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  1. Y

    Can anyone who knows this spell tell me in more detail exactly how to do it?

    Photos of people you want to fall in love with blood of a white rabbit Cyclamen Alyssum Gypsophillia And red rose water The photographs are washed with a mixture of these herbs and blood and placed in a jar filled with this mixture.After waiting for 5 days, it is removed and buried in silty...
  2. D

    [Opinion] Lucifuge Rofocale Pact - Methods ,Claims,and Experiences

    I've seen different methods and claims by various authors on how to perform this ritual. They have also made crazy claims such as getting your soul back from a guy who sells this ritual for 14K or building a relationship with Lucifuge to avoid selling your soul. Has anyone experienced these...
  3. magieli600

    Olympic Spirits Download Sigils Destiny and Spirtual Planet Powers

    These spirits will quantum leap you to a new level of magical abilities they are ancient and gives many familiar spirits that follow providing beautiful knowledge and wisdom. Some knowledge I have obtained carrying and calling on these beloved gods. Understanding of quantum physics Developing...
  4. Parallax

    [Opinion] Qliphoth, atavisticism and rejection of civilization.

    I am curious on the thoughts of those that work with the qliphoth. I have come to conclude that ultimately, the qliphoth Is the path of avatistic evolution. That being the total rejection of collective society and the development of the individual in a animalistic, intuitive new consciousness...