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Journal Journal of Night and Day, Son and Moon

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Reached out to an old Frater who is the one behind the above, Frater S. I've informed him about my past three years from a deliverance and baptism straight into hell and back. I can accept what Ive done wrong in life, and strive daily to be a better more intact and organized me.
General Reading - (Todays Card of the day was V The Hierophant), Split Hexagram Spread

Greater Spiritual Influence: III The Empress (Venus).
Lesser Spiritual Advice: I The Magician (Mercury).
Spiritual Advice: XVII The Star (Aquarius)
Practical Advice: II The High Priestess (Luna)
Unconscious Desires: 0 The Fool (Air).
Conscious Desires: XIV Temperance (Sagittarius)

Final Outcome: XI Justice (Libra)

Top of Deck: XV The Devil (Capricorn)
Bottom of Deck: X Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter)
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
General Reading - (Todays Card of the day was V The Hierophant), Split Hexagram Spread

Greater Spiritual Influence: III The Empress (Venus).
Lesser Spiritual Advice: I The Magician (Mercury).
Spiritual Advice: XVII The Star (Aquarius)
Practical Advice: II The High Priestess (Luna)
Unconscious Desires: 0 The Fool (Air).
Conscious Desires: XIV Temperance (Sagittarius)

Final Outcome: XI Justice (Libra)

Top of Deck: XV The Devil (Capricorn)
Bottom of Deck: X Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter)
A spiritual call to magic, and alchemy of sorts. Perhaps it is a call to complete the outer order work daily. Creative Power/Imagination, Focused Concentration, and Meditation/Octogram/Nature reveals itself.
Practically a desire to be pure, a desire to be a warrior angel or transmutation of energies, but a call to occult wisdom and repetition into subconsciousness.
The final result is my sun sign, Libra. Justice. Work/Action-Equibirium. Balance.

Top of Deck: XV The Devil Evil, Material Bondage, despair.
Bottom of Deck: X Wheel of Fortune. Karma.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
A spiritual call to magic, and alchemy of sorts. Perhaps it is a call to complete the outer order work daily. Creative Power/Imagination, Focused Concentration, and Meditation/Octogram/Nature reveals itself.
Practically a desire to be pure, a desire to be a warrior angel or transmutation of energies, but a call to occult wisdom and repetition into subconsciousness.
The final result is my sun sign, Libra. Justice. Work/Action-Equibirium. Balance.

Top of Deck: XV The Devil Evil, Material Bondage, despair.
Bottom of Deck: X Wheel of Fortune. Karma.
Listening to s Speech in the Silence podcast on Chakras and the Great Work.
Invocation of Luna, from Stephen Ashe, Complete GD Initiate

"The Moon waxes! The Moon waxes! And behold, a mist lies on the face of the waters.
This is the veil of Night and of Time, and herein are contained the mysteries of virtue!

A virgin dances upon a lake of tears, where nenuephars pillow the glory of the sunset! But herein is there no joy? Is there no ecstasy? Verily, the waters that are upon the earth are moved by her joy; and the heavens cry out with her gladness!
And the shifting reflections of the starlight in her eyes are met in the minds of men!

O lambent flame of twilight song, bend upon us and fill our minds!

Behold, the Moon stands in Her fullness on the hilltop, and Maid and Wight lie entwined upon its slope. This is the first of the foothills where Diana and Priapus hold sway. For this is the place of the guardians of the ark of the mystery of Silence!

A leopardess roams in a glade of lilies, tending to her young and the little flowers. And the mystery of Her generation are contained in the logarithmic spiraling of Her limbs!

The twenty-eight mansions of the Hermit are Her foundation, and her blessing, is manifest in the solitude of Her Spirit. And Her passion and Her strength are met in the very souls of men!

O lambent flame of twilight song, bend upon us and fill our minds!

The Moon wanes! The Moon wanes! The Moon wanes! And, behold, a stillness lies upon the face of the waters. For this is the design of fulfillment, and herein are contained the mysteryies of Knowledge.

A Woman, old and wizened, sits upon an ivory throne; and the knowledge of both sadness and joy is within Her mind and Her soul.

But therein there is calm and equilibrium. The Scale of Adjustment and Correction is given to Her, and Her power is contained in the wealth of power of the mighty sword with which She is girt!

O lambent flame of twilight song, bend upon us and fill our mind!

Lady of Night and of Eventide! First Guardian of the Higher Light! Mirror of Truth! Spouse of the Sunand Mistress of the Serpent Flame!

Illuminator of tranquil pathways, and healing streams! KHEP-RA! Eternal Scarab!

O lambent flame of twilight song, bend upon us and fill our mind!
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Listening to s Speech in the Silence podcast on Chakras and the Great Work.
Invocation of Luna, from Stephen Ashe, Complete GD Initiate

"The Moon waxes! The Moon waxes! And behold, a mist lies on the face of the waters.
This is the veil of Night and of Time, and herein are contained the mysteries of virtue!

A virgin dances upon a lake of tears, where nenuephars pillow the glory of the sunset! But herein is there no joy? Is there no ecstasy? Verily, the waters that are upon the earth are moved by her joy; and the heavens cry out with her gladness!
And the shifting reflections of the starlight in her eyes are met in the minds of men!

O lambent flame of twilight song, bend upon us and fill our minds!

Behold, the Moon stands in Her fullness on the hilltop, and Maid and Wight lie entwined upon its slope. This is the first of the foothills where Diana and Priapus hold sway. For this is the place of the guardians of the ark of the mystery of Silence!

A leopardess roams in a glade of lilies, tending to her young and the little flowers. And the mystery of Her generation are contained in the logarithmic spiraling of Her limbs!

The twenty-eight mansions of the Hermit are Her foundation, and her blessing, is manifest in the solitude of Her Spirit. And Her passion and Her strength are met in the very souls of men!

O lambent flame of twilight song, bend upon us and fill our minds!

The Moon wanes! The Moon wanes! The Moon wanes! And, behold, a stillness lies upon the face of the waters. For this is the design of fulfillment, and herein are contained the mysteryies of Knowledge.

A Woman, old and wizened, sits upon an ivory throne; and the knowledge of both sadness and joy is within Her mind and Her soul.

But therein there is calm and equilibrium. The Scale of Adjustment and Correction is given to Her, and Her power is contained in the wealth of power of the mighty sword with which She is girt!

O lambent flame of twilight song, bend upon us and fill our mind!

Lady of Night and of Eventide! First Guardian of the Higher Light! Mirror of Truth! Spouse of the Sunand Mistress of the Serpent Flame!

Illuminator of tranquil pathways, and healing streams! KHEP-RA! Eternal Scarab!

O lambent flame of twilight song, bend upon us and fill our mind!
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Sep 9, 2021
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Tuesday, 02/29/2022 (2+29+2022=10=1). Mars. Red.



Moon/Transits: 25% Waning Crescent in Aquarius, New Moon in Pisces on 2nd.

Weather: Cool, Windy.

Diet: Will eat at work tonight. Had edamame, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and chicken potstickers and sweet and sour meatballs that I cooked for the hotel tonight.

Exercise: Will walk to buses and such tonight.

Mood: Low

Mental Notes: Get prescriptions called in this morning, try to pick up before work.
Might have been cursed by BALG members, so need to review wards and shields.
Todays Psalms reading is Ps 141-145. On the subject of cursing, Ps 140 is interesting (136-140 yesterday).
Call Pancheros and politely decline employment based on Central nervous system issues, and potentially alter hours to be 8am to 2pm M-W; then Five Guys TFSt from 10-6. They pay.
Speedway wants me back, wiping away record of low performance. They have benefits.

Physical notes: Deep congested cough lifting a little, a lot of bone pain.

Adorations: Morning done.

Tarot Contemplation Ritual -- VII The Chariot (Luna). (Yesterday was V Hierophant)
Relaxation Ritual by scanning per second a certain chakra, until entire body is gold light
Body Awareness, with fivefold breath circulation from foot to groin
QC/LRP, fire invoking
Middle Pillar
LRP fire invoking/QC

Invocations for Tuesday:
“Under the authority of the Zodiacal Permutation of the Tetragrammaton; [Vibrate Divine Name], that which rules the sign of [Zodiacal Sign], and by the illumination of the Archangel [Vibrate Archangel Name], Thee I invoke! Glorious forces which shine through the rays of the Solar sphere and the stars above, I invite your guidance unto my Higher Self as I strive to build myself into an honorable exemplar of the highest Virtues. Guide my thoughts, my words, and my actions, unto the glory of the Lord of the Universe!”


