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[Site Announcement] WizardForums Christmas Raffle (Win a $50 Prize)

Official Wizard Forums annoucement by staff.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
Reaction score
Sorry, this is a bit late. I severely underestimated the amount of non-work/social obligations I'd be having this Christmas season.

So, as I mentioned somewhere else, there's a little left over money in the WF paypal after paying the hosting/upkeep bills for WF. I'd like to use it to give back to the community in some way, and I thought a Christmas raffle draw would be in good spirit of the season.

In the future, I'll probably try to focus more on rewarding contributions rather than a luck based thing like this, but still, this should be fun.

This might be a direct PayPal payment OR an Amazon gift card, I still haven't decided.

In order to enter, you MUST post in this thread, and have at least 50 posts. ALL replies to this thread will be counted, so if you don't want to play, don't reply here. Each person will still only get 1 chance at the draw regardless of the number of posts in this thread.

After about a week or so, I will find some site which does random draws and pick a member. If that member is unable to claim the prize within 48h, I will remove their name and rerun the random draw.

It's all a bit cobbled together - sorry - it's my first time doing something like this.


Apr 16, 2021
Reaction score
I'm not eligible because all my old posts were lost back when Crow got hacked, but an Amazon gift card would be better since, at least in the US, money transfers through things like Paypal and Venmo are now counted as taxable income.


Nov 9, 2023
Reaction score
Sorry, this is a bit late. I severely underestimated the amount of non-work/social obligations I'd be having this Christmas season.

So, as I mentioned somewhere else, there's a little left over money in the WF paypal after paying the hosting/upkeep bills for WF. I'd like to use it to give back to the community in some way, and I thought a Christmas raffle draw would be in good spirit of the season.

In the future, I'll probably try to focus more on rewarding contributions rather than a luck based thing like this, but still, this should be fun.

This might be a direct PayPal payment OR an Amazon gift card, I still haven't decided.

In order to enter, you MUST post in this thread, and have at least 50 posts. ALL replies to this thread will be counted, so if you don't want to play, don't reply here. Each person will still only get 1 chance at the draw regardless of the number of posts in this thread.

After about a week or so, I will find some site which does random draws and pick a member. If that member is unable to claim the prize within 48h, I will remove their name and rerun the random draw.

It's all a bit cobbled together - sorry - it's my first time doing something like this.
Cool. I'm in!

Emperor Time

Dec 14, 2023
Reaction score
I'm not eligible because all my old posts were lost back when Crow got hacked, but an Amazon gift card would be better since, at least in the US, money transfers through things like Paypal and Venmo are now counted as taxable income.
I agree that the amazon gift card is better for the winner and same that my old posts were lost back then too.


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
Reaction score
Maybe lady luck will be more favorable to me this time.
Marvels Agents Of Shield Wow GIF by ABC Network
Dec 16, 2023
Reaction score
Sorry, this is a bit late. I severely underestimated the amount of non-work/social obligations I'd be having this Christmas season.

So, as I mentioned somewhere else, there's a little left over money in the WF paypal after paying the hosting/upkeep bills for WF. I'd like to use it to give back to the community in some way, and I thought a Christmas raffle draw would be in good spirit of the season.

In the future, I'll probably try to focus more on rewarding contributions rather than a luck based thing like this, but still, this should be fun.

This might be a direct PayPal payment OR an Amazon gift card, I still haven't decided.

In order to enter, you MUST post in this thread, and have at least 50 posts. ALL replies to this thread will be counted, so if you don't want to play, don't reply here. Each person will still only get 1 chance at the draw regardless of the number of posts in this thread.

After about a week or so, I will find some site which does random draws and pick a member. If that member is unable to claim the prize within 48h, I will remove their name and rerun the random draw.

It's all a bit cobbled together - sorry - it's my first time doing something like this.
I acknowledge that I'm a newb in this group, (hence, <50 posts) but if I may be so bold as to offer a suggestion, I'd appreciate anyone's willingness to hear my idea.