcho, too, no offence, of course.

So if you don't believe in the bible and all the myths therein, there is no Lucifer either, just made-up occult lore glorifying an unjustly vilified figure because hey, everybody loves an underdog and it's fun to switch boss names around just because you can in this post-modern age. A non-issue, at least for me, sorry.
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And no offence to LHPers either, what I meant to say is the alleged contest god vs. Lucifer as described in the bible is simply lame. If you see Lucifer as an inspiration or even patron, more power to you but the Christian paradigm as a whole is tired old humbug, IMHO.
I like your statement HoldAll! I understand where you are coming from.

I hate to be all cynical and pessimistic here, but it honestly seems like you've had some recent falling out with your idea of "God" or some kind of internal epiphany that challenges your long-standing (and frankly, very public) positive perception of God. Now, it seems to me, that you've taken the polar opposite stance, and you're looking for external validation to reinforce your new internal narrative.

All that to say, if what I said above is true, then this is a meaningless question, rhetorical in the sense that you're not actually seeking an answer to this extremely broad and pseudo-philosophical question, but rather have formed your own opinion about it, and are looking for people to mirror your sentiment.

I strongly recommend you ask yourself, is this really productive? What difference does it truly make if philosophically "God" and "Satan" are a dualism and two sides of the same coin as an entity? The underlying sentiment of both of them remain the same, even if deeply subjective depending on your religious and spiritual stance.

What insight do you hope to gain? I hope it's not "aha! I knew it! Everyone agrees with me that God was evil all along... that's why all those bad things happened to me!"

Worth a read:
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

It's something very common in the tech/IT space, but I have increasingly found it applicable here in the occult space as well.

I didn't mean to bring confusions to you all at all. I just don't know anymore, what's going on.


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
Hello everyone! I have a question for you all.

What if Lucifer is God?

Now, I know that I have my own views on what I know Lucifer is. But, I rather hear from you guys and gals.

Let me know what you think?
There was a "heresy" in the early Church that taught the Old Testament God was the devil. The Marcionites, I believe were the group. In our times, Nimrod de Rosario revived the notion in his "Elements of Hyperborean Wisdom," "Gnostic Fragments," and "Mystery of Belicena Villca. Likewise, the O9A has writings that suggest Satan is god of this world.

Roughly, the latter two above hold that Lucifer is properly the entity to be respected. They differ in that O9A often tend to conflate Satan and Lucifer as "sinister" and "nouminal" aspects of the same being. De Rosario simply identifies YHWH, Satan, and the Nazarene God. In his reckoning, Lucifer is a separate being and one to be followed. In either case, though, the upshot is that the Nazarene (and Yehud/humanist) creed are seen as effecting cosmic degeneration.
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I like your statement HoldAll! I understand where you are coming from.

I didn't mean to bring confusions to you all at all. I just don't know anymore, what's going on.
I like SkullTraill's remark though that "Lucifer as God" can be used as an excuse-generator. I reckon there's a lodestone there to steer by: am I using my belief system as an alibi for personal vissicitudes and/or shortcomings?


Mar 21, 2024
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There was a "heresy" in the early Church that taught the Old Testament God was the devil. The Marcionites, I believe were the group. In our times, Nimrod de Rosario revived the notion in his "Elements of Hyperborean Wisdom," "Gnostic Fragments," and "Mystery of Belicena Villca. Likewise, the O9A has writings that suggest Satan is god of this world.

Roughly, the latter two above hold that Lucifer is properly the entity to be respected. They differ in that O9A often tend to conflate Satan and Lucifer as "sinister" and "nouminal" aspects of the same being. De Rosario simply identifies YHWH, Satan, and the Nazarene God. In his reckoning, Lucifer is a separate being and one to be followed. In either case, though, the upshot is that the Nazarene (and Yehud/humanist) creed are seen as effecting cosmic degeneration.
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I like SkullTraill's remark though that "Lucifer as God" can be used as an excuse-generator. I reckon there's a lodestone there to steer by: am I using my belief system as an alibi for personal vissicitudes and/or shortcomings?
Couldn't have said it better.

Personally, I don't think Lucifer is God. Like, seriously, he is a demon, but not a God, though according to my personal experiences, he can have a lot of appearances, most of them inconsistent but very tricky as well. That is his cunning nature after all.

No offense to those who are LHP there, just to note for those who are LHP and may read the post I just published here


Aug 17, 2023
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Couldn't have said it better.

Personally, I don't think Lucifer is God. Like, seriously, he is a demon, but not a God, though according to my personal experiences, he can have a lot of appearances, most of them inconsistent but very tricky as well. That is his cunning nature after all.

