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[Help] How do I start ?

Someone's asking for help!


Jul 17, 2023
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Hello everyone. I'm new over there. I randomly found this nice website and I decoded why not to try to "do some magic" :)

But. How do I start? I mean like, is there sommething like a roadmap or something, or some books ( can I get a file of it ? ) ? Well, I mostly don't believe in stuff like that, but what exactly can I do with magic? What it will cost me? I mean like, will I go to hell then or something??

I guess that's all :) Any help would be good :)
Hello everyone. I'm new over there. I randomly found this nice website and I decoded why not to try to "do some magic" :)
That's how I got started with magick too. I may be the administrator now, but I was not the person who originally created this site in 2010. It was created by a friend of mine, who invited me to join. I joined even though I didn't really believe in magick, but after seeing some interesting rituals and success stories from others, I decided to try my hand and it started slowly working for me, and the rest is history.

How do I start? I mean like, is there sommething like a roadmap or something,
Well, I...


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Hello everyone. I'm new over there. I randomly found this nice website and I decoded why not to try to "do some magic" :)
That's how I got started with magick too. I may be the administrator now, but I was not the person who originally created this site in 2010. It was created by a friend of mine, who invited me to join. I joined even though I didn't really believe in magick, but after seeing some interesting rituals and success stories from others, I decided to try my hand and it started slowly working for me, and the rest is history.

How do I start? I mean like, is there sommething like a roadmap or something,
Well, I recommend starting with something simple first. Magick can get very complicated, and very expensive in terms of the materials required if you so choose. However, there are much simpler things you can do with a lower barrier of entry. You can browse this section for some ideas: Occult Tutorials, News and Articles

If you want to start with something simple, I can suggest these threads:

or some books ( can I get a file of it ? )
You can find a huge wealth of occult books in our book shares section:

You can also ask for book recommendations in the book discussions section:

And here is my (work in progress) recommended reading list:

but what exactly can I do with magic?
A lot of things... but in my personal opinion, it has more to do with manipulating chance and the wheel of fate than direct physical manipulation of the universe. Many may disagree with me on this, but my recommendation to you is don't focus on trying to make fireballs or move objects with your mind. Rather, focus on things in your life that would benefit you, but that only have a small chance of being successful, and try and make those things have a higher chance of happening.

For example: instead of trying to manifest a bag of cash or a bar of gold in front of you, try to increase the chance of landing a job that you are only just barely qualified for, that will pay well. Or if you run a business, try to increase the chances that people looking for your product or service will find your business instead of your competition.

Of course, there are other goals besides financial, but this general rule of increasing odds instead of manifesting a sudden, physical, or immediate change applies to them all.

What it will cost me? I mean like, will I go to hell then or something??
It will cost you time, effort, dedication, and in some cases money. Will it cost you your soul? Will it bring you damnation? Will you be condemned to hell? No, not really, unless you do the most vile things. It's perfectly possible to remain moral, even within an existing religious paradigm while still practicing magick.

Good luck!


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Also just realized this is in the wrong section. The website help section is for issues using/operating the website. There is an Occult Q&A section for questions like this. I will move the thread, however leave a copy here for anyone else in the future to see.


Jul 17, 2023
Reaction score
Also just realized this is in the wrong section. The website help section is for issues using/operating the website. There is an Occult Q&A section for questions like this. I will move the thread, however leave a copy here for anyone else in the future to see.
Oh I'm sorry, didn't know that, I'm just new over here. Sorry :)
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That's how I got started with magick too. I may be the administrator now, but I was not the person who originally created this site in 2010. It was created by a friend of mine, who invited me to join. I joined even though I didn't really believe in magick, but after seeing some interesting rituals and success stories from others, I decided to try my hand and it started slowly working for me, and the rest is history.

Well, I recommend starting with something simple first. Magick can get very complicated, and very expensive in terms of the materials required if you so choose. However, there are much simpler things you can do with a lower barrier of entry. You can browse this section for some ideas: Occult Tutorials, News and Articles

If you want to start with something simple, I can suggest these threads:

You can find a huge wealth of occult books in our book shares section:

You can also ask for book recommendations in the book discussions section:

And here is my (work in progress) recommended reading list:

A lot of things... but in my personal opinion, it has more to do with manipulating chance and the wheel of fate than direct physical manipulation of the universe. Many may disagree with me on this, but my recommendation to you is don't focus on trying to make fireballs or move objects with your mind. Rather, focus on things in your life that would benefit you, but that only have a small chance of being successful, and try and make those things have a higher chance of happening.

For example: instead of trying to manifest a bag of cash or a bar of gold in front of you, try to increase the chance of landing a job that you are only just barely qualified for, that will pay well. Or if you run a business, try to increase the chances that people looking for your product or service will find your business instead of your competition.

Of course, there are other goals besides financial, but this general rule of increasing odds instead of manifesting a sudden, physical, or immediate change applies to them all.

It will cost you time, effort, dedication, and in some cases money. Will it cost you your soul? Will it bring you damnation? Will you be condemned to hell? No, not really, unless you do the most vile things. It's perfectly possible to remain moral, even within an existing religious paradigm while still practicing magick.

