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[Help] What can I do to make a successful evocation?

Someone's asking for help!


Sep 11, 2021
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  1. make sure you have the things listed above, and then relax and find a time and place where you will not be interrupted. It is best to begin after the sun has set
  2. face south. Stand up or sit down, but you may feel safer and less vulnerable if you stand up. Visualise the room growing a bit darker, ready for the magick to begin
  3. reach out your right arm towards where you want the spirit to appear
  1. call 3 times, “(Spirit’s name) come, appear before me, (spirit’s name) come, appear before me, (spirit’s name) come, appear before me.” Do this in the language that feels most natural to you
  2. next, start to repeat the enn of the spirit you are calling
  3. it is helpful to rock backwards and forwards as you repeat the enn
  4. after doing this for a short time, look down at his sigil, and keep looking at this while you repeat his enn
  5. then when you feel ready, look up in front of you
  6. visualise a man standing in front of you, he is wearing a cloak and he has horns
  1. keep repeating the enn and call again, “(Spirit’s name) come, appear before me” 3 more times
  2. keep visualising the spirit standing in front of you
  3. watch whether it seems to move. Even though you are visualising it, you might see the eyes flash, or it might move or make a gesture. You might hear sounds or words in your mind. Write down anything that you see, hear, or feel
  4. speak your request to the spirit 3 times. Speak out loud or inside your thoughts. Speak confidently and politely, like talking to a respected businessman you want to go into business with.
  1. watch again to see whether it moves, or whether you see any symbols, or flashes of light, or anything else. Write down anything you see, hear, or feel

I've been doing this evocation and for some reason, I think it's not doing a thing. I've been doing an evocation for Lilith but i don't know what i'm doing wrong with visualizing or am i saying the chant wrong, does the sigil needed something or what. Can I ask for advice or guides that i can do to make it successful?
Sep 9, 2021
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  1. make sure you have the things listed above, and then relax and find a time and place where you will not be interrupted. It is best to begin after the sun has set
  2. face south. Stand up or sit down, but you may feel safer and less vulnerable if you stand up. Visualise the room growing a bit darker, ready for the magick to begin
  3. reach out your right arm towards where you want the spirit to appear
  4. call 3 times, “(Spirit’s name) come, appear before me, (spirit’s name) come, appear before me, (spirit’s name) come, appear before me.” Do this in the language that feels most natural to you
  5. next, start to repeat the enn of the spirit you are calling
  6. it is helpful to rock backwards and forwards as you repeat the enn
  7. after doing this for a short time, look down at his sigil, and keep looking at this while you repeat his enn
  8. then when you feel ready, look up in front of you
  9. visualise a man standing in front of you, he is wearing a cloak and he has horns
  10. keep repeating the enn and call again, “(Spirit’s name) come, appear before me” 3 more times
  11. keep visualising the spirit standing in front of you
  12. watch whether it seems to move. Even though you are visualising it, you might see the eyes flash, or it might move or make a gesture. You might hear sounds or words in your mind. Write down anything that you see, hear, or feel
  13. speak your request to the spirit 3 times. Speak out loud or inside your thoughts. Speak confidently and politely, like talking to a respected businessman you want to go into business with.
  14. watch again to see whether it moves, or whether you see any symbols, or flashes of light, or anything else. Write down anything you see, hear, or feel

I've been doing this evocation and for some reason, I think it's not doing a thing. I've been doing an evocation for Lilith but i don't know what i'm doing wrong with visualizing or am i saying the chant wrong, does the sigil needed something or what. Can I ask for advice or guides that i can do to make it successful?
Try looking for Thomas Karlssons book on Qlippothic Qabalah and Goetic Magic.
In there there is a lesser known sigil of Lilith, and a mantra to lose yourself in trance. Keep pencil and paper nearby, and make sure your incense and candles can last a couple hours.


Sep 11, 2021
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Try looking for Thomas Karlssons book on Qlippothic Qabalah and Goetic Magic.
In there there is a lesser known sigil of Lilith, and a mantra to lose yourself in trance. Keep pencil and paper nearby, and make sure your incense and candles can last a couple hours.
I don't have any candles or incense that last a couple of hours, most of them only last for an hour and not to mention that I can't freely use materials to use for the evocation. Also, I have already seen them and some other books, some of them needed a small shrine but I can't do that since I'm doing this secretly.
Sep 9, 2021
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So do a google search on Karlsson filetype:pdf
Since a happy face was inserted it needs a colon between filetype and pdf.
This gives you the covert chance of coming across it, and I would recommend taking notes as best you can for privacy pusposes.
If I had the book still, I would provide a snapshot of the sigil and the mantra. Michael W Ford likewise has stuff on lilith. Him or Kenneth Grant, dont recall offhand.
Ive seen two sigils for her, one is a oval body shape with a head and a lower trail of feet. The other is a triangle, with a cats eye in the center and below, and two saturn figures with the back facing the center cats eye.
Sep 9, 2021
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I believe Thomas Karlsson is not only a magus, but leader of the Order of the Dragon Rouge. ODR might have online material and sigils if they still have a website.
Kenneth Grant wrote nightside of the tree, and michael w ford writes a lot on luciferianism.

Candles and incense may not be necessary, but you will need to have the ability ti clearly see the propped up sigil somehow, as generally light is dimmed only to candlelight.
As you look at the sigil, pull your gaze back and endure the scrambling and 3d effects. You will feel the presense, and then call her by name and mantra.
Parasites and imposter spirits may be around.


Aug 31, 2021
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It is relationship that is the key. There are many types of relationship. Be careful to be higher up in the food chain.


Aug 31, 2021
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There are many forms of relationship amongst humans - some constructive.

Similarly between humans and non-humans.