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[Help] What do I do to recover from attacks by beings including magick users?

Someone's asking for help!


Jan 26, 2024
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Hello. I feel extremely attacked by beings including magic users. I am diagnosed with schizophrenia, but I am not so sure that is the case (but could be, difficult to tell). I hear beings constantly trying to talk to me to try to make me feel terrible in general. I feel like my body movement is controlled by beings a lot, but MAYBE not completely. The beings would always try to possess me to try to do drugs. My visualisation seems to be broken. I keep seeing screens. I think the beings pretend that I believe the screens, but MAYBE if I really am on drugs that could potentially be the case and actually just directly possess my body to try and control my visualisation. I read on reddit that affirmations are spells. Can I still use affirmations like magick spells effectively with broken visualisation? PLEASE, how do I use affirmations for magick, step by step from, 0 to 100? What are the best affirmations for general healing, banishing, shielding for EVERYTHING I would need for my best wellbeing? I have trouble thinking because of these beings. It's like I feel their thoughts and it interferes with my normal thinking. I realise this COULD really be schizophrenia, but it's so weird, the beings would try to trick me it's schizophrenia and I KNOW there is more than just the physical anything 100%. I really need a normal life, please help.
Sep 9, 2021
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First of all, whether you can visualize or not does not invalidate a successful banishing ritual. I recommend either Jason Miller's "Protection and Reversal Magic", Donald M Kraig's "Modern Magick", or Lyam Thomas Christopher's "Kabbalah, Magic, and the Great Work of Self-Transformation".
Either of these followed faithfully should help.
Perhaps a freezer spell on known enemies.
Perhaps a mirror box on known enemies.
Perhaps a return to sender spell.
But I thoroughly recommend knowing a good banishing ritual done twice a day, such as the "Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram" (The Golden Dawn), "Cross of Light" (Demons of Magick), or "Identify, Objectify, Banish" (Modern Magick ).


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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I feel extremely attacked by beings including magic users. I am diagnosed with schizophrenia
I have to be honest here and say that while you can try to do some work for self-protection, due to your own admission I would propose that you first seek professional help just to get the mundane reasons out of the way and be able to be more clear headed to deal with your current issue.
Sep 9, 2021
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As a fellow schizophrenic with BPD, I agree. Seroquel and Abilify have some unpleasant side effects, but my head got straight enough to have the doses lowered to a point where I can spit synchrocities again, can visualize again, and still do my routines regardless. My only reason or red flag not to do my routines is "I'm too tired". The worst thing for a shrink to do is to cut your caffeine and nicotine at once (one side effect is leg and arm tremors from the antipsychotics). Zoloft helps me to function and socialize again. Another med cuts down the tremors. So yeah, if you're on meds or you frontal cortex is damaged, it will hinder visualization.


Sep 1, 2023
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, the beings would try to trick me it's schizophrenia
not to make you paranoid, but a hostile being might also try to convince you you DON'T have schizophrenia, so you don't get treatment (with treatment, you would be able to see much more clearly what is another entity and what is your own brain. I can't imagine a hostile being would appreciate you having that clarity). I agree with @Taudefindi - professional help to get clarity on the mundane issues will make the magical issues easier to deal with


On Probation
Jan 29, 2024
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Sometimes schizophrenia can be occult related. Some symptoms of schizophrenia sound very occultish like thoughts broadcasting and hallucinations. I was told schizophrenia is pure mundane on reddit but I disagreed, some can really be spiritual. I would recommend you reach out to an entity and ask for protection, though I am kind of new to occult and my advice may not be good.
Sep 9, 2021
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My being labeled was always symptomatic, but authorities labeled me when I honestly discussed:
Occult/Ceremonial Magic
Hearing my name called
Seeing shadow beings in peripheral vision


Aug 17, 2023
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I'd go with Taudefindi's advice. A person with multiple "beings" addressing him/her is not likely to be helped by a plethora of divergent advice from we likewise unseen beings in digital space. The thing now would seem to be to simplify the pare of characters as much as possible.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Odds are, you won't be even interested in the stuff we're discussing here once you're well medicated. You need a minimum of emotional stability to even try magic, which you definitely don't have.

I'd say you're in no fit state to profit from affirmations, let alone magic. You need a minimum of emotional stability for that, which you definitely don't have. I remember trying affirmations to combat my depressions, with absolutely zero effect. I'm on several antidepressants now and they help greatly; I couldn't even begin to imagine managing my daily practice without them - I'd be a mere lethargic bundle of anxiety.


Jan 26, 2024
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I will try to take Aripiprazole medication prescribed to me by a doctor. In the past, I have been taking it on and off while still doing drugs. I did try some affirmations and hopefully the beings are not just pretending that they're working including for quitting drugs. I feel more healed in general and today I did not look for drugs and did not use any yet except vaping liquid with nicotine and energy drinks and coffee, but I think the illegal drugs are the worst for my physical health compared to those.

To anyone else experiencing similar issues, my advice would be to try and ignore the beings and understand they just pretend like they have power over you, but in the real reality they don't and seek help from the doctors even if you think it's NOT just delusions and try to learn magick to banish these beings and shield yourself from them.

I also have a book to learn modern witchcraft from which will help me further.

Thank you, everyone for your replies.
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Odds are, you won't be even interested in the stuff we're discussing here once you're well medicated. You need a minimum of emotional stability to even try magic, which you definitely don't have.

