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My higher self is a DEMON?!?

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Apr 18, 2022
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Am I nuts or is it actually possible?
In my opinion the only thing that matters are the results, and significant results at that. Anybody can claim they are enlightened, favored by a demon, or the son of a God, but if your results in life don't match up with that alleged advantageous trait, there is no reason for you to assume that you have said trait.

For example, If someone claims to have a genius IQ (145+), they should have the academic performance and later the qualifications and employment opportunities that match up with that alleged trait (genius IQ). If they later end up being a cashier at a fast food restaurant who dropped out at high school and only got C's and D's in their exams, I don't think it's too much of a leap to say that they were just delusional and lying to themselves (or crazy).

What do you gain out of your "higher self" being a demon?

Do you have "I am favored by demons" tier results in this life?

If you can only get the results in the "afterlife" when you die, how do you know you aren't just being lied to by demons?


On Probation
Jan 29, 2024
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I'm not talking about my answer only, though I was just quoting you about being nuts. It was one of two options you suggested in the OP:D
Whatever, but when people usually say "am I nuts?" they don't mean it and you know it. No worries 👍
Apr 18, 2022
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You suggested I was nuts, why should I accept your answer?
You don't have to accept their answer because the answer is your results in life, and you have no choice but to accept the results. If you genuinely believe that your results in life align with the reality that your "higher self" is a demon, and specifically an Incubus, then there's no discussion to be had.

Your life is the answer to your question.


On Probation
Jan 29, 2024
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You don't have to accept their answer because the answer is your results in life, and you have no choice but to accept the results. If you genuinely believe that your results in life align with the reality that your "higher self" is a demon, and specifically an Incubus, then there's no discussion to be had.

Your life is the answer to your question.
Now that's a great lesson, I will cease making such posts. I just was unsure and wanted to know if it's possible for you to be an incubus at the higher self level. But yea, I believe my succubus when she tells me it, now she told me she had an incubus son with me. I also believe that.


Feb 8, 2022
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Be sure to go nuts in this nutty society just my 2 cents :D

You will have to think that everything is symbolic, everything is a pointer to your own subconsciousness, the truth is 0 or Void. The Void that can be named is not the true Void and so forth. So everytime you think or make a name you collapse this Void into yourself to give it Form. Hope this helps :)


On Probation
Jan 29, 2024
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I mean you guys can laugh all you want, but I am not changing my mind. I have an Incubus son too, even that Lady Eva claimed to have spirit children as I read (and no one considered her crazy).


Aug 17, 2023
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What is the point of asking a question if you're not going to accept any answer beside yours?
I've had bosses and superiors "solicit input" so they have a scapegoat when things go wrong. Also, "asking advice" is a way of nerving oneself up to take action one suspects is ill advised.
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By Western Psychiatric standards, any magician can be deemed insane.
Some more flamboyantly so than others.
Apr 18, 2022
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I am not changing my mind.
Then why even make this thread when your mind was already made up?

Maybe your mind isn't really made up, and you made this thread because you have doubts, and those doubts only exist because you don't have the results in life that align with your beliefs.

You will never see a 6'7" guy posting threads in an online forum like - "I'm 6'7", Am I Tall?!?"

His results in life prove how tall he is everyday. It's obvious to him and everyone around him that he is tall. There is no doubt in his mind that he is tall so he doesn't feel the need to seek out confirmation from others.

By Western Psychiatric standards, any magician can be deemed insane.
Not any magician, just the ones that can't display any "results" that match their extraordinary claims.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"

For instance let's look at Richard Lustig (Repeat Lottery Winner):
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Lustig's total wins amount to a value of $1,052,205.58 (before taxes). Two of those wins were holidays rather than cash prizes, valued at $8,560.66 total. His first win was in 1993, and the last one in 2010:
Win 1: $10,000 – January 1993 (scratch-off ticket)
Win 2: $13,696.03 – August 1997 (Florida Fantasy 5)
Win 3: "Wheel of Fortune" Holiday trip to Los Angeles – June 2000 (valued at $3,594.66) (scratch-off ticket "2nd chance drawing")
Win 4: Elvis Holiday trip to Memphis – October 2001 (valued at $4,966) (scratch-off ticket "2nd chance drawing")
Win 5: $842,152.91 – January 2002 (Florida Mega Money)
Win 6: $73,658.06 – November 25, 2008 (Florida Fantasy 5)
Win 7: $98,992.92 – August 9, 2010 (Florida Fantasy 5)

