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Journal Crows & Ravens

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Oct 13, 2022
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Stephen Ashe, "The Complete Golden Dawn Initiate" has them.
I think I uploaded it to book shares.
I'd manually type them, but left a few notebooks behind in Michigan where they're written in. My online journal had a reference link to Daily Archangel Prayers.
Cool, I'll look for it.

Its shame that you had to leave them behind but perhaps someone that is in need might be thanking you right.
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Cool, I'll look for it.

Its shame that you had to leave them behind but perhaps someone that is in need might be thanking you right.
right now**

Note to self: Please double read before posting, everyone makes mistakes but try to keep things neat & tidy.

Began The Master Protection Ritual on the 6th Dec.
(Damon Brand Magickal Protection)

I missed the 7th and the 8th of Dec and just did the ritual today. I won't say how it went or how I feel just that I will be continuously performing the ritual for next 31 days and probably a little more.

I felt a strange energy today so I decided to bomb my home with White Sage & Palo Santo as soon as I was finished I felt that I had cleared something. Visualisation has got a little bit better but still need to work on it, sometimes it takes a few moments before I can visualise what I want to mentally image which is okay to me.

Another thing to add is that my mind becomes full of negative thoughts when I begin any kind of cleansing or protection magic. For some reason I become hostile towards people when they nice to me. I suspect a parasite doesn't like positive energies.. lol sucker needs love! And perhaps Jesus Christ but I won't use any divine being's names to cause harm. Its not right. Love and peace to all...

I'm not physically hostile just mentally, its almost like something is trying to undo what I have done or what I am trying to do.
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Oct 13, 2022
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I did one of the invocations today provided by Diluculo, since its a Sunday I invoked the Archangel Michael.

The weather at the time was dark with light rain. After finishing the invocation I took a moment for myself and then looked outside my window. It was like the sky had lit up an orangey colour. I took no notice and then looked away for a few seconds and then. I looked back out again when I realised the sky was very strange at that very precise moment.

Success?...Maybe, there's no way of telling but however it was very convenient that the sky had changed colour like it did. Keep in mind that it was dark because of the rain, so it is a possibility. I have no doubts that I wasn't heard but perhaps a sign from the Archangel Michael.


Jun 8, 2021
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I did one of the invocations today provided by Diluculo, since its a Sunday I invoked the Archangel Michael.

The weather at the time was dark with light rain. After finishing the invocation I took a moment for myself and then looked outside my window. It was like the sky had lit up an orangey colour. I took no notice and then looked away for a few seconds and then. I looked back out again when I realised the sky was very strange at that very precise moment.

Success?...Maybe, there's no way of telling but however it was very convenient that the sky had changed colour like it did. Keep in mind that it was dark because of the rain, so it is a possibility. I have no doubts that I wasn't heard but perhaps a sign from the Archangel Michael.
Wow! That's incredible!


Oct 13, 2022
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Archangel Invocation Prayers

Monday - Gabriel
Ruler of the day: The Moon
Ruler of the hour: The Moon

Nothing to add as I didn't see anything or heard anything.

Tuesday - Samael
Ruler of the day: Mars
Ruler of the hour: Saturn

As I was saying the invocation I was really drawn to this black dot which I tried my best to ignore, it was a dark/brownish spider climbing towards my window, really big one too. I instantly thought of Lilith as sometimes when gazing at Lilith's sigil now and again I see a spider. Its a sign that I ask for when I want to know if I am doing something correctly.

Samael has a connection to Lilith but no associations with spiders. I am not saying this is a sign from Samael or even Lilith, just interesting and I am curious.

Still, even if there isn't any solid prove. That doesn't mean it hasn't worked. Angels are very easy to connect with and all you need is a prayer.
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Looking forward to doing some candle magick hopefully tomorrow or today and may be even planetary magic.
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There only Angel associated with spiders as far as I know is Sabathiel.
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I seem to know when planets are in the hour, like today I closed my eyes and asked myself "what planet rules this hour?" I said Venus and then changed to Saturn. I look it up on the app and it was Saturn. Most of the time now when it comes to knowing what planetary hour it is I am almost right all the time, but if you shuffled a deck of cards, picked one up and then told me what card it was... I am 99% always wrong.

