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[Opinion] Have you noticed a larger percentage of the population is becoming irrational in so many ways?

Everyone's got one.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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After further thought, I also believe that this "eyeballs before value" mindset has allowed more extremist (and usually hateful) people to get in front of a camera more often. They are usually described euphemistically as "controversial".

It's led to a standard MO for horrible attention seekers:
1) Post something mind-bogglingly wrong ("Russia is clearly made of cheese")
2) Wait for people to reply and/or repost it just so they can point out how wrong it is or make a joke ("The Russians will have to tread Caerphilly!")
3) Profit! ("Announcing record sales of my new book, 'Please Look At Me'")


Dec 1, 2023
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You can consider ideas as a kind of virus ('memes') and lack of efficient communication as a kind of 'air gap' that stops ideas spreading. The internet etc. has removed that air gap, and thus removed a lot of our protection against stupid ideas.
there’s also a sort of internal “air gap” that has been eliminated . . . All of our Boredom / DownTime / Daydreaming . . those times of reflection . . with no external media stimulus . . . those times when you think about a stupid virus idea and turn it over in your head until your philosophical/ethical immune system T cells shout, That’s a Stupid Idea! . . . . people leave No Room, No Time for Any Sort of Receptive State . . . and when they do, it’s a sort of Athletic Meditation Practice to Maximize the rest of their lives . . . that is not the same thing as allowing ones mind to simply ~ drift ~ ~ ~ That is what we’re built for . . . that is how we hear the still small voice inside . . . . . . . it is our Nature . . . and we drown it out . . . . We Do That. I Do That. . . . . . . these are individual choices on the micro and macro levels . . . . I choose my technology. I choose my media. I choose my “news”. . . . . . i have structured my life here in the woods as a hermit to set aside as much Bandwidth as possible for that “air gap” in my own Head / Heart / Spirit . . . . . . . . . it’s a full time job.
Sep 9, 2021
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Just that he had the balls to say some things lack credible proof, though I do appreciate @KjEno186 who also has the balls to do so, backed up by credible sources from research or historic excerpts.
I am not advocating hate for any group but the elite.
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0ersonaply, I think people smashing wide open the gates of the Qlippoth, have let some hideous things brought forth into the physical earth world. No doubt the elite worship some of them such as Moloch. Those who supply and advocate wars and gun violence in general, should share the blame and shame.


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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I believe people have become more irrational because they started to listen more and more to social medias and news channels and turned them into the "ultimate holders of the truth".

There is no "ultimate holder of the truth", everyone has bits and pieces of it and everyone sees "the truth" through their own perspective, which differs from person to person.

People threw away their critical thinking, in fact this is something that little by little has been less and less taught in schools.Even universities might suffer of this lack of critical thinking(although certain majors like those linked to the arts or the more "brainy" ones like psychology and philosophy seem to still teach it's students to think by themselves).

Without common sense and critical thinking, people end up as nothing more than obedient dolls that accetp everything that is given to them(and even more so if it aligns with their own opinions).This is why I think it's always a good idea to read on and learn about different things, even things you hate, because then you can think by yourself and create your own opinion based on the facts you yourself have.

But still be open enough to change your beliefs if "the other side" has decent enough arguments.Sure, maybe this could end up boiled down to pure rhetoric, but it's still better than being stubborn just because you can't accept that other truths can also exist or yours might be wrong.
Sep 9, 2021
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Lack of critical thinking and shock/sensationalist news .. I agree .. are two of the most major problems afflicting our society. Letting criminals get away with everything, due to everything being racist. Sorry, not sorry. It is true that racism is overplayed in society. Law, the Rule of Law, must be upheld to restore society.
Ever read "Capitalism Gone With a Whimper" by Matt Rodin? Interesting read.


Aug 31, 2021
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People threw away their critical thinking, in fact this is something that little by little has been less and less taught in schools.

Educare: to draw out. Assumes there is some greater part of the human to be unfolded.

Training: to think along taught lines. It is much easier to manage a trained population.