If Richard Lustig had claimed that he was an occultist (he never did), I would definitely believe him. His results in life seem to violate natural law and go against the odds that should apply to everyone. It's as if the rules of life don't apply to him. Seriously just think about the odds, it's probably like 1 in billions for one person to win all 7 games.

I actually think this guy was an occultist, and someone who mastered his craft after many years of trial and error. Maybe he's just an anomaly of luck, pure random chance, and he never did anything occult. But I'd be more likely to believe he had magic abilities than most people that claim they do.

By Western Psychiatric standards he would at worst be a delusional and very lucky man, but he'd never be called crazy/insane because his beliefs are actually rooted in tangible and observable results.

I could never fault a guy for falsely believing that he had magic powers if he won 7 different lottery games by pure chance, and I doubt anyone else would either. It makes complete sense that he would believe that, especially if he was performing occult rituals.


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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Anybody can claim they are enlightened, favored by a demon, or the son of a God, but if your results in life don't match up with that alleged advantageous trait, there is no reason for you to assume that you have said trait.
Good point.
What do you gain out of your "higher self" being a demon?
Good question.

The Void that can be named is not the true Void and so forth
The Tao that can be named is not the true Tao.

An incubus son??!!? I give up.
At this point I wished we had a "Bruh" reaction, because certain comments really make me want to go "bruh".
Frankly though, those claims are getting more and more in-line with the type of things I used to see from certain sites that claimed to deal with the occult and even with the psychic.

This is a Pandora's box that once opened, once allowed to even exist, might end up bringing with it everything that is wrong amongst occult-focused websites.The pretenders, the fakers, the delusional...you let one thing go and next you see there are many claiming to be powerful beings, having close ties with famous entities, anything to set them way above the regular human.
the ones that can't display any "results" that match their extraordinary claims.
I always was of the belief that you should, as I've heard some people say, "put your money where your mouth is".
So if you make a claim then you better be ready to prove it, or else everyone might disregard it, and no one wants to be labeled a liar or worse, a show off with nothing to show.

Sure, people actually don't need to prove anything to anyone, but that's only valid as long as you keep to yourself your claims.The moment you make it public is the moment where you will need to be responsible by what you say.

Maybe he's just an anomaly of luck
Lady Luck seems to have her favorites.:(


Mar 4, 2024
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You will never see a 6'7" guy posting threads in an online forum like - "I'm 6'7", Am I Tall?!?"

His results in life prove how tall he is everyday. It's obvious to him and everyone around him that he is tall. There is no doubt in his mind that he is tall so he doesn't feel the need to seek out confirmation from others.
Body dysmorphic disorder? The world and people's perceptions are not automatically in sync.
Not any magician, just the ones that can't display any "results" that match their extraordinary claims.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"
Yes. Every magician. Scientific worldview presupposes ontological materialism. You could win the lottery eight times after doing a ritual and it's still delusional because no material cause-effect link has been established.
Also, who decides what is extraordinary? Richard Dawkins? Dalai Lama? A shaman from an isolated Amazonian tribe? Extraordinary for whom?

