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  1. Decabeh

    Book – PDF Raymond Faulkner - Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead

    The Book of the Dead is the name now given to a collection of religious and magical texts known to the ancient Egyptians as the Chapters of Coming-forth by Day. Their principal aim was to secure for the deceased a satisfactory afterlife and to give him the power to leave his tomb when necessary...
  2. B

    Open Request Everlasting Egypt: Kemetic Rituals for the Gods by Richard J. Reidy

    https://www.amazon.com/Everlasting-Egypt-Kemetic-Rituals-Gods/dp/1532032005 Everlasting Egypt: Kemetic Rituals for the Gods continues Richard Reidy’s groundbreaking work and collects more temple rituals from Egypt. The author presents rites for personal and group use, augmenting and updating...
  3. N

    Open Request The Complete Encyclopedia of Egyptian Deities: Gods, Goddesses, and Spirits of Ancient Egypt and Nubia - (Tamara L. Siuda PhD)

    The Complete Encyclopedia of Egyptian Deities: Gods, Goddesses, and Spirits of Ancient Egypt and Nubia Tamara L. Siuda PhD (Author), Normandi Ellis (Foreword) ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0738770795 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0738770796 Editor: Llewellyn Publications April 8, 2024 872 pages.
  4. V

    Open Request Isis Magic: Cultivating a Relationship with the Goddess of 10,000 names, M. Isidora Forrest

    It [seems to be] unavailable on Amazon and I'm unable to confirm if it's even available in digital.