Cross) + In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

1) Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, For ever and ever, Amen.

1+2+3) O Lord, we ask that you bring Balance and Harmony to our lives in the Equilibrium of (Body/Mind/Soul).

1) O Lord of Heaven and of Earth, we pray for the relief of those who suffer, for your merciful love to comfort all your children; may you send your angels of healing and light to our aid.

We pray for peace in the World and for its earthly powers, that harmony may prevail, and discord be driven from our hearts; that the spirituality of every nation and people will yield prosperity for every living thing.

We pray for the faithful departed, may they be guided by your messengers into peace, and we pray for the unrighteous, for their Redemption through the Mercy of the Lord.

We pray for those caught in the calamity of natural disasters, for the sick, diseased, and the poor. May you provide us with relief for the needy, may they be given food, shelter, and clothing. May we all be blessed with salvation, with true happiness, and may we conquer the forces of evil, hatred, and fear; that we may one day return to the Source of Light from whence we came.

Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.

Decade Beads;
1) May Sandalphon bring us higher, further, and deeper into the Mysteries of prayer and Holy devotion.

2) May Gavriel provide the Strength of God to empower us against all obstacles, both within and without.

3) May Raphael provide the Healing of God to bring us Divine Peace and consolation in the face of all ailments.

4) May Haniel bring us the Joy and Grace that will enrich our lives, and bring us together with our loved ones.

5) May Michael guard us with his fiery sword of Protection from all material and spiritual evils, and may his shield ever be on guard when we are weak.

6) May Samael shield us from the poison of sin so we may reconcile with our own transgressions and face our accusations.

7) May Tzadqiel bless and keep us within Prosperity, Justice, and grant us the lordship over our own realm.

8) May Tzaphqiel keep our heart and soul aware of the Forms and Boundaries of life so that we may uphold the Divine Laws.

9) May Raziel reveal to us the Secrets of the Lord so that our aspirations and True Purpose shall be fulfilled.

10) May the mighty Metatron grant us Divine inspiration, Union, and Gnosis on the path of the Great Work.

Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.


Tuesday- Day of Mars


In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of ELOHIM GIBOR, who governeth the sphere of Geburah and Mars, I call upon SAMAEL, Venom of God, the Archangel of Death. Form us unto completion through energy, courage, and loyalty as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Samael, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Mars. Rid me of impulsivity, cruelty, anger, and hate. Inspire me with proper motivation, assertiveness, vitality, the ability to calm my inner conflicts, and the endurance to overcome enemies both within and without.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.

Invocation of Mars from Stephen Ashe's The Complete Golden Dawn Initiate:
"O thou who are terrible in thy splendour, to whom it is given to wield the sword of five-fold flame! You have made us to fear thee! O champion of Fate that eighteenth and thundereth through the Ages, in thy chariot drawn by the Lion and the Ox!

Storm-bringer! Descend upon us, and strike if it must be so!

O Lord of the Just and Mistress of Splendour, make us to know thy terrible splendour! Thou friend of Purgation and Enemy of Ruin!

In thy name I have made my dwelling place in the boughs of the Olive tree of Peace! Thy flame have I fanned from the spark of the anvil, and thy sword have I claimed from the forge!

By the power of thy word are our enemies cast down, and the powers of darkness destroyed. Your companions are the Victorious and your joy is the joy of battle and strife - whose heroes await their reward in the pillar of the Just.

Purifying flame of enchantment! Charioteer of the East! Lord of Purgation and enemy of Ruin! I have washed in the washing place of the South! I have rested in the North under the Oak! I have made my dwelling place in the Olive tree of Peace. And there have I borne your standard aloft, and the Mighty Sceptre called "Giver of Breath".

