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Sepher Yetzirah and their combined intelligences

Sep 9, 2021
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Since the SY path intelligence is linked to the Tree of Life and therefore the tarot, the question is how to based on a daily card drawn, how do we connect to, use and learn from it's associated intelligence?

What is the benefit of utilizing this intelligence with or without tarot, such as a card meditation, or knocking out one by one each SY intelligence and it's path?

Let's say the Emperor and the Constituting Intelligence. What does it mean to be a Constituting Intelligence per the SY, and how do we connect to and utilize this particular intelligence?
Or, the path of Tav, The World and the Administrative Intelligence?

I have not even touched on the idea of the utilization of different intelligences to move though sephiroth, whether by ritual, pathworking, etc. Ex: 10th, 32nd, 9th, and 25th, which is a possible set of pathworkings to get from Malkuth to Tiphareth.

Thanks in advance.

Nocte Ac Die, Diluculo

Note ... Used Occult Q and A as the category since it is a generalized question despite tarot or SY references.
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