Curiousity: the means of escape


Dec 1, 2023
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TLDR ~ Partial Diagnosis: Nature Deprivation

yesterday i was reading about John Calhoun's 1960s rat experiments . . . basically, they set up what they considered to be a Rat Utopia capable of housing about 3800 rats with no predators and all their basic needs met . . . they put in 4 breeding pairs of rats and then watched what happened . . . . . the population steadily increased (at diminishing rates) and peaked on day 600 when the last surviving birth brought the population to 2200 (less than 2/3 capacity) . . . after that, there were no more births, shit just fell apart and the whole colony went extinct. . . . . reading about the rat colony behavior as they were going extinct sounds a Lot like the world right now (it’s an interesting read if you want to google it) . . . . . particularly interesting are what they referred to as “the beautiful ones” . . . as the colony was in decline, certain rats would spend all their time eating, sleeping and grooming themselves . . they looked to be the pinnacle of rat health (with bright eyes and glossy coats) . . . but they were non curious, passive, and didnt breed . . . a sort of shell of a rat . . . . . . (sounds familiar) . . . . . . . . . . . .

Conclusions were made about overcrowding and analogies were drawn about people on welfare losing their will to succeed . . . . but neither of those conclusions address what I see as the Real Problem . . . . the Problem of Nature Deprivation . . . . they Completely discount the fact that these rats were kept in an artificial environment . . . we too would most likely lose our collective will to live if our Physical and Energetic Bodies and Nervous Systems (that were Designed to Bounce off of the Whole Natural World) were never allowed to interact with Plants and Trees and Other Creatures and Rivers or see the f*cking Sky!!! . . . . . . the more withdrawn and removed from Nature we become . . . be it external nature, inner nature, physical social nature, food nature . . . the weirder and weirder it’s gonna get . . . . . We are Animals in Cages. Period. Full Stop. Cages we have the KEYS to! . . . it’s nuts.
Sep 9, 2021
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Well if you want to deprive someone of breeding, just piss off the most devious women.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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I believe people have become more irrational because they started to listen more and more to social medias and news channels and turned them into the "ultimate holders of the truth".
I think it's more that people pick and choose out of the things they read and watch to match what they already believe in. Yes, they then claim those cherry-picked things are authorities, but they now have a wider range of things to cherry pick from, some of which are either factually wrong or just total batshit crazy.

Before the information explosion, the narrative you got from the media was, right or wrong, fairly consistent.

There is a thing called 'the Principle of Explosion' which states that if you start from a false premise, you can deduce anything. Bertrand Russell's classic example was "If 1=2, then I am the Pope"


Oct 23, 2021
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It's all about 'Control'
And war on consciousness
Controllers know that very well that All of their control systems are falling into collapse so they started to use their good old reptilian tactic called 'fear' to delay that
Their so called 'sociaty' based systems were never been functional and ends it's life by eating itself Tasting its own poison including , any control based and fear based or pyramid based system
I done my best to stand against this hallucination and their programings that benefits not a single being but the Egregore of brothers in blue and the Craftsmans of this mess we used to call 'sociaty'
Irrational sheeple are the easy to control

Why would we spent our precious time try to analyze or deabte and talk about something like sociaty it's an absurd and false concept at it's core?
Maybe their
their control systems are collapsed and we are not even informed In the meantime ?

In my opinion
'it doesn't matter'
What matter is the most is our Ascension missions on earth to be fullfiled to back home to source

Who cares about irrational sheeple !?


Site Staff
Staff member
Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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Let us take a look at the situation from a slightly different perspective: Totalitarian measures implemented in presumably liberal countries due to a viral outbreak. But this didn't come out of nowhere. Brexit in the UK and Trump in the USA became highly polarizing political positions in the years prior to all of this. The populism, real or imagined, of these political movements was openly resisted by the news media, and yet these things still happened. Likely we can attribute that to the decline of corporate media influence in an age of social media growth, the democratization of information distribution.

Frankly, in over five decades of listening to the so-called news, I've never witnessed such an intensive wave of propaganda starting with the shrill wall of Trump hate (I never liked him until they so openly hated him, but now I wish he'd go away) through all the phases of the covid affair. I am neither attempting to create a tangent arguing for or against any political side here. I'm just exploring the growth of irrationality per the theme of the topic. I have spent some years of my life with minimal access to television, and I have to say that it's always a shock to come back in contact with it. Years ago I listened to NPR a lot, but I never liked or listened to conservative radio. I quit YouTube for Rumble, but I have no desire to watch conservative news and political podcasts.

So, let's rewind history and imagine what might have happened if "two weeks to slow the spread" had been actually followed. I've got to tell you I was lucky to be living in the southeastern United States. Despite our "local news" being thinly veiled mouthpieces for national corporate media outlets, this part of the country got back to work pretty quickly, and it seemed like business was booming in some ways. So, if everything had opened up again everywhere, would so many people have been forced to watch "the news" and their wall to wall propaganda wave about people dying? Nobody died of (or with) covid in our neighborhood. People were not falling down in the street like the videos that the news media played again and again.