The biggest problem here is that OP can't answer much more basic questions- what would be the effect of having one's higher self be an incubus? What is incubus even in this context? What is a demon anyway? Are we talking about Christian worldview where demons are fallen angels? No? Then what are demons here? Spirits that want to harm people? Spirits that enjoy heavy metal? Don't make me go on about what incubus could possibly mean...
If OP isn't trolling (I'm unsure about this) and actually received this as an answer from some spiritual being, the problem is he doesn't have a coherent worldview that could provide context to unpack the answer he was given. This is why the thread is just spinning in circles and OP can't answer his own question.
Apr 18, 2022
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This is a Pandora's box that once opened, once allowed to even exist, might end up bringing with it everything that is wrong amongst occult-focused websites.The pretenders, the fakers, the delusional...you let one thing go and next you see there are many claiming to be powerful beings, having close ties with famous entities, anything to set them way above the regular human.
This is actually one of the things I grew to dislike about occult communities, and it's why I pretty much gave up on ever creating one. The very nature of humans has turned my entire pursuit of occult knowledge and ability into a "solo project", because there's too many obstacles (larps, crazy people, etc) in the way of us arriving upon a collective truth.

These spaces will always start off great, but as more time goes on it's like the sharks smell blood and they all come running to muddy the waters.

This is why my only advice to anyone is to be objective and to only trust the results. Even then don't even trust yourself (because of things like the placebo effect), re-test and reconfirm the results. Anything else will leave you at the mercy of being misled, which will ultimately lead to you giving up on the occult entirely.

My only focus right now is to train via practical and measurable methods, and then confirm my training through practical and measurable experiments.

If i actually believed in the wishy washy structure that I see a lot of people talking about I'd have just given up, because it's too open to interpretation, and too dependent luck.

So far the best training methodology I've come across is Initiation Into Hermetics, if you know of anything else like it (practical training) please let me know, it's always good to test out other methods and see what can be combined together.

Sure, people actually don't need to prove anything to anyone, but that's only valid as long as you keep to yourself your claims.The moment you make it public is the moment where you will need to be responsible by what you say.
I also believe in this. It's really better to just not say anything if you aren't going to provide the proof. In any other community this would be common sense. If you were in a forum for car collectors and hobbyists, you wouldn't be able to claim that you owned some rare limited edition old car that's worth millions without posting proof.

Lady Luck seems to have her favorites.:(
One of the main things I hate about life lol. So much of our lives is determined by random chance. Which country you are born in, the wealth of the family you are born into, your genetics (physical attractiveness, intelligence, defects, allergies, athletic capability & more), etc.

Yeah personal decisions matter, but they all come after the fact, and those initial factors limit the options you are allowed to choose from.

In some way I can admit that my obsession with the occult and my pursuit of magic abilities is deeply rooted in my desire to defy reality itself and overcome the limitations of the initial factors that shaped my entire life.
Sep 9, 2021
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Confirmation bias? Is that the term for a tarot reader or psychic telling a customer that they will never marry, and after a few rejections, the customer never married?

One good thing about this forum:
Few claim to be married to Demon X that is currently hot in Hollywood.
Few make sufficient claims without reasonable proof.
Few perform magic without following a Grimoire of sorts.
Few claim to be psychic and perform remote viewing, body scans, past life readings etc.

Proof is in the pudding.

You don't see me talking about how I'm a genius, how I'm rich, how I'm successful, can swim the English channel, climb a mountain, read minds or charm snakes.

I know my limits.

Even some of my Thanks/Praise (and other claims I made, make me cringe.
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Okay. in some circles it's rumored that people have not only a Holy Guardian Angel, but also a Holy Guardian Demon.
Could that be what you've experienced?
As for Kundalini, bravo. I've not experienced that ... As far as I know.
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On Probation
Jan 29, 2024
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Do not advertise other forums
My proof is my experience. And I made up my mind after people on here suggested I was insane when I never meant that part.
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Also, darkest knight confirmed spirit children are a thing, so there's proof:

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Also, this website gives me MAJOR Reddit vibes. Are most of the users on here Redditors? Just asking :)
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Apr 28, 2021
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My proof is my experience. And I made up my mind after people on here suggested I was insane when I never meant that part.
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Also, darkest knight confirmed spirit children are a thing, so there's proof:

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Also, this website gives me MAJOR Reddit vibes. Are most of the users on here Redditors? Just asking :)
Bro cited a BALG user like it was a scientific article.
Sep 9, 2021
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Well, that seals the deal, someone vaguely agreed.
Ya know, in my mid fifties, no kids, never been married, maybe I should turn my sights on some arrangement like this.
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