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  1. IllusiveOwl

    Creating a Faraday Cage

    The feeling we are cultivating here is one of complete seperation from the rest of the world, which I believe is a must for any serious workings success. This is the feeling of walking from a noisy city street into a cathedral's vast, beautiful, and silent nave. If you have felt transported...
  2. Frater Apuleius

    Is “Celebrity” Magic(k)?

    The thought came to me recently “Is ‘celebrity’ some sort of magic?” or to put in another way is “celebrity” reinforced by unconscious/inadvertent acts of magic by ordinary people. Is there more to celebrity than merely the regular assumptions of human psychology and societal group dynamics...
  3. Shade

    What do you feel energy as?

    Just a general question, what do you personally feel/experience energy as? A warmth, a tingling or even a “ZZZ” sensation, in your best words how would you describe the way you personally feel it? If you care to bring it up where and when did you first notice being able to feel it when others...
  4. Shade

    Chi / Ki / Qi / Prana / Pneuma

    Chi / Ki / Qi / Prana / Pneuma Chi or the variant spelling “Qi” (Chinese) Ki (Japanese) “Prana” Sanskrit or even the word “Pneuma” in Greek is a lesser known variant that means “That which is Breathed or Blown” but In Stoic Greek Philosophy it refers to the spirit, life force or soul of a...
  5. ByAMountainOfBooks

    Power and Energy

    This thread (Occult power) made me thinking about Power and Energy. I decided not to post the following on this post in hope it might start an really interesting, insightful and fruitful discussion. Those are my first musings and they are far from complete. Disclaimer Usually if I look at words...
  6. M

    Declined Request Peter Dexheimer books

    greetings my friends does anybody on here have the books of peter dexheimer available (preferably in german) and mind sharing them? i cannot find any of it, just hardcopies for a couple hundred bucks. i welcome any help! thank you so much, b
  7. H

    Fulfilled Request Energy Essentials for Witches and Spellcasters

    Energy Essentials for Witches and Spellcasters by Mya Om...
  8. Jk666

    [Opinion] A gen aura & energy scanning Thread

    hi everyone, hope you’re having a great weekend. Anyone interested just needs to scan the poster above them & be scanned by them. the only rule is to give back. Taro, oracle, runes, tea/coffee leaves etc are allowed for scans without limitations. let’s have a great time.