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grimoirium verum

  1. K

    Frimost and his powers

    Greetings, I have been working intensively with Frimost for the past 4 years.I had been working on certain goals which did not manifest as expected so I dropped the workings for about a year.I took up the work again and I got to learn through some rather mundane things that the work at hand...
  2. G. Ephraim

    Journal Verum Journal: On Aspergation, Fumigation, & Pottery

    Thursday, July 9th, 2024 - 11:09AM Ill-prepared, distracted, and rushed. My first attempt at crafting the aspersorium and aspergillium in order to begin the Verum system in earnest was, to put it bluntly, a bit of a fuck-up. In many ways, I knew it was going to be as soon as I began. However...
  3. G. Ephraim

    Grimoirium Verum Substitutions

    Greetings, I am hoping to get some insight from the community on potential substitutions for substances in the Grimoirium Verum. Specifically, the use of "moles blood" in the preparation of the knife used in making the circle. While I am not necessarily opposed to the use of animal blood in...
  4. bgshawn499

    Fulfilled Request Grimoirium Verum English Translation

    Does anyone have this gem that they wouldn't mind sharing?