I'm placing the blame squarely on the corporate news media for lack of transparency disclosing how and why they structure their "news" stories to intentionally push emotional buttons using well-known psychological techniques. I'm placing the blame squarely on the corporate news media for being complicit in the wave of totalitarian measures used to erode human rights around the world by unreservedly advocating government mandates. Irrationality is endemic in our politics and media. Don't blame the social media influencer (as easy as that is to do right now) or the billionaire with personality quirks or the scientists pushed to the fringe for questioning the approved narratives...

"History Will Teach Us Nothing"
by Sting

If we seek solace in the prisons of the distant past​
Security in human systems, we're told, will always, always last​
Emotions are the sail and blind faith is the mast​
Without a breath of real freedom, we're getting nowhere fast​
If God is dead and an actor plays his part​
His words of fear will find their way to a place in your heart​
Without the voice of reason, every faith is its own curse​
Without freedom from the past, things can only get worse​
Sooner or later​
Sooner or later​
Sooner or later​
Sooner or later​
Sooner or later​
Sooner or later​
Sooner or later​
Sooner or later​
Our written history is a catalogue of crime​
The sordid and the powerful, the architects of time​
The mother of invention, the oppression of the mild​
The constant fear of scarcity, aggression as its child​
Sooner or later (sooner or later)​
Sooner or later (sooner or later)​
Sooner or later (sooner or later)​
Sooner or later (sooner or later)​
Sooner or later (sooner or later)​
Sooner or later (sooner or later)​
Sooner or later (sooner or later)​
Sooner or later​
Convince an enemy, convince him that he's wrong​
To win a bloodless battle, where victory is long​
A simple act of faith, in reason over might​
To blow up his children, will only prove him right​
History will teach us nothing​
Sooner or later, just like the world first day​
Sooner or later, we learn to throw the past away​
Sooner or later, just like the world first day​
Sooner or later, we learn to throw the past away​
Sooner or later, we learn to throw the past away​
History will teach us nothing​
History will teach us nothing​
Know your human rights, be what you come here for​
Know your human rights, be what you come here for (sooner or later)​
Know your human rights, be what you come here for (sooner or later)​
Know your human rights, be what you come here for (sooner or later)​
Know your human rights, be what you come here for (sooner or later)​
Know your human rights, be what you come here for (sooner or later)​
Know your human rights, be what you come here for (sooner or later)​
Know your human rights, be what you come here for (sooner or later)​

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
Reaction score
Who cares about irrational sheeple !?
Speaking as a vaguely left-wing intellectual, I am painfully aware that I'm going to be one of the first up against the wall when the revolution comes. I have a vested interest in people becoming and remaining more rational.

Also, "othering" people as "sheeple" or anything else, never turns out well.


Nov 29, 2023
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Luke Burgis, in his book Wanting, wrote about the expert class:

People are desperate to find something solid to hold on to in today’s “liquid modernity” (to borrow a term from sociologist and philosopher Zygmunt Bauman). Liquid modernity is a chaotic phase of history in which there are no culturally agreed-upon models to follow, no fixed points of reference. They have melted like glaciers and plunged us into a stormy sea with limited visibility. Celebristan is collapsing into it.​
At the same time, the world is becoming increasingly complex. Think of the global financial system. The proportion of total available knowledge that any single person has is microscopic. So we rely more than ever on models, like hedge fund manager Ray Dalio, to make sense of it. Radical individualism does not free people from needing models. But where will they come from?​
“Since modern man has no way of knowing what is going on beyond himself, since he cannot know everything, he would become lost in a world as vast and technically complex as ours, if he had really no one to guide him,” wrote Girard in his book Resurrection from the Underground: Feodor Dostoevsky. “He no longer relies on priests and philosophers, of course, but he must rely on people nevertheless, more than ever, as a matter of fact.”​
And who are these people? “They are the experts,” continues Girard, “the people more competent than we are in innumerable fields of endeavor.”​

We have the "priestification" of the so-called expert class. Experts define their expertise very narrowly, so they're rarely wholistic in their solutions. They get paid to talk on the government-approved media outlets. They still resonate with a very large proportion of the population in the United States, UK, and Western Europe. They have sometimes been sanctioned as "the science." They are most often materialists who welcome technological solutions, but they fear loss of control. They only support "Freedom of Speech" when it comes from sources they agree with. Everyone else is just spreading "misinformation."


