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Vampire Magick-Spiritual Vampirism


Dec 18, 2023
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I've always felt drawn to spiritual vampirism, the esoteric, spiritual, aspect of the vampire community specifically, i've always felt drawn to darker aspects of magick, like blood magick, necromancy, communication with the dead, eclectic magick, chaos magick etc..
I'm not interested in the cosplayers/Larpers in the vampire community.

I almost joined a Satanic, vampiric coven of Satanic, vampiric witches, unfortunately I was love bombed, told what I wanted to hear, then gaslighted, the atypical mindset and behaviour of a cult leader and cult members. At the time I was still self destructive, my boundaries weren't as firm as they are now.
Sometimes he was caring, comforting, sweet, but there was a dichotomy to his behaviour, he was also cruel, sadistic as well.
He ignored me for a whole day because i'm not the type to want/need to make a sextape.
I had a psychic bond with him, your merging your energy with another person he you do this, so I knew when he was thinking of me, I physically felt him biting me.

A different experience I had was with a guy I was friends with, he is a sanguinarian vampire.
While I was asleep, I felt his energy, I physically felt hands touching my waist, and I felt energy around my neck and it felt like someone was kissing and biting me on my neck.
On another occasion I was watching a film and I felt really strong energy around me then it felt like someone was holding me and biting me a lot but it was a pleasurable experience. Is this astral projection? I've not met them in-person.

I wanted to know if vampyre magick is real, if it also incorporates blood magick, necromancy, black magick.
I own Michelle Belanger, Konstantinos, Father Sebastiaan books but I already knew about the vampire community.
Why is it dangerous to practice Satanic Vampirism? Does Satanic Vampirism involve Lilith?
Are some demonic entities or devils & demons vampiric or lycanthropic?
Do specific types of magick incorporate vampirism, lycanthropy, shapeshifting?
I've asked people about Satanic vampirism, but all they told me is that it is dangerous, but there was no further explanation for why it is dangerous.
My boyfriend is a Sanguinarian & a Tantric vampire, I know some vampires feed on sexual energy which is what my boyfriend does, but I wanted to know more about Tantric Vampirism.
Do vampiric spirits, entities, beings or Vampiric Deities exist?


Aug 31, 2021
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I've always felt drawn to spiritual vampirism

Standard format Earth humans, if not interfered with, have a direct connection to The Source of All. This connection is before Existence occurs.

Thus the human, in principle, has access to unlimited Life energy/intent from before Existence.

Why take second-hand contaminated life force from other entities?


Nov 19, 2023
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One of the dangers of psychic vampirism is becoming subtley possessed by predatory beings without even being aware of it. A slightly milder version involves them connecting to you, giving you more power and vampiric ability, but draining you at the same time. I speak from experience. It took me quite a lot of time and expense to get rid of all of them, and get back my sovereignty. This was working with the popular vampiric entities from the qliphoth. Working with predators who seemed to view me as an insect or lunch seemed unlikely to get me anywhere, no matter how they were approached.

In my mind, vampirism as a technique has potential niche uses, but I'll only be trying it after many years of success in something else. And maybe never at all, since there is no need.


Jul 31, 2022
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I wanted to know if vampyre magick is real, if it also incorporates blood magick, necromancy, black magick.
Why is it dangerous to practice Satanic Vampirism? Does Satanic Vampirism involve Lilith?
Are some demonic entities or devils & demons vampiric or lycanthropic?
Do specific types of magick incorporate vampirism, lycanthropy, shapeshifting?
I've asked people about Satanic vampirism, but all they told me is that it is dangerous, but there was no further explanation for why it is dangerous.
Do vampiric spirits, entities, beings or Vampiric Deities exist?
You can find different views and definitions online about what vampirism is, problem with those definitions or views is that it's hard to say which one is true, logically they can't be all true, maximum one definition can be true or none at all.
You can also hear the term "real vampire" floating on the net, indicating that there are also false vampires or vampirisms.

I personally distinguish black magic and witchcraft from vampirism, I believe the two have very little in common so for me there is no such thing as satanic vampirism, either you're a witch (or mage) practicing black magic, or you are vampire (or vampirine) but not both.

I don't believe vampires drink blood, but I believe there is esoteric meaning to drinking blood so vampirism for me is about having esoteric knowledge, one which drastically transforms you and gives you power, and so it makes you a vampire.

I'm also pretty sure, one doesn't become vampire on it's own, instead you need to be recruited by other vampire(s), the other vampire needs to pass a spark upon you that will change the way you see and think about the world, or in exoteric words, you have to be bitten.
Be careful though, there are always people willing to bite who are not vampires but mages practicing black magic trying to get some benefit out of you.


Nov 19, 2023
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Also, as you've experienced, the vampire community is the absolute worst. We all eventually become like that that which we blend with, and entities that are predators, and little or nothing else, have that effect on those who work with them.
Nov 24, 2023
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I always found the fuzziness of 'energetic materialism' a little annoying. Much more meaningful, I think, is the ritual symbolism of the vampiric act; it's an exercise of power. Over humans; over humans in your life, perhaps even face to face. It is practicing of a way of relating. "You, who might nominally be my peer in personhood, are instead my prey." The benefits of 'additional lifeforce' can otherwise be obtained in any number of energy-raising practices; it is the enactment of the predator-prey dynamic, in transgression against normal human relations, that really makes vampirism what it is.

The 'absolute worseness' of vampire communities seems, to me, an obvious precipitate of habitual un-personing. Any sane vampire society, I think, would require the explicit re-establishment of a 'circle of personhood'- at least around your fellow "nightstalkers."


Dec 18, 2023
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One of the dangers of psychic vampirism is becoming subtley possessed by predatory beings without even being aware of it. A slightly milder version involves them connecting to you, giving you more power and vampiric ability, but draining you at the same time. I speak from experience. It took me quite a lot of time and expense to get rid of all of them, and get back my sovereignty. This was working with the popular vampiric entities from the qliphoth. Working with predators who seemed to view me as an insect or lunch seemed unlikely to get me anywhere, no matter how they were approached.

In my mind, vampirism as a technique has potential niche uses, but I'll only be trying it after many years of success in something else. And maybe never at all, since there is no need.
I understand, I have heard of the Qlippoth, I know some aspects of the Qlippoth is vampiric.
I understand why spiritual vampirism can be dangerous, or that people can unknowingly develop an attachment to something parasitic.
Post automatically merged:

I always found the fuzziness of 'energetic materialism' a little annoying. Much more meaningful, I think, is the ritual symbolism of the vampiric act; it's an exercise of power. Over humans; over humans in your life, perhaps even face to face. It is practicing of a way of relating. "You, who might nominally be my peer in personhood, are instead my prey." The benefits of 'additional lifeforce' can otherwise be obtained in any number of energy-raising practices; it is the enactment of the predator-prey dynamic, in transgression against normal human relations, that really makes vampirism what it is.

The 'absolute worseness' of vampire communities seems, to me, an obvious precipitate of habitual un-personing. Any sane vampire society, I think, would require the explicit re-establishment of a 'circle of personhood'- at least around your fellow "nightstalkers."
Energetic Materialism?
I'm not sure what loss of personhood means.
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Nov 19, 2023
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I think they are saying that vampire communities treat each other as prey instead of equals/people, and that a sane vampire community would need to establish boundaries of respect toward each other and not just eat the weak.
May 18, 2021
Reaction score
I've always felt drawn to spiritual vampirism, the esoteric, spiritual, aspect of the vampire community specifically, i've always felt drawn to darker aspects of magick, like blood magick, necromancy, communication with the dead, eclectic magick, chaos magick etc..
I'm not interested in the cosplayers/Larpers in the vampire community.

I almost joined a Satanic, vampiric coven of Satanic, vampiric witches, unfortunately I was love bombed, told what I wanted to hear, then gaslighted, the atypical mindset and behaviour of a cult leader and cult members. At the time I was still self destructive, my boundaries weren't as firm as they are now.
Sometimes he was caring, comforting, sweet, but there was a dichotomy to his behaviour, he was also cruel, sadistic as well.
He ignored me for a whole day because i'm not the type to want/need to make a sextape.
I had a psychic bond with him, your merging your energy with another person he you do this, so I knew when he was thinking of me, I physically felt him biting me.

