• Hi guest! As you can see, the new Wizard Forums has been revived, and we are glad to have you visiting our site! However, it would be really helpful, both to you and us, if you registered on our website! Registering allows you to see all posts, and make posts yourself, which would be great if you could share your knowledge and opinions with us! You could also make posts to ask questions!

[Site Announcement] Thread tagging released!

Official Wizard Forums annoucement by staff.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
Reaction score
Hi all!

As per the following suggestion:

The new content tagging feature has been released. This feature enables threads in certain sections of the forum to be "tagged" with certain keywords to aid in searchability and findability, and adds a new dimension of categorization for threads.

For the moment, this feature is only available in the following sections (and all their sub-sections):
  • The Order
  • The Library
Currently, these are the tags that are available:
Please, Log in or Register to view codes content!

I will be adding more tags in the future (both occult-related and site-related), as well as will be allowing registered members to request awards via a dedicated thread soon. However, for the moment, only Benefactors may request new tags in the Benefactor sub-forum. So please do not request tags in this thread.

Here's a screenshot of how the feature looks:

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.