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  1. magieli600

    Downloadable Magick Talismen - Spirit Travel, Wisdom, Intelligence - AE surreal

    I have had this seal for quite some time now maybe 4 years or so it is mostly from Book of Abraham the Magician and Keys of Solomon the seal presented here contains the following powers. Astral Travel via Words - the understanding of how to travel in the word Peaceful transactions- this goes...
  2. magieli600

    Anubis Blessing Pocket Graphic Ancient Symbols = Download Here

    Hello Brethren god bless the elohim and to jesus the king and to prince michael I bow in the name of the universal god. I have had this relic for quite some time it is an ancient blessing from the Anubis that grants open passage, good fortune, and abundance. You may put this relic in your...
  3. Diluculo_DelFuego

    For the Hoodoo inclined .. Bible verses for learning and prosperity

    The point is for a short invocation of divine names, we are using partial cherry picked verses to support our goal. Do in hour and preferably day of Mercury. “THE GOAL IS TO KNOW ALL FULLY, AND TO PROSPER IN ALL WE DO. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER; WE BELIEVE AND RECEIVE IN THE NAMES OF YAH EL YHVH...