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What would it take to create chaos?


Jul 31, 2022
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This is a theoretical thought up for debate with the aim to discuss what would it take to discover new methods to cause chaos.

"Chaos" is simply put a trigger which causes a person or group of people to panic in an uncontrolled manner.
This is likely not easy to do and difficulty of achieving chaos depends on who and how many people are targeted.
Achieving such a monumental task is not impossible but it requires careful planning, time and innovation, and the best way to start is to look at real world examples...

I often think about methods which people used with the aim (or by accident) to create chaos or disturbance in societies with various goals, duration lengths and successes.
Historically, examples like stories about vampires and witchcraft and probably the best modern day examples are conspiracy theories.
Also movements like anarchism, secret societies, new types of religions or occult societies are also examples, although goals of these are not necessarily to make chaos but these have or had the potential to make one.
Another valid example of chaos is public unrest, ex. protests where mobs of people destroy streets and storm buildings.

Causing chaos doesn't have to be directed toward some society or wide public, a single person or married couple could be targeted as well.

According to these examples I would say a good method to cause chaos doesn't end up on just being a story or an idea, idea is just a starting point, which then must manifest itself in reality, ex. some society or person accepting it as possibility or fact, which then in the end has the potential to cause disturbance or panic.

According to this, causing chaos is a 3-step process:
1. Innovation of a story or an idea in privacy or among small group of people.
2. Share of the idea in public or to a specific person.
3. Something special which will trigger chaos (materialization of first 2 steps)

Per point 1, Innovation of an idea assumes it's not shared publicly until detailed plan is made taking into account possibilities of failure and how to deal with them.
If you ask me, a framework of an idea itself would consist of 2 portions:

A) esoteric part (by definition something which is known only to small group of people, or only you)
B) exoteric part (by definition something which is shared and\or widely known)

esoteric and exoteric portion of an idea are tied together in such a way where it's very difficult to unlock esoteric meaning based on exoteric.
example such as, hearing lies without knowing or thinking about the motive for lies, here, lies are exoteric, and the motive for lies is esoteric.

Point 2 assumes sharing the exoteric portion of an idea, such as whispering or media.

Point 3 is trigger for chaos.
In previous example of lies, a trigger could be a false claim such as false origin and motive for lies which might result in victim attacking the wrong person.
Which in turn may end up in revenge, leading to chain of uncontrolled events.

The purpose of causing chaos doesn't have to be to harm someone, it could also be to have fun watching someone loosing control.


All said so far is just a theory on causing chaos.

A much bigger problem though is that in modern day of life causing chaos is much more difficult than in some historical context.
One good example is French revolution, a chaos where mobs of people hang people and cut their heads of on public square.
Another example is witch hunt which caused a bunch of women being burned or hanged.

Achieving such chaos today is almost impossible we may agree, this suggests that new methods should be discovered if one wishes to achieve anything.
One serious obstacle is that most countries today have the so called psy-ops, governmental body which might disrupt your plan.
One modern day example of innovation is conspiracy theories, however conspiracy theories are no longer a thing, it's easy to tell when something is conspiracy and also things get flagged as conspiracy, especially if it touches the government.

Thus something very new is needed, something not yet tried, not yet seen.

What do you think, what new methods could have the capacity to cause wide spread panic?
What sorts of societies could be targeted for best results?
Do you think it's worth the effort to cause chaos?

Do you think a mage like sauron from the master of the rings is possible today?
sauron dedicated to bring darkness and evil upon the world.



Aug 31, 2021
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The term "chaos" seems to come from the Greek for an abyss or chasm. (Abyss from Sumerian Apsu, the underworld fresh water ocean recently discovered)

So if you want chaos, tip every human into a deep hole.

Meanwhile, there is disturbance in the brain-thoughts of most humans. Be careful in choosing with what to cooperate. There may be deeper regulatory systems than are obvious. Escaping from dark karma may take millennia.


Jun 30, 2021
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I think its hard to create chaos when one is able to see the patterns. Its my believe that what we see is chaos tru a human lense.

So maybe if one 'inhales' the essence of for example spirit plants or animals, one gets to see tru a different lense and if one would then realize for example as above so below, as within so without or like a befriended voudou practitioner called it in the fast lane: put yourself inside out and let the other side deal with it, then that might become quite chaotic.

Some people have the power to go from 2d and then flower it in 3d. I for myself like it best when i flower with compassion, care and patience, so the message lands where it need be. Might look chaotic, but to my eye it isnt.

So, you see the concept of chaos is a bit like the concept of god, or vampire btw, when you get it its gone death past. So what does that leave you with? The now present centre beingness. And to be honest my home is a chaotic mess, exactly the way i love it.

So in other less flowery words:wanna create chaos? Have some good deep funky sex while in trance. 🖤🔥


May 10, 2022
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We dot need darkness or chaos, we just need to end the rule of men.

people are just petty & small thinking that’s the problem.