No offense to those who are LHP there, just to note for those who are LHP and may read the post I just published here
To be accurate, a number of LHP folks would style Satan and/or Lucifer a "god," not God. Some suggest a conceptual kinship with Wotan, a deity who pursues his own agenda and shifts identities pretty regularly. And, as Madame B. suggested, "The fathers' gods become the sons' demons."
Sep 9, 2021
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If the LHP folks take Goetia as gospel, which many do, it would seem they should read the first statement on Belial, created after Lucifer.
Now here we could derail the train by discussing Adam (mankind) made in God's image.
I will say after making statements to Lucifer recently, atmosphere shifted a bit.


Mar 21, 2024
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To be accurate, a number of LHP folks would style Satan and/or Lucifer a "god," not God. Some suggest a conceptual kinship with Wotan, a deity who pursues his own agenda and shifts identities pretty regularly. And, as Madame B. suggested, "The fathers' gods become the sons' demons."
That is good to know. Perhaps I got confused by the title of the thread and the posts Konsciencia made


Aug 17, 2023
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If the LHP folks take Goetia as gospel, which many do, it would seem they should read the first statement on Belial, created after Lucifer.
Now here we could derail the train by discussing Adam (mankind) made in God's image.
I will say after making statements to Lucifer recently, atmosphere shifted a bit.
You mean the bit about the three heads?


Jul 2, 2022
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No offense to those who are LHP there, just to note for those who are LHP and may read the post I just published here
I know this is gonna itch some folk here but I hardly consider these peeps LHP. Most of them just seem to revoke the old JCI just to do the same things but worship demons instead. Thats missing the point for me.


Aug 17, 2023
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That is good to know. Perhaps I got confused by the title of the thread and the posts Konsciencia made
There are likewise Satanists who go the full "Satan in God" trip. Look at the "hymns" on the Joy of Satan website. They read like a Methodist Hymnal with "Satan" dubbed in for "Jesus" and a few other cosmetic changes. So you're scarcely off-base.


Mar 21, 2024
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I know this is gonna itch some folk here but I hardly consider these peeps LHP. Most of them just seem to revoke the old JCI just to do the same things but worship demons instead. Thats missing the point for me.
Yes. LHP is the flip side of RHP, and instead of JCI and Angels, they choose to worship Demons.

After all we have the Tree of Life (Shem) and the Tree of Death (Qlippoth). One Tree and path (RHP = Shem) focused on Angels, JCI while the other one (LHP = Qlippoth) focused on the Demons
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There are likewise Satanists who go the full "Satan in God" trip. Look at the "hymns" on the Joy of Satan website. They read like a Methodist Hymnal with "Satan" dubbed in for "Jesus" and a few other cosmetic changes. So you're scarcely off-base.
I agree with it. It's a huge mental trip and it connects you to dangerous energies as well.

I've been there, practicing their rituals and hymns and whatnot.

Not gonna write too much about it for now, but what I can certainly say is that JoS filled me with a lot of negative energy, glad that I quit it and focused on more productive occult things
Sep 9, 2021
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It really now begs the question based off who one worships as to whether they are considered RHP vs LHP.
Example, Ahira Mazda vs Ahriman, Marduk vs whomever. Zeus vs Whomever.
It will upd appear RHP corresponds to any creator or protector deity, while LHP are themselves or an opposer to the creator.


Aug 17, 2023
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I know this is gonna itch some folk here but I hardly consider these peeps LHP. Most of them just seem to revoke the old JCI just to do the same things but worship demons instead. Thats missing the point for me.
Exactly. Dashiell Hammett noted from his days as a private-eye that most "missing persons" were middle aged men sick of their life. Their solution? Run away, relocate,...and start a life and career very much like the one they had just run away from. So too many on the LHP. "Reject" Christianity by constructing its mirror image with most of the same faults carefully preserved. (David Myatt published a series of letters between himself and The Temple of Set's Michael Aquino where this is hashed out at length. But any 1st hand brush with such groups obviates any need for reading the letters.)
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It really now begs the question based off n who one worships as to whether they are considered RHP vs LHP.
Example, Ahira Mazda vs Ahriman, Marduk vs whomever. Zeus vs Whomever.
It will upd appear RHP corresponds to any creator or protector deity, while LHP are themselves an opposer to the creator.
There are other options for the LHP. At least some do not concern themselves with the notion of a "the creator." Certainly not in the Judeo-Christian sense. Others see in "the creator" simply a demiurge turning out a paltry parody of a superior god's work carried out on other planes. (Miguel Serrano and Nimrod de Rosario go this route.) In short, it's a lame and limping LHP path-treader who defines himself by being "against" the Adamic creeds.
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Jul 2, 2022
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Yes. LHP is the flip side of RHP, and instead of JCI and Angels, they choose to worship Demons.

After all we have the Tree of Life (Shem) and the Tree of Death (Qlippoth). One Tree and path (RHP = Shem) focused on Angels, JCI while the other one (LHP = Qlippoth) focused on the Demons
But what if we rejected both of those trees is what I am saying.