I'm still waiting for that "fixed economy" that the middle level bureaucrats promised us with their grand plans. When a grand plan fails, they never think, "we were wrong." (See Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me (2007) by Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson.) No, they try harder, hoping eventually to achieve their techno-utopia. If you have concerns about their plans, they'll call you awful names, like "right winger" even if you're gay or some other minority. You'll find out that 'protected victim classes' are just another empty categorization, since they'll throw anyone under the bus if they don't toe the line - whatever the government and media have decided is the "current thing."

It is hard for people to be rational when the government controlled media spouts lies that contribute to cognitive dissonance. Coping occurs when some people reject all "misinformation" sources in favor of the "truth" of mainstream media. After all, you probably got a degree from the same university where those talking heads on TV got theirs...
[Girard:] ... I did not suspect how tight the closure of the various "fields" still is in the contemporary university. I thought that, in the social sciences, there was as much unattached, field-free curiosity as in the French literary public. Unfortunately there is very little. And the reason is, of course, just as each researcher says: "I must keep up with my field" and there is no time for anything else. People with interests as broad as mine cannot fail to arouse the suspicion of our various experts, those who are focused for their entire lives on narrower and narrower fields.​
Even though they cannot say so, these experts are automatically suspicious of any attempt at some "broad synthesis." And indeed I am neither an expert nor a "synthesizer." I never intended to be transdisciplinary. The single insight that dominates my work is doing it for me. I follow it wherever it takes me. [...]​
Knowing how formidable the impediments to concrete intellectual freedom really are, we must feel thankful that so many young people still want to join the academic enterprise for the right reasons. They are not interested in signing up with one of the existing politico-cultural lobbies, but they are looking for a life of intellectual adventure. If they really want such a life, not even the harshest circumstances will stop them and the future of our universities will be in good hands. - p.139,149; Rene Girard and Myth, An Introduction (1993) by Richard Golsan​
You are onto a lot there for sure. The thing is the elite at the top have planned this all out like a cross between Shakespeare (and if you can have a sense of humour like me), Monty Python...lol I have to laugh, who I am, I always find the humour in things to be light about it at the same time as serious. Maybe I picked that up from Bond eh? I did watch him growing up and read the books...lol They use A.I. I am sure they do know what to do in the markets, A.I. can see all that we can't as long as it has enough processing power and speed and they have huge processors for it all. Many are waking up, the question is what will they do about it? We need to take a play from Gandhi's playbook and sit and refuse to work and cooperate, that man had smarts and balls... They preplanned it, took care of each other and brought the British Empire to it's knees. The only thing that ever worked in history as far as the people using their true power and not being manipulated by the power structure (to my knowledge).
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I consider that a lot of the irrationality is due to irrational ideas being able to spread much easier, thanks to efficient world-wide communication.

Normally, stupid ideas would get no further than the pub, where your mates would laugh at them and tell you to pipe down.

Nowadays, if you have a stupid idea, you can search online for other people who have the same, or similar stupid ideas, and bond together with them. This will give you the illusion that the stupid idea is much more widespread.

In addition, once groups like this form, it's likely that their members will have more than one stupid idea, so to keep in with your 'group' you will need to tacitly or explicitly support their other stupid ideas, which may not be connected at all with your original stupid idea.
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You can consider ideas as a kind of virus ('memes') and lack of efficient communication as a kind of 'air gap' that stops ideas spreading. The internet etc. has removed that air gap, and thus removed a lot of our protection against stupid ideas.
I see what you are saying. We should not need protection from ideas though in my opinion.I do see how that all happens for sure though. The majority fall for the stupid (wouldn't even call them ideas) narratives in the world the power structure spreads and they are the ones who want to "protect" the internet so I would not think that is a good idea since their version is like Mao's. I think if we changed the system and actually educated people we would see a lot of things change for the positive. I do agree there are so many silly memes out there and it does seem like that is how many communicate, on the positive side, some are a witty and a laugh.
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Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
Reaction score
I see what you are saying. We should not need protection from ideas though in my opinion.I do see how that all happens for sure though. The majority fall for the stupid (wouldn't even call them ideas) narratives in the world the power structure spreads and they are the ones who want to "protect" the internet so I would not think that is a good idea since their version is like Mao's. I think if we changed the system and actually educated people we would see a lot of things change for the positive. I do agree there are so many silly memes out there and it does seem like that is how many communicate, on the positive side, some are a witty and a laugh.
I also advocate education as the answer. Even if you wanted to try and "protect" the Internet (which I do not), it is impossible. What you really want is a population who looks at the stupid ideas and says "That's bollocks".
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This expression is a translation of the Latin maxim, Divide et impera (“divide and rule”), and began to appear in English about 1600.
You miss my point. When you divide people into 'us' and 'them', and make it clear that you consider 'them' to be inferior, bad things follow.