Site Staff
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Jr. Staff Member
Apr 9, 2022
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A much bigger problem though is that in modern day of life causing chaos is much more difficult than in some historical context.

Lest the lessons of the last few years disappear in the memory hole of media addled imaginations...

If one gets the mass media to cooperate in lockstep, which has never been possible on such an international scale before in history, then one has the theoretical power to create chaos for a time by manipulating the 'facts' that everyone receives. A few corporations control all media, and your so-called "local news" is just another subsidiary of those corporations. Such coordination is never perfect, but repetition shows where improvements need to be made, and the effects on public actions & opinions are constantly being studied. For example, suppose an article comes out in an online magazine, and it sparks a lot of rage. In all likelihood, that article was written as a 'trial balloon' to gauge public sentiment on a topic. You can be sure the goals didn't change, only the methods used to attain them. Social media outrage is a source of chaos, too.

The excessive use of propaganda is problematic due to the fact that the more people who are onto the game, so to speak, the greater the damage to credibility to authority. As societal institutions lose credibility, the potential for chaos increases. This is compounded when governments break their own laws, using media manipulated events as an excuse for emergency powers. If the goal is chaos, then expect an increase in gaslighting. To quote Solzhenitsyn,

“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”

A big portion of the population still believes everything that the heads on the boob tube say, even to this day. There is the phenomenon whereby a person will recognize that the information presented in a television segment is false because that is his or her area of expertise, and he or she will point it out as being false to those around him or her. However, the next news segment is about something that he or she may have little or no prior in depth knowledge, and he or she accepts the propaganda uncritically as fact.

The magical bit is maintaining the illusion of a free and objective 'press.' Try to look past the glamour and see those monkeys on the screen for the primates they really are. Of course, it is best to simply avoid looking at all, but those of us living with family who are addicted to television might not have such a luxury. Such divisions within families are also a source of chaos, by the way.

And the prize for chaos goes to...

A "shortage" of toilet paper caused primarily by a media driven panic.


Site Staff
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Jr. Staff Member
Apr 9, 2022
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Do you think it's worth the effort to cause chaos?
No. Chaos will happen, and it is by definition unpredictable to those using rational and scientific thinking.

However, a magician who knows divination can navigate the currents of life with a greater degree success. There will be chaos! My goal is to watch it happen while being protected from negative outcomes.


May 26, 2022
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Chaos is remarkably easy to produce. Have you tried causing peace? Now that one presents a challenge.


Jun 30, 2021
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I also think that story upon story, while changing symbolism is a fun tool, but overall you need church people for that. Or people who just left church and are punished for that, like they did with my parents. Freaking annoying shit until i met a satanist online who actually wasnt into childabuse and sacrifes. Sadly a friend of mine had parents who did that shit for real.

So in remembrance of that and knowing it was her pain i had to leave behind, id like to reunite the 4 brothers of the apocalypse with their sister, the whore of babylon. This story is also known by the brothers grimm as the swanbrothers and a sidetrail is spoken about by roald dahl in his story the swan.


May 10, 2022
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How about changing yourself by creating chaos within, now that’s worked for me…


Jul 31, 2022
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We dot need darkness or chaos, we just need to end the rule of men.
Agree with that, we are all slaves of a system.
That's why I like the idea of anarchy so much, it's ultimate goal, to be free of a system.

I think its hard to create chaos when one is able to see the patterns.
That's why something brand new is needed, something which nobody would expect, something great and unpredictable.

So in other less flowery words:wanna create chaos? Have some good deep funky sex while in trance.
Sounds great, no need for trance, pot and sex has similar effect too :)

If one gets the mass media to cooperate in lockstep, which has never been possible on such an international scale before in history, then one has the theoretical power to create chaos for a time by manipulating the 'facts' that everyone receives.
I think mass media is only a problem to accomplish an idea because it would be used against your agenda to prevent chaos, ex. by informing people against your ideology, but otherwise I don't think one needs to have full control of mass media to spread some idea.

There are countless examples of ideologies which spread without any control of mass media, ex. free masonry or anarchism didn't have access to mass media but the concept is well known world wide.
Mass media is however used or can be used against such ideologies, but that's different from using media to spread something.

Thus I think mass media is a problem only because it would work against you rather than something which needs to be taken advantage of.

However, a magician who knows divination can navigate the currents of life with a greater degree success. There will be chaos! My goal is to watch it happen while being protected from negative outcomes.
I think a great deal is about psychology, there is a separate branch of psychology called social psychology, which unlike usual psychology deals with a group of people.

How about changing yourself by creating chaos within, now that’s worked for me…
Doesn't sound attractive, I prefer to watch chaos from balcony happening to others, like Sauron on his tower :)

I also think that story upon story, while changing symbolism is a fun tool, but overall you need church people for that. Or people who just left church and are punished for that, like they did with my parents.
You're very close to one of my ideas!