Good luck!
That's.. a lot to read :) Thanks for help :)
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Nov 18, 2021
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As a absolute beginner you can't find the right path straight away. You will need to research and read a lot about all the different magick systems that exists. Commit to your journey, yes, but at first don't get stuck in one thing if you don't know what it is about. Read all the kind of books, just as an overview practice, it will give you a broad idea of what they are about and what you should expect.
After reading some books, I decided to stick with Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig (My copy just arrived today! although I've been practicing using the digital copy). And I'm complementing this with Initation Into Hermetics by Bardon, and also Apprentice Section by Quareia.
But this is my individual path. You should experiment and find your own way. Ask and search about Kabalah, Hermeticism, Eastern Practices, African Traditions, South American religions (although the majority of them will require that you be initiated, just like African Tradition), etc, this is just some examples. Eventually you will find something that resonates with you and with your goals, then it will be the time for you set up a study-practice schedule/program that will suit your needs and your mundane life. You could then find a mentor that can help you with that, but it isn't a requirement.

For brief summary of what you will need, whatever system you choose:
1 . Energy Manipulation: consisting of raising, directing and releasing of energy. Also the ability to sense the energies inside and around you;
2. Clarividence+ Divination: You will need to know the possible outcomes of your rituals and spells. Also you need your astral senses activated, because it will enable you to communicate effectively with spirits later. You will be able to see, hear, smell them. (Could be a physical sensation, but it is all happening in the astral);
3. Spirit Work: through ancestor work, work with the dead, evocation and invocation of angels, demons, elementals, planetary beings, etc. They can help you in your work;
4. Astral Projection-Travel: This is how you will find the occult information in the source. This will be a unique path for you. You will be in contact witjh youjr "Higher Self" or your Soul, where you will be able to know information about your past lives and also your purpose in this current incarnation.

This is what I gathered and simplified from most readings, and also I recently watched a video on youtube by The God King (The Mystical Rebel) where he explains his views on the 5 steps on getting started on magick.

So, in short, your goal will be to satisfy those conditions, to be able to manipulate energies, to sense the astral/spiritual world and communicate with its beings, to find a way to work with them and make them work for you, and a way to access another planes consciously using only your astral body, while also REMEMBERING the entire experience. Whatever path or system you should choose, make sure you are able to hone these skills.

And also, be patient. It is a long journey that will take a entire lifetime, even multiple lifetimes of learning and experience.

Good luck. I hope you find your way.
Aug 15, 2023
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I started with energy work and yoga, before moving into anything like intoning godnames or vibrating / chanting. I thing foundational work is paramount. Candle gazing and psychic skills development, mindfulness and meditation, deep breathing exercising and hypnosis are all good places to start foundational work, visualisation and energy work comes next, movement and yogic work, qi gong and tai chi will form the next part of elementary practice. You also want to have a good sense of dream control, dream journaling and astral sight will unlock a potential so write out your dreams for a few months to begin analysis of your unconscious mind,

most people think this might be controversial but magick can bring out energetic unbalance and disequilibrium in some temprament. I believe it was Israel Regardie who recommended at least a year worth of psychotherapy prior to beginning daily ritual work, but at least start self reflection in a journal of therapy is not available to you.

Self awareness and shadow work is key to being an effective practioner. When things get heavy you need to be able to discern and stay grounded:

sphere of influence and the basic cleansing, protection, banishing and purification rituals were my first introduction to formal practice. I followed a ceremonial practice of ritual high magick initially that was rigid along with strict yogic and diet/exercise/lifestyle adjustments to align to healthy ways of living.

keeping a magickal journal was also a key to log my progress.
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But I also did chaos magick until I was able to perform at a ceremonial magick level (I found a chaos magick book as a teenager) started ceremonial magick in my early 20s. Feel free to play around with what works. My life went to hell without the protection I needed from ceremonial magick due to other reasons I won’t mention. I practiced to gain that routine, protection and regulation in my life. I used chaos magick when I felt like I could be wild and reckless, do what feels right for you at the the time.


Aug 17, 2023
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Hello everyone. I'm new over there. I randomly found this nice website and I decoded why not to try to "do some magic" :)

But. How do I start? I mean like, is there sommething like a roadmap or something, or some books ( can I get a file of it ? ) ? Well, I mostly don't believe in stuff like that, but what exactly can I do with magic? What it will cost me? I mean like, will I go to hell then or something??

I guess that's all :) Any help would be good :)
Franz Bardon's "Initiation Into Hermetics" is a classic. When I first looked into it, I lost patience. Then, in the year or so that followed, I found myself going back to it because it offers an excellent starting point. If you're put off by the Qabalah, look into
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Stephen Flowers/Edred Thorsen does a great job reviving the Germanic strain of magick. Likewise, there is the Joy of Satan site. Left hand path, yes. But it is NOT horns and pitchforks.
Sep 9, 2021
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I would add to the possible list, colored candle meditations, preferably one each day, with the color corresponding to the day of the week and corresponding incense. They can be chime/taper or pillar candles, or even as tiny birthday candles.
Safety first, keep water nearby as well as a glass for snuffing the flame.
Never Leave burning incense or candles unattended.