Is not one of the definitions of an elitist someone who thinks they are better than everyone?
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Oct 23, 2021
Reaction score
Speaking as a vaguely left-wing intellectual, I am painfully aware that I'm going to be one of the first up against the wall when the revolution comes. I have a vested interest in people becoming and remaining more rational.

Also, "othering" people as "sheeple" or anything else, never turns out well.

I also advocate education as the answer. Even if you wanted to try and "protect" the Internet (which I do not), it is impossible. What you really want is a population who looks at the stupid ideas and says "That's bollocks".
Post automatically merged:

You miss my point. When you divide people into 'us' and 'them', and make it clear that you consider 'them' to be inferior, bad things follow.

Is not one of the definitions of an elitist someone who thinks they are better than everyone?


'You are missing the whole point'
I don't want to argue you about your queen system doing this since 1600
Everybody knows these days about British mandate and east Indian company ,contra,and zog stuff anyway

Because you people are already exposed everywhere
Do you ever watched footages of the migrates injecting and dying on the streets of London?
Don't try mix up you leftist ideology and limited hangouts
With being politically correct and not getting caught,

Not to mention history of britian infiltrating countries by injecting them false religions an made up sects to have control over the resources control the masses with idiologcal superstion and falsehood

That's the definitions of an elitist someone who thinks they are better than everyone?

When your monark divides 'your country'
Is better than everyone
Then conquer the invaded counties 'africa,Jamaica,Iran,Afghanistan,list goes on and on'

It's in your mentality ,You are pointing me to doing what you are doing in your posts , that's what divide and rule really mean in action

Users will know how wrong you are even in a made up argument with/or without labling your self as 'left wing intellectual' By answering with questions

The reality is your country invades other countries and you people live a parasitic life style by living from other countries resources
And makes you think this is ok
not mention of history Anglo-Saxons living in caves then claiming to be ancestors or hijack the 'irish' history.

Since you are talking about mainstream narratives
You are consuming a lot of corporative news
You are not an intellectual in a sense of the word.
Intellectual have a better things to do rather than watching TV and argue about it to be right.
I have no time to educate you
This is when you infiltrate nations and change their history
Thats the consequence of it people became irrational because they wake up to the fact that they have been played.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
Reaction score

'You are missing the whole point'
I don't want to argue you about your queen system doing this since 1600
Everybody knows these days about British mandate and east Indian company ,contra,and zog stuff anyway

Because you people are already exposed everywhere
Do you ever watched footages of the migrates injecting and dying on the streets of London?
Don't try mix up you leftist ideology and limited hangouts
With being politically correct and not getting caught,

Not to mention history of britian infiltrating countries by injecting them false religions an made up sects to have control over the resources control the masses with idiologcal superstion and falsehood

That's the definitions of an elitist someone who thinks they are better than everyone?

When your monark divides 'your country'
Is better than everyone
Then conquer the invaded counties 'africa,Jamaica,Iran,Afghanistan,list goes on and on'

It's in your mentality ,You are pointing me to doing what you are doing in your posts , that's what divide and rule really mean in action

Users will know how wrong you are even in a made up argument with/or without labling your self as 'left wing intellectual' By answering with questions

The reality is your country invades other countries and you people live a parasitic life style by living from other countries resources
And makes you think this is ok
not mention of history Anglo-Saxons living in caves then claiming to be ancestors or hijack the 'irish' history.

Since you are talking about mainstream narratives
You are consuming a lot of corporative news
You are not an intellectual in a sense of the word.
Intellectual have a better things to do rather than watching TV and argue about it to be right.
I have no time to educate you
This is when you infiltrate nations and change their history
Thats the consequence of it people became irrational because they wake up to the fact that they have been played.
Ok, so if I've got this right, you're blaming me personally for all the many, many, crappy things Britain has done. I guess you can do that if you want.