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  1. Z

    Has anyone used practical jinn magick book or had any experience with jinns?

    I have been using Corwin Hargrove’s practical jinn magick book and I have been wondering how long a ritual lasts and works for? Like how long would it take to disappear??
  2. I

    Can a beginner acquire a Khodam?

    just like the tittle says, can a beginner acquire a khodam? Ive been studying ilmu al khodam and different entities for some time now but nothing that I’ve read ever addresses the experience needed before invoking a khodam. If so, what is the experience i need to envoke one, and would me being a...
  3. Jehnni

    Djinn/Arabic magic assistance

    If anyone has good info and thoughts on how to best begin to practice djinn summoning (safely) related magic please post here my name is jenn funny enough . any insight would be greatly welcomed and appreciated from people who know of this or Arabic magic experience/insight generally. Thanks for...