Your flame have I fanned from the spark of the anvil, and your hammer and forge have I reclaimed from the forge. Your torch have I carried from Darom to Tzaphron and the light of your flame has touched Misraaeh and Maarab! Of you is said: 'His voice is as the roaring of thunder, and the bellows of the furnace of the Soul are his lungs; and thy dominion and thy power are made steadfast by virtue of the iron rod of the King.

O blood red fire of the heart of the Ruby! Bearer of the Sword of Fivefold flame! Descend upon us O Lord of the Just, and bathe us with the splendor of thy terrible beauty."
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Tuesday, 02/29/2022 (2+29+2022=10=1). Mars. Red.



Moon/Transits: 25% Waning Crescent in Aquarius, New Moon in Pisces on 2nd.

Weather: Cool, Windy.

Diet: Will eat at work tonight. Had edamame, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and chicken potstickers and sweet and sour meatballs that I cooked for the hotel tonight.

Exercise: Will walk to buses and such tonight.

Mood: Low

Mental Notes: Get prescriptions called in this morning, try to pick up before work.
Might have been cursed by BALG members, so need to review wards and shields.
Todays Psalms reading is Ps 141-145. On the subject of cursing, Ps 140 is interesting (136-140 yesterday).
Call Pancheros and politely decline employment based on Central nervous system issues, and potentially alter hours to be 8am to 2pm M-W; then Five Guys TFSt from 10-6. They pay.
Speedway wants me back, wiping away record of low performance. They have benefits.

Physical notes: Deep congested cough lifting a little, a lot of bone pain.

Adorations: Morning done.

Tarot Contemplation Ritual -- VII The Chariot (Luna). (Yesterday was V Hierophant)
Relaxation Ritual by scanning per second a certain chakra, until entire body is gold light
Body Awareness, with fivefold breath circulation from foot to groin
QC/LRP, fire invoking
Middle Pillar
LRP fire invoking/QC

Invocations for Tuesday:
“Under the authority of the Zodiacal Permutation of the Tetragrammaton; [Vibrate Divine Name], that which rules the sign of [Zodiacal Sign], and by the illumination of the Archangel [Vibrate Archangel Name], Thee I invoke! Glorious forces which shine through the rays of the Solar sphere and the stars above, I invite your guidance unto my Higher Self as I strive to build myself into an honorable exemplar of the highest Virtues. Guide my thoughts, my words, and my actions, unto the glory of the Lord of the Universe!”


Cross) + In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

1) Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, For ever and ever, Amen.

1+2+3) O Lord, we ask that you bring Balance and Harmony to our lives in the Equilibrium of (Body/Mind/Soul).

1) O Lord of Heaven and of Earth, we pray for the relief of those who suffer, for your merciful love to comfort all your children; may you send your angels of healing and light to our aid.

We pray for peace in the World and for its earthly powers, that harmony may prevail, and discord be driven from our hearts; that the spirituality of every nation and people will yield prosperity for every living thing.

We pray for the faithful departed, may they be guided by your messengers into peace, and we pray for the unrighteous, for their Redemption through the Mercy of the Lord.

We pray for those caught in the calamity of natural disasters, for the sick, diseased, and the poor. May you provide us with relief for the needy, may they be given food, shelter, and clothing. May we all be blessed with salvation, with true happiness, and may we conquer the forces of evil, hatred, and fear; that we may one day return to the Source of Light from whence we came.

Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.

Decade Beads;
1) May Sandalphon bring us higher, further, and deeper into the Mysteries of prayer and Holy devotion.

2) May Gavriel provide the Strength of God to empower us against all obstacles, both within and without.

3) May Raphael provide the Healing of God to bring us Divine Peace and consolation in the face of all ailments.

4) May Haniel bring us the Joy and Grace that will enrich our lives, and bring us together with our loved ones.

5) May Michael guard us with his fiery sword of Protection from all material and spiritual evils, and may his shield ever be on guard when we are weak.

6) May Samael shield us from the poison of sin so we may reconcile with our own transgressions and face our accusations.

7) May Tzadqiel bless and keep us within Prosperity, Justice, and grant us the lordship over our own realm.

8) May Tzaphqiel keep our heart and soul aware of the Forms and Boundaries of life so that we may uphold the Divine Laws.

9) May Raziel reveal to us the Secrets of the Lord so that our aspirations and True Purpose shall be fulfilled.

