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Make my wife uninhibited sex machine

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Apr 18, 2022
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I have a strong sexual appetite wife has none so anyway could change her would be appreciated
An increased sexual appetite does not equal to having no problem being sexual with an endless stream of random men.

Questions to ask yourself:
1. Would your wife even have any respect for you after the suggestion or will she merely "stick it out" in the relationship because she doesn't want to be alone?. At that point you guys would be having more sex (not together though), but there will be less passion between you two. Things will become "robotic".

2. If she does become immersed in this world, what makes you think she won't "trade up" and leave you if she finds a better partner?. People fall in and out of love all the time, that's human nature, the entire point of marriage and wedding vows is to create a "contract" between two individuals where the rules dictate that you maintain a sexual and romantic commitment to each other, regardless of ones emotions.

You are really just setting the stage for your wife to leave you. If you give your wife permission to have sex with other men, you are inadvertently giving her permission to fall in love with other men. Sex is not the same for men and women, I think you are projecting your mindset onto your wife. For most men "sex is just sex", for most women sex is a lot more emotional and women even release a lot more oxytocin (love/bonding hormone) during sex than men do (which is exactly why they form emotional connections so often during sex).

Here's something to consider. You probably aren't the best she's ever had and you definitely won't be the best if you continue down this route. It's completely illogical to think "but she's my wife, so she'll still stay committed to me", when your very actions go against the "sanctity" of marriage and render that commitment moot. A sexual commitment is the most core aspect of marriage, take that away and you are just two single people living together. Your wedding vows no longer hold any meaning.

3. Why did you even get married to a woman who isn't already into swinging?. I really don't get people who do stuff like this. I already know myself and I know that one woman will never be enough for me, and that's exactly why I'm never getting married, because there's no point in me lying to myself and living a forced fake life, and making a woman waste her time being with me when she could be with someone who truly wants to commit and would be satisfied with one partner.

The problem is people these days aren't introspective and they make rushed haphazard decisions. You should have married the "swinger type" from the start.

Either way I think people who want to do stuff like this are the fakest people ever. They want the "squeaky clean image" that being married provides so that they can maintain a level of social status and respectability in their community, but at the same time to want to live a life of debauchery behind the scenes. It's nothing but hypocrisy.

Choose a lane in life and stick to it, stop trying to play both sides. If you wanted to "be a swinger" then you should have married a woman who was into that stuff to begin with. Not retroactively try to guilt and coerce your wife who has different values into having sex with random men.

If you think she won't be disgusted with you as soon as you suggest it, you're an idiot.


May 7, 2022
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Only now that I realized that this post is in the Witchcraft, Folk Magic and Herbalism section, and I do not know why when it's content seems to be more in-tune with the Left Hand Path, Black Magic and Demonology section, as it deals with forcibly changing/taking away the free will/disregarding the thoughts of another.

Why did you even get married to a woman who isn't already into swinging?
I wonder this as well.
If one wants to be in an open relationship, be polyamory or have a harem, go forward.
Do what makes you happy.

But if they married someone while wearing a veil of monogamy, well, that is double awful.

Once because they chose to lie to the person they allegedly love, and twice because now they want the other person to suddenly be fine with the change in the relationship.
As if the person "should've foreseen such drastic changes".

If someone knows that they won't be fine in a monogamous relationship, then why bother even marrying at all?Why not stay single and free to do what you want without dragging an innocent into it?

The Golden Jackal

Aug 14, 2022
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enchantments are just this, by enchantment anyone could be made to do anything depending on conditions. It is Witchcraft because seduction and forbbiden sex is a part of the craft. In the really strong sex magic witchs are the best subjects. I dont believe swinging is a part of any magic but this fellow must be asking for a spell or something .
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