Churching people requires a lot of work, it's much easier to abuse the church, since the church is breading ground to those which could be affected by chaos, all that it would take is fulfill their prophecies which should create some effect on a lot of people.
The only one who would be your enemies trying to prevent you are priestly, they know how this works better than any other organ on country level.


May 10, 2022
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Agree with that, we are all slaves of a system.
That's why I like the idea of anarchy so much, it's ultimate goal, to be free of a system.
But we need a system to survive, just let it change all the time.


Jun 30, 2021
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You know the Lady, thats cool. 💖😎 Of course a lady needs a man, aka logos. The rest is too boring so we pass the dutchy.

Now one would think this creates chaos, but ive noticed that Marijuana likes company and softens ones fear of group processes and silly jokes. Now if you take an other plant like ayahuasca, you are suddenly thrown into a deep pool of individual group systems that rip apart mundane life and kills and destroys everything no longer needed. Strangely enough this new chaos is like water burning and we get dry bones.

This to me is personal growth and the left overs are automatically thrown into a world im not a scavenger of. The balcony version is different. To be honest i dont like standing on the balcony, im used to being thrown under the bus, pushed into the abyss and pulled into hell by my hair. Swimming in the abyss is fun..

Now about church people: i have fucked up ancestors in those regions and i have nice ones who run cause they know how they themselves like whats called evil in very strict surroundings. Not all are warriors and not all are human. So in a sense chaos is easy, but it makes my cultural appropriation go off and i live in a multicultural society so its annoying.

So what is it you actually want with this chaos, other then watching netflix? Im not a watcher, so a goal would make it more easy for me to understand and focus myself on that religious area.


Jan 27, 2022
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To create the maximum amount of compatible chaos, one must create an ethical and free society.

Consider: when someone has a society built on fascism, on "for me, not thee; for my might gives me the right", one ends up in a world where one ideology replaces and exterminates everything it may.

In an anarchist shithole with startlingly few actual options, the "libertarian" paradise of "rugged independence", frightfully little actual variety to the chaos arises there either. It is the low chaos of war between small tribes fighting over small things.

Only when there are varieties of chaotic behavior that are disallowed do really interesting things start to happen: when people are denied the chaos of deciding who lives and dies, we get into the really fun madness, enabled by the prosperity of working together, of huge populations making computers, and cars and planes. Only with a long time of peace can the infrastructure to make such bizarre war as we make flourish.

The mad chaos of apes spraying shit into outer space could never happen were the only chaos allowed the chaos of fighting over a low hill.

We can do a lot more exotic shit, create more exotic chaos when we acknowledge that the chaos must not splash on the infrastructure which enables it.


Jun 30, 2021
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Btw, we finally did get a woman in the higher echelons of the church and im proud i was part of that creation and am still alive to tell the truth, cause that wasnt easy. Looking back i find it a surprise it took so long. Fucking every native religion speaks about how men fuck up and god sends a woman to earth to set things straight.

Ugh, anyways. Overal to me chaos is others, order is me. Didnt want that, but its the case.


Aug 31, 2021
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If the Universe has a central intelligence (logos) it may have its own view about dealing with those that deliberately introduce chaos into the logoic plan.


Jun 30, 2021
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Well, its funny you say that, cause i once realized that if one is born out of an egg that felt raped during the entering of the sperm once spiritual life as a vampire might feel quite fucked up. I remembered hearing my mum saying she was glad she could bottle feed me. I also rembered that when i heared that as a kid i felt offended, left alone and not loved at all. So how much of my life is then real? In the end it seems it does not matter, the experience and how one deals with it is what makes the difference. And since i was still in the birth canal of my second birth i decided to go back twice again and heal the male and female line, so my spritual rebirth would have a loving and caring parental start.

And eye became trice smart... 😉


May 10, 2022
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I think that this is the world of action & therefore of chaos. Action is unpredictable & you can even destroy the fabric of reality with the correct magical action


May 10, 2022
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Would you like to give a demonstration?
You can do a verbal magical operation that can bring the wrath of the angelic divine.

I know I have. They didn’t like it one bit.


Jul 31, 2022
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We can do a lot more exotic shit, create more exotic chaos when we acknowledge that the chaos must not splash on the infrastructure which enables it.
Surely chaos can be made without harming fundamentals of social order, examples such as mental confusion of a person or anger of the mob.

If you make someone confused beyond ability to function normally, or make a bunch of people do this or that, this doesn't mean that person won't be able to recover or that people wouldn't stop until demand of new social order are met.

chaos doesn't necessarily have to result in irrecoverable katastrophy, whatever effect can as well be temporal.

I think that this is the world of action & therefore of chaos. Action is unpredictable & you can even destroy the fabric of reality with the correct magical action
Using magic to disrupt fabric of reality sounds good.

If chaos is about unpredictable actions and reactions then the one who wishes to make chaos needs to provoke actions, with magic ofc..