10) May the mighty Metatron grant us Divine inspiration, Union, and Gnosis on the path of the Great Work.

Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.


Tuesday- Day of Mars


In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of ELOHIM GIBOR, who governeth the sphere of Geburah and Mars, I call upon SAMAEL, Venom of God, the Archangel of Death. Form us unto completion through energy, courage, and loyalty as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Samael, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Mars. Rid me of impulsivity, cruelty, anger, and hate. Inspire me with proper motivation, assertiveness, vitality, the ability to calm my inner conflicts, and the endurance to overcome enemies both within and without.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.

Invocation of Mars from Stephen Ashe's The Complete Golden Dawn Initiate:
"O thou who are terrible in thy splendour, to whom it is given to wield the sword of five-fold flame! You have made us to fear thee! O champion of Fate that eighteenth and thundereth through the Ages, in thy chariot drawn by the Lion and the Ox!

Storm-bringer! Descend upon us, and strike if it must be so!

O Lord of the Just and Mistress of Splendour, make us to know thy terrible splendour! Thou friend of Purgation and Enemy of Ruin!

In thy name I have made my dwelling place in the boughs of the Olive tree of Peace! Thy flame have I fanned from the spark of the anvil, and thy sword have I claimed from the forge!

By the power of thy word are our enemies cast down, and the powers of darkness destroyed. Your companions are the Victorious and your joy is the joy of battle and strife - whose heroes await their reward in the pillar of the Just.

Purifying flame of enchantment! Charioteer of the East! Lord of Purgation and enemy of Ruin! I have washed in the washing place of the South! I have rested in the North under the Oak! I have made my dwelling place in the Olive tree of Peace. And there have I borne your standard aloft, and the Mighty Sceptre called "Giver of Breath".

Your flame have I fanned from the spark of the anvil, and your hammer and forge have I reclaimed from the forge. Your torch have I carried from Darom to Tzaphron and the light of your flame has touched Misraaeh and Maarab! Of you is said: 'His voice is as the roaring of thunder, and the bellows of the furnace of the Soul are his lungs; and thy dominion and thy power are made steadfast by virtue of the iron rod of the King.

O blood red fire of the heart of the Ruby! Bearer of the Sword of Fivefold flame! Descend upon us O Lord of the Just, and bathe us with the splendor of thy terrible beauty."
Mental Notes: Read through Josephine McCarthys Module 1 Lesson 1 for Apprentice.
Fairly straight forward and complete.
Made invocation to all Saints and Clergy, all organizations of Light by name, Rosicrucians, Knights Templar, Adonai Ha Aretz, Sandalphon, Shaddai El Chai, Gabriel, YHVH Eloah Ve Daath, Raphael, Elohim Gibor, Kamael, to lend me their magic in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Body Awareness done, breathing from foot to groin, legs and feet in diamond pose, and breathing in white light, breathing out black fumes, and circulating a fourfold breath.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Reached out to an old Frater who is the one behind the above, Frater S. I've informed him about my past three years from a deliverance and baptism straight into hell and back. I can accept what Ive done wrong in life, and strive daily to be a better more intact and organized me.
Sleep, Dreams:
Got some sleep, no dreams recalled.
Weather has warmed, but is still winter/spring weather and no doubt, we might get dumped on again before Spring, I dont count out that possibility in the mitten state.
Waning crescent in Aquarius until 3/2.
Mental Notes. Mood:
Mood has lightened a bit, bud sadly I may have to quit one of my three jobs, and a job with benefits looms in the background. So might be moving around a bit still.
Physical Notes:
Pronounced deep congested cough is concerning. Dental work needs to be done, and joint and back and sciatic pain still exists.
Doing morning invocations and invoking the 4 powers of earth.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Sleep, Dreams:
Got some sleep, no dreams recalled.
Weather has warmed, but is still winter/spring weather and no doubt, we might get dumped on again before Spring, I dont count out that possibility in the mitten state.
Waning crescent in Aquarius until 3/2.
Mental Notes. Mood:
Mood has lightened a bit, bud sadly I may have to quit one of my three jobs, and a job with benefits looms in the background. So might be moving around a bit still.
Physical Notes:
Pronounced deep congested cough is concerning. Dental work needs to be done, and joint and back and sciatic pain still exists.
Doing morning invocations and invoking the 4 powers of earth.
Met with Dad for brunch.
Got care package from Sister. Dad gave me money.
Went to bank to cash check, and ended up opening an account.
Changed and got dropped off at work.
Said above prayers at a lounge table at work quietly.
Will do afternoon and evening adorations and QC/LRP/QC in bathroom when I have a chance.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Met with Dad for brunch.
Got care package from Sister. Dad gave me money.
Went to bank to cash check, and ended up opening an account.
Changed and got dropped off at work.
Said above prayers at a lounge table at work quietly.
Will do afternoon and evening adorations and QC/LRP/QC in bathroom when I have a chance.
Used tarot cards I bring with me to test psychic skill using Less Than Five Greater Than Five -- nineteen incorrect due to privacy and restriction.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Used tarot cards I bring with me to test psychic skill using Less Than Five Greater Than Five -- nineteen incorrect due to privacy and restriction.
Did adorations and QC/LRP/QC in bathroom at work.
Did my work well.
Got home, now settled in, though leg cramps and cough are bad, so need to do a relaxation ritual with intense intent to be well.
Listening to Speech in the Silence podcasts on youtube.
Did Evening and Midnight adorations, with sign of enterer and sign of silence and grade signs.
Did QC/LRP/QC with breath aiding the QC and grounding.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Reading a book on Wicca after spotty sleep during the witching hours, and listening to a Speech in the Silence podcast on Astral Projection.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Wednesday, 3/2/2022 (3+8=11=2). Mercury. Orange.
Dreams - None recalled, but nearly kicked cat and stopped myself from doing so, sat up and woke up. Mustve been a dream of fighting or running.
Sleep: Fragmented. Up from 1-4. Finally crashed at 4, and got five hours sleep.
Moon: New Moon in Pisces
Weather: Sunny, cool.
Diet: candy, tea.
Exercise: None
Mental Notes: None, listening to Astral Projection topic on Speech in the Silence.
Physical Notes: had a sensation as being constricted last night, so imagined cutting the head off whatever it was. It was isolated to right arm, slightly around funny bone. Sensation soon vanished.
Mood: Low. I need my prescriptions, I guess I will be out until the county decides to refill them.
Lord of the Universe - Morning with signs of enterer and silence.
Liber Resh Vel Helios: Morning with Theoricus sign and silence.

Tarot Contemplation Ritual - Again. VII The Chariot. Cancer.
Body Awareness - Teeth sensitivity, knees to upper leg cramping and pain, left kidney area sore, congested cough, sore lower back.
Relaxation Ritual - Was difficult to visualize amidst external noise, but managed to subdue most pain.
Qaballistic Cross - Did breathing and gold energy rising by chakras, then the invocation.
Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram - Earth banishing, feel much more relaxed.
Invoke Four Powers of Earth - Tonight
Middle Pillar -Tonight
Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram - Tonight
Qaballistic Cross -Tonight

Tarot Psychic Tests:
LG5 -

Silence Exercise - Staying on Topic
Ascent into Cube of Space -
Body in Assiah -
Orange Candle Meditation -
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Wednesday, 3/2/2022 (3+8=11=2). Mercury. Orange.
Dreams - None recalled, but nearly kicked cat and stopped myself from doing so, sat up and woke up. Mustve been a dream of fighting or running.
Sleep: Fragmented. Up from 1-4. Finally crashed at 4, and got five hours sleep.
Moon: New Moon in Pisces
Weather: Sunny, cool.
Diet: candy, tea.
Exercise: None
Mental Notes: None, listening to Astral Projection topic on Speech in the Silence.
Physical Notes: had a sensation as being constricted last night, so imagined cutting the head off whatever it was. It was isolated to right arm, slightly around funny bone. Sensation soon vanished.
Mood: Low. I need my prescriptions, I guess I will be out until the county decides to refill them.
Lord of the Universe - Morning with signs of enterer and silence.
Liber Resh Vel Helios: Morning with Theoricus sign and silence.