I feel change when I focus and then guess when it comes to the planetary hours, results are a success.

Right the moment ago I tried guessing what tarot card that I had in my hand I thought it was 5 of cups but it was the page of swords. I don't feel the same mood or energy when it comes to guessing other things such as the planetary hours. This is a good thing to me because now I understand why I failed some magical operations... lack of focus and not enough heart and soul.

I guess if you're not in the mood then you're simply not in the mood and so results will be sloppy.
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One more Tarot card guess...
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Guess: Two of swords
Answer: Queen of wands

Hahaha I saw a wand in my mind..
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Oct 13, 2022
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I messed up the master protection ritual, don't see how though as its fairy simple but its probably because I rushed through it because I have relatives that like to disturb me, so I had to tell them to leave me be for a few moments. I didn't seem to be motivated today either and that's probably because I have been exhausting too much energy, and smoking is a bad habit.

Coming to think about it, I haven't had a proper meal for two days and gazing at sigils isn't a good idea either unless you're going to complete the ritual in the first place.

Despite failing to do the MPR the first time, I completed it the second time.

Well, it seems like I having been constantly repeating the names of those spirits one too many times as its only needed to be done once. Its the part where you speak the names of the Angels three times. I guess I should stop doing that then, I don't really like just speaking the Angels names but vibrating them instead feels better, more powerful in my opinion.
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I also completed Haniel invocation, this was the first thing that I did. I still feel like I need to do something else to fill in my day as it feel uncomplete.


Oct 13, 2022
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For what its worth, my first experience with MPR wasn't so smooth either. You grow into it over time. Its not a one time ritual anyways, nothing to worry about there.
I've started to memorise how the talisman looks like, the names that must be spoken including the words.

I would rather fail the ritual the first few times than be successful. You learn a lot more.


Oct 13, 2022
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Candle spell was performed yesterday.

Just looking at the wax and the shape of it, I see a heart but unsure what it could mean since it was a banishing spell. On the same day I pulled out the lovers tarot card. It kind of looks like a face now that I am having a proper look at it and its wearing sun glasses, its air kissing.

Further things to add, I have this burning sensation on my left side of my head, and around my neck. I did the MPR and it seemed like it was going then it returned. I think its pretty obvious now that I am dealing with some negative energies.

Notes: pleasure maybe making it worse so..... No sexual pleasure for me for 7 days, just so I can see how I feel. As the sensations that I got never happened until I decided to look at those lovely ladies... a question that I must ask is, what is it? I do feel things moving around my head from time to time. My bodily fluids, my orgasms seem to be giving it power, but it doesn't have any permission to do so, me thinks that I am dealing with a spirit attachment.

Within 24 hours or less I won't be returning to WF until the 7 days are complete, unless I have something to report. Turning off the TV and forbidding myself from entertainment might be a good idea, that's including playing games. Mediation music is an exception.

Meanwhile, since I am here its time to look at the book shares.


Oct 13, 2022
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Back to the candle wax... the face looks like a skull with a heart just between the eyes but its not easy to see because of the lighting from my room and the camera. I decided to wrap it in tissue and then broke it into small pieces, I throw it in the toilet with some salt. And then I pissed on it.

I still have no idea what the heart is suppose to signify but I've been seeing heart shapes for ages and to be honest I don't care to know what kind of messages this is sending.
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Well something went wrong with the link so I had to post the link without any texts.

The skull isn't showing up clearly, but I can tell you it most definitely looks like a skull. May be someone here will know more.
Sep 9, 2021
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I can see a skull. The heart appears to be one of the eye sockets (left eye of the skull). Not sure of the meaning of it. Not sure what the intent was and the whole cause and effect story.


Oct 13, 2022
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Had a few dreams that represented sexual activity but no intercourse with someone or anything, right when I decided start semen retention.

I might be leaving WF soon as I think this might be the best option, and I have quite a few books to read which I haven't got through to finishing all the good ones, for past few months all I have done is stare at this monitor without doing anything magical a part from recently with, LBRP, the MPR and candle spells. I could always limit the days I come on.