A different experience I had was with a guy I was friends with, he is a sanguinarian vampire.
While I was asleep, I felt his energy, I physically felt hands touching my waist, and I felt energy around my neck and it felt like someone was kissing and biting me on my neck.
On another occasion I was watching a film and I felt really strong energy around me then it felt like someone was holding me and biting me a lot but it was a pleasurable experience. Is this astral projection? I've not met them in-person.

I wanted to know if vampyre magick is real, if it also incorporates blood magick, necromancy, black magick.
I own Michelle Belanger, Konstantinos, Father Sebastiaan books but I already knew about the vampire community.
Why is it dangerous to practice Satanic Vampirism? Does Satanic Vampirism involve Lilith?
Are some demonic entities or devils & demons vampiric or lycanthropic?
Do specific types of magick incorporate vampirism, lycanthropy, shapeshifting?
I've asked people about Satanic vampirism, but all they told me is that it is dangerous, but there was no further explanation for why it is dangerous.
My boyfriend is a Sanguinarian & a Tantric vampire, I know some vampires feed on sexual energy which is what my boyfriend does, but I wanted to know more about Tantric Vampirism.
Do vampiric spirits, entities, beings or Vampiric Deities exist?
Vampyre magick, as you mentioned, refers to the occult practices associated with vampires. While vampirism is predominantly a mythological concept, it has been adapted into various occult practices. These practices often incorporate elements such as energy work, symbolism, and manipulation of personal power.

Regarding blood magick, necromancy, and black magick, it's important to note that these terms carry different meanings and interpretations within different occult traditions and individuals. Some practitioners may incorporate elements of blood magick, but it is crucial to approach such practices with caution and ethical considerations, as it involves the use of blood which can have physical and psychological implications.

Necromancy, often associated with communing with the deceased, is another complex and controversial branch of occult practices. It is highly recommended to approach this subject with reverence, respect, and an understanding of the psychological and emotional impact it can have on practitioners.

Black magick is a term used to describe magick that is perceived as harmful, malevolent, or manipulative. However, what is considered "black magick" can vary greatly between individuals and spiritual paths. It is essential to consider personal ethics and the potential consequences before engaging in any practices that may harm others or oneself.

Now, moving on to Satanic Vampirism, it is crucial to distinguish between the concept of vampirism and Satanism. These are separate concepts with their own beliefs, practices, and communities. Satanic Vampirism, as a specific term, is not widely recognized or practiced within Satanic circles.

While some Satanic traditions may incorporate elements of darkness, individual empowerment, and rebellion, these practices are not solely focused on vampirism. In regards to Lilith, she is a figure commonly associated with vampiric or dark feminine energy. However, her inclusion in Satanic practices may vary depending on the specific tradition or beliefs of the practitioner.

It is important to approach any occult practice with a well-informed understanding, a critical mindset, and a respect for ethical boundaries. Engaging in potentially dangerous practices without proper knowledge, guidance, or consideration can lead to unintended consequences and negative outcomes.

Some book suggestions:
- "The Psychic Vampire Codex" by Michelle Belanger
- "Vampires: The Occult Truth" by Konstantinos
- "The Gnostic Bible" edited by Willis Barnstone and Marvin Meyer (For information on Lilith)


Dec 18, 2023
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I appreciate your informative answer, thank you.
I know that Necromancy is death magick and it was originally practiced for divination in ancient Rome & Greece.
For Lilith I know about her Jewish mythology/folklore origins, but I wanted to know more about her history as a demoness in ancient civilizations (Mesopotamia, Assyria, Akkadia) and her vampiric/succubus aspects.
I'm interested in Demonology, working with demons, I just lack some experience, practice and a mentor.
If you could recommend me any books about Lilith it would be helpful.
I do want to embrace my shadow self/dark feminine energy, to overcome issues related to abuse, trauma, to be empowered, spiritually evolve and practice witchcraft.

I'm interested in energy manipulation, various types of energy-Tantric, Kundalini, psychic vampirism.
I own two of the books you recommended, I just haven't read them yet. I own a lot of books, so I have a lot of books to read.
Why is it dangerous to become a spiritual vampire if you are on the LHP?