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[Opinion] Why people make sigils so complicated: a response

Everyone's got one.


Mar 21, 2024
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I meant the practice of assigning numbers to letters. Qabbalists show pretty convincingly that that with Hebrew letters indicates some illuminating correspondences. (Kenneth Grant made a career of that plus repeating the same stale dozen Crowley anecdotes.) Folks don't seem to have the same success with English letters rendered as numbers. Or so Grant and some others opine.
I think that we can associate the English letters with their alphabetical value, from A to Z and even in English we can create words of power.

Most of the words will have composite numbers (with multiple numbers following ahead).

Some modern day sigils like the ones that we can generate on Chaos Sigil generator for example don't essentially need Hebrew to have power. The intent and mantra is within the Chaos sigil.

And, the gemantria models for the Chaos sigils are as well applied, but the intent is written in English.

The only sigils I found that need Hebrew to be empowered are the Golden Dawn ones, and that is understandable.