There's a Pagan Group that hosts events near to me so I think its best that I start socialising with practitioners face to face as the internet doesn't count to me. Perhaps a chance to fix a few of my issues.... Last few days have gotten a little be better.


Jun 8, 2021
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Had a few dreams that represented sexual activity but no intercourse with someone or anything, right when I decided start semen retention.

I might be leaving WF soon as I think this might be the best option, and I have quite a few books to read which I haven't got through to finishing all the good ones, for past few months all I have done is stare at this monitor without doing anything magical a part from recently with, LBRP, the MPR and candle spells. I could always limit the days I come on.

There's a Pagan Group that hosts events near to me so I think its best that I start socialising with practitioners face to face as the internet doesn't count to me. Perhaps a chance to fix a few of my issues.... Last few days have gotten a little be better.
Awww!! We will miss you Crows & Ravens!


Jul 2, 2022
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I might be leaving WF soon as I think this might be the best option, and I have quite a few books to read which I haven't got through to finishing all the good ones, for past few months all I have done is stare at this monitor without doing anything magical a part from recently with, LBRP, the MPR and candle spells. I could always limit the days I come on.
I have never met you in private but always enjoyed your posts and can see the effort you were putting in. I would be lying if I said I won't miss reading more of those. Best of luck to you.


Oct 13, 2022
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Awww!! We will miss you Crows & Ravens!

Take care dude. We will welcome you back.

I have never met you in private but always enjoyed your posts and can see the effort you were putting in. I would be lying if I said I won't miss reading more of those. Best of luck to you.

Ahh sorry for the confusing entry here, I might be leaving soon because I spend most of my time doing nothing productive, mundanely or spiritually and its just frustrating that I am not doing anything magical. So I think I will limit the days I come on here. The internet is very distracting so I need to find something to do that pulls me away from it.

I appreciate your kind words though, much love back to you!


Jun 8, 2021
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Ahh sorry for the confusing entry here, I might be leaving soon because I spend most of my time doing nothing productive, mundanely or spiritually and its just frustrating that I am not doing anything magical. So I think I will limit the days I come on here. The internet is very distracting so I need to find something to do that pulls me away from it.

I appreciate your kind words though, much love back to you!
Definitely, the internet is so distracting. There will be a time, when I no longer need the internet. But for now, I be here.


Oct 13, 2022
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Since its Christmas I am getting little drunk and playing some games, also got The Devil Makes Three playing. New years resolutions, no drinking until Christmas or other events such as birthdays etc. I'm trying to be a better person too, I'm going to change myself for the better.

I haven't bothered to do anything magical, there's a time and there's a time not to.

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Also Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Oct 13, 2022
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I bought a eucalyptus gunnii tree also known as (Cider Gum, Tasmanian Cider Tree). Last year some time.

I had a dream about it yesterday, I dreamt that I was sleeping in a room that was pitch black while I was sleeping on the couch. I heard someone trying to picklock their way through my grandparents old home. I immediately hugged the eucalyptus and I asked it to protect me, strangely I could feel one of its twig touching me like it was a person stretching their hand out and then placing it on my shoulder. As to say, "don't worry" -

The following day I was doing my thing I do every morning, I make myself tea or coffee. I had completely forgot about the tree but something reminded me about it so I had a little look outside and couldn't see anything, I thought that someone had stolen it. I rushed outside to find it on its side.

Maybe it was the tree communicating and asking for help?
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I decided to try and communicate with one of the Demon Kings in a different way I haven't done before.

The demon that I was trying to communicate with was Asmoday. I haven't developed the ability hear however its not necessary if you're evoking as they will be able to speak with you anyways. This is different though.

I gazed at his sigil for few minutes while I had his enn playing at the back, I then placed the dressed candle in a small fire proof glass which then I placed on his sigil. I left it there until it had completely burnt out.

There isn't a point of me uploading a photo of the wax because I don't think anyone is going to be able to see it, I don't think the wax had enough space to properly develop a detailed image and I may have used too much frankincense oil. However I see a face which does look like a drawing of Asmoday.

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I will try again, maybe today, perhaps tomorrow but this time less oil.
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