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Some knows about Ice Magick?


Mar 20, 2024
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I head of it in some old posts on the web. And mostly speeking about the 'Ice magick war' in the IOT.

Anyone know about it?
I'm just curious about it.


Sep 1, 2023
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I head of it in some old posts on the web. And mostly speeking about the 'Ice magick war' in the IOT.

Anyone know about it?
I'm just curious about it.
It's kind of hard to follow what went on, but I don't think you'll be able to find out much about the magic itself. It was a fascist-adjacent cult of personality. It was claimed to be "chaos magic but way better"

A confusing write up here (it's obviously very against it but you can read between the lines) :
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I'm inclined to believe people who said the magic itself was not good, because people who have cults of personality and claim to have secret special magic no one else does pretty much always turn out to have nothing much. They target inexperienced magicians - they keep the magic secret so experienced magicians can't tell people it's bullshit
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I can validate some of the criticisms of the book (Eismagie), which is in German. It's described as terribly written, in all lowercase (German uses upper case to indicate nouns, so case is more important) with very long sentences and no punctuation.

You can see that is his writing fits that description when if you can't understand the language

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Run that through a translator if you're curious, but here's the (definitely critical, take with grain of salt) description

"However what is really annoying is the language Frater V.D. uses in Eismagie. For one thing he never uses capitals. The more annoying thing however is that he just can't write sentences shorter than at least 8 lines. Punctuation seems also to be a major problem.

The book itself is only an introduction to his "powerful" system that is "way better than everything chaos magick has to offer". As an introduction it is poorly written. He may have a couple of good points in the beginning, but all he ever does for the rest of the book is ramble on and on about everything being failure, that we only ever react but never act and how every attempt to act is going to fail. He never actually gives you examples on how to overcome this. I guess you'll have to join one of his seminars (damn expensive) for that.

The first practical exercise (Frater V.D. calls them vigils) he gives is basically just an example on how everything we attempt just has to result in failure. Basically it comes down to lying completely motionless for 8 hours (have fun trying that out, it's an exercise in futility).

In the last part he writes about the labour plan of icemagick where he outlines what happens in his seminars - mainly body movement and how to speak. Details however are not given. Those are reserved for paying visitors of said seminars.

If you manage to wade through the seemingly endless chapters you can only come to the conclusion that it's all just a sham.
It's NOT about energy work, quick ways to power and neither has it anything to do with Northern path as many people assume."

The claim that the book doesn't contain info but just tells you to go to his seminars definitely fits with what I was saying about cult of personality bullshit mages
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(it looks like it wasn't so much a "war" as "they caused a big scene at a single occult event" - but both sides probably enjoyed the grandeur of calling it a war. More community drama than magic, alas)
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Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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people who have cults of personality and claim to have secret special magic no one else does pretty much always turn out to have nothing much.
The same happens in psychic groups/communities.

It's always a lot of claims with zero proof or willingness to prove their claims.

The more annoying thing however is that he just can't write sentences shorter than at least 8 lines. Punctuation seems also to be a major problem.
I would be doubtful of the claims of someone that seems to lack understanding about basic grammar.

The book itself is only an introduction to his "powerful" system that is "way better than everything chaos magick has to offer".
So, not unlike those self-claimed "entrepreneurs" and "bussiness men" that make money off selling their "courses" and "mentorship", to those seeking to get rich fast and easy, rather than making money from what should've been their actual bussiness.


Nov 20, 2023
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I head of it in some old posts on the web. And mostly speeking about the 'Ice magick war' in the IOT.

Anyone know about it?
I'm just curious about it.
Pete Carroll & Ralph Tegtmeier (Frater VD / Frater UD) had a clash of egos in the 1990s, which they gave the overly-dramatic name 'The Ice Magick Wars' in an attempt to make it seem less childish.
However, other people mostly characterize it as a series temper tantrums by people who should know better: