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Book Recommendation Resources for getting started in Qabbalah / Kabbalah?

Seeking or giving recommendations for books.


Aug 29, 2021
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Some good free resources are

Rabbi Manis Friedman on YouTube

another is this site
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the site has a free library on the teachings of Kaballah and paid classes, the paid stuff is about connecting to the higher realms etc


Aug 29, 2021
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Note: Manis Friedman isn’t for you if you want to do mystical stuff, he’s for you if you want to understand biblical texts, he also explains some science of the soul and afterlife and reincarnation process

Ariel Bar Tzadok can show you how to connect to higher realms and other things


Apr 16, 2021
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This one goes out to @QueenJazz because I know you were studying it a year or 2 ago.

Have you got any insights, tips, or anything to share with us?
Yeah. Go here:
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they have free resources and classes available on their website so because of covid all of the classes have been online. They lately been slowly going back to in person classes but they still have few online classes available
And then there is the recordings I sent you….
Sep 9, 2021
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This one goes out to @QueenJazz because I know you were studying it a year or 2 ago.

Have you got any insights, tips, or anything to share with us?
My newest journal. It's a start at this point, a little disorganized, so readers will have to be patient, as well because it will be slow moving.

Bo Hanson

Apr 29, 2023
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Recommended book on Kabbalah/Qabalah

Kabbalah, which literally means "reception" or "tradition" in Hebrew, is an extensive and rich body of texts, ideas, and practices, dating to antiquity and a living tradition for many enlightenment searchers of today's community.

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( A classic book for many Kabbalah enthusiasts)

An occult classic and a Dion Fortune bestseller of strongly growing interest. Fortune was one of the first to bring this “secret tradition” to a wider audience with her clear and comprehensive exploration of the Qabalah tradition. The Mystical Qabalah remains a classic in its clarity, linking the broad elements of Jewish traditional thought—probably going back to the Babylonian captivity and beyond—with both Eastern and Western philosophy and later Christian insights.

The Qabalah could be described as a confidential Judaic explanation of the paradox of “the Many and the One”—the complexity and diversity within a monotheistic unity. Whereas the Old Testament outlines the social and psychological development of a tightly knit “chosen group” culture, the supplementary Qabalah provides a detailed plan of the infrastructure behind the creative evolutionary process.

The Mystical Qabalah devotes a chapter to each of the ten schematic “God-names,” the qualities or Sephiroth which focus on the principal archetypes behind evolving human activity: the Spiritual Source; the principles of Force and Form; Love and Justice; the Integrative principle or the Christ Force; Aesthetics and Logic; the dynamics of the Psyche; and, finally, the Manifestation of life on Earth in a physical body.

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- Kabbalah for Beginners: Understanding and Applying Kabbalistic History, Concepts, and Practices

This book is about
gaining a better understanding of the Kabbalah path to spiritual transformation and a deeper connection with the Jewish faith, written for beginners in Kabbalah. Coming from the Hebrew root that means “to receive,” Kabbalah is known as the “inner” or “esoteric” dimension of Judaism. Kabbalah for Beginners is your introduction to a great spiritual tradition that will help you deepen your experience of the Divine through Kabbalistic portals into the Eternal Present. Divided into four categories: theosophical, ecstatic, Hasidic, and contemporary, this book explores everything including ancient concepts, core teachings, practices and traditions, and even misconceptions of Kabbalah. Written in a contemporary tone and point of view, this beginner’s guide brings this ancient discipline into the here and now.

“Kabbalah for Beginners opens the door to the light of Kabbalah, explaining how learning and practicing the mystical Torah combats feelings of alienation, lack, and disunity. When you read this beautiful book you enter into Reb Brian’s heart.” —Rabbi Hazzan Avraham Alpert, Rabbi at Congregation Bet Shalmon

“There are many books available on Kabbalah, but this one is unique and precious. In addition to clarifying the profound teachings of this ancient wisdom, it offers a vibrant spiritual practice for contemporary seekers. Simultaneously new and ancient, Kabbalah for Beginners will inspire you.” —Daniel Matt, author of God and the Big Bang

Mari Silva - Kabbalah: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners Wanting to Understand Hermetic and Jewish Qabalah Along with the Power of Mysticism (Paperback)

With this handy guidebook as your starting point, you can finally take the plunge into your practice of Kabbalah. You will find this book to be a refreshing one, as you learn that you don't have to be a rabbi, or know how to speak fluent Hebrew or Aramaic, or even be a Jew before you enjoy the light of the Kabbalah in your life. Whatever the case, this book will show you the very basics about Kabbalah, the essential philosophies that form the foundations of Jewish mysticism, and how you can apply this knowledge to your life. Before you read any other book, use this one as a launchpad, and you won't have to deal with the confusion that most beginners often experience when reading other texts.

Gershom Scholem -
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I love this book because it deals with Jews tradition. From physical travel to the heavens to elaborate meditations on Hebrew letter permutations and terrifying dialogues with God: the richness of Jewish religious experience is narrated here with historical detail and psychological insight. Its final chapters which bring us close to our times are no less surprising: Scholem describes how the disillusionment with a prophetic figure who converts to Islam to save his own life sparked an atheist movement within Judaism. My favorite book on the psychology of religious experience, though written by a historian.

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Though the Zohar is ancient having been written two thousand years ago, the Sefer Yetizra/Book of Form was written four thousand years ago presenting the fundamental aspects to the Tree of Life known also and the Ten Luminaries. The original Patriarch Avraham is commonly accepted as the author of Sefer Yetizra. Having this primal knowledge of the Cabala will allow entrance into later texts and subsequent cabalistic ideas. Aryeh Kaplan is a trusted authority.

Arthur Green -
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(Stanford University Press, 2003)

This book deal with the Zohar and was written during the Middle Ages but it deals also with Kabbalistic work. It provides an invaluable introduction to the robust scholarly debates about the Zohar's origins and meaning. The author of this book,
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, professor emeritus for Judaic studies is a leading contemporary Jewish educator and theologian.
Sep 9, 2021
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My journal, just so all know, is based on teachings from The Golden Dawn, Secret Wisdom of All Ages, and The Mystical Qabalah.
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Another good Resource is the book by Chic and Tabitha Cicero, A Garden of Pomegranates
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Another good one just came to mind. For more hard pipe hitting magicians, Qabballistic Magic by Baal Shem Tov.
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Aug 31, 2021
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What is the agenda of the Entity within whose body the Kabbalah exists?
Sep 9, 2021
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Zohar. Sepher Yetzirah. Crowleys Qabalah. Frater Achers Qabalah. The Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune. The Secret Wisdom of all ages by Manly Hall.
FInally, the esoterica and FoolishFish channels on YouTube.

Frater BIA

Mar 2, 2023
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Traditional Kabbalah:

“Path of the Kabbalah” by David Sheinkin

Inner Space: Introduction to Kabbalah, Meditation and Prophecy” by Aryeh Kaplan

“Kabbalah: The Way of the Jewish Mystic” by Perle Epstein

“Fundamentals of Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah” by Ron H. Feldman

“Opening the Inner Gates: New Paths in Kabbalah and Psychology” by Edward Hoffman

“The Heavenly Ladder” by Edward Hoffman

“The Way of Splencor: Jewish Mysticism and Modern Psychology” by Edward Hoffman

“Ehyeh: A Kabbalah for Tomorrow” by Arthur Green

“Seek My Face: A Jewish Mystical Theology” by Arthur Green

“Honey from the Rock” by Lawrence Kushner

“The Thirteen Petalled Rose” by Adin Steinsaltz

“Seeing God: Ten Life-Changing Lessons of the Kabbalah” by David Aaron

“The Secret Life of God: Discovering the Divine Within You” by David Aaron

“God in Your Body: Kabbalah, Mindfulness and Embodied Spiritual Practice” by Jay Michaelson

“The Way of Flame: A Guide to the Forgotten Mystical Tradition of Jewish Mysticism” by Avram Davis

“Judaic Mysticism” by Avram Davis & Manuela Dunn Mascetti

“God is a Verb: Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism” by David A. Cooper

“The Kabbalah of Food” by Nilton Bonder

“The Kabbalah of Money” by Nilton Bonder

“The Kabbalah of Envy” by Nilton Bonder

“The Unifying Factor: A Review of Kabbalah” by Nekhama Schoenburg

“God, Sex and Kabbalah” by Allen S. Maller

“Kabbalah and the Art of Being” by Shimon Shokek

“The Essence of Kabbalah” by Brian L. Lancaster

“The Kabbalah Handbook: A Concise Encyclopedia of Terms and Concepts in Jewish Mysticism” by Gabriella Samuel

Christian Kabbalah:

“Pico della Mirandola’s Encounter with Jewish Mysticism” by Chaim Wirszubski

“De Arte Cabalistica: On the Art of the Kabbalah” by Johann Reuchlin

“Giordano Bruno and the Kabbalah: Prophets, Magicians and Rabbis” by Karen Silvia de León-Jones

“Alchemy of the Word: Cabala of the Renaissance” by Philip Beitchman

“Christian Hebraists and Dutch Rabbis” by Aaron L. Katchen
Kabbalah in Italy, 1280-1510: A Survey by Moshe Idel
The Christian Kabbalah: Jewish Mystical Books and Their Christian Interpreters (Harvard College Library) joseph dan
Jewish Mysticism: The Modern Period (Main Themes in Mysticism & Jewish Mysticism) (Volume 3) Joseph Dan

The Language of Demons and Angels: Cornelius Agrippa’s Occult Philosophy (Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History) Christopher I. Lehrich

Athanasius Kircher: The Last Man Who Knew Everything Paula Findlen

The Great Parchment. Flavius Mithridates’ Latin Translation, the Hebrew Text, and an English Version (The Kabbalistic Library of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, edited by Giulio Busi, Volume 1)

The Book of Bahir: Flavius Mithridates’ Latin Translation, the Hebrew Text, and an English Version (The Kabbalistic Library of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, edited by Giulio Busi, Volume 2)

Commentary on the Daily Prayers: Flavius Mithridates’ Latin Translation, the Hebrew Text, and an English Version, Edited By Giacomo Corazzol (The Kabbalistic Library of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, edited by Giulio Busi, 3)

The Book of Punctuation: Flavius Mithridates’ Latin Translation, the Hebrew Text, and an English Version (The Kabbalistic Library of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, edited by Giulio Busi, 4)

Sefirotic studies:

“The Mystical Qabalah” by Dion Fortune.

“Qabalistic Concepts” by William G. Gray. This book, originally intended as a textbook of the Sangreal Sodality, is a very basic and excellent Kabbalah study programme.

“The Ladder of Lights” by William G. Gray. Whilst “Qabalistic Concepts” was written long after “The Ladder of Lights,” it is in fact an introduction to this text, which deals with the ten Sefirot within the “Four Worlds” of Kabbalah in great detail.

The Zohar

The Zohar

b.”The Novena of the Tree of Life: A Short Manual on Practical Kabbalah” (WG GRAY)

“The Universal Meaning of the Kabbalah” by Leo Schaya

“The Sefirot: Ten Emanations of Divine Power” by Y. David Shulman

“The Miracle Tree: Demystifying the Qabalah” by R.J. Stewart

“The Enneagram and Kabbalah: Reading Your Soul” by Howard A. Addison

“Cast in God’s Image: Discover Your Personality Type using the Enneagram and Kabbalah” by Howard A. Addison

Practical Kabbalah:

a. Meditation:

“Discovering Jewish Meditation: Instruction and Guidance for Learning an Ancient Spiritual Path” by Nan Fink Geffen

The Work of the Kabbalist by Z’Ev Ben Shimon Halevi

“Meditation and Judaism: Exploring the Jewish Meditative Paths” by DovBer Pinson

“Everyday Kabbalah: A Practical Guide to Jewish Meditation, Healing, and Personal Growth” by Melinda Ribner

“Ecstatic Kabbalah” by David A. Cooper

“Kabbalistic Healing: A Path to an Awakened Soul” by Jason Shulman

“Visions of the Night: A Study of Jewish Dream Interpretation” by Joel Covitz. This work contains a translation of Pitron Chalamot (Interpretation of Dreams) by Solomon Almoli.

“Kabbalah and the Power of Dreaming: Awakening the Visionary Life” by Catherine Shainberg

Jewish Meditation: A Practical Guide by Aryeh Kaplan

b. Magical Traditions:

“Scholastic Magic: Ritual and Revelation in Early Jewish Mysticism” by Michael D. Swartz

“Ritual Practices to Gain Power: Angels, Incantations and Revelations in Early Jewish Mysticism” by Rebecca Macy Lesses

“Sepher ha-Razim: The Book of the Mysteries” by Michael A. Morgan

“The Sword of Moses: An Ancient Book of Magic” by M. Gaster.

“Jewish Magic and Superstition” by Joshua Trachtenberg

“Hebrew Amulets” by T. Schrire

“Amulets and Talismans” by E.A. Wallis Budge

“Amulets and Magic Bowls” by Joseph Naveh and Shaul Shaked

“Magic Spells and Formulae” by Joseph Naveh and Shaul Shaked

“Magic, Mysticism and Hasidism: The Supernatural in Jewish Thought” by Gedalyah Nigal

“Golem: Jewish Magical and Mystical Traditions on the Artificial Anthropoid” by Moshe Idel

“Hasidism: Between Ecstasy and Magic” by Moshe Idel

“Magic of the Ordinary: Recovering the Shamanic in Judaism” by Gershon Winkler

“Invoking Angels: For Blessings, Protection, and Healing” by David A. Cooper

“An Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic and Mysticism” by Geoffrey W. Dennis

“Magical Ritual Methods” by William G. Gray

“Inner Traditions of Magic” by William G. Gray

Primary Texts:

“The Poetics of Ascent: Theories of Language in a Rabbinic Ascent Text” by Naomi Janowitz

“The Shi’ur Qomah: Texts and Recensions” by Martin Samuel Cohen

“Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation in Theory and in Practice” translated by Aryeh Kaplan

“Sefer Bahir: Illumination” translated by Aryeh Kaplan

“The Hidden and Manifest God: Some Major Themes in Early Jewish Mysticism” by Peter Schäfer

“The Zohar: Pritzker Edition” translated by Daniel C. Matt.

“Gates of Light: Sha’are Orah” by Joseph Gikatilla translated by Avi Weinstein

“Moses Cordovero’s Introduction to Kabbalah: An Annotated Translation of His Or Ne’erav” by Ira Robinson

“Meditation and the Bible” by Aryeh Kaplan

“Meditation and Kabbalah” by Aryeh Kaplan

“The SecretGarden: An Anthology in the Kabbalah” edited by David Meltzer

“Understanding Jewish Mysticism: A Source Reader Volume I: The Merkabah Tradition and the Zoharic Tradition” by David R. Blumenthal

“Understanding Jewish Mysticism: A Source Reader Volume II: The Philosophic-Mystical Tradition and The Hasidic Tradition” by David R. Blumenthal

“The Books of Contemplation: Medieval Jewish Mystical Sources” by Mark Verman

“Early Kabbalah” edited and translated by Joseph Dan and Ronald C. Kiener

“The Heart and the Fountain: An Anthology of Jewish Mystical Experiences” by Joseph Dan

“Safed Spirituality: Rules of Mystical Piety and The Beginning of Wisdom” translated by Lawrence Fine

“Jewish Mystical Autobiographies: Book of Visions and Book of Secrets” translated by Morris M. Feierstein

“Kabbalah: Selections from Classic Kabbalistic Works from Raziel HaMalach to the Present Day” by Avraham Yaakov Finkel

Academic Studies:

“Origins of the Kaballah” by Gershom Scholem

“Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism” by Gershom Scholem

32 paths

“Kabbalah” by Gershom Scholem

“On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism” by Gershom Scholem

“On the Mystical Shape of the Godhead: Basic Concepts in the Kabbalah” by Gershom Scholem


“Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah” by Gershom Scholem

“The Messianic Idea in Judaism, and other Essays on Jewish Spirituality” by Gershom Scholem

“Jewish Gnosticism, Merkabah Mysticism and Talmudic Tradition” by Gershom Scholem

“The Ancient Jewish Mysticism” by Joseph Dan

“Beholders of Divine Secrets: Mysticism and Myth in the Hekhalot and Merkavah Literature” by Vita Daphna Arbel

“Kabbalah: New Perspectives” by Moshe Idel

“The Mystical Experience in Abraham Abulafia” by Moshe Idel

“Studies in Ecstatic Kabbalah” by Moshe Idel

“Messianic Mystics” by Moshe Idel

“Ascensions on High in Jewish Mysticism: Pillars, Lines, Ladders” by Moshe Idel

“Mirror of His Beauty: Feminine Images of God from the Bible to the Early Kabbalah” by Peter Schäfer

“Joseph Karo: Lawyer and Mystic” by R.J. Zwi Werblowsky

“Kabbalah, Magic, and Science: The Cultural Universe of a Sixteenth-Century Jewish Physician” by David R. Ruderman

“Physician of the Soul, Healer of the Cosmos: Isaac Luria and His Kabbalistic Fellowship” by Lawrence Fine

“Through a Speculum that Shines: Vision and Imagination in Medieval Jewish Mysticism” by Elliot R. Wolfson
“Alef, Mem, Tau: Kabbalistic Musings on Time, Truth, and Death” by Elliot R. Wolfson

“The Soul of the Matter: A Jewish-Kabbalistic Perspective on the Human Soul Before, During and After ‘Life’” by Gershon Winkler

“Good and Evil in Jewish Thought” by Shalom Rosenberg

Angel related Books:

Leaves from the Garden of Eden: One Hundred Classic Jewish Tales by Howard Schwartz;

Gabriel’s Palace: Jewish Mystical Tales by Howard Schwartz;

Tree of Souls: The Mythology of Judaism by Howard Schwartz;

Before You Were Born by Howard Schwartz;

Ascending Jacob’s Ladder: Jewish Views of Angels, Demons, and Evil Spirits by Ronald H. Isaacs;

Imagining the Fetus: The Unborn in Myth, Religion, and Culture (Cultural Criticism) by Jane Marie Law & Venessa R. Sasson;

The Legends of the Jews: Index to Volumes 1 through 6 by Louis Ginzberg

Kabbalah: Selections From Classic Kabbalistic Works From Raziel Hamalach To The Present Day by Abraham Yaakov Finkel;

All the Names of the Lord: Lists, Mysticism, and Magic by Valentina Izmirlieva;

Mystical Fiction:

“Dybbuk” by Gershon Winkler

“The Sacred Stones: The Return of the Golem” by Gershon Winkler

“The Seventh Telling” by Mitchell Chefitz

“Shelomo Molho” by Aaron Abraham Kabak


The Kabbalah: The Religious Philosophy of the Hebrews. Translated From The French.

Kabbalah and Modernity (Aries Book Series)

Renaissance and Rebirth: Reincarnation in Early Modern Italian Kabbalah (Studies in Jewish History and Culture)


Music, Mysticism and Magic: A Sourcebook (Arkana)

The Harmony of the Spheres: The Pythagorean Tradition in Music

The Mystery of the Seven Vowels: In Theory and Practice

Cosmic Music: Musical Keys to the Interpretation of Reality

The Spiritual Dimensions of Music: Altering Consciousness for Inner Development

Music Power Harmony: A Workbook of Music and Inner Forces

Music and Kabbalah

Inner Rhythms : The Kabbalah of Music

Mystical Power of Music

Jewish Musical Traditions (Jewish Folklore and Anthropology)

Contemporary Jewish religious thought : original essays on critical concepts, movements, and beliefs

The Mystical Experience in Abraham Abulafia (S U N Y Series in Judaica)

The Kabbalah of the Soul: The Transformative Psychology and Practices of Jewish Mysticism

Kabbalah and Gnosticism:

Gershom Scholem: Kabbalah and Counter-History

The Early Kabbalah (Classics of Western Spirituality)

Kabbalistic Metaphors: Jewish Mystical Themes in Ancient and Modern Thought

Gnostic Return in Modernity

Kabbalah: New Perspectives

Hasidism: Between Ecstasy and Magic (Suny Series in Judaica: Hermeneutics, Mysticism, and Religion)

Old Worlds, New Mirrors: On Jewish Mysticism and Twentieth-Century Thought (Jewish Culture and Contexts)

Religious Apologetics – Philosophical Argumentation (see Idel’s Essay entitled “On the Theologization of kabbalah in modern Scholarship”)

Abraham Abulafia

Related texts:

Mystical Experience in Abraham Abulafia, The (Suny Series in Judaica : Hermeneutics Mysticism and Religion)

Kabbalah: New Perspectives

Language, Torah, and Hermeneutics in Abraham Abulafia (S U N Y Series in Judaica)

Studies in Ecstatic Kabbalah (Judaica, Hermeneutics, Mysticism, and Religion)

Messianic Mystics

Abraham Abulafia: An Ecstatic Kabbalist [Two Studies]

Hasidism: Between Ecstasy and Magic (S U N Y Series in Judaica)

Gershom Scholem’s Major trends in Jewish mysticism 50 years after: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on the History of Jewish Mysticism


The Secret Garden: An Anthology in the Kabbalah

The Shambhala Guide to Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism

Kabbalah: The Way of The Jewish Mystic (Shambhala Classics)

The Heart and the Fountain: An Anthology of Jewish Mystical Experiences

Abraham Abulafia – Kabbalist and Prophet : Hermeneutics, Theosophy and Theurgy (Sources and Studies in the Literature of Jewish Mysticism)

Kabbalah: Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical Texts (Volume 13)

Like Angels on Jacob’s Ladder: Abraham Abulafia, the Franciscans, and Joachimism

Ecstatic Kabbalah

Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism

Meditation and Kabbalah

ADDITIONAL texts of Note:

Renewing the Covenant: A Kabbalistic Guide to Jewish Spirituality by Leonora Leet
The Kabbalah of the Soul: The Transformative Psychology and Practices of Jewish Mysticism by Leonora Leet
The Secret Doctrine of the Kabbalah: Recovering the Key to Hebraic Sacred Science by Leonora Leet

The Universal Kabbalah by Leonora Leet

Adam and the Kabbalistic Tree by Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi

Kabbalistic Universe by Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi

Introduction to the Cabala by Z’Ev Ben Shimon Halevi

Kabbalah: Tradition of Hidden Knowledge (Art and Imagination) by Z’Ev Ben Shimon Halevi and Warren Kenton

The Anatomy of Fate: Astrology and Kabbalah (Arkana) by Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi

The Fool’s Pilgrimage, Second Edition: Kabbalistic Meditations on the Tarot by Stephan A. Hoeller

Talking Tree by William G. Gray