Tarot Contemplation Ritual - Again. VII The Chariot. Cancer.
Body Awareness - Teeth sensitivity, knees to upper leg cramping and pain, left kidney area sore, congested cough, sore lower back.
Relaxation Ritual - Was difficult to visualize amidst external noise, but managed to subdue most pain.
Qaballistic Cross - Did breathing and gold energy rising by chakras, then the invocation.
Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram - Earth banishing, feel much more relaxed.
Invoke Four Powers of Earth - Tonight
Middle Pillar -Tonight
Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram - Tonight
Qaballistic Cross -Tonight

Tarot Psychic Tests:
LG5 -

Silence Exercise - Staying on Topic
Ascent into Cube of Space -
Body in Assiah -
Orange Candle Meditation -
No orange seen yet, so I will be the first, in honor of the day of Mercury, I will wear an orange t Shirt under my work shirt.
While wondering why Crowley came up with the unicursal hexagram, Im browsing youtube and see a Speech in the Silence podcast called The Star so I give it a listen. Its the Star Sapphire.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Did afternoon and evening adorations.
Still have relaxation ritual, LRP and MP to do at least along with midnight adoration and then hopefully sleep.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
And completely skipped Wednesdays angelic invocations, second LBRP and MP due to drowsiness. So, without further ado,

Thursday, 3/3/2022 (=12=1+2=3). Jupiter. Blue.
Sleep/Dreams: Spotty sleep though hot chocolate helped me to drop my energy and sleep a bit. At best maybe three or four hours. No dreams recalled. Rarely do I ever recall dreams.
Moon/Transits: Waxing, Pisces. Have not looked at transits in a month, last I knew they were all in the winter signs aside from the moon and nodes.
Weather: It was nice and sunny and mild, they bitter cold and rain on top of that last night walking/bussing home. Seems colder today.
Diet: Poor. One meal a day usually.
Exercise: Walking to and from work when not on buses.
Mood: Low
Mental Notes:
Physical Notes: Usual pains, primarily teeth, and feet to lower back.
Adorations: Midnight, morning with grade signs and sign of silence. Morning Lord of the Universe with signs of the Enterer and sign of silence.
Rituals: Starting Body Awareness, Relaxation Ritual, and Tarot Contemplation Ritual.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
And completely skipped Wednesdays angelic invocations, second LBRP and MP due to drowsiness. So, without further ado,

Thursday, 3/3/2022 (=12=1+2=3). Jupiter. Blue.
Sleep/Dreams: Spotty sleep though hot chocolate helped me to drop my energy and sleep a bit. At best maybe three or four hours. No dreams recalled. Rarely do I ever recall dreams.
Moon/Transits: Waxing, Pisces. Have not looked at transits in a month, last I knew they were all in the winter signs aside from the moon and nodes.
Weather: It was nice and sunny and mild, they bitter cold and rain on top of that last night walking/bussing home. Seems colder today.
Diet: Poor. One meal a day usually.
Exercise: Walking to and from work when not on buses.
Mood: Low
Mental Notes:
Physical Notes: Usual pains, primarily teeth, and feet to lower back.
Adorations: Midnight, morning with grade signs and sign of silence. Morning Lord of the Universe with signs of the Enterer and sign of silence.
Rituals: Starting Body Awareness, Relaxation Ritual, and Tarot Contemplation Ritual.

Wednesday- Day of Mercury


In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of ELOHIM TZAVAOTH, who governeth the sphere of Hod and Mercury, I call upon RAPHAEL, Healing of God, and Divine Messenger. Form us unto completion through the learning and disbursement of Truth as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Raphael, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Mercury. Rid me of confusion, anxiety, distraction, indecisiveness, and overanalysis. Inspire me with reason, coordination, clear understanding, versatility, and concise communication.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.


Thursday- Day of Jupiter


In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of EL, who governeth the sphere of Chesed and Jupiter, I call upon TZADKIEL, Justice of God, Archangel of Divine Clemency. Form us unto completion through wisdom and humility as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Tzadkiel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Jupiter. Rid me of haughtiness, arrogance, and greed. Inspire me with productive ambition, optimism, generosity, tolerance, health, wealth, and the ability to accurately rule and govern my own faculties towards prosperity and beneficial attitudes.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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