I'd say you're in no fit state to profit from affirmations, let alone magic. You need a minimum of emotional stability for that, which you definitely don't have. I remember trying affirmations to combat my depressions, with absolutely zero effect. I'm on several antidepressants now and they help greatly; I couldn't even begin to imagine managing my daily practice without them - I'd be a mere lethargic bundle of anxiety.
I would be still be interested in magick. It's one or the other - practice magick (or maybe shielding, banishing somehow without magick? (but I don't know about this)) or get tortured by beings even if not felt (horrible, I wish everyone would know about this, but NOT to be tortured, but to start defending themselves)).
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Sep 9, 2021
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For one thing, remember who you are at your core like every human, a reflection of God. This is possibly why so many entities are hostile toward us. You are eternal. You are the spiritual sun and moon.


Jan 26, 2024
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I think someone has transformed me into an extremely hackable being/transformation with a hacked code system where I program against myself to never recover. I think the system even has memory modification against myself. I have no clue what to do. Does anyone know about this? What should I do? Will magick work? What if everything is activated/deactivated/filtered from the system? Does anyone know about anything like this? Please help? :(


Sep 1, 2023
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I have found the energetic cleansing ritual from Sphere & Sundry to be very, very effective. Felt like getting an iron infusion, if you've ever been anaemic and had one (as in "oh wow, I had no idea so much of my tiredness was caused by that").

It's extensive / thorough and includes invocation, the bath itself, smoke cleansing, scraping attachments off with an iron or steel scrapey tool, psalms, anointing, etc etc. to "strip away anything and everything impeding my Healthy and Sovereign Existence" (They spruik their own products of course, but you don't have to use them)

Mod Edit: Marketplace Violation
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Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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I have found the energetic cleansing ritual from Sphere & Sundry to be very, very effective. Felt like getting an iron infusion, if you've ever been anaemic and had one (as in "oh wow, I had no idea so much of my tiredness was caused by that").

It's extensive / thorough and includes invocation, the bath itself, smoke cleansing, scraping attachments off with an iron or steel scrapey tool, psalms, anointing, etc etc. to "strip away anything and everything impeding my Healthy and Sovereign Existence" (They spruik their own products of course, but you don't have to use them)

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Your link is technically against the no-spamming rule ("Do not post links to websites intending to make a sale.") because the site includes a shop and the link itself touts its wares, useful as the ritual may be. I'm on the fence on this one but other staff members may see it differently.
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Remembering that such semi-commercial links posted for the best of reasons were deleted in the past... don't be surprised when it happens to your post, sorry.
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Jun 1, 2023
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I think someone has transformed me into an extremely hackable being/transformation with a hacked code system where I program against myself to never recover. I think the system even has memory modification against myself. I have no clue what to do. Does anyone know about this? What should I do? Will magick work? What if everything is activated/deactivated/filtered from the system? Does anyone know about anything like this? Please help? :(
I can personally vouch that this is possible through deliberate ritual abuse, to the degree of being remotely controlled like a robot.
If there are some programs running, and I am not saying there are, they are as difficult to detect as possible and created though the lowest possible base emotions and torture.
They would be very deep in many layers and arrayed in certain patterns and have a guard over each of them.
You may have lost time and are generally dissociative, yet snap back into moments of clarity.
You may have strange memories over and over that don't seem to be your own.
You may have wounds on your body you cannot explain.
You may have have a fear of ritual objects/symbols you can't explain.
You may avoid someone/feel uneasy around them but don't know why.

But having said that, It could simply be a natural awakening that is out of control.

Self sabotage is also commonplace, along with depression and anxiety in 'regular' trauma.
All trauma is dissociative. It is the complexity that differs.
If you do have large emotional wounds that have not healed, it is easy to be too open and attract parasites.
I would try closing down any psychic potential with an exercise.

A quick search produces:
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You may want to look at Schisandra berry and Valerian root for managing anxiety, or possibly with sensible, moderate use, other forms of plant medicine.


Aug 17, 2023
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I'd go with Taudefindi's advice. A person with multiple "beings" addressing him/her is not likely to be helped by a plethora of divergent advice from we likewise unseen beings in digital space. The thing now would seem to be to simplify the pare of characters as much as possible.
Crappy style---I meant to write "pare the cast of characters." Thanks for grasping the maladroit meaning, my gentle readers.


Apr 13, 2023
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Sometimes schizophrenia can be occult related. Some symptoms of schizophrenia sound very occultish like thoughts broadcasting and hallucinations. I was told schizophrenia is pure mundane on reddit but I disagreed, some can really be spiritual. I would recommend you reach out to an entity and ask for protection, though I am kind of new to occult and my advice may not be good.
I would be VERY wary of anything on Reddit - that site is full of armchair experts with little if anything valid to say on anything serious. Great for video game walkthroughs and similar but absolutely not for advice on whatr might be a serious imbalance in brain chemistry.
As to whether or not this is being deliberately induced in you or not is something I cannot possibly tell you because I don't know you, and I would very much agree with those who are advising specialist help with getting an accurate diagnosis in the first place.
It is definitely possible it's an attack, but it is just as likely - if not far more likely - that it is a chemical imbalance caused by eating poisons disguised as modern food and drink coupled with the ongoing collapse of the Earth's Magnetic Field which is between 25 to 40% down from it's maximum strength, which makes anybody who is susceptible to the effects this creates in the brain feel an exaggerated effect.
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As our field collapses these effects will get progressively worse.

As for the chances of it being a deliberate attack, have you asked yourself who might want to do this to you and why they would want to go to such extremes? Whilst it is possible, the odds are